// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! // source: math.proto #pragma warning disable 1591, 0612, 3021 #region Designer generated code using pb = global::Google.Protobuf; using pbc = global::Google.Protobuf.Collections; using pbr = global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection; using scg = global::System.Collections.Generic; namespace Math { /// Holder for reflection information generated from math.proto [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()] public static partial class MathReflection { #region Descriptor /// File descriptor for math.proto public static pbr::FileDescriptor Descriptor { get { return descriptor; } } private static pbr::FileDescriptor descriptor; static MathReflection() { byte[] descriptorData = global::System.Convert.FromBase64String( string.Concat( "CgptYXRoLnByb3RvEgRtYXRoIiwKB0RpdkFyZ3MSEAoIZGl2aWRlbmQYASAB", "KAMSDwoHZGl2aXNvchgCIAEoAyIvCghEaXZSZXBseRIQCghxdW90aWVudBgB", "IAEoAxIRCglyZW1haW5kZXIYAiABKAMiGAoHRmliQXJncxINCgVsaW1pdBgB", "IAEoAyISCgNOdW0SCwoDbnVtGAEgASgDIhkKCEZpYlJlcGx5Eg0KBWNvdW50", "GAEgASgDMqQBCgRNYXRoEiYKA0RpdhINLm1hdGguRGl2QXJncxoOLm1hdGgu", "RGl2UmVwbHkiABIuCgdEaXZNYW55Eg0ubWF0aC5EaXZBcmdzGg4ubWF0aC5E", "aXZSZXBseSIAKAEwARIjCgNGaWISDS5tYXRoLkZpYkFyZ3MaCS5tYXRoLk51", "bSIAMAESHwoDU3VtEgkubWF0aC5OdW0aCS5tYXRoLk51bSIAKAFiBnByb3Rv", "Mw==")); descriptor = pbr::FileDescriptor.FromGeneratedCode(descriptorData, new pbr::FileDescriptor[] { }, new pbr::GeneratedCodeInfo(null, new pbr::GeneratedCodeInfo[] { new pbr::GeneratedCodeInfo(typeof(global::Math.DivArgs), global::Math.DivArgs.Parser, new[]{ "Dividend", "Divisor" }, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedCodeInfo(typeof(global::Math.DivReply), global::Math.DivReply.Parser, new[]{ "Quotient", "Remainder" }, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedCodeInfo(typeof(global::Math.FibArgs), global::Math.FibArgs.Parser, new[]{ "Limit" }, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedCodeInfo(typeof(global::Math.Num), global::Math.Num.Parser, new[]{ "Num_" }, null, null, null), new pbr::GeneratedCodeInfo(typeof(global::Math.FibReply), global::Math.FibReply.Parser, new[]{ "Count" }, null, null, null) })); } #endregion } #region Messages [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()] public sealed partial class DivArgs : pb::IMessage { private static readonly pb::MessageParser _parser = new pb::MessageParser(() => new DivArgs()); public static pb::MessageParser Parser { get { return _parser; } } public static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor { get { return global::Math.MathReflection.Descriptor.MessageTypes[0]; } } pbr::MessageDescriptor pb::IMessage.Descriptor { get { return Descriptor; } } public DivArgs() { OnConstruction(); } partial void OnConstruction(); public DivArgs(DivArgs other) : this() { dividend_ = other.dividend_; divisor_ = other.divisor_; } public DivArgs Clone() { return new DivArgs(this); } /// Field number for the "dividend" field. public const int DividendFieldNumber = 1; private long dividend_; public long Dividend { get { return dividend_; } set { dividend_ = value; } } /// Field number for the "divisor" field. public const int DivisorFieldNumber = 2; private long divisor_; public long Divisor { get { return divisor_; } set { divisor_ = value; } } public override bool Equals(object other) { return Equals(other as DivArgs); } public bool Equals(DivArgs other) { if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) { return true; } if (Dividend != other.Dividend) return false; if (Divisor != other.Divisor) return false; return true; } public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (Dividend != 0L) hash ^= Dividend.GetHashCode(); if (Divisor != 0L) hash ^= Divisor.GetHashCode(); return hash; } public override string ToString() { return pb::JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString(this); } public void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) { if (Dividend != 0L) { output.WriteRawTag(8); output.WriteInt64(Dividend); } if (Divisor != 0L) { output.WriteRawTag(16); output.WriteInt64(Divisor); } } public int CalculateSize() { int size = 0; if (Dividend != 0L) { size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(Dividend); } if (Divisor != 0L) { size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(Divisor); } return size; } public void MergeFrom(DivArgs other) { if (other == null) { return; } if (other.Dividend != 0L) { Dividend = other.Dividend; } if (other.Divisor != 0L) { Divisor = other.Divisor; } } public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) { uint tag; while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) { switch(tag) { default: input.SkipLastField(); break; case 8: { Dividend = input.ReadInt64(); break; } case 16: { Divisor = input.ReadInt64(); break; } } } } } [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()] public sealed partial class DivReply : pb::IMessage { private static readonly pb::MessageParser _parser = new pb::MessageParser(() => new DivReply()); public static pb::MessageParser Parser { get { return _parser; } } public static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor { get { return global::Math.MathReflection.Descriptor.MessageTypes[1]; } } pbr::MessageDescriptor pb::IMessage.Descriptor { get { return Descriptor; } } public DivReply() { OnConstruction(); } partial void OnConstruction(); public DivReply(DivReply other) : this() { quotient_ = other.quotient_; remainder_ = other.remainder_; } public DivReply Clone() { return new DivReply(this); } /// Field number for the "quotient" field. public const int QuotientFieldNumber = 1; private long quotient_; public long Quotient { get { return quotient_; } set { quotient_ = value; } } /// Field number for the "remainder" field. public const int RemainderFieldNumber = 2; private long remainder_; public long Remainder { get { return remainder_; } set { remainder_ = value; } } public override bool Equals(object other) { return Equals(other as DivReply); } public bool Equals(DivReply other) { if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) { return true; } if (Quotient != other.Quotient) return false; if (Remainder != other.Remainder) return false; return true; } public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (Quotient != 0L) hash ^= Quotient.GetHashCode(); if (Remainder != 0L) hash ^= Remainder.GetHashCode(); return hash; } public override string ToString() { return pb::JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString(this); } public void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) { if (Quotient != 0L) { output.WriteRawTag(8); output.WriteInt64(Quotient); } if (Remainder != 0L) { output.WriteRawTag(16); output.WriteInt64(Remainder); } } public int CalculateSize() { int size = 0; if (Quotient != 0L) { size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(Quotient); } if (Remainder != 0L) { size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(Remainder); } return size; } public void MergeFrom(DivReply other) { if (other == null) { return; } if (other.Quotient != 0L) { Quotient = other.Quotient; } if (other.Remainder != 0L) { Remainder = other.Remainder; } } public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) { uint tag; while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) { switch(tag) { default: input.SkipLastField(); break; case 8: { Quotient = input.ReadInt64(); break; } case 16: { Remainder = input.ReadInt64(); break; } } } } } [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()] public sealed partial class FibArgs : pb::IMessage { private static readonly pb::MessageParser _parser = new pb::MessageParser(() => new FibArgs()); public static pb::MessageParser Parser { get { return _parser; } } public static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor { get { return global::Math.MathReflection.Descriptor.MessageTypes[2]; } } pbr::MessageDescriptor pb::IMessage.Descriptor { get { return Descriptor; } } public FibArgs() { OnConstruction(); } partial void OnConstruction(); public FibArgs(FibArgs other) : this() { limit_ = other.limit_; } public FibArgs Clone() { return new FibArgs(this); } /// Field number for the "limit" field. public const int LimitFieldNumber = 1; private long limit_; public long Limit { get { return limit_; } set { limit_ = value; } } public override bool Equals(object other) { return Equals(other as FibArgs); } public bool Equals(FibArgs other) { if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) { return true; } if (Limit != other.Limit) return false; return true; } public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (Limit != 0L) hash ^= Limit.GetHashCode(); return hash; } public override string ToString() { return pb::JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString(this); } public void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) { if (Limit != 0L) { output.WriteRawTag(8); output.WriteInt64(Limit); } } public int CalculateSize() { int size = 0; if (Limit != 0L) { size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(Limit); } return size; } public void MergeFrom(FibArgs other) { if (other == null) { return; } if (other.Limit != 0L) { Limit = other.Limit; } } public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) { uint tag; while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) { switch(tag) { default: input.SkipLastField(); break; case 8: { Limit = input.ReadInt64(); break; } } } } } [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()] public sealed partial class Num : pb::IMessage { private static readonly pb::MessageParser _parser = new pb::MessageParser(() => new Num()); public static pb::MessageParser Parser { get { return _parser; } } public static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor { get { return global::Math.MathReflection.Descriptor.MessageTypes[3]; } } pbr::MessageDescriptor pb::IMessage.Descriptor { get { return Descriptor; } } public Num() { OnConstruction(); } partial void OnConstruction(); public Num(Num other) : this() { num_ = other.num_; } public Num Clone() { return new Num(this); } /// Field number for the "num" field. public const int Num_FieldNumber = 1; private long num_; public long Num_ { get { return num_; } set { num_ = value; } } public override bool Equals(object other) { return Equals(other as Num); } public bool Equals(Num other) { if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) { return true; } if (Num_ != other.Num_) return false; return true; } public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (Num_ != 0L) hash ^= Num_.GetHashCode(); return hash; } public override string ToString() { return pb::JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString(this); } public void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) { if (Num_ != 0L) { output.WriteRawTag(8); output.WriteInt64(Num_); } } public int CalculateSize() { int size = 0; if (Num_ != 0L) { size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(Num_); } return size; } public void MergeFrom(Num other) { if (other == null) { return; } if (other.Num_ != 0L) { Num_ = other.Num_; } } public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) { uint tag; while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) { switch(tag) { default: input.SkipLastField(); break; case 8: { Num_ = input.ReadInt64(); break; } } } } } [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()] public sealed partial class FibReply : pb::IMessage { private static readonly pb::MessageParser _parser = new pb::MessageParser(() => new FibReply()); public static pb::MessageParser Parser { get { return _parser; } } public static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor { get { return global::Math.MathReflection.Descriptor.MessageTypes[4]; } } pbr::MessageDescriptor pb::IMessage.Descriptor { get { return Descriptor; } } public FibReply() { OnConstruction(); } partial void OnConstruction(); public FibReply(FibReply other) : this() { count_ = other.count_; } public FibReply Clone() { return new FibReply(this); } /// Field number for the "count" field. public const int CountFieldNumber = 1; private long count_; public long Count { get { return count_; } set { count_ = value; } } public override bool Equals(object other) { return Equals(other as FibReply); } public bool Equals(FibReply other) { if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) { return true; } if (Count != other.Count) return false; return true; } public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (Count != 0L) hash ^= Count.GetHashCode(); return hash; } public override string ToString() { return pb::JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString(this); } public void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) { if (Count != 0L) { output.WriteRawTag(8); output.WriteInt64(Count); } } public int CalculateSize() { int size = 0; if (Count != 0L) { size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(Count); } return size; } public void MergeFrom(FibReply other) { if (other == null) { return; } if (other.Count != 0L) { Count = other.Count; } } public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) { uint tag; while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) { switch(tag) { default: input.SkipLastField(); break; case 8: { Count = input.ReadInt64(); break; } } } } } #endregion } #endregion Designer generated code