/* * * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ 'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var _ = require('lodash'); var AsyncDelayQueue = require('./async_delay_queue'); var grpc = require('..'); var testProto = grpc.load({ root: __dirname + '/../../..', file: 'src/proto/grpc/testing/test.proto'}).grpc.testing; var ECHO_INITIAL_KEY = 'x-grpc-test-echo-initial'; var ECHO_TRAILING_KEY = 'x-grpc-test-echo-trailing-bin'; /** * Create a buffer filled with size zeroes * @param {number} size The length of the buffer * @return {Buffer} The new buffer */ function zeroBuffer(size) { var zeros = new Buffer(size); zeros.fill(0); return zeros; } /** * Echos a header metadata item as specified in the interop spec. * @param {Call} call The call to echo metadata on */ function echoHeader(call) { var echo_initial = call.metadata.get(ECHO_INITIAL_KEY); if (echo_initial.length > 0) { var response_metadata = new grpc.Metadata(); response_metadata.set(ECHO_INITIAL_KEY, echo_initial[0]); call.sendMetadata(response_metadata); } } /** * Gets the trailer metadata that should be echoed when the call is done, * as specified in the interop spec. * @param {Call} call The call to get metadata from * @return {grpc.Metadata} The metadata to send as a trailer */ function getEchoTrailer(call) { var echo_trailer = call.metadata.get(ECHO_TRAILING_KEY); var response_trailer = new grpc.Metadata(); if (echo_trailer.length > 0) { response_trailer.set(ECHO_TRAILING_KEY, echo_trailer[0]); } return response_trailer; } function getPayload(payload_type, size) { var body = zeroBuffer(size); return {type: payload_type, body: body}; } /** * Respond to an empty parameter with an empty response. * NOTE: this currently does not work due to issue #137 * @param {Call} call Call to handle * @param {function(Error, Object)} callback Callback to call with result * or error */ function handleEmpty(call, callback) { echoHeader(call); callback(null, {}, getEchoTrailer(call)); } /** * Handle a unary request by sending the requested payload * @param {Call} call Call to handle * @param {function(Error, Object)} callback Callback to call with result or * error */ function handleUnary(call, callback) { echoHeader(call); var req = call.request; if (req.response_status) { var status = req.response_status; status.metadata = getEchoTrailer(call); callback(status); return; } var payload = getPayload(req.response_type, req.response_size); callback(null, {payload: payload}, getEchoTrailer(call)); } /** * Respond to a streaming call with the total size of all payloads * @param {Call} call Call to handle * @param {function(Error, Object)} callback Callback to call with result or * error */ function handleStreamingInput(call, callback) { echoHeader(call); var aggregate_size = 0; call.on('data', function(value) { aggregate_size += value.payload.body.length; }); call.on('end', function() { callback(null, {aggregated_payload_size: aggregate_size}, getEchoTrailer(call)); }); } /** * Respond to a payload request with a stream of the requested payloads * @param {Call} call Call to handle */ function handleStreamingOutput(call) { echoHeader(call); var delay_queue = new AsyncDelayQueue(); var req = call.request; if (req.response_status) { var status = req.response_status; status.metadata = getEchoTrailer(call); call.emit('error', status); return; } _.each(req.response_parameters, function(resp_param) { delay_queue.add(function(next) { call.write({payload: getPayload(req.response_type, resp_param.size)}); next(); }, resp_param.interval_us); }); delay_queue.add(function(next) { call.end(getEchoTrailer(call)); next(); }); } /** * Respond to a stream of payload requests with a stream of payload responses as * they arrive. * @param {Call} call Call to handle */ function handleFullDuplex(call) { echoHeader(call); var delay_queue = new AsyncDelayQueue(); call.on('data', function(value) { if (value.response_status) { var status = value.response_status; status.metadata = getEchoTrailer(call); call.emit('error', status); return; } _.each(value.response_parameters, function(resp_param) { delay_queue.add(function(next) { call.write({payload: getPayload(value.response_type, resp_param.size)}); next(); }, resp_param.interval_us); }); }); call.on('end', function() { delay_queue.add(function(next) { call.end(getEchoTrailer(call)); next(); }); }); } /** * Respond to a stream of payload requests with a stream of payload responses * after all requests have arrived * @param {Call} call Call to handle */ function handleHalfDuplex(call) { call.emit('error', Error('HalfDuplexCall not yet implemented')); } /** * Get a server object bound to the given port * @param {string} port Port to which to bind * @param {boolean} tls Indicates that the bound port should use TLS * @return {{server: Server, port: number}} Server object bound to the support, * and port number that the server is bound to */ function getServer(port, tls) { // TODO(mlumish): enable TLS functionality var options = {}; var server_creds; if (tls) { var key_path = path.join(__dirname, '../test/data/server1.key'); var pem_path = path.join(__dirname, '../test/data/server1.pem'); var key_data = fs.readFileSync(key_path); var pem_data = fs.readFileSync(pem_path); server_creds = grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl(null, [{private_key: key_data, cert_chain: pem_data}]); } else { server_creds = grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure(); } var server = new grpc.Server(options); server.addService(testProto.TestService.service, { emptyCall: handleEmpty, unaryCall: handleUnary, streamingOutputCall: handleStreamingOutput, streamingInputCall: handleStreamingInput, fullDuplexCall: handleFullDuplex, halfDuplexCall: handleHalfDuplex }); var port_num = server.bind('' + port, server_creds); return {server: server, port: port_num}; } if (require.main === module) { var parseArgs = require('minimist'); var argv = parseArgs(process.argv, { string: ['port', 'use_tls'] }); var server_obj = getServer(argv.port, argv.use_tls === 'true'); console.log('Server attaching to port ' + argv.port); server_obj.server.start(); } /** * See docs for getServer */ exports.getServer = getServer;