#region Copyright notice and license
// Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Grpc.Core.Internal;
using Grpc.Core.Logging;
using Grpc.Core.Utils;
namespace Grpc.Core
/// gRPC server. A single server can server arbitrary number of services and can listen on more than one ports.
public class Server
const int DefaultRequestCallTokensPerCq = 2000;
static readonly ILogger Logger = GrpcEnvironment.Logger.ForType();
readonly AtomicCounter activeCallCounter = new AtomicCounter();
readonly ServiceDefinitionCollection serviceDefinitions;
readonly ServerPortCollection ports;
readonly GrpcEnvironment environment;
readonly List options;
readonly ServerSafeHandle handle;
readonly object myLock = new object();
readonly List serviceDefinitionsList = new List();
readonly List serverPortList = new List();
readonly Dictionary callHandlers = new Dictionary();
readonly TaskCompletionSource shutdownTcs = new TaskCompletionSource();
bool startRequested;
volatile bool shutdownRequested;
int requestCallTokensPerCq = DefaultRequestCallTokensPerCq;
/// Creates a new server.
public Server() : this(null)
/// Creates a new server.
/// Channel options.
public Server(IEnumerable options)
this.serviceDefinitions = new ServiceDefinitionCollection(this);
this.ports = new ServerPortCollection(this);
this.environment = GrpcEnvironment.AddRef();
this.options = options != null ? new List(options) : new List();
using (var channelArgs = ChannelOptions.CreateChannelArgs(this.options))
this.handle = ServerSafeHandle.NewServer(channelArgs);
foreach (var cq in environment.CompletionQueues)
/// Services that will be exported by the server once started. Register a service with this
/// server by adding its definition to this collection.
public ServiceDefinitionCollection Services
return serviceDefinitions;
/// Ports on which the server will listen once started. Register a port with this
/// server by adding its definition to this collection.
public ServerPortCollection Ports
return ports;
/// To allow awaiting termination of the server.
public Task ShutdownTask
return shutdownTcs.Task;
/// Experimental API. Might anytime change without prior notice.
/// Number or calls requested via grpc_server_request_call at any given time for each completion queue.
public int RequestCallTokensPerCompletionQueue
return requestCallTokensPerCq;
lock (myLock)
GrpcPreconditions.CheckArgument(value > 0);
requestCallTokensPerCq = value;
/// Starts the server.
/// Throws IOException if not successful.
public void Start()
lock (myLock)
startRequested = true;
for (int i = 0; i < requestCallTokensPerCq; i++)
foreach (var cq in environment.CompletionQueues)
/// Requests server shutdown and when there are no more calls being serviced,
/// cleans up used resources. The returned task finishes when shutdown procedure
/// is complete.
/// It is strongly recommended to shutdown all previously created servers before exiting from the process.
public Task ShutdownAsync()
return ShutdownInternalAsync(false);
/// Requests server shutdown while cancelling all the in-progress calls.
/// The returned task finishes when shutdown procedure is complete.
/// It is strongly recommended to shutdown all previously created servers before exiting from the process.
public Task KillAsync()
return ShutdownInternalAsync(true);
internal void AddCallReference(object call)
bool success = false;
handle.DangerousAddRef(ref success);
internal void RemoveCallReference(object call)
/// Shuts down the server.
private async Task ShutdownInternalAsync(bool kill)
lock (myLock)
shutdownRequested = true;
var cq = environment.CompletionQueues.First(); // any cq will do
handle.ShutdownAndNotify(HandleServerShutdown, cq);
if (kill)
await ShutdownCompleteOrEnvironmentDeadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
await GrpcEnvironment.ReleaseAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
/// In case the environment's threadpool becomes dead, the shutdown completion will
/// never be delivered, but we need to release the environment's handle anyway.
private async Task ShutdownCompleteOrEnvironmentDeadAsync()
while (true)
var task = await Task.WhenAny(shutdownTcs.Task, Task.Delay(20)).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (shutdownTcs.Task == task)
if (!environment.IsAlive)
/// Adds a service definition.
private void AddServiceDefinitionInternal(ServerServiceDefinition serviceDefinition)
lock (myLock)
foreach (var entry in serviceDefinition.CallHandlers)
callHandlers.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
/// Adds a listening port.
private int AddPortInternal(ServerPort serverPort)
lock (myLock)
GrpcPreconditions.CheckNotNull(serverPort.Credentials, "serverPort");
var address = string.Format("{0}:{1}", serverPort.Host, serverPort.Port);
int boundPort;
using (var nativeCredentials = serverPort.Credentials.ToNativeCredentials())
if (nativeCredentials != null)
boundPort = handle.AddSecurePort(address, nativeCredentials);
boundPort = handle.AddInsecurePort(address);
var newServerPort = new ServerPort(serverPort, boundPort);
return boundPort;
/// Allows one new RPC call to be received by server.
private void AllowOneRpc(CompletionQueueSafeHandle cq)
if (!shutdownRequested)
handle.RequestCall((success, ctx) => HandleNewServerRpc(success, ctx, cq), cq);
/// Checks that all ports have been bound successfully.
private void CheckPortsBoundSuccessfully()
lock (myLock)
var unboundPort = ports.FirstOrDefault(port => port.BoundPort == 0);
if (unboundPort != null)
throw new IOException(
string.Format("Failed to bind port \"{0}:{1}\"", unboundPort.Host, unboundPort.Port));
private void DisposeHandle()
var activeCallCount = activeCallCounter.Count;
if (activeCallCount > 0)
Logger.Warning("Server shutdown has finished but there are still {0} active calls for that server.", activeCallCount);
/// Selects corresponding handler for given call and handles the call.
private async Task HandleCallAsync(ServerRpcNew newRpc, CompletionQueueSafeHandle cq, Action continuation)
IServerCallHandler callHandler;
if (!callHandlers.TryGetValue(newRpc.Method, out callHandler))
callHandler = UnimplementedMethodCallHandler.Instance;
await callHandler.HandleCall(newRpc, cq).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Warning(e, "Exception while handling RPC.");
/// Handles the native callback.
private void HandleNewServerRpc(bool success, RequestCallContextSafeHandle ctx, CompletionQueueSafeHandle cq)
bool nextRpcRequested = false;
if (success)
var newRpc = ctx.GetServerRpcNew(this);
// after server shutdown, the callback returns with null call
if (!newRpc.Call.IsInvalid)
nextRpcRequested = true;
// Start asynchronous handler for the call.
// Don't await, the continuations will run on gRPC thread pool once triggered
// by cq.Next().
#pragma warning disable 4014
HandleCallAsync(newRpc, cq, () => AllowOneRpc(cq));
#pragma warning restore 4014
if (!nextRpcRequested)
/// Handles native callback.
private void HandleServerShutdown(bool success, BatchContextSafeHandle ctx, object state)
/// Collection of service definitions.
public class ServiceDefinitionCollection : IEnumerable
readonly Server server;
internal ServiceDefinitionCollection(Server server)
this.server = server;
/// Adds a service definition to the server. This is how you register
/// handlers for a service with the server. Only call this before Start().
public void Add(ServerServiceDefinition serviceDefinition)
/// Gets enumerator for this collection.
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return server.serviceDefinitionsList.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return server.serviceDefinitionsList.GetEnumerator();
/// Collection of server ports.
public class ServerPortCollection : IEnumerable
readonly Server server;
internal ServerPortCollection(Server server)
this.server = server;
/// Adds a new port on which server should listen.
/// Only call this before Start().
/// The port on which server will be listening.
public int Add(ServerPort serverPort)
return server.AddPortInternal(serverPort);
/// Adds a new port on which server should listen.
/// The port on which server will be listening.
/// the host
/// the port. If zero, an unused port is chosen automatically.
/// credentials to use to secure this port.
public int Add(string host, int port, ServerCredentials credentials)
return Add(new ServerPort(host, port, credentials));
/// Gets enumerator for this collection.
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return server.serverPortList.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return server.serverPortList.GetEnumerator();