Debug AnyCPU 2.0 {77e3da09-fc92-486f-a90a-99ca788e8b59} 2015.6.5.0 Documentation Documentation Documentation .NET Framework 4.5 ..\..\..\doc\ref\csharp\html en-US OnlyWarningsAndErrors Website False True False True 2 False Standard Blank True VS2013 False MemberName gRPC C# AboveNamespaces Documentation Provides OAuth2 based authentication for gRPC. <c>Grpc.Auth</c> currently consists of a set of very lightweight wrappers and uses C# <a href="">Google.Apis.Auth</a> library. Main namespace for gRPC C# functionality. Contains concepts representing both client side and server side gRPC logic. <seealso cref="Grpc.Core.Channel"/> <seealso cref="Grpc.Core.Server"/> Provides functionality to redirect gRPC logs to application-specified destination. Various utilities for gRPC C#. Summary, Parameter, AutoDocumentCtors, Namespace, TypeParameter, AutoDocumentDispose OnBuildSuccess