/* * * Copyright 2015, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "src/core/channel/client_channel.h" #include #include "src/core/channel/channel_args.h" #include "src/core/channel/child_channel.h" #include "src/core/channel/connected_channel.h" #include "src/core/iomgr/iomgr.h" #include "src/core/support/string.h" #include #include #include #include /* Client channel implementation */ typedef struct call_data call_data; typedef struct { /* protects children, child_count, child_capacity, active_child, transport_setup_initiated does not protect channel stacks held by children transport_setup is assumed to be set once during construction */ gpr_mu mu; /* the sending child (may be null) */ grpc_child_channel *active_child; grpc_mdctx *mdctx; /* calls waiting for a channel to be ready */ call_data **waiting_children; size_t waiting_child_count; size_t waiting_child_capacity; /* transport setup for this channel */ grpc_transport_setup *transport_setup; int transport_setup_initiated; grpc_channel_args *args; } channel_data; typedef enum { CALL_CREATED, CALL_WAITING, CALL_ACTIVE, CALL_CANCELLED } call_state; struct call_data { /* owning element */ grpc_call_element *elem; call_state state; gpr_timespec deadline; union { struct { /* our child call stack */ grpc_child_call *child_call; } active; grpc_transport_op waiting_op; struct { grpc_linked_mdelem status; grpc_linked_mdelem details; } cancelled; } s; }; static int prepare_activate(grpc_call_element *elem, grpc_child_channel *on_child) { call_data *calld = elem->call_data; if (calld->state == CALL_CANCELLED) return 0; /* no more access to calld->s.waiting allowed */ GPR_ASSERT(calld->state == CALL_WAITING); calld->state = CALL_ACTIVE; /* create a child call */ /* TODO(ctiller): pass the waiting op down here */ calld->s.active.child_call = grpc_child_channel_create_call(on_child, elem, NULL); return 1; } static void complete_activate(grpc_call_element *elem, grpc_transport_op *op) { call_data *calld = elem->call_data; grpc_call_element *child_elem = grpc_child_call_get_top_element(calld->s.active.child_call); GPR_ASSERT(calld->state == CALL_ACTIVE); /* continue the start call down the stack, this nees to happen after metadata are flushed*/ child_elem->filter->start_transport_op(child_elem, op); } static void remove_waiting_child(channel_data *chand, call_data *calld) { size_t new_count; size_t i; for (i = 0, new_count = 0; i < chand->waiting_child_count; i++) { if (chand->waiting_children[i] == calld) continue; chand->waiting_children[new_count++] = chand->waiting_children[i]; } GPR_ASSERT(new_count == chand->waiting_child_count - 1 || new_count == chand->waiting_child_count); chand->waiting_child_count = new_count; } static void handle_op_after_cancellation(grpc_call_element *elem, grpc_transport_op *op) { call_data *calld = elem->call_data; channel_data *chand = elem->channel_data; if (op->send_ops) { op->on_done_send(op->send_user_data, 0); } if (op->recv_ops) { char status[GPR_LTOA_MIN_BUFSIZE]; grpc_metadata_batch mdb; gpr_ltoa(GRPC_STATUS_CANCELLED, status); calld->s.cancelled.status.md = grpc_mdelem_from_strings(chand->mdctx, "grpc-status", status); calld->s.cancelled.details.md = grpc_mdelem_from_strings(chand->mdctx, "grpc-message", "Cancelled"); calld->s.cancelled.status.prev = calld->s.cancelled.details.next = NULL; calld->s.cancelled.status.next = &calld->s.cancelled.details; calld->s.cancelled.details.prev = &calld->s.cancelled.status; mdb.list.head = &calld->s.cancelled.status; mdb.list.tail = &calld->s.cancelled.details; mdb.garbage.head = mdb.garbage.tail = NULL; mdb.deadline = gpr_inf_future; grpc_sopb_add_metadata(op->recv_ops, mdb); *op->recv_state = GRPC_STREAM_CLOSED; op->on_done_recv(op->recv_user_data, 1); } } static void cc_start_transport_op(grpc_call_element *elem, grpc_transport_op *op) { call_data *calld = elem->call_data; channel_data *chand = elem->channel_data; grpc_call_element *child_elem; grpc_transport_op waiting_op; GPR_ASSERT(elem->filter == &grpc_client_channel_filter); GRPC_CALL_LOG_OP(GPR_INFO, elem, op); gpr_mu_lock(&chand->mu); switch (calld->state) { case CALL_ACTIVE: child_elem = grpc_child_call_get_top_element(calld->s.active.child_call); gpr_mu_unlock(&chand->mu); child_elem->filter->start_transport_op(child_elem, op); break; case CALL_CREATED: if (op->cancel_with_status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) { calld->state = CALL_CANCELLED; gpr_mu_unlock(&chand->mu); handle_op_after_cancellation(elem, op); } else { calld->state = CALL_WAITING; if (chand->active_child) { /* channel is connected - use the connected stack */ if (prepare_activate(elem, chand->active_child)) { gpr_mu_unlock(&chand->mu); /* activate the request (pass it down) outside the lock */ complete_activate(elem, op); } else { gpr_mu_unlock(&chand->mu); } } else { /* check to see if we should initiate a connection (if we're not already), but don't do so until outside the lock to avoid re-entrancy problems if the callback is immediate */ int initiate_transport_setup = 0; if (!chand->transport_setup_initiated) { chand->transport_setup_initiated = 1; initiate_transport_setup = 1; } /* add this call to the waiting set to be resumed once we have a child channel stack, growing the waiting set if needed */ if (chand->waiting_child_count == chand->waiting_child_capacity) { chand->waiting_child_capacity = GPR_MAX(chand->waiting_child_capacity * 2, 8); chand->waiting_children = gpr_realloc( chand->waiting_children, chand->waiting_child_capacity * sizeof(call_data *)); } calld->s.waiting_op = *op; chand->waiting_children[chand->waiting_child_count++] = calld; gpr_mu_unlock(&chand->mu); /* finally initiate transport setup if needed */ if (initiate_transport_setup) { grpc_transport_setup_initiate(chand->transport_setup); } } } break; case CALL_WAITING: if (op->cancel_with_status != GRPC_STATUS_OK) { waiting_op = calld->s.waiting_op; remove_waiting_child(chand, calld); calld->state = CALL_CANCELLED; gpr_mu_unlock(&chand->mu); handle_op_after_cancellation(elem, &waiting_op); handle_op_after_cancellation(elem, op); } else { GPR_ASSERT((calld->s.waiting_op.send_ops == NULL) != (op->send_ops == NULL)); GPR_ASSERT((calld->s.waiting_op.recv_ops == NULL) != (op->recv_ops == NULL)); if (op->send_ops) { calld->s.waiting_op.send_ops = op->send_ops; calld->s.waiting_op.is_last_send = op->is_last_send; calld->s.waiting_op.on_done_send = op->on_done_send; calld->s.waiting_op.send_user_data = op->send_user_data; } if (op->recv_ops) { calld->s.waiting_op.recv_ops = op->recv_ops; calld->s.waiting_op.recv_state = op->recv_state; calld->s.waiting_op.on_done_recv = op->on_done_recv; calld->s.waiting_op.recv_user_data = op->recv_user_data; } gpr_mu_unlock(&chand->mu); } break; case CALL_CANCELLED: gpr_mu_unlock(&chand->mu); handle_op_after_cancellation(elem, op); break; } } static void channel_op(grpc_channel_element *elem, grpc_channel_element *from_elem, grpc_channel_op *op) { channel_data *chand = elem->channel_data; grpc_child_channel *child_channel; grpc_channel_op rop; GPR_ASSERT(elem->filter == &grpc_client_channel_filter); switch (op->type) { case GRPC_CHANNEL_GOAWAY: /* sending goaway: clear out the active child on the way through */ gpr_mu_lock(&chand->mu); child_channel = chand->active_child; chand->active_child = NULL; gpr_mu_unlock(&chand->mu); if (child_channel) { grpc_child_channel_handle_op(child_channel, op); grpc_child_channel_destroy(child_channel, 1); } else { gpr_slice_unref(op->data.goaway.message); } break; case GRPC_CHANNEL_DISCONNECT: /* sending disconnect: clear out the active child on the way through */ gpr_mu_lock(&chand->mu); child_channel = chand->active_child; chand->active_child = NULL; gpr_mu_unlock(&chand->mu); if (child_channel) { grpc_child_channel_destroy(child_channel, 1); } /* fake a transport closed to satisfy the refcounting in client */ rop.type = GRPC_TRANSPORT_CLOSED; rop.dir = GRPC_CALL_UP; grpc_channel_next_op(elem, &rop); break; case GRPC_TRANSPORT_GOAWAY: /* receiving goaway: if it's from our active child, drop the active child; in all cases consume the event here */ gpr_mu_lock(&chand->mu); child_channel = grpc_channel_stack_from_top_element(from_elem); if (child_channel == chand->active_child) { chand->active_child = NULL; } else { child_channel = NULL; } gpr_mu_unlock(&chand->mu); if (child_channel) { grpc_child_channel_destroy(child_channel, 0); } gpr_slice_unref(op->data.goaway.message); break; case GRPC_TRANSPORT_CLOSED: /* receiving disconnect: if it's from our active child, drop the active child; in all cases consume the event here */ gpr_mu_lock(&chand->mu); child_channel = grpc_channel_stack_from_top_element(from_elem); if (child_channel == chand->active_child) { chand->active_child = NULL; } else { child_channel = NULL; } gpr_mu_unlock(&chand->mu); if (child_channel) { grpc_child_channel_destroy(child_channel, 0); } break; default: switch (op->dir) { case GRPC_CALL_UP: grpc_channel_next_op(elem, op); break; case GRPC_CALL_DOWN: gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "unhandled channel op: %d", op->type); abort(); break; } break; } } /* Constructor for call_data */ static void init_call_elem(grpc_call_element *elem, const void *server_transport_data, grpc_transport_op *initial_op) { call_data *calld = elem->call_data; /* TODO(ctiller): is there something useful we can do here? */ GPR_ASSERT(initial_op == NULL); GPR_ASSERT(elem->filter == &grpc_client_channel_filter); GPR_ASSERT(server_transport_data == NULL); calld->elem = elem; calld->state = CALL_CREATED; calld->deadline = gpr_inf_future; } /* Destructor for call_data */ static void destroy_call_elem(grpc_call_element *elem) { call_data *calld = elem->call_data; /* if the call got activated, we need to destroy the child stack also, and remove it from the in-flight requests tracked by the child_entry we picked */ if (calld->state == CALL_ACTIVE) { grpc_child_call_destroy(calld->s.active.child_call); } GPR_ASSERT(calld->state != CALL_WAITING); } /* Constructor for channel_data */ static void init_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element *elem, const grpc_channel_args *args, grpc_mdctx *metadata_context, int is_first, int is_last) { channel_data *chand = elem->channel_data; GPR_ASSERT(!is_first); GPR_ASSERT(is_last); GPR_ASSERT(elem->filter == &grpc_client_channel_filter); gpr_mu_init(&chand->mu); chand->active_child = NULL; chand->waiting_children = NULL; chand->waiting_child_count = 0; chand->waiting_child_capacity = 0; chand->transport_setup = NULL; chand->transport_setup_initiated = 0; chand->args = grpc_channel_args_copy(args); chand->mdctx = metadata_context; } /* Destructor for channel_data */ static void destroy_channel_elem(grpc_channel_element *elem) { channel_data *chand = elem->channel_data; grpc_transport_setup_cancel(chand->transport_setup); if (chand->active_child) { grpc_child_channel_destroy(chand->active_child, 1); chand->active_child = NULL; } grpc_channel_args_destroy(chand->args); gpr_mu_destroy(&chand->mu); GPR_ASSERT(chand->waiting_child_count == 0); gpr_free(chand->waiting_children); } const grpc_channel_filter grpc_client_channel_filter = { cc_start_transport_op, channel_op, sizeof(call_data), init_call_elem, destroy_call_elem, sizeof(channel_data), init_channel_elem, destroy_channel_elem, "client-channel", }; grpc_transport_setup_result grpc_client_channel_transport_setup_complete( grpc_channel_stack *channel_stack, grpc_transport *transport, grpc_channel_filter const **channel_filters, size_t num_channel_filters, grpc_mdctx *mdctx) { /* we just got a new transport: lets create a child channel stack for it */ grpc_channel_element *elem = grpc_channel_stack_last_element(channel_stack); channel_data *chand = elem->channel_data; size_t num_child_filters = 2 + num_channel_filters; grpc_channel_filter const **child_filters; grpc_transport_setup_result result; grpc_child_channel *old_active = NULL; call_data **waiting_children; size_t waiting_child_count; size_t i; grpc_transport_op *call_ops; /* build the child filter stack */ child_filters = gpr_malloc(sizeof(grpc_channel_filter *) * num_child_filters); /* we always need a link back filter to get back to the connected channel */ child_filters[0] = &grpc_child_channel_top_filter; for (i = 0; i < num_channel_filters; i++) { child_filters[i + 1] = channel_filters[i]; } /* and we always need a connected channel to talk to the transport */ child_filters[num_child_filters - 1] = &grpc_connected_channel_filter; GPR_ASSERT(elem->filter == &grpc_client_channel_filter); /* BEGIN LOCKING CHANNEL */ gpr_mu_lock(&chand->mu); chand->transport_setup_initiated = 0; if (chand->active_child) { old_active = chand->active_child; } chand->active_child = grpc_child_channel_create( elem, child_filters, num_child_filters, chand->args, mdctx); result = grpc_connected_channel_bind_transport(chand->active_child, transport); /* capture the waiting children - we'll activate them outside the lock to avoid re-entrancy problems */ waiting_children = chand->waiting_children; waiting_child_count = chand->waiting_child_count; /* bumping up inflight_requests here avoids taking a lock per rpc below */ chand->waiting_children = NULL; chand->waiting_child_count = 0; chand->waiting_child_capacity = 0; call_ops = gpr_malloc(sizeof(*call_ops) * waiting_child_count); for (i = 0; i < waiting_child_count; i++) { call_ops[i] = waiting_children[i]->s.waiting_op; if (!prepare_activate(waiting_children[i]->elem, chand->active_child)) { waiting_children[i] = NULL; grpc_transport_op_finish_with_failure(&call_ops[i]); } } /* END LOCKING CHANNEL */ gpr_mu_unlock(&chand->mu); /* activate any pending operations - this is safe to do as we guarantee one and only one write operation per request at the surface api - if we lose that guarantee we need to do some curly locking here */ for (i = 0; i < waiting_child_count; i++) { if (waiting_children[i]) { complete_activate(waiting_children[i]->elem, &call_ops[i]); } } gpr_free(waiting_children); gpr_free(call_ops); gpr_free(child_filters); if (old_active) { grpc_child_channel_destroy(old_active, 1); } return result; } void grpc_client_channel_set_transport_setup(grpc_channel_stack *channel_stack, grpc_transport_setup *setup) { /* post construction initialization: set the transport setup pointer */ grpc_channel_element *elem = grpc_channel_stack_last_element(channel_stack); channel_data *chand = elem->channel_data; GPR_ASSERT(!chand->transport_setup); chand->transport_setup = setup; }