/* * * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ /** * Benchmark client module * @module */ 'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var util = require('util'); var EventEmitter = require('events'); var async = require('async'); var _ = require('lodash'); var PoissonProcess = require('poisson-process'); var Histogram = require('./histogram'); var genericService = require('./generic_service'); var grpc = require('../../../'); var serviceProto = grpc.load({ root: __dirname + '/../../..', file: 'src/proto/grpc/testing/services.proto'}).grpc.testing; /** * Create a buffer filled with size zeroes * @param {number} size The length of the buffer * @return {Buffer} The new buffer */ function zeroBuffer(size) { var zeros = new Buffer(size); zeros.fill(0); return zeros; } /** * Convert a time difference, as returned by process.hrtime, to a number of * nanoseconds. * @param {Array.} time_diff The time diff, represented as * [seconds, nanoseconds] * @return {number} The total number of nanoseconds */ function timeDiffToNanos(time_diff) { return time_diff[0] * 1e9 + time_diff[1]; } /** * The BenchmarkClient class. Opens channels to servers and makes RPCs based on * parameters from the driver, and records statistics about those RPCs. * @param {Array.} server_targets List of servers to connect to * @param {number} channels The total number of channels to open * @param {Object} histogram_params Options for setting up the histogram * @param {Object=} security_params Options for TLS setup. If absent, don't use * TLS */ function BenchmarkClient(server_targets, channels, histogram_params, security_params) { var options = { "grpc.max_receive_message_length": -1, "grpc.max_send_message_length": -1 }; var creds; if (security_params) { var ca_path; if (security_params.use_test_ca) { ca_path = path.join(__dirname, '../test/data/ca.pem'); var ca_data = fs.readFileSync(ca_path); creds = grpc.credentials.createSsl(ca_data); } else { creds = grpc.credentials.createSsl(); } if (security_params.server_host_override) { var host_override = security_params.server_host_override; options['grpc.ssl_target_name_override'] = host_override; options['grpc.default_authority'] = host_override; } } else { creds = grpc.credentials.createInsecure(); } this.clients = []; var GenericClient = grpc.makeGenericClientConstructor(genericService); this.genericClients = []; for (var i = 0; i < channels; i++) { this.clients[i] = new serviceProto.BenchmarkService( server_targets[i % server_targets.length], creds, options); this.genericClients[i] = new GenericClient( server_targets[i % server_targets.length], creds, options); } this.histogram = new Histogram(histogram_params.resolution, histogram_params.max_possible); this.running = false; this.pending_calls = 0; }; util.inherits(BenchmarkClient, EventEmitter); /** * Start every client in the list of clients by waiting for each to be ready, * then starting outstanding_rpcs_per_channel calls on each of them * @param {Array} client_list The list of clients * @param {Number} outstanding_rpcs_per_channel The number of calls to start * on each client * @param {function(grpc.Client)} makeCall Function to make a single call on * a single client * @param {EventEmitter} emitter The event emitter to send errors on, if * necessary */ function startAllClients(client_list, outstanding_rpcs_per_channel, makeCall, emitter) { var ready_wait_funcs = _.map(client_list, function(client) { return _.partial(grpc.waitForClientReady, client, Infinity); }); async.parallel(ready_wait_funcs, function(err) { if (err) { emitter.emit('error', err); return; } _.each(client_list, function(client) { _.times(outstanding_rpcs_per_channel, function() { makeCall(client); }); }); }); } /** * Start a closed-loop test. For each channel, start * outstanding_rpcs_per_channel RPCs. Then, whenever an RPC finishes, start * another one. * @param {number} outstanding_rpcs_per_channel Number of RPCs to start per * channel * @param {string} rpc_type Which method to call. Should be 'UNARY' or * 'STREAMING' * @param {number} req_size The size of the payload to send with each request * @param {number} resp_size The size of payload to request be sent in responses * @param {boolean} generic Indicates that the generic (non-proto) clients * should be used */ BenchmarkClient.prototype.startClosedLoop = function( outstanding_rpcs_per_channel, rpc_type, req_size, resp_size, generic) { var self = this; self.running = true; self.last_wall_time = process.hrtime(); self.last_usage = process.cpuUsage(); var makeCall; var argument; var client_list; if (generic) { argument = zeroBuffer(req_size); client_list = self.genericClients; } else { argument = { response_size: resp_size, payload: { body: zeroBuffer(req_size) } }; client_list = self.clients; } if (rpc_type == 'UNARY') { makeCall = function(client) { if (self.running) { self.pending_calls++; var start_time = process.hrtime(); client.unaryCall(argument, function(error, response) { if (error) { self.emit('error', new Error('Client error: ' + error.message)); self.running = false; return; } var time_diff = process.hrtime(start_time); self.histogram.add(timeDiffToNanos(time_diff)); makeCall(client); self.pending_calls--; if ((!self.running) && self.pending_calls == 0) { self.emit('finished'); } }); } }; } else { makeCall = function(client) { if (self.running) { self.pending_calls++; var call = client.streamingCall(); var start_time = process.hrtime(); call.write(argument); call.on('data', function() { var time_diff = process.hrtime(start_time); self.histogram.add(timeDiffToNanos(time_diff)); self.pending_calls--; if (self.running) { self.pending_calls++; start_time = process.hrtime(); call.write(argument); } else { call.end(); if (self.pending_calls == 0) { self.emit('finished'); } } }); call.on('error', function(error) { self.emit('error', new Error('Client error: ' + error.message)); self.running = false; }); } }; } startAllClients(client_list, outstanding_rpcs_per_channel, makeCall, self); }; /** * Start a poisson test. For each channel, this initiates a number of Poisson * processes equal to outstanding_rpcs_per_channel, where each Poisson process * has the load parameter offered_load. * @param {number} outstanding_rpcs_per_channel Number of RPCs to start per * channel * @param {string} rpc_type Which method to call. Should be 'UNARY' or * 'STREAMING' * @param {number} req_size The size of the payload to send with each request * @param {number} resp_size The size of payload to request be sent in responses * @param {number} offered_load The load parameter for the Poisson process * @param {boolean} generic Indicates that the generic (non-proto) clients * should be used */ BenchmarkClient.prototype.startPoisson = function( outstanding_rpcs_per_channel, rpc_type, req_size, resp_size, offered_load, generic) { var self = this; self.running = true; self.last_wall_time = process.hrtime(); self.last_usage = process.cpuUsage(); var makeCall; var argument; var client_list; if (generic) { argument = zeroBuffer(req_size); client_list = self.genericClients; } else { argument = { response_size: resp_size, payload: { body: zeroBuffer(req_size) } }; client_list = self.clients; } if (rpc_type == 'UNARY') { makeCall = function(client, poisson) { if (self.running) { self.pending_calls++; var start_time = process.hrtime(); client.unaryCall(argument, function(error, response) { if (error) { self.emit('error', new Error('Client error: ' + error.message)); self.running = false; return; } var time_diff = process.hrtime(start_time); self.histogram.add(timeDiffToNanos(time_diff)); self.pending_calls--; if ((!self.running) && self.pending_calls == 0) { self.emit('finished'); } }); } else { poisson.stop(); } }; } else { self.emit('error', new Error('Streaming Poisson benchmarks not supported')); return; } var averageIntervalMs = (1 / offered_load) * 1000; startAllClients(client_list, outstanding_rpcs_per_channel, function(client){ var p = PoissonProcess.create(averageIntervalMs, function() { makeCall(client, p); }); p.start(); }, self); }; /** * Return curent statistics for the client. If reset is set, restart * statistic collection. * @param {boolean} reset Indicates that statistics should be reset * @return {object} Client statistics */ BenchmarkClient.prototype.mark = function(reset) { var wall_time_diff = process.hrtime(this.last_wall_time); var usage_diff = process.cpuUsage(this.last_usage); var histogram = this.histogram; if (reset) { this.last_wall_time = process.hrtime(); this.last_usage = process.cpuUsage(); this.histogram = new Histogram(histogram.resolution, histogram.max_possible); } return { latencies: { bucket: histogram.getContents(), min_seen: histogram.minimum(), max_seen: histogram.maximum(), sum: histogram.getSum(), sum_of_squares: histogram.sumOfSquares(), count: histogram.getCount() }, time_elapsed: wall_time_diff[0] + wall_time_diff[1] / 1e9, time_user: usage_diff.user / 1000000, time_system: usage_diff.system / 1000000 }; }; /** * Stop the clients. * @param {function} callback Called when the clients have finished shutting * down */ BenchmarkClient.prototype.stop = function(callback) { this.running = false; this.on('finished', callback); }; module.exports = BenchmarkClient;