gRPC in 3 minutes (C#) ======================== BACKGROUND ------------- This is a different version of the helloworld example, using the dotnet sdk tools to build and run. For this sample, we've already generated the server and client stubs from [helloworld.proto][]. Example projects in this directory depend on the [Grpc]( and [Google.Protobuf]( NuGet packages which have been already added to the project for you. The examples in this directory target .NET 4.5 framework, as .NET Core support is currently experimental. PREREQUISITES ------------- - The DotNetCore SDK cli. - The .NET 4.5 framework. Both are available to download at BUILD ------- From the `examples/csharp/helloworld-from-cli` directory: - `dotnet restore` - `dotnet build **/project.json` (this will automatically download NuGet dependencies) Try it! ------- - Run the server ``` > cd GreeterServer > dotnet run ``` - Run the client ``` > cd GreeterClient > dotnet run ``` Tutorial -------- You can find a more detailed tutorial about Grpc in [gRPC Basics: C#][] [helloworld.proto]:../../protos/helloworld.proto [gRPC Basics: C#]: