gRPC in 3 minutes (Python) ======================== Background ------------- For this sample, we've already generated the server and client stubs from [helloworld.proto][] and we'll be using a specific reference platform. Prerequisites ------------- - Debian 8.2 "Jessie" platform with `root` access - `git` - `python2.7` - `pip` - Python development headers Set-up ------- ```sh $ # install the gRPC Core: $ sudo apt-get install libgrpc-dev $ # install gRPC Python: $ sudo pip install -U grpcio==0.11.0b1 $ # Since this "hello, world" example uses protocol buffers: $ sudo pip install -U protobuf==3.0.0a3 $ # Clone the repository to get the example code: $ git clone $ # Navigate to the "hello, world" Python example: $ cd grpc/examples/python/helloworld ``` Try it! ------- - Run the server ```sh $ python2.7 & ``` - Run the client ```sh $ python2.7 ``` Tutorial -------- You can find a more detailed tutorial in [gRPC Basics: Python][] [helloworld.proto]:../protos/helloworld.proto [Install gRPC Python]:../../src/python#installation [gRPC Basics: Python]: