/* * * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ 'use strict'; var os = require('os'); var console = require('console'); var BenchmarkClient = require('./benchmark_client'); var BenchmarkServer = require('./benchmark_server'); module.exports = function WorkerServiceImpl(benchmark_impl, server) { var BenchmarkClient; var BenchmarkServer; switch (benchmark_impl) { case 'grpc': BenchmarkClient = require('./benchmark_client'); BenchmarkServer = require('./benchmark_server'); break; case 'express': BenchmarkClient = require('./benchmark_client_express'); BenchmarkServer = require('./benchmark_server_express'); break; default: throw new Error('Unrecognized benchmark impl: ' + benchmark_impl); } this.quitWorker = function quitWorker(call, callback) { callback(null, {}); server.tryShutdown(function() {}); }; this.runClient = function runClient(call) { var client; call.on('data', function(request) { var stats; switch (request.argtype) { case 'setup': var setup = request.setup; console.log('ClientConfig %j', setup); client = new BenchmarkClient(setup.server_targets, setup.client_channels, setup.histogram_params, setup.security_params); client.on('error', function(error) { call.emit('error', error); }); var req_size, resp_size, generic; switch (setup.payload_config.payload) { case 'bytebuf_params': req_size = setup.payload_config.bytebuf_params.req_size; resp_size = setup.payload_config.bytebuf_params.resp_size; generic = true; break; case 'simple_params': req_size = setup.payload_config.simple_params.req_size; resp_size = setup.payload_config.simple_params.resp_size; generic = false; break; default: call.emit('error', new Error('Unsupported PayloadConfig type' + setup.payload_config.payload)); return; } switch (setup.load_params.load) { case 'closed_loop': client.startClosedLoop(setup.outstanding_rpcs_per_channel, setup.rpc_type, req_size, resp_size, generic); break; case 'poisson': client.startPoisson(setup.outstanding_rpcs_per_channel, setup.rpc_type, req_size, resp_size, setup.load_params.poisson.offered_load, generic); break; default: call.emit('error', new Error('Unsupported LoadParams type' + setup.load_params.load)); return; } stats = client.mark(); call.write({ stats: stats }); break; case 'mark': if (client) { stats = client.mark(request.mark.reset); call.write({ stats: stats }); } else { call.emit('error', new Error('Got Mark before ClientConfig')); } break; default: throw new Error('Nonexistent client argtype option: ' + request.argtype); } }); call.on('end', function() { client.stop(function() { call.end(); }); }); }; this.runServer = function runServer(call) { var server; call.on('data', function(request) { var stats; switch (request.argtype) { case 'setup': console.log('ServerConfig %j', request.setup); var setup = request.setup; var resp_size, generic; if (setup.payload_config) { switch (setup.payload_config.payload) { case 'bytebuf_params': resp_size = setup.payload_config.bytebuf_params.resp_size; generic = true; break; case 'simple_params': resp_size = setup.payload_config.simple_params.resp_size; generic = false; break; default: call.emit('error', new Error('Unsupported PayloadConfig type' + setup.payload_config.payload)); return; } } server = new BenchmarkServer('[::]', request.setup.port, request.setup.security_params, generic, resp_size); server.on('started', function() { stats = server.mark(); call.write({ stats: stats, port: server.getPort() }); }); server.start(); break; case 'mark': if (server) { stats = server.mark(request.mark.reset); call.write({ stats: stats, port: server.getPort(), cores: 1 }); } else { call.emit('error', new Error('Got Mark before ServerConfig')); } break; default: throw new Error('Nonexistent server argtype option'); } }); call.on('end', function() { server.stop(function() { call.end(); }); }); }; this.coreCount = function coreCount(call, callback) { callback(null, {cores: os.cpus().length}); }; };