/* * * Copyright 2015, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ 'use strict'; var assert = require('assert'); var _ = require('lodash'); var common = require('../src/common'); var protobuf_js_6_common = require('../src/protobuf_js_6_common'); var serializeCls = protobuf_js_6_common.serializeCls; var deserializeCls = protobuf_js_6_common.deserializeCls; var ProtoBuf = require('protobufjs'); var messages_proto = new ProtoBuf.Root(); messages_proto = messages_proto.loadSync( __dirname + '/test_messages.proto', {keepCase: true}).resolveAll(); var default_options = common.defaultGrpcOptions; describe('Proto message long int serialize and deserialize', function() { var longSerialize = serializeCls(messages_proto.LongValues); var longDeserialize = deserializeCls(messages_proto.LongValues, default_options); var pos_value = '314159265358979'; var neg_value = '-27182818284590'; it('should preserve positive int64 values', function() { var serialized = longSerialize({int_64: pos_value}); assert.strictEqual(longDeserialize(serialized).int_64.toString(), pos_value); }); it('should preserve negative int64 values', function() { var serialized = longSerialize({int_64: neg_value}); assert.strictEqual(longDeserialize(serialized).int_64.toString(), neg_value); }); it('should preserve uint64 values', function() { var serialized = longSerialize({uint_64: pos_value}); assert.strictEqual(longDeserialize(serialized).uint_64.toString(), pos_value); }); it('should preserve positive sint64 values', function() { var serialized = longSerialize({sint_64: pos_value}); assert.strictEqual(longDeserialize(serialized).sint_64.toString(), pos_value); }); it('should preserve negative sint64 values', function() { var serialized = longSerialize({sint_64: neg_value}); assert.strictEqual(longDeserialize(serialized).sint_64.toString(), neg_value); }); it('should preserve fixed64 values', function() { var serialized = longSerialize({fixed_64: pos_value}); assert.strictEqual(longDeserialize(serialized).fixed_64.toString(), pos_value); }); it('should preserve positive sfixed64 values', function() { var serialized = longSerialize({sfixed_64: pos_value}); assert.strictEqual(longDeserialize(serialized).sfixed_64.toString(), pos_value); }); it('should preserve negative sfixed64 values', function() { var serialized = longSerialize({sfixed_64: neg_value}); assert.strictEqual(longDeserialize(serialized).sfixed_64.toString(), neg_value); }); it('should deserialize as a number with the right option set', function() { var num_options = _.defaults({longsAsStrings: false}, default_options); var longNumDeserialize = deserializeCls(messages_proto.LongValues, num_options); var serialized = longSerialize({int_64: pos_value}); assert.strictEqual(typeof longDeserialize(serialized).int_64, 'string'); /* With the longsAsStrings option disabled, long values are represented as * objects with 3 keys: low, high, and unsigned */ assert.strictEqual(typeof longNumDeserialize(serialized).int_64, 'object'); }); }); describe('Proto message bytes serialize and deserialize', function() { var sequenceSerialize = serializeCls(messages_proto.SequenceValues); var sequenceDeserialize = deserializeCls( messages_proto.SequenceValues, default_options); var b64_options = _.defaults({binaryAsBase64: true}, default_options); var sequenceBase64Deserialize = deserializeCls( messages_proto.SequenceValues, b64_options); var buffer_val = new Buffer([0x69, 0xb7]); var base64_val = 'abc='; it('should preserve a buffer', function() { var serialized = sequenceSerialize({bytes_field: buffer_val}); var deserialized = sequenceDeserialize(serialized); assert.strictEqual(deserialized.bytes_field.compare(buffer_val), 0); }); it('should accept base64 encoded strings', function() { var serialized = sequenceSerialize({bytes_field: base64_val}); var deserialized = sequenceDeserialize(serialized); assert.strictEqual(deserialized.bytes_field.compare(buffer_val), 0); }); it('should output base64 encoded strings with an option set', function() { var serialized = sequenceSerialize({bytes_field: base64_val}); var deserialized = sequenceBase64Deserialize(serialized); assert.strictEqual(deserialized.bytes_field, base64_val); }); it('should serialize a repeated field as packed by default', function() { var expected_serialize = new Buffer([0x12, 0x01, 0x0a]); var serialized = sequenceSerialize({repeated_field: [10]}); assert.strictEqual(expected_serialize.compare(serialized), 0); }); it('should deserialize packed or unpacked repeated', function() { var expectedDeserialize = { bytes_field: new Buffer(''), repeated_field: [10] }; var packedSerialized = new Buffer([0x12, 0x01, 0x0a]); var unpackedSerialized = new Buffer([0x10, 0x0a]); var packedDeserialized; var unpackedDeserialized; assert.doesNotThrow(function() { packedDeserialized = sequenceDeserialize(packedSerialized); }); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { unpackedDeserialized = sequenceDeserialize(unpackedSerialized); }); assert.deepEqual(packedDeserialized, expectedDeserialize); assert.deepEqual(unpackedDeserialized, expectedDeserialize); }); }); describe('Proto message oneof serialize and deserialize', function() { var oneofSerialize = serializeCls(messages_proto.OneOfValues); var oneofDeserialize = deserializeCls( messages_proto.OneOfValues, default_options); it('Should have idempotent round trips', function() { var test_message = {oneof_choice: 'int_choice', int_choice: 5}; var serialized1 = oneofSerialize(test_message); var deserialized1 = oneofDeserialize(serialized1); assert.equal(deserialized1.int_choice, 5); var serialized2 = oneofSerialize(deserialized1); var deserialized2 = oneofDeserialize(serialized2); assert.deepEqual(deserialized1, deserialized2); }); it('Should emit a property indicating which field was chosen', function() { var test_message1 = {oneof_choice: 'int_choice', int_choice: 5}; var serialized1 = oneofSerialize(test_message1); var deserialized1 = oneofDeserialize(serialized1); assert.equal(deserialized1.oneof_choice, 'int_choice'); var test_message2 = {oneof_choice: 'string_choice', string_choice: 'abc'}; var serialized2 = oneofSerialize(test_message2); var deserialized2 = oneofDeserialize(serialized2); assert.equal(deserialized2.oneof_choice, 'string_choice'); }); }); describe('Proto message enum serialize and deserialize', function() { var enumSerialize = serializeCls(messages_proto.EnumValues); var enumDeserialize = deserializeCls( messages_proto.EnumValues, default_options); var enumIntOptions = _.defaults({enumsAsStrings: false}, default_options); var enumIntDeserialize = deserializeCls( messages_proto.EnumValues, enumIntOptions); it('Should accept both names and numbers', function() { var nameSerialized = enumSerialize({enum_value: 'ONE'}); var numberSerialized = enumSerialize({enum_value: 1}); assert.strictEqual(messages_proto.TestEnum.ONE, 1); assert.deepEqual(enumDeserialize(nameSerialized), enumDeserialize(numberSerialized)); }); it('Should deserialize as a string the enumsAsStrings option', function() { var serialized = enumSerialize({enum_value: 'TWO'}); var nameDeserialized = enumDeserialize(serialized); var numberDeserialized = enumIntDeserialize(serialized); assert.deepEqual(nameDeserialized, {enum_value: 'TWO'}); assert.deepEqual(numberDeserialized, {enum_value: 2}); }); });