/* * * Copyright 2015, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ // Generates cpp gRPC service interface out of Protobuf IDL. // #include #include #include "src/compiler/config.h" #include "src/compiler/cpp_generator.h" #include "src/compiler/cpp_generator_helpers.h" #include "src/compiler/generator_helpers.h" using grpc_cpp_generator::GetCppComments; class ProtoBufMethod : public grpc_cpp_generator::Method { public: ProtoBufMethod(const grpc::protobuf::MethodDescriptor *method) : method_(method) {} grpc::string name() const { return method_->name(); } grpc::string input_type_name() const { return grpc_cpp_generator::ClassName(method_->input_type(), true); } grpc::string output_type_name() const { return grpc_cpp_generator::ClassName(method_->output_type(), true); } bool NoStreaming() const { return !method_->client_streaming() && !method_->server_streaming(); } bool ClientOnlyStreaming() const { return method_->client_streaming() && !method_->server_streaming(); } bool ServerOnlyStreaming() const { return !method_->client_streaming() && method_->server_streaming(); } bool BidiStreaming() const { return method_->client_streaming() && method_->server_streaming(); } grpc::string GetLeadingComments() const { return GetCppComments(method_, true); } grpc::string GetTrailingComments() const { return GetCppComments(method_, false); } private: const grpc::protobuf::MethodDescriptor *method_; }; class ProtoBufService : public grpc_cpp_generator::Service { public: ProtoBufService(const grpc::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor *service) : service_(service) {} grpc::string name() const { return service_->name(); } int method_count() const { return service_->method_count(); }; std::unique_ptr method(int i) const { return std::unique_ptr( new ProtoBufMethod(service_->method(i))); }; grpc::string GetLeadingComments() const { return GetCppComments(service_, true); } grpc::string GetTrailingComments() const { return GetCppComments(service_, false); } private: const grpc::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor *service_; }; class ProtoBufPrinter : public grpc_cpp_generator::Printer { public: ProtoBufPrinter(grpc::string *str) : output_stream_(str), printer_(&output_stream_, '$') {} void Print(const std::map &vars, const char *string_template) { printer_.Print(vars, string_template); } void Print(const char *string) { printer_.Print(string); } void Indent() { printer_.Indent(); } void Outdent() { printer_.Outdent(); } private: grpc::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream output_stream_; grpc::protobuf::io::Printer printer_; }; class ProtoBufFile : public grpc_cpp_generator::File { public: ProtoBufFile(const grpc::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file) : file_(file) {} grpc::string filename() const { return file_->name(); } grpc::string filename_without_ext() const { return grpc_generator::StripProto(filename()); } grpc::string message_header_ext() const { return ".pb.h"; } grpc::string service_header_ext() const { return ".grpc.pb.h"; } grpc::string package() const { return file_->package(); } std::vector package_parts() const { return grpc_generator::tokenize(package(), "."); } grpc::string additional_headers() const { return ""; } int service_count() const { return file_->service_count(); }; std::unique_ptr service(int i) const { return std::unique_ptr ( new ProtoBufService(file_->service(i))); } std::unique_ptr CreatePrinter(grpc::string *str) const { return std::unique_ptr( new ProtoBufPrinter(str)); } grpc::string GetLeadingComments() const { return GetCppComments(file_, true); } grpc::string GetTrailingComments() const { return GetCppComments(file_, false); } private: const grpc::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file_; }; class CppGrpcGenerator : public grpc::protobuf::compiler::CodeGenerator { public: CppGrpcGenerator() {} virtual ~CppGrpcGenerator() {} virtual bool Generate(const grpc::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file, const grpc::string ¶meter, grpc::protobuf::compiler::GeneratorContext *context, grpc::string *error) const { if (file->options().cc_generic_services()) { *error = "cpp grpc proto compiler plugin does not work with generic " "services. To generate cpp grpc APIs, please set \"" "cc_generic_service = false\"."; return false; } grpc_cpp_generator::Parameters generator_parameters; generator_parameters.use_system_headers = true; ProtoBufFile pbfile(file); if (!parameter.empty()) { std::vector parameters_list = grpc_generator::tokenize(parameter, ","); for (auto parameter_string = parameters_list.begin(); parameter_string != parameters_list.end(); parameter_string++) { std::vector param = grpc_generator::tokenize(*parameter_string, "="); if (param[0] == "services_namespace") { generator_parameters.services_namespace = param[1]; } else if (param[0] == "use_system_headers") { if (param[1] == "true") { generator_parameters.use_system_headers = true; } else if (param[1] == "false") { generator_parameters.use_system_headers = false; } else { *error = grpc::string("Invalid parameter: ") + *parameter_string; return false; } } else if (param[0] == "grpc_search_path") { generator_parameters.grpc_search_path = param[1]; } else { *error = grpc::string("Unknown parameter: ") + *parameter_string; return false; } } } grpc::string file_name = grpc_generator::StripProto(file->name()); grpc::string header_code = grpc_cpp_generator::GetHeaderPrologue(&pbfile, generator_parameters) + grpc_cpp_generator::GetHeaderIncludes(&pbfile, generator_parameters) + grpc_cpp_generator::GetHeaderServices(&pbfile, generator_parameters) + grpc_cpp_generator::GetHeaderEpilogue(&pbfile, generator_parameters); std::unique_ptr header_output( context->Open(file_name + ".grpc.pb.h")); grpc::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream header_coded_out( header_output.get()); header_coded_out.WriteRaw(header_code.data(), header_code.size()); grpc::string source_code = grpc_cpp_generator::GetSourcePrologue(&pbfile, generator_parameters) + grpc_cpp_generator::GetSourceIncludes(&pbfile, generator_parameters) + grpc_cpp_generator::GetSourceServices(&pbfile, generator_parameters) + grpc_cpp_generator::GetSourceEpilogue(&pbfile, generator_parameters); std::unique_ptr source_output( context->Open(file_name + ".grpc.pb.cc")); grpc::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream source_coded_out( source_output.get()); source_coded_out.WriteRaw(source_code.data(), source_code.size()); return true; } private: // Insert the given code into the given file at the given insertion point. void Insert(grpc::protobuf::compiler::GeneratorContext *context, const grpc::string &filename, const grpc::string &insertion_point, const grpc::string &code) const { std::unique_ptr output( context->OpenForInsert(filename, insertion_point)); grpc::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream coded_out(output.get()); coded_out.WriteRaw(code.data(), code.size()); } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { CppGrpcGenerator generator; return grpc::protobuf::compiler::PluginMain(argc, argv, &generator); }