#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Sample app that connects to a Route Guide service. # # Usage: $ path/to/route_guide_client.rb path/to/route_guide_db.json & this_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) lib_dir = File.join(File.dirname(this_dir), 'lib') $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib_dir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib_dir) require 'grpc' require 'multi_json' require 'route_guide_services_pb' include Routeguide GET_FEATURE_POINTS = [ Point.new(latitude: 409_146_138, longitude: -746_188_906), Point.new(latitude: 0, longitude: 0) ] # runs a GetFeature rpc. # # - once with a point known to be present in the sample route database # - once with a point that is not in the sample database def run_get_feature(stub) p 'GetFeature' p '----------' GET_FEATURE_POINTS.each do |pt| resp = stub.get_feature(pt) if resp.name != '' p "- found '#{resp.name}' at #{pt.inspect}" else p "- found nothing at #{pt.inspect}" end end end LIST_FEATURES_RECT = Rectangle.new( lo: Point.new(latitude: 400_000_000, longitude: -750_000_000), hi: Point.new(latitude: 420_000_000, longitude: -730_000_000)) # runs a ListFeatures rpc. # # - the rectangle to chosen to include most of the known features # in the sample db. def run_list_features(stub) p 'ListFeatures' p '------------' resps = stub.list_features(LIST_FEATURES_RECT) resps.each do |r| p "- found '#{r.name}' at #{r.location.inspect}" end end # RandomRoute provides an Enumerable that yields a random 'route' of points # from a list of Features. class RandomRoute def initialize(features, size) @features = features @size = size end # yields a point, waiting between 0 and 1 seconds between each yield # # @return an Enumerable that yields a random point def each return enum_for(:each) unless block_given? @size.times do json_feature = @features[rand(0..@features.length)] next if json_feature.nil? location = json_feature['location'] pt = Point.new( Hash[location.each_pair.map { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }]) p "- next point is #{pt.inspect}" yield pt sleep(rand(0..1)) end end end # runs a RecordRoute rpc. # # - the rectangle to chosen to include most of the known features # in the sample db. def run_record_route(stub, features) p 'RecordRoute' p '-----------' points_on_route = 10 # arbitrary reqs = RandomRoute.new(features, points_on_route) resp = stub.record_route(reqs.each) p "summary: #{resp.inspect}" end ROUTE_CHAT_NOTES = [ RouteNote.new(message: 'doh - a deer', location: Point.new(latitude: 0, longitude: 0)), RouteNote.new(message: 'ray - a drop of golden sun', location: Point.new(latitude: 0, longitude: 1)), RouteNote.new(message: 'me - the name I call myself', location: Point.new(latitude: 1, longitude: 0)), RouteNote.new(message: 'fa - a longer way to run', location: Point.new(latitude: 1, longitude: 1)), RouteNote.new(message: 'soh - with needle and a thread', location: Point.new(latitude: 0, longitude: 1)) ] # runs a RouteChat rpc. # # sends a canned set of route notes and prints out the responses. def run_route_chat(stub) p 'Route Chat' p '----------' sleeping_enumerator = SleepingEnumerator.new(ROUTE_CHAT_NOTES, 1) stub.route_chat(sleeping_enumerator.each_item) { |r| p "received #{r.inspect}" } end # SleepingEnumerator yields through items, and sleeps between each one class SleepingEnumerator def initialize(items, delay) @items = items @delay = delay end def each_item return enum_for(:each_item) unless block_given? @items.each do |item| sleep @delay p "next item to send is #{item.inspect}" yield item end end end def main stub = RouteGuide::Stub.new('localhost:50051', :this_channel_is_insecure) run_get_feature(stub) run_list_features(stub) run_route_chat(stub) if ARGV.length == 0 p 'no feature database; skipping record_route' exit end raw_data = [] File.open(ARGV[0]) do |f| raw_data = MultiJson.load(f.read) end run_record_route(stub, raw_data) end main