using System; using Google.GRPC.Core.Internal; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Google.GRPC.Core { /// /// Encapsulates initialization and shutdown of GRPC C core library. /// You should not need to initialize it manually, as static constructors /// should load the library when needed. /// public static class GrpcEnvironment { const int THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 1; [DllImport("")] static extern void grpc_init(); [DllImport("")] static extern void grpc_shutdown(); static object staticLock = new object(); static bool initCalled = false; static bool shutdownCalled = false; static GrpcThreadPool threadPool = new GrpcThreadPool(THREAD_POOL_SIZE); /// /// Makes sure GRPC environment is initialized. /// public static void EnsureInitialized() { lock(staticLock) { if (!initCalled) { initCalled = true; GrpcInit(); } } } /// /// Shuts down the GRPC environment if it was initialized before. /// Repeated invocations have no effect. /// public static void Shutdown() { lock(staticLock) { if (initCalled && !shutdownCalled) { shutdownCalled = true; GrpcShutdown(); } } } /// /// Initializes GRPC C Core library. /// private static void GrpcInit() { grpc_init(); threadPool.Start(); // TODO: use proper logging here Console.WriteLine("GRPC initialized."); } /// /// Shutdown GRPC C Core library. /// private static void GrpcShutdown() { threadPool.Stop(); grpc_shutdown(); // TODO: use proper logging here Console.WriteLine("GRPC shutdown."); } internal static GrpcThreadPool ThreadPool { get { return threadPool; } } } }