/* * * Copyright 2016, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include "src/compiler/config.h" #include "src/compiler/generator_helpers.h" #include "src/compiler/node_generator_helpers.h" using grpc::protobuf::FileDescriptor; using grpc::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor; using grpc::protobuf::MethodDescriptor; using grpc::protobuf::Descriptor; using grpc::protobuf::io::Printer; using grpc::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream; using std::map; namespace grpc_node_generator { namespace { // Returns the alias we assign to the module of the given .proto filename // when importing. Copied entirely from // github:google/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/compiler/js/js_generator.cc#L154 grpc::string ModuleAlias(const grpc::string filename) { // This scheme could technically cause problems if a file includes any 2 of: // foo/bar_baz.proto // foo_bar_baz.proto // foo_bar/baz.proto // // We'll worry about this problem if/when we actually see it. This name isn't // exposed to users so we can change it later if we need to. grpc::string basename = grpc_generator::StripProto(filename); basename = grpc_generator::StringReplace(basename, "-", "$"); basename = grpc_generator::StringReplace(basename, "/", "_"); return basename + "_pb"; } // Given a filename like foo/bar/baz.proto, returns the corresponding JavaScript // message file foo/bar/baz.js grpc::string GetJSMessageFilename(const grpc::string& filename) { grpc::string name = filename; return grpc_generator::StripProto(name) + "_pb.js"; } // Given a filename like foo/bar/baz.proto, returns the root directory // path ../../ grpc::string GetRootPath(const grpc::string& from_filename, const grpc::string& to_filename) { if (to_filename.find("google/protobuf") == 0) { // Well-known types (.proto files in the google/protobuf directory) are // assumed to come from the 'google-protobuf' npm package. We may want to // generalize this exception later by letting others put generated code in // their own npm packages. return "google-protobuf/"; } size_t slashes = std::count(from_filename.begin(), from_filename.end(), '/'); if (slashes == 0) { return "./"; } grpc::string result = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < slashes; i++) { result += "../"; } return result; } // Return the relative path to load to_file from the directory containing // from_file, assuming that both paths are relative to the same directory grpc::string GetRelativePath(const grpc::string& from_file, const grpc::string& to_file) { return GetRootPath(from_file, to_file) + to_file; } /* Finds all message types used in all services in the file, and returns them * as a map of fully qualified message type name to message descriptor */ map GetAllMessages( const FileDescriptor *file) { map message_types; for (int service_num = 0; service_num < file->service_count(); service_num++) { const ServiceDescriptor *service = file->service(service_num); for (int method_num = 0; method_num < service->method_count(); method_num++) { const MethodDescriptor *method = service->method(method_num); const Descriptor *input_type = method->input_type(); const Descriptor *output_type = method->output_type(); message_types[input_type->full_name()] = input_type; message_types[output_type->full_name()] = output_type; } } return message_types; } grpc::string MessageIdentifierName(const grpc::string& name) { return grpc_generator::StringReplace(name, ".", "_"); } grpc::string NodeObjectPath(const Descriptor *descriptor) { grpc::string module_alias = ModuleAlias(descriptor->file()->name()); grpc::string name = descriptor->full_name(); grpc_generator::StripPrefix(&name, descriptor->file()->package() + "."); return module_alias + "." + name; } // Prints out the message serializer and deserializer functions void PrintMessageTransformer(const Descriptor *descriptor, Printer *out) { map template_vars; grpc::string full_name = descriptor->full_name(); template_vars["identifier_name"] = MessageIdentifierName(full_name); template_vars["name"] = full_name; template_vars["node_name"] = NodeObjectPath(descriptor); // Print the serializer out->Print(template_vars, "function serialize_$identifier_name$(arg) {\n"); out->Indent(); out->Print(template_vars, "if (!(arg instanceof $node_name$)) {\n"); out->Indent(); out->Print(template_vars, "throw new Error('Expected argument of type $name$');\n"); out->Outdent(); out->Print("}\n"); out->Print("return new Buffer(arg.serializeBinary());\n"); out->Outdent(); out->Print("}\n\n"); // Print the deserializer out->Print(template_vars, "function deserialize_$identifier_name$(buffer_arg) {\n"); out->Indent(); out->Print( template_vars, "return $node_name$.deserializeBinary(new Uint8Array(buffer_arg));\n"); out->Outdent(); out->Print("}\n\n"); } void PrintMethod(const MethodDescriptor *method, Printer *out) { const Descriptor *input_type = method->input_type(); const Descriptor *output_type = method->output_type(); map vars; vars["service_name"] = method->service()->full_name(); vars["name"] = method->name(); vars["input_type"] = NodeObjectPath(input_type); vars["input_type_id"] = MessageIdentifierName(input_type->full_name()); vars["output_type"] = NodeObjectPath(output_type); vars["output_type_id"] = MessageIdentifierName(output_type->full_name()); vars["client_stream"] = method->client_streaming() ? "true" : "false"; vars["server_stream"] = method->server_streaming() ? "true" : "false"; out->Print("{\n"); out->Indent(); out->Print(vars, "path: '/$service_name$/$name$',\n"); out->Print(vars, "requestStream: $client_stream$,\n"); out->Print(vars, "responseStream: $server_stream$,\n"); out->Print(vars, "requestType: $input_type$,\n"); out->Print(vars, "responseType: $output_type$,\n"); out->Print(vars, "requestSerialize: serialize_$input_type_id$,\n"); out->Print(vars, "requestDeserialize: deserialize_$input_type_id$,\n"); out->Print(vars, "responseSerialize: serialize_$output_type_id$,\n"); out->Print(vars, "responseDeserialize: deserialize_$output_type_id$,\n"); out->Outdent(); out->Print("}"); } // Prints out the service descriptor object void PrintService(const ServiceDescriptor *service, Printer *out) { map template_vars; out->Print(GetNodeComments(service, true).c_str()); template_vars["name"] = service->name(); out->Print(template_vars, "var $name$Service = exports.$name$Service = {\n"); out->Indent(); for (int i = 0; i < service->method_count(); i++) { grpc::string method_name = grpc_generator::LowercaseFirstLetter( service->method(i)->name()); out->Print(GetNodeComments(service->method(i), true).c_str()); out->Print("$method_name$: ", "method_name", method_name); PrintMethod(service->method(i), out); out->Print(",\n"); out->Print(GetNodeComments(service->method(i), false).c_str()); } out->Outdent(); out->Print("};\n\n"); out->Print(template_vars, "exports.$name$Client = " "grpc.makeGenericClientConstructor($name$Service);\n"); out->Print(GetNodeComments(service, false).c_str()); } void PrintImports(const FileDescriptor *file, Printer *out) { out->Print("var grpc = require('grpc');\n"); if (file->message_type_count() > 0) { grpc::string file_path = GetRelativePath(file->name(), GetJSMessageFilename( file->name())); out->Print("var $module_alias$ = require('$file_path$');\n", "module_alias", ModuleAlias(file->name()), "file_path", file_path); } for (int i = 0; i < file->dependency_count(); i++) { grpc::string file_path = GetRelativePath( file->name(), GetJSMessageFilename(file->dependency(i)->name())); out->Print("var $module_alias$ = require('$file_path$');\n", "module_alias", ModuleAlias(file->dependency(i)->name()), "file_path", file_path); } out->Print("\n"); } void PrintTransformers(const FileDescriptor *file, Printer *out) { map messages = GetAllMessages(file); for (std::map::iterator it = messages.begin(); it != messages.end(); it++) { PrintMessageTransformer(it->second, out); } out->Print("\n"); } void PrintServices(const FileDescriptor *file, Printer *out) { for (int i = 0; i < file->service_count(); i++) { PrintService(file->service(i), out); } } } grpc::string GenerateFile(const FileDescriptor *file) { grpc::string output; { StringOutputStream output_stream(&output); Printer out(&output_stream, '$'); if (file->service_count() == 0) { return output; } out.Print("// GENERATED CODE -- DO NOT EDIT!\n\n"); grpc::string leading_comments = GetNodeComments(file, true); if (!leading_comments.empty()) { out.Print("// Original file comments:\n"); out.Print(leading_comments.c_str()); } out.Print("'use strict';\n"); PrintImports(file, &out); PrintTransformers(file, &out); PrintServices(file, &out); out.Print(GetNodeComments(file, false).c_str()); } return output; } } // namespace grpc_node_generator