gRPC environment variables -------------------------- gRPC C core based implementations (those contained in this repository) expose some configuration as environment variables that can be set. * GRPC_ABORT_ON_LEAKS A debugging aid to cause a call to abort() when gRPC objects are leaked past grpc_shutdown(). Set to 1 to cause the abort, if unset or 0 it does not abort the process. * GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS The path to find the credentials to use when Google credentials are created * GRPC_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES A colon separated list of cipher suites to use with OpenSSL Defaults to: ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 * GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH PEM file to load SSL roots from * GRPC_POLL_STRATEGY [posix-style environments only] Declares which polling engines to try when starting gRPC. This is a comma-separated list of engines, which are tried in priority order first -> last. Available polling engines include: - epoll (linux-only) - a polling engine based around the epoll family of system calls - poll - a portable polling engine based around poll(), intended to be a fallback engine when nothing better exists - legacy - the (deprecated) original polling engine for gRPC * GRPC_TRACE A comma separated list of tracers that provide additional insight into how gRPC C core is processing requests via debug logs. Available tracers include: - api - traces api calls to the C core - bdp_estimator - traces behavior of bdp estimation logic - call_error - traces the possible errors contributing to final call status - channel - traces operations on the C core channel stack - combiner - traces combiner lock state - compression - traces compression operations - connectivity_state - traces connectivity state changes to channels - channel_stack_builder - traces information about channel stacks being built - http - traces state in the http2 transport engine - http1 - traces HTTP/1.x operations performed by gRPC - flowctl - traces http2 flow control - op_failure - traces error information when failure is pushed onto a completion queue - pending_tags - [debug builds only] traces still-in-progress tags on completion queues - round_robin - traces the round_robin load balancing policy - glb - traces the grpclb load balancer - queue_pluck - queue_timeout - server_channel - lightweight trace of significant server channel events - secure_endpoint - traces bytes flowing through encrypted channels - transport_security - traces metadata about secure channel establishment - tcp - traces bytes in and out of a channel 'all' can additionally be used to turn all traces on. Individual traces can be disabled by prefixing them with '-'. Example: export GRPC_TRACE=all,-pending_tags * GRPC_VERBOSITY Default gRPC logging verbosity - one of: - DEBUG - log all gRPC messages - INFO - log INFO and ERROR message - ERROR - log only errors * GRPC_DNS_RESOLVER Declares which DNS resolver to use. The default is ares if gRPC is built with c-ares support. Otherwise, the value of this environment variable is ignored. Available DNS resolver include: - native (default)- a DNS resolver based around getaddrinfo(), creates a new thread to perform name resolution - ares - a DNS resolver based around the c-ares library