/* * * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #include #import "version.h" #define TEST_TIMEOUT 16 static NSString *const kHostAddress = @"localhost:5050"; static NSString *const kPackage = @"grpc.testing"; static NSString *const kService = @"TestService"; static NSString *const kRemoteSSLHost = @"grpc-test.sandbox.googleapis.com"; static GRPCProtoMethod *kInexistentMethod; static GRPCProtoMethod *kEmptyCallMethod; static GRPCProtoMethod *kUnaryCallMethod; static GRPCProtoMethod *kFullDuplexCallMethod; /** Observer class for testing that responseMetadata is KVO-compliant */ @interface PassthroughObserver : NSObject - (instancetype)initWithCallback:(void (^)(NSString *, id, NSDictionary *))callback NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; - (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context; @end @implementation PassthroughObserver { void (^_callback)(NSString *, id, NSDictionary *); } - (instancetype)init { return [self initWithCallback:nil]; } - (instancetype)initWithCallback:(void (^)(NSString *, id, NSDictionary *))callback { if (!callback) { return nil; } if ((self = [super init])) { _callback = callback; } return self; } - (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context { _callback(keyPath, object, change); [object removeObserver:self forKeyPath:keyPath]; } @end #pragma mark Tests /** * A few tests similar to InteropTests, but which use the generic gRPC client (GRPCCall) rather than * a generated proto library on top of it. Its RPCs are sent to a local cleartext server. * * TODO(jcanizales): Run them also against a local SSL server and against a remote server. */ @interface GRPCClientTests : XCTestCase @end @implementation GRPCClientTests + (void)setUp { NSLog(@"GRPCClientTests Started"); } - (void)setUp { // Add a custom user agent prefix that will be used in test [GRPCCall setUserAgentPrefix:@"Foo" forHost:kHostAddress]; // Register test server as non-SSL. [GRPCCall useInsecureConnectionsForHost:kHostAddress]; // This method isn't implemented by the remote server. kInexistentMethod = [[GRPCProtoMethod alloc] initWithPackage:kPackage service:kService method:@"Inexistent"]; kEmptyCallMethod = [[GRPCProtoMethod alloc] initWithPackage:kPackage service:kService method:@"EmptyCall"]; kUnaryCallMethod = [[GRPCProtoMethod alloc] initWithPackage:kPackage service:kService method:@"UnaryCall"]; kFullDuplexCallMethod = [[GRPCProtoMethod alloc] initWithPackage:kPackage service:kService method:@"FullDuplexCall"]; } - (void)testConnectionToRemoteServer { __weak XCTestExpectation *expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Server reachable."]; GRPCCall *call = [[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:kHostAddress path:kInexistentMethod.HTTPPath requestsWriter:[GRXWriter writerWithValue:[NSData data]]]; id responsesWriteable = [[GRXWriteable alloc] initWithValueHandler:^(NSData *value) { XCTFail(@"Received unexpected response: %@", value); } completionHandler:^(NSError *errorOrNil) { XCTAssertNotNil(errorOrNil, @"Finished without error!"); XCTAssertEqual(errorOrNil.code, 12, @"Finished with unexpected error: %@", errorOrNil); [expectation fulfill]; }]; [call startWithWriteable:responsesWriteable]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:TEST_TIMEOUT handler:nil]; } - (void)testEmptyRPC { __weak XCTestExpectation *response = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Empty response received."]; __weak XCTestExpectation *completion = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Empty RPC completed."]; GRPCCall *call = [[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:kHostAddress path:kEmptyCallMethod.HTTPPath requestsWriter:[GRXWriter writerWithValue:[NSData data]]]; id responsesWriteable = [[GRXWriteable alloc] initWithValueHandler:^(NSData *value) { XCTAssertNotNil(value, @"nil value received as response."); XCTAssertEqual([value length], 0, @"Non-empty response received: %@", value); [response fulfill]; } completionHandler:^(NSError *errorOrNil) { XCTAssertNil(errorOrNil, @"Finished with unexpected error: %@", errorOrNil); [completion fulfill]; }]; [call startWithWriteable:responsesWriteable]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:TEST_TIMEOUT handler:nil]; } - (void)testSimpleProtoRPC { __weak XCTestExpectation *response = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Expected response."]; __weak XCTestExpectation *completion = [self expectationWithDescription:@"RPC completed."]; RMTSimpleRequest *request = [RMTSimpleRequest message]; request.responseSize = 100; request.fillUsername = YES; request.fillOauthScope = YES; GRXWriter *requestsWriter = [GRXWriter writerWithValue:[request data]]; GRPCCall *call = [[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:kHostAddress path:kUnaryCallMethod.HTTPPath requestsWriter:requestsWriter]; id responsesWriteable = [[GRXWriteable alloc] initWithValueHandler:^(NSData *value) { XCTAssertNotNil(value, @"nil value received as response."); XCTAssertGreaterThan(value.length, 0, @"Empty response received."); RMTSimpleResponse *responseProto = [RMTSimpleResponse parseFromData:value error:NULL]; // We expect empty strings, not nil: XCTAssertNotNil(responseProto.username, @"Response's username is nil."); XCTAssertNotNil(responseProto.oauthScope, @"Response's OAuth scope is nil."); [response fulfill]; } completionHandler:^(NSError *errorOrNil) { XCTAssertNil(errorOrNil, @"Finished with unexpected error: %@", errorOrNil); [completion fulfill]; }]; [call startWithWriteable:responsesWriteable]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:TEST_TIMEOUT handler:nil]; } - (void)testMetadata { __weak XCTestExpectation *expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"RPC unauthorized."]; RMTSimpleRequest *request = [RMTSimpleRequest message]; request.fillUsername = YES; request.fillOauthScope = YES; GRXWriter *requestsWriter = [GRXWriter writerWithValue:[request data]]; GRPCCall *call = [[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:kRemoteSSLHost path:kUnaryCallMethod.HTTPPath requestsWriter:requestsWriter]; call.oauth2AccessToken = @"bogusToken"; id responsesWriteable = [[GRXWriteable alloc] initWithValueHandler:^(NSData *value) { XCTFail(@"Received unexpected response: %@", value); } completionHandler:^(NSError *errorOrNil) { XCTAssertNotNil(errorOrNil, @"Finished without error!"); XCTAssertEqual(errorOrNil.code, 16, @"Finished with unexpected error: %@", errorOrNil); XCTAssertEqualObjects(call.responseHeaders, errorOrNil.userInfo[kGRPCHeadersKey], @"Headers in the NSError object and call object differ."); XCTAssertEqualObjects(call.responseTrailers, errorOrNil.userInfo[kGRPCTrailersKey], @"Trailers in the NSError object and call object differ."); NSString *challengeHeader = call.oauth2ChallengeHeader; XCTAssertGreaterThan(challengeHeader.length, 0, @"No challenge in response headers %@", call.responseHeaders); [expectation fulfill]; }]; [call startWithWriteable:responsesWriteable]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:TEST_TIMEOUT handler:nil]; } - (void)testResponseMetadataKVO { __weak XCTestExpectation *response = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Empty response received."]; __weak XCTestExpectation *completion = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Empty RPC completed."]; __weak XCTestExpectation *metadata = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Metadata changed."]; GRPCCall *call = [[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:kHostAddress path:kEmptyCallMethod.HTTPPath requestsWriter:[GRXWriter writerWithValue:[NSData data]]]; PassthroughObserver *observer = [[PassthroughObserver alloc] initWithCallback:^(NSString *keypath, id object, NSDictionary *change) { if ([keypath isEqual:@"responseHeaders"]) { [metadata fulfill]; } }]; [call addObserver:observer forKeyPath:@"responseHeaders" options:0 context:NULL]; id responsesWriteable = [[GRXWriteable alloc] initWithValueHandler:^(NSData *value) { XCTAssertNotNil(value, @"nil value received as response."); XCTAssertEqual([value length], 0, @"Non-empty response received: %@", value); [response fulfill]; } completionHandler:^(NSError *errorOrNil) { XCTAssertNil(errorOrNil, @"Finished with unexpected error: %@", errorOrNil); [completion fulfill]; }]; [call startWithWriteable:responsesWriteable]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:TEST_TIMEOUT handler:nil]; } - (void)testUserAgentPrefix { __weak XCTestExpectation *response = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Empty response received."]; __weak XCTestExpectation *completion = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Empty RPC completed."]; GRPCCall *call = [[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:kHostAddress path:kEmptyCallMethod.HTTPPath requestsWriter:[GRXWriter writerWithValue:[NSData data]]]; // Setting this special key in the header will cause the interop server to echo back the // user-agent value, which we confirm. call.requestHeaders[@"x-grpc-test-echo-useragent"] = @""; id responsesWriteable = [[GRXWriteable alloc] initWithValueHandler:^(NSData *value) { XCTAssertNotNil(value, @"nil value received as response."); XCTAssertEqual([value length], 0, @"Non-empty response received: %@", value); NSString *userAgent = call.responseHeaders[@"x-grpc-test-echo-useragent"]; NSError *error = nil; // Test the regex is correct NSString *expectedUserAgent = @"Foo grpc-objc/"; expectedUserAgent = [expectedUserAgent stringByAppendingString:GRPC_OBJC_VERSION_STRING]; expectedUserAgent = [expectedUserAgent stringByAppendingString:@" grpc-c/"]; expectedUserAgent = [expectedUserAgent stringByAppendingString:GRPC_C_VERSION_STRING]; expectedUserAgent = [expectedUserAgent stringByAppendingString:@" (ios; chttp2; "]; expectedUserAgent = [expectedUserAgent stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:grpc_g_stands_for()]]; expectedUserAgent = [expectedUserAgent stringByAppendingString:@")"]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(userAgent, expectedUserAgent); // Change in format of user-agent field in a direction that does not match the regex will // likely cause problem for certain gRPC users. For details, refer to internal doc // https://goo.gl/c2diBc NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:@" grpc-[a-zA-Z0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?/[^ ,]+( \\([^)]*\\))?" options:0 error:&error]; NSString *customUserAgent = [regex stringByReplacingMatchesInString:userAgent options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [userAgent length]) withTemplate:@""]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(customUserAgent, @"Foo"); [response fulfill]; } completionHandler:^(NSError *errorOrNil) { XCTAssertNil(errorOrNil, @"Finished with unexpected error: %@", errorOrNil); [completion fulfill]; }]; [call startWithWriteable:responsesWriteable]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:TEST_TIMEOUT handler:nil]; } - (void)testTrailers { __weak XCTestExpectation *response = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Empty response received."]; __weak XCTestExpectation *completion = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Empty RPC completed."]; GRPCCall *call = [[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:kHostAddress path:kEmptyCallMethod.HTTPPath requestsWriter:[GRXWriter writerWithValue:[NSData data]]]; // Setting this special key in the header will cause the interop server to echo back the // trailer data. const unsigned char raw_bytes[] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; NSData *trailer_data = [NSData dataWithBytes:raw_bytes length:sizeof(raw_bytes)]; call.requestHeaders[@"x-grpc-test-echo-trailing-bin"] = trailer_data; id responsesWriteable = [[GRXWriteable alloc] initWithValueHandler:^(NSData *value) { XCTAssertNotNil(value, @"nil value received as response."); XCTAssertEqual([value length], 0, @"Non-empty response received: %@", value); [response fulfill]; } completionHandler:^(NSError *errorOrNil) { XCTAssertNil(errorOrNil, @"Finished with unexpected error: %@", errorOrNil); XCTAssertEqualObjects((NSData *)call.responseTrailers[@"x-grpc-test-echo-trailing-bin"], trailer_data, @"Did not receive expected trailer"); [completion fulfill]; }]; [call startWithWriteable:responsesWriteable]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:TEST_TIMEOUT handler:nil]; } // TODO(makarandd): Move to a different file that contains only unit tests - (void)testExceptions { // Try to set parameters to nil for GRPCCall. This should cause an exception @try { (void)[[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:nil path:nil requestsWriter:nil]; XCTFail(@"Did not receive an exception when parameters are nil"); } @catch (NSException *theException) { NSLog(@"Received exception as expected: %@", theException.name); } // Set state to Finished by force GRXWriter *requestsWriter = [GRXWriter emptyWriter]; [requestsWriter finishWithError:nil]; @try { (void)[[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:kHostAddress path:kUnaryCallMethod.HTTPPath requestsWriter:requestsWriter]; XCTFail(@"Did not receive an exception when GRXWriter has incorrect state."); } @catch (NSException *theException) { NSLog(@"Received exception as expected: %@", theException.name); } } - (void)testIdempotentProtoRPC { __weak XCTestExpectation *response = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Expected response."]; __weak XCTestExpectation *completion = [self expectationWithDescription:@"RPC completed."]; RMTSimpleRequest *request = [RMTSimpleRequest message]; request.responseSize = 100; request.fillUsername = YES; request.fillOauthScope = YES; GRXWriter *requestsWriter = [GRXWriter writerWithValue:[request data]]; GRPCCall *call = [[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:kHostAddress path:kUnaryCallMethod.HTTPPath requestsWriter:requestsWriter]; [GRPCCall setCallSafety:GRPCCallSafetyIdempotentRequest host:kHostAddress path:kUnaryCallMethod.HTTPPath]; id responsesWriteable = [[GRXWriteable alloc] initWithValueHandler:^(NSData *value) { XCTAssertNotNil(value, @"nil value received as response."); XCTAssertGreaterThan(value.length, 0, @"Empty response received."); RMTSimpleResponse *responseProto = [RMTSimpleResponse parseFromData:value error:NULL]; // We expect empty strings, not nil: XCTAssertNotNil(responseProto.username, @"Response's username is nil."); XCTAssertNotNil(responseProto.oauthScope, @"Response's OAuth scope is nil."); [response fulfill]; } completionHandler:^(NSError *errorOrNil) { XCTAssertNil(errorOrNil, @"Finished with unexpected error: %@", errorOrNil); [completion fulfill]; }]; [call startWithWriteable:responsesWriteable]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:TEST_TIMEOUT handler:nil]; } - (void)testAlternateDispatchQueue { const int32_t kPayloadSize = 100; RMTSimpleRequest *request = [RMTSimpleRequest message]; request.responseSize = kPayloadSize; __weak XCTestExpectation *expectation1 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"AlternateDispatchQueue1"]; // Use default (main) dispatch queue NSString *main_queue_label = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:dispatch_queue_get_label(dispatch_get_main_queue())]; GRXWriter *requestsWriter1 = [GRXWriter writerWithValue:[request data]]; GRPCCall *call1 = [[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:kHostAddress path:kUnaryCallMethod.HTTPPath requestsWriter:requestsWriter1]; id responsesWriteable1 = [[GRXWriteable alloc] initWithValueHandler:^(NSData *value) { NSString *label = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:dispatch_queue_get_label(DISPATCH_CURRENT_QUEUE_LABEL)]; XCTAssert([label isEqualToString:main_queue_label]); [expectation1 fulfill]; } completionHandler:^(NSError *errorOrNil){ }]; [call1 startWithWriteable:responsesWriteable1]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:TEST_TIMEOUT handler:nil]; // Use a custom queue __weak XCTestExpectation *expectation2 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"AlternateDispatchQueue2"]; NSString *queue_label = @"test.queue1"; dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create([queue_label UTF8String], DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); GRXWriter *requestsWriter2 = [GRXWriter writerWithValue:[request data]]; GRPCCall *call2 = [[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:kHostAddress path:kUnaryCallMethod.HTTPPath requestsWriter:requestsWriter2]; [call2 setResponseDispatchQueue:queue]; id responsesWriteable2 = [[GRXWriteable alloc] initWithValueHandler:^(NSData *value) { NSString *label = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:dispatch_queue_get_label(DISPATCH_CURRENT_QUEUE_LABEL)]; XCTAssert([label isEqualToString:queue_label]); [expectation2 fulfill]; } completionHandler:^(NSError *errorOrNil){ }]; [call2 startWithWriteable:responsesWriteable2]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:TEST_TIMEOUT handler:nil]; } - (void)testTimeout { __weak XCTestExpectation *completion = [self expectationWithDescription:@"RPC completed."]; GRXBufferedPipe *pipe = [GRXBufferedPipe pipe]; GRPCCall *call = [[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:kHostAddress path:kFullDuplexCallMethod.HTTPPath requestsWriter:pipe]; id responsesWriteable = [[GRXWriteable alloc] initWithValueHandler:^(NSData *value) { XCTAssert(0, @"Failure: response received; Expect: no response received."); } completionHandler:^(NSError *errorOrNil) { XCTAssertNotNil(errorOrNil, @"Failure: no error received; Expect: receive deadline exceeded."); XCTAssertEqual(errorOrNil.code, GRPCErrorCodeDeadlineExceeded); [completion fulfill]; }]; call.timeout = 0.001; [call startWithWriteable:responsesWriteable]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:TEST_TIMEOUT handler:nil]; } - (int)findFreePort { struct sockaddr_in addr; unsigned int addr_len = sizeof(addr); memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; int fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); XCTAssertEqual(bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)), 0); XCTAssertEqual(getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addr_len), 0); XCTAssertEqual(addr_len, sizeof(addr)); close(fd); return addr.sin_port; } - (void)testErrorCode { int port = [self findFreePort]; NSString *const kDummyAddress = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"localhost:%d", port]; __weak XCTestExpectation *completion = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Received correct error code."]; GRPCCall *call = [[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:kDummyAddress path:kEmptyCallMethod.HTTPPath requestsWriter:[GRXWriter writerWithValue:[NSData data]]]; id responsesWriteable = [[GRXWriteable alloc] initWithValueHandler:^(NSData *value) { // Should not reach here XCTAssert(NO); } completionHandler:^(NSError *errorOrNil) { XCTAssertNotNil(errorOrNil, @"Finished with no error"); XCTAssertEqual(errorOrNil.code, GRPC_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE); [completion fulfill]; }]; [call startWithWriteable:responsesWriteable]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:TEST_TIMEOUT handler:nil]; } - (void)testTimeoutBackoffWithTimeout:(double)timeout Backoff:(double)backoff { const double maxConnectTime = timeout > backoff ? timeout : backoff; const double kMargin = 0.1; __weak XCTestExpectation *completion = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Timeout in a second."]; NSString *const kDummyAddress = [NSString stringWithFormat:@""]; GRPCCall *call = [[GRPCCall alloc] initWithHost:kDummyAddress path:@"" requestsWriter:[GRXWriter writerWithValue:[NSData data]]]; [GRPCCall setMinConnectTimeout:timeout * 1000 initialBackoff:backoff * 1000 maxBackoff:0 forHost:kDummyAddress]; NSDate *startTime = [NSDate date]; id responsesWriteable = [[GRXWriteable alloc] initWithValueHandler:^(id value) { XCTAssert(NO, @"Received message. Should not reach here"); } completionHandler:^(NSError *errorOrNil) { XCTAssertNotNil(errorOrNil, @"Finished with no error"); // The call must fail before maxConnectTime. However there is no lower bound on the time // taken for connection. A shorter time happens when connection is actively refused // by before maxConnectTime elapsed. XCTAssertLessThan([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:startTime], maxConnectTime + kMargin); [completion fulfill]; }]; [call startWithWriteable:responsesWriteable]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:TEST_TIMEOUT handler:nil]; } // The numbers of the following three tests are selected to be smaller than the default values of // initial backoff (1s) and min_connect_timeout (20s), so that if they fail we know the default // values fail to be overridden by the channel args. - (void)testTimeoutBackoff2 { [self testTimeoutBackoffWithTimeout:0.7 Backoff:0.3]; } - (void)testTimeoutBackoff3 { [self testTimeoutBackoffWithTimeout:0.3 Backoff:0.7]; } @end