path: root/templates/BUILD.template
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'templates/BUILD.template')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/templates/BUILD.template b/templates/BUILD.template
index 997c55b1c8..8303b9f8e9 100644
--- a/templates/BUILD.template
+++ b/templates/BUILD.template
@@ -32,38 +32,79 @@
licenses(["notice"]) # 3-clause BSD
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+def get_deps(target_dict):
+ deps = []
+ if target_dict.get('secure', 'no') == 'yes':
+ deps = [
+ "//external:libssl",
+ ]
+ if target_dict.get('build', None) == 'protoc':
+ deps.append("//external:protobuf_compiler")
+ if target_dict['name'] == 'grpc++_unsecure' or target_dict['name'] == 'grpc++':
+ deps.append("//external:protobuf_clib")
+ for d in target_dict.get('deps', []):
+ if d.find('//') == 0 or d[0] == ':':
+ deps.append(d)
+ else:
+ deps.append(':%s' % (d))
+ return deps
% for lib in libs:
-% if lib.build == "all" and lib.language == 'c':
+% if lib.build != "private":
% endif
% endfor
-<%def name="makelib(lib)">
+% for tgt in targets:
+% if tgt.build == 'protoc':
+% endif
+% endfor
+<%def name="cc_library(lib)">
- name = "${lib.name}",
- srcs = [
+ name = "${lib.name}",
+ srcs = [
% for hdr in lib.get("headers", []):
- "${hdr}",
+ "${hdr}",
% endfor
% for src in lib.src:
- "${src}",
+ "${src}",
% endfor
- ],
- hdrs = [
+ ],
+ hdrs = [
% for hdr in lib.get("public_headers", []):
- "${hdr}",
+ "${hdr}",
% endfor
- ],
- includes = [
- "include",
- ".",
- ],
- deps = [
-% for dep in lib.get("deps", []):
- ":${dep}",
+ ],
+ includes = [
+ "include",
+ ".",
+ ],
+ deps = [
+% for dep in get_deps(lib):
+ "${dep}",
% endfor
- ],
+ ],
+<%def name="cc_binary(tgt)">
+ name = "${tgt.name}",
+ srcs = [
+% for src in tgt.src:
+ "${src}",
+% endfor
+ ],
+ deps = [
+% for dep in get_deps(tgt):
+ "${dep}",
+% endfor
+ ],