gRPC in 3 minutes (Java) ======================== PREREQUISITES ------------- - [Java 8]( - [Maven 3.2 or later]( - this is needed to install Netty5, a dependency of gRPC, and to build this sample INSTALL ------- 1 Clone the gRPC Java git repo ```sh $ cd $ git clone ``` 2 Install gRPC Java, as described in [How to Build]( ```sh $ # from this dir $ cd grpc-java $ # follow the instructions in 'How to Build' ``` 3 Clone this repo, if you've not already done so. ```sh $ cd $ git clone $ cd grpc-common/java # switch to this directory ``` 4 Build the samples ```sh $ # from this directory $ mvn package ``` TRY IT! ------- - Run the server ```sh $ # from this directory $ ./ & ``` - Run the client ```sh $ # from this directory $ ./ ```