gRPC in 3 minutes (C#) ======================== BACKGROUND ------------- This is a version of the helloworld example using the dotnet SDK tools to compile [helloworld.proto][] in a common library, build the server and the client, and run them. PREREQUISITES ------------- - The [.NET Core SDK 2.1+]( You can also build the solution `Greeter.sln` using Visual Studio 2017, but it's not a requirement. BUILD AND RUN ------------- - Build and run the server ``` > dotnet run -p GreeterServer ``` - Build and run the client ``` > dotnet run -p GreeterClient ``` Tutorial -------- You can find a more detailed tutorial about Grpc in [gRPC Basics: C#][] [helloworld.proto]:../../protos/helloworld.proto [gRPC Basics: C#]: