// To check if a library is compiled with CocoaPods you // can use the `COCOAPODS` macro definition which is // defined in the xcconfigs so it is available in // headers also when they are imported in the client // project. // GRPCClient #define COCOAPODS_POD_AVAILABLE_GRPCClient #define COCOAPODS_VERSION_MAJOR_GRPCClient 0 #define COCOAPODS_VERSION_MINOR_GRPCClient 0 #define COCOAPODS_VERSION_PATCH_GRPCClient 1 // RxLibrary #define COCOAPODS_POD_AVAILABLE_RxLibrary #define COCOAPODS_VERSION_MAJOR_RxLibrary 0 #define COCOAPODS_VERSION_MINOR_RxLibrary 0 #define COCOAPODS_VERSION_PATCH_RxLibrary 1