language: objective-c osx_image: xcode7.1 env: global: - CONFIG=opt - TEST=objc - JOBS=1 before_install: - brew install gflags # Pod install does this too, but we don't want the output. - pod repo update --silent - make grpc_objective_c_plugin - make interop_server install: - pushd src/objective-c/tests # Needs to be verbose, or otherwise OpenSSL's prepare_command makes Travis # time out: - pod install --verbose - popd before_script: - bins/$CONFIG/interop_server --port=5050 & - bins/$CONFIG/interop_server --port=5051 --use_tls & xcode_workspace: src/objective-c/tests/Tests.xcworkspace xcode_scheme: AllTests xcode_sdk: iphonesimulator9.1 notifications: email: false