path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 175 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/src/node/ext/channel_credentials.cc b/src/node/ext/channel_credentials.cc
index b77ff80af2..059bc8a890 100644
--- a/src/node/ext/channel_credentials.cc
+++ b/src/node/ext/channel_credentials.cc
@@ -154,6 +154,12 @@ NAN_METHOD(ChannelCredentials::CreateSsl) {
return Nan::ThrowTypeError(
"createSSl's third argument must be a Buffer if provided");
+ if ((key_cert_pair.private_key == NULL) !=
+ (key_cert_pair.cert_chain == NULL)) {
+ return Nan::ThrowError(
+ "createSsl's second and third arguments must be"
+ " provided or omitted together");
+ }
grpc_channel_credentials *creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create(
root_certs, key_cert_pair.private_key == NULL ? NULL : &key_cert_pair,
diff --git a/src/node/ext/server_credentials.cc b/src/node/ext/server_credentials.cc
index e6c55e263c..5285d53df4 100644
--- a/src/node/ext/server_credentials.cc
+++ b/src/node/ext/server_credentials.cc
@@ -167,30 +167,18 @@ NAN_METHOD(ServerCredentials::CreateSsl) {
return Nan::ThrowTypeError("Key/cert pairs must be objects");
Local<Object> pair_obj = Nan::To<Object>(pair_val).ToLocalChecked();
- MaybeLocal<Value> maybe_key = Nan::Get(pair_obj, key_key);
- if (maybe_key.IsEmpty()) {
- delete key_cert_pairs;
- return Nan::ThrowTypeError(
- "Key/cert pairs must have a private_key and a cert_chain");
- }
- MaybeLocal<Value> maybe_cert = Nan::Get(pair_obj, cert_key);
- if (maybe_cert.IsEmpty()) {
- delete key_cert_pairs;
- return Nan::ThrowTypeError(
- "Key/cert pairs must have a private_key and a cert_chain");
- }
- if (!::node::Buffer::HasInstance(maybe_key.ToLocalChecked())) {
+ Local<Value> maybe_key = Nan::Get(pair_obj, key_key).ToLocalChecked();
+ Local<Value> maybe_cert = Nan::Get(pair_obj, cert_key).ToLocalChecked();
+ if (!::node::Buffer::HasInstance(maybe_key)) {
delete key_cert_pairs;
return Nan::ThrowTypeError("private_key must be a Buffer");
- if (!::node::Buffer::HasInstance(maybe_cert.ToLocalChecked())) {
+ if (!::node::Buffer::HasInstance(maybe_cert)) {
delete key_cert_pairs;
return Nan::ThrowTypeError("cert_chain must be a Buffer");
- key_cert_pairs[i].private_key = ::node::Buffer::Data(
- maybe_key.ToLocalChecked());
- key_cert_pairs[i].cert_chain = ::node::Buffer::Data(
- maybe_cert.ToLocalChecked());
+ key_cert_pairs[i].private_key = ::node::Buffer::Data(maybe_key);
+ key_cert_pairs[i].cert_chain = ::node::Buffer::Data(maybe_cert);
grpc_server_credentials *creds = grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create(
root_certs, key_cert_pairs, key_cert_pair_count, force_client_auth, NULL);
diff --git a/src/node/test/credentials_test.js b/src/node/test/credentials_test.js
index 647f648ca9..294600c85a 100644
--- a/src/node/test/credentials_test.js
+++ b/src/node/test/credentials_test.js
@@ -76,6 +76,146 @@ var fakeFailingGoogleCredentials = {
+var key_data, pem_data, ca_data;
+before(function() {
+ var key_path = path.join(__dirname, './data/server1.key');
+ var pem_path = path.join(__dirname, './data/server1.pem');
+ var ca_path = path.join(__dirname, '../test/data/ca.pem');
+ key_data = fs.readFileSync(key_path);
+ pem_data = fs.readFileSync(pem_path);
+ ca_data = fs.readFileSync(ca_path);
+describe('channel credentials', function() {
+ describe('#createSsl', function() {
+ it('works with no arguments', function() {
+ var creds;
+ assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ creds = grpc.credentials.createSsl();
+ });
+ assert.notEqual(creds, null);
+ });
+ it('works with just one Buffer argument', function() {
+ var creds;
+ assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ creds = grpc.credentials.createSsl(ca_data);
+ });
+ assert.notEqual(creds, null);
+ });
+ it('works with 3 Buffer arguments', function() {
+ var creds;
+ assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ creds = grpc.credentials.createSsl(ca_data, key_data, pem_data);
+ });
+ assert.notEqual(creds, null);
+ });
+ it('works if the first argument is null', function() {
+ var creds;
+ assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ creds = grpc.credentials.createSsl(null, key_data, pem_data);
+ });
+ assert.notEqual(creds, null);
+ });
+ it('fails if the first argument is a non-Buffer value', function() {
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ grpc.credentials.createSsl('test');
+ }, TypeError);
+ });
+ it('fails if the second argument is a non-Buffer value', function() {
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ grpc.credentials.createSsl(null, 'test', pem_data);
+ }, TypeError);
+ });
+ it('fails if the third argument is a non-Buffer value', function() {
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ grpc.credentials.createSsl(null, key_data, 'test');
+ }, TypeError);
+ });
+ it('fails if only 1 of the last 2 arguments is provided', function() {
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ grpc.credentials.createSsl(null, key_data);
+ });
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ grpc.credentials.createSsl(null, null, pem_data);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+describe('server credentials', function() {
+ describe('#createSsl', function() {
+ it('accepts a buffer and array as the first 2 arguments', function() {
+ var creds;
+ assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ creds = grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl(ca_data, []);
+ });
+ assert.notEqual(creds, null);
+ });
+ it('accepts a boolean as the third argument', function() {
+ var creds;
+ assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ creds = grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl(ca_data, [], true);
+ });
+ assert.notEqual(creds, null);
+ });
+ it('accepts an object with two buffers in the second argument', function() {
+ var creds;
+ assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ creds = grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl(null,
+ [{private_key: key_data,
+ cert_chain: pem_data}]);
+ });
+ assert.notEqual(creds, null);
+ });
+ it('accepts multiple objects in the second argument', function() {
+ var creds;
+ assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ creds = grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl(null,
+ [{private_key: key_data,
+ cert_chain: pem_data},
+ {private_key: key_data,
+ cert_chain: pem_data}]);
+ });
+ assert.notEqual(creds, null);
+ });
+ it('fails if the second argument is not an Array', function() {
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl(ca_data, 'test');
+ }, TypeError);
+ });
+ it('fails if the first argument is a non-Buffer value', function() {
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl('test', []);
+ }, TypeError);
+ });
+ it('fails if the third argument is a non-boolean value', function() {
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl(ca_data, [], 'test');
+ }, TypeError);
+ });
+ it('fails if the array elements are not objects', function() {
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl(ca_data, 'test');
+ }, TypeError);
+ });
+ it('fails if the object does not have a Buffer private_key', function() {
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl(null,
+ [{private_key: 'test',
+ cert_chain: pem_data}]);
+ }, TypeError);
+ });
+ it('fails if the object does not have a Buffer cert_chain', function() {
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl(null,
+ [{private_key: key_data,
+ cert_chain: 'test'}]);
+ }, TypeError);
+ });
+ });
describe('client credentials', function() {
var Client;
var server;
@@ -109,20 +249,13 @@ describe('client credentials', function() {
- var key_path = path.join(__dirname, './data/server1.key');
- var pem_path = path.join(__dirname, './data/server1.pem');
- var key_data = fs.readFileSync(key_path);
- var pem_data = fs.readFileSync(pem_path);
var creds = grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl(null,
[{private_key: key_data,
cert_chain: pem_data}]);
- //creds = grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure();
port = server.bind('localhost:0', creds);
Client = proto.TestService;
- var ca_path = path.join(__dirname, '../test/data/ca.pem');
- var ca_data = fs.readFileSync(ca_path);
client_ssl_creds = grpc.credentials.createSsl(ca_data);
var host_override = 'foo.test.google.fr';
client_options['grpc.ssl_target_name_override'] = host_override;
diff --git a/src/node/test/server_test.js b/src/node/test/server_test.js
index 999a183b3c..592f47e145 100644
--- a/src/node/test/server_test.js
+++ b/src/node/test/server_test.js
@@ -45,9 +45,30 @@ describe('server', function() {
new grpc.Server();
- it('should work with an empty list argument', function() {
+ it('should work with an empty object argument', function() {
assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
- new grpc.Server([]);
+ new grpc.Server({});
+ });
+ });
+ it('should work without the new keyword', function() {
+ var server;
+ assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ server = grpc.Server();
+ });
+ assert(server instanceof grpc.Server);
+ });
+ it('should only accept objects with string or int values', function() {
+ assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ new grpc.Server({'key' : 'value'});
+ });
+ assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
+ new grpc.Server({'key' : 5});
+ });
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ new grpc.Server({'key' : null});
+ });
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ new grpc.Server({'key' : new Date()});