/* * * Copyright 2015, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "src/compiler/generator_helpers.h" #include "src/compiler/python_generator.h" #include #include #include #include using grpc_generator::StringReplace; using grpc_generator::StripProto; using google::protobuf::Descriptor; using google::protobuf::FileDescriptor; using google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor; using google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor; using google::protobuf::io::Printer; using google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream; using std::initializer_list; using std::make_pair; using std::map; using std::pair; using std::replace; using std::string; using std::strlen; using std::vector; namespace grpc_python_generator { namespace { ////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN FORMATTING BOILERPLATE // ////////////////////////////////// // Converts an initializer list of the form { key0, value0, key1, value1, ... } // into a map of key* to value*. Is merely a readability helper for later code. map ListToDict(const initializer_list& values) { assert(values.size() % 2 == 0); map value_map; auto value_iter = values.begin(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < values.size()/2; ++i) { string key = *value_iter; ++value_iter; string value = *value_iter; value_map[key] = value; ++value_iter; } return value_map; } // Provides RAII indentation handling. Use as: // { // IndentScope raii_my_indent_var_name_here(my_py_printer); // // constructor indented my_py_printer // ... // // destructor called at end of scope, un-indenting my_py_printer // } class IndentScope { public: explicit IndentScope(Printer* printer) : printer_(printer) { printer_->Indent(); } ~IndentScope() { printer_->Outdent(); } private: Printer* printer_; }; //////////////////////////////// // END FORMATTING BOILERPLATE // //////////////////////////////// bool PrintServicer(const ServiceDescriptor* service, Printer* out) { string doc = ""; map dict = ListToDict({ "Service", service->name(), "Documentation", doc, }); out->Print(dict, "class EarlyAdopter$Service$Servicer(object):\n"); { IndentScope raii_class_indent(out); out->Print(dict, "\"\"\"$Documentation$\"\"\"\n"); out->Print("__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta\n"); for (int i = 0; i < service->method_count(); ++i) { auto meth = service->method(i); string arg_name = meth->client_streaming() ? "request_iterator" : "request"; out->Print("@abc.abstractmethod\n"); out->Print("def $Method$(self, $ArgName$, context):\n", "Method", meth->name(), "ArgName", arg_name); { IndentScope raii_method_indent(out); out->Print("raise NotImplementedError()\n"); } } } return true; } bool PrintServer(const ServiceDescriptor* service, Printer* out) { string doc = ""; map dict = ListToDict({ "Service", service->name(), "Documentation", doc, }); out->Print(dict, "class EarlyAdopter$Service$Server(object):\n"); { IndentScope raii_class_indent(out); out->Print(dict, "\"\"\"$Documentation$\"\"\"\n"); out->Print("__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta\n"); out->Print("@abc.abstractmethod\n"); out->Print("def start(self):\n"); { IndentScope raii_method_indent(out); out->Print("raise NotImplementedError()\n"); } out->Print("@abc.abstractmethod\n"); out->Print("def stop(self):\n"); { IndentScope raii_method_indent(out); out->Print("raise NotImplementedError()\n"); } } return true; } bool PrintStub(const ServiceDescriptor* service, Printer* out) { string doc = ""; map dict = ListToDict({ "Service", service->name(), "Documentation", doc, }); out->Print(dict, "class EarlyAdopter$Service$Stub(object):\n"); { IndentScope raii_class_indent(out); out->Print(dict, "\"\"\"$Documentation$\"\"\"\n"); out->Print("__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta\n"); for (int i = 0; i < service->method_count(); ++i) { const MethodDescriptor* meth = service->method(i); string arg_name = meth->client_streaming() ? "request_iterator" : "request"; auto methdict = ListToDict({"Method", meth->name(), "ArgName", arg_name}); out->Print("@abc.abstractmethod\n"); out->Print(methdict, "def $Method$(self, $ArgName$):\n"); { IndentScope raii_method_indent(out); out->Print("raise NotImplementedError()\n"); } out->Print(methdict, "$Method$.async = None\n"); } } return true; } // TODO(protobuf team): Export `ModuleName` from protobuf's // `src/google/protobuf/compiler/python/python_generator.cc` file. string ModuleName(const string& filename) { string basename = StripProto(filename); basename = StringReplace(basename, "-", "_"); basename = StringReplace(basename, "/", "."); return basename + "_pb2"; } bool GetModuleAndMessagePath(const Descriptor* type, pair* out) { const Descriptor* path_elem_type = type; vector message_path; do { message_path.push_back(path_elem_type); path_elem_type = path_elem_type->containing_type(); } while (path_elem_type != nullptr); string file_name = type->file()->name(); static const int proto_suffix_length = strlen(".proto"); if (!(file_name.size() > static_cast(proto_suffix_length) && file_name.find_last_of(".proto") == file_name.size() - 1)) { return false; } string module = ModuleName(file_name); string message_type; for (auto path_iter = message_path.rbegin(); path_iter != message_path.rend(); ++path_iter) { message_type += (*path_iter)->name() + "."; } // no pop_back prior to C++11 message_type.resize(message_type.size() - 1); *out = make_pair(module, message_type); return true; } bool PrintServerFactory(const ServiceDescriptor* service, Printer* out) { out->Print("def early_adopter_create_$Service$_server(servicer, port, " "root_certificates, key_chain_pairs):\n", "Service", service->name()); { IndentScope raii_create_server_indent(out); map method_description_constructors; map> input_message_modules_and_classes; map> output_message_modules_and_classes; for (int i = 0; i < service->method_count(); ++i) { const MethodDescriptor* method = service->method(i); const string method_description_constructor = string(method->client_streaming() ? "stream_" : "unary_") + string(method->server_streaming() ? "stream_" : "unary_") + "service_description"; pair input_message_module_and_class; if (!GetModuleAndMessagePath(method->input_type(), &input_message_module_and_class)) { return false; } pair output_message_module_and_class; if (!GetModuleAndMessagePath(method->output_type(), &output_message_module_and_class)) { return false; } // Import the modules that define the messages used in RPCs. out->Print("import $Module$\n", "Module", input_message_module_and_class.first); out->Print("import $Module$\n", "Module", output_message_module_and_class.first); method_description_constructors.insert( make_pair(method->name(), method_description_constructor)); input_message_modules_and_classes.insert( make_pair(method->name(), input_message_module_and_class)); output_message_modules_and_classes.insert( make_pair(method->name(), output_message_module_and_class)); } out->Print("method_service_descriptions = {\n"); for (auto& name_and_description_constructor : method_description_constructors) { IndentScope raii_descriptions_indent(out); const string method_name = name_and_description_constructor.first; auto input_message_module_and_class = input_message_modules_and_classes.find(method_name); auto output_message_module_and_class = output_message_modules_and_classes.find(method_name); out->Print("\"$Method$\": utilities.$Constructor$(\n", "Method", method_name, "Constructor", name_and_description_constructor.second); { IndentScope raii_description_arguments_indent(out); out->Print("servicer.$Method$,\n", "Method", method_name); out->Print( "$InputTypeModule$.$InputTypeClass$.FromString,\n", "InputTypeModule", input_message_module_and_class->second.first, "InputTypeClass", input_message_module_and_class->second.second); out->Print( "$OutputTypeModule$.$OutputTypeClass$.SerializeToString,\n", "OutputTypeModule", output_message_module_and_class->second.first, "OutputTypeClass", output_message_module_and_class->second.second); } out->Print("),\n"); } out->Print("}\n"); // out->Print("return implementations.insecure_server(" // "method_service_descriptions, port)\n"); out->Print( "return implementations.secure_server(" "method_service_descriptions, port, root_certificates," " key_chain_pairs)\n"); } return true; } bool PrintStubFactory(const ServiceDescriptor* service, Printer* out) { map dict = ListToDict({ "Service", service->name(), }); out->Print(dict, "def early_adopter_create_$Service$_stub(host, port):\n"); { IndentScope raii_create_server_indent(out); map method_description_constructors; map> input_message_modules_and_classes; map> output_message_modules_and_classes; for (int i = 0; i < service->method_count(); ++i) { const MethodDescriptor* method = service->method(i); const string method_description_constructor = string(method->client_streaming() ? "stream_" : "unary_") + string(method->server_streaming() ? "stream_" : "unary_") + "invocation_description"; pair input_message_module_and_class; if (!GetModuleAndMessagePath(method->input_type(), &input_message_module_and_class)) { return false; } pair output_message_module_and_class; if (!GetModuleAndMessagePath(method->output_type(), &output_message_module_and_class)) { return false; } // Import the modules that define the messages used in RPCs. out->Print("import $Module$\n", "Module", input_message_module_and_class.first); out->Print("import $Module$\n", "Module", output_message_module_and_class.first); method_description_constructors.insert( make_pair(method->name(), method_description_constructor)); input_message_modules_and_classes.insert( make_pair(method->name(), input_message_module_and_class)); output_message_modules_and_classes.insert( make_pair(method->name(), output_message_module_and_class)); } out->Print("method_invocation_descriptions = {\n"); for (auto& name_and_description_constructor : method_description_constructors) { IndentScope raii_descriptions_indent(out); const string method_name = name_and_description_constructor.first; auto input_message_module_and_class = input_message_modules_and_classes.find(method_name); auto output_message_module_and_class = output_message_modules_and_classes.find(method_name); out->Print("\"$Method$\": utilities.$Constructor$(\n", "Method", method_name, "Constructor", name_and_description_constructor.second); { IndentScope raii_description_arguments_indent(out); out->Print( "$InputTypeModule$.$InputTypeClass$.SerializeToString,\n", "InputTypeModule", input_message_module_and_class->second.first, "InputTypeClass", input_message_module_and_class->second.second); out->Print( "$OutputTypeModule$.$OutputTypeClass$.FromString,\n", "OutputTypeModule", output_message_module_and_class->second.first, "OutputTypeClass", output_message_module_and_class->second.second); } out->Print("),\n"); } out->Print("}\n"); out->Print( "return implementations.insecure_stub(" "method_invocation_descriptions, host, port)\n"); } return true; } bool PrintPreamble(const FileDescriptor* file, Printer* out) { out->Print("import abc\n"); out->Print("from grpc.early_adopter import implementations\n"); out->Print("from grpc.early_adopter import utilities\n"); return true; } } // namespace pair GetServices(const FileDescriptor* file) { string output; { // Scope the output stream so it closes and finalizes output to the string. StringOutputStream output_stream(&output); Printer out(&output_stream, '$'); if (!PrintPreamble(file, &out)) { return make_pair(false, ""); } for (int i = 0; i < file->service_count(); ++i) { auto service = file->service(i); if (!(PrintServicer(service, &out) && PrintServer(service, &out) && PrintStub(service, &out) && PrintServerFactory(service, &out) && PrintStubFactory(service, &out))) { return make_pair(false, ""); } } } return make_pair(true, std::move(output)); } } // namespace grpc_python_generator