path: root/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools/build/_protobuf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/csharp/Grpc.Tools/build/_protobuf')
4 files changed, 506 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools/build/_protobuf/Google.Protobuf.Tools.props b/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools/build/_protobuf/Google.Protobuf.Tools.props
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06ee9bcda8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools/build/_protobuf/Google.Protobuf.Tools.props
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <MSBuildAllProjects>$(MSBuildAllProjects);$(MSBuildThisFileFullPath)</MSBuildAllProjects>
+ <!-- Revision number of this package conventions (as if "API" version). -->
+ <Protobuf_ToolingRevision>1</Protobuf_ToolingRevision>
+ <!-- TODO(kkm): Remove "../" when separating packages. -->
+ <Protobuf_PackagedToolsPath>$( [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)../native/) )</Protobuf_PackagedToolsPath>
+ <Protobuf_StandardImportsPath>$(Protobuf_PackagedToolsPath)include</Protobuf_StandardImportsPath>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- NET SDK projects only: include proto files by default. Other project
+ types are not setting or using $(EnableDefaultItems).
+ Note that MSBuild evaluates all ItemGroups and their conditions in the
+ final pass over the build script, so properties like EnableDefaultProtoBufItems
+ here can be changed later in the project. -->
+ <ItemGroup Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProjectSupported)' == 'true' ">
+ <ProtoBuf Include="**/*.proto"
+ Condition=" '$(EnableDefaultItems)' == 'true' and '$(EnableDefaultProtoBufItems)' == 'true' " />
+ </ItemGroup>
diff --git a/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools/build/_protobuf/Google.Protobuf.Tools.targets b/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools/build/_protobuf/Google.Protobuf.Tools.targets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a8d3f2027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools/build/_protobuf/Google.Protobuf.Tools.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <MSBuildAllProjects>$(MSBuildAllProjects);$(MSBuildThisFileFullPath)</MSBuildAllProjects>
+ <!-- We allow a non-C# generator be set by the user, but skip adding outputs to Compile in this case. -->
+ <Protobuf_Generator Condition=" '$(Protobuf_Generator)' == '' and '$(Language)' == 'C#' ">CSharp</Protobuf_Generator>
+ <!-- Configuration is passing the smoke test. -->
+ <Protobuf_ProjectSupported Condition=" '$(Protobuf_Generator)' != '' ">true</Protobuf_ProjectSupported>
+ <_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly Condition=" '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)' == 'Core' ">netstandard1.3\Protobuf.MSBuild.dll</_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly>
+ <_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly Condition=" '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)' != 'Core' ">net40\Protobuf.MSBuild.dll</_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <UsingTask AssemblyFile="$(_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly)" TaskName="Grpc.Tools.ProtoToolsPlatform" />
+ <UsingTask AssemblyFile="$(_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly)" TaskName="Grpc.Tools.ProtoCompilerOutputs" />
+ <UsingTask AssemblyFile="$(_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly)" TaskName="Grpc.Tools.ProtoReadDependencies" />
+ <UsingTask AssemblyFile="$(_Protobuf_MsBuildAssembly)" TaskName="Grpc.Tools.ProtoCompile" />
+ <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProjectSupported)' == 'true' ">
+ <Protobuf_IntermediatePath Condition=" '$(Protobuf_IntermediatePath)' == '' ">$(IntermediateOutputPath)</Protobuf_IntermediatePath>
+ <Protobuf_OutputPath Condition=" '$(Protobuf_OutputPath)' == '' ">$(Protobuf_IntermediatePath)</Protobuf_OutputPath>
+ <Protobuf_DepFilesPath Condition=" '$(Protobuf_DepFilesPath)' == '' ">$(Protobuf_IntermediatePath)</Protobuf_DepFilesPath>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProjectSupported)' == 'true' and '$(Language)' == 'C#' ">
+ <ProtoBuf>
+ <Access Condition="'%(ProtoBuf.Access)' == '' ">Public</Access>
+ <ProtoCompile Condition="'%(ProtoBuf.ProtoCompile)' == '' ">True</ProtoCompile>
+ <ProtoRoot Condition="'%(ProtoBuf.ProtoRoot)' == '' " />
+ <CompileOutputs Condition="'%(ProtoBuf.CompileOutputs)' == ''">True</CompileOutputs>
+ <OutputDir Condition="'%(ProtoBuf.OutputDir)' == '' ">$(Protobuf_OutputPath)</OutputDir>
+ </ProtoBuf>
+ </ItemDefinitionGroup>
+ <ItemGroup Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProjectSupported)' == 'true' and '$(Language)' == 'C#' ">
+ <PropertyPageSchema Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)Protobuf.CSharp.xml">
+ <Context>File;BrowseObject</Context>
+ </PropertyPageSchema>
+ <AvailableItemName Include="ProtoBuf" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- NET SDK: by default, do not include proto files in the directory.
+ Current Microsoft's recommendation is against globbing:
+ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/csproj#recommendation -->
+ <EnableDefaultProtoBufItems Condition=" '$(EnableDefaultProtoBufItems)' == '' ">false</EnableDefaultProtoBufItems>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- Check configuration sanity before build. -->
+ <Target Name="_Protobuf_SanityCheck" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
+ <Error
+ Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProjectSupported)' != 'true' "
+ Text="Google.Protobuf.Tools proto compilation is only supported by default in a C# project (extension .csproj)" />
+ </Target>
+ <!--================================================================================
+ Tool path resolution
+ =================================================================================-->
+ <!-- Extension point for plugin packages: use Protobuf_ToolsOs and Protobuf_ToolsCpu
+ to resolve executable. Either or both may be blank, however, if resolution
+ fails; do check them before using. -->
+ <Target Name="Protobuf_ResolvePlatform">
+ <ProtoToolsPlatform>
+ <Output TaskParameter="Os" PropertyName="_Protobuf_ToolsOs"/>
+ <Output TaskParameter="Cpu" PropertyName="_Protobuf_ToolsCpu"/>
+ </ProtoToolsPlatform>
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- First try environment variable. -->
+ <Protobuf_ToolsOs>$(PROTOBUF_TOOLS_OS)</Protobuf_ToolsOs>
+ <Protobuf_ToolsCpu>$(PROTOBUF_TOOLS_CPU)</Protobuf_ToolsCpu>
+ <Protobuf_ProtocFullPath>$(PROTOBUF_PROTOC)</Protobuf_ProtocFullPath>
+ <!-- Next try OS and CPU resolved by ProtoToolsPlatform. -->
+ <Protobuf_ToolsOs Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ToolsOs)' == '' ">$(_Protobuf_ToolsOs)</Protobuf_ToolsOs>
+ <Protobuf_ToolsCpu Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ToolsCpu)' == '' ">$(_Protobuf_ToolsCpu)</Protobuf_ToolsCpu>
+ <Protobuf_ProtocFullPath Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProtocFullPath)' == '' and '$(Protobuf_ToolsOs)' == 'windows' "
+ >$(Protobuf_PackagedToolsPath)bin\$(Protobuf_ToolsOs)\protoc.exe</Protobuf_ProtocFullPath>
+ <Protobuf_ProtocFullPath Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProtocFullPath)' == '' "
+ >$(Protobuf_PackagedToolsPath)bin/$(Protobuf_ToolsOs)_$(Protobuf_ToolsCpu)/protoc</Protobuf_ProtocFullPath>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <Error Condition=" '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true' and '$(PROTOBUF_PROTOC)' == ''
+ and ( '$(Protobuf_ToolsOs)' == '' or '$(Protobuf_ToolsCpu)' == '' ) "
+ Text="Google.Protobuf.Tools cannot determine host OS and CPU.&#10;Use environment variables PROTOBUF_TOOLS_OS={linux|macosx|windows} and PROTOBUF_TOOLS_CPU={x86|x64} to try the closest match to your system.&#10;You may also set PROTOBUF_PROTOC to specify full path to the host-provided compiler (v3.5+ is required)." />
+ </Target>
+ <!--================================================================================
+ Proto compilation
+ =================================================================================-->
+ <!-- Extension points. -->
+ <Target Name="Protobuf_BeforeCompile" />
+ <Target Name="Protobuf_AfterCompile" />
+ <!-- Main compile sequence. Certain steps are gated by the value $(DesignTimeBuild),
+ so the sequence is good for either design time or build time. -->
+ <Target Name="Protobuf_Compile"
+ Condition=" '@(ProtoBuf)' != '' "
+ DependsOnTargets=" Protobuf_BeforeCompile;
+ Protobuf_ResolvePlatform;
+ _Protobuf_SelectFiles;
+ Protobuf_PrepareCompile;
+ _Protobuf_AugmentLanguageCompile;
+ _Protobuf_CoreCompile;
+ Protobuf_ReconcileOutputs;
+ Protobuf_AfterCompile" />
+ <!-- Do proto compilation by default in a C# project. In other types, the user invoke
+ Protobuf_Compile directly where required. -->
+ <!-- TODO(kkm): Do shared compile in outer multitarget project? -->
+ <Target Name="_Protobuf_Compile_BeforeCsCompile"
+ BeforeTargets="BeforeCompile"
+ DependsOnTargets="Protobuf_Compile"
+ Condition=" '$(Language)' == 'C#' " />
+ <Target Name="_Protobuf_SelectFiles">
+ <!-- Guess .proto root for the files. Whenever the root is set for a file explicitly,
+ leave it as is. Otherwise, for files under the project directory, set the root
+ to "." for the project's directory, as it is the current when compiling; for the
+ files outside of project directory, use each .proto file's directory as the root. -->
+ <FindUnderPath Path="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)"
+ Files="@(ProtoBuf->WithMetadataValue('ProtoRoot',''))">
+ <Output TaskParameter="InPath" ItemName="_Protobuf_NoRootInProject"/>
+ <Output TaskParameter="OutOfPath" ItemName="_Protobuf_NoRootElsewhere"/>
+ </FindUnderPath>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <!-- Files with explicit metadata. -->
+ <Protobuf_Compile Include="@(ProtoBuf->HasMetadata('ProtoRoot'))" />
+ <!-- In-project files will have ProtoRoot='.'. -->
+ <Protobuf_Compile Include="@(_Protobuf_NoRootInProject)">
+ <ProtoRoot>.</ProtoRoot>
+ </Protobuf_Compile>
+ <!-- Out-of-project files will have respective ProtoRoot='%(RelativeDir)'. -->
+ <Protobuf_Compile Include="@(_Protobuf_NoRootElsewhere)">
+ <ProtoRoot>%(RelativeDir)</ProtoRoot>
+ </Protobuf_Compile>
+ <!-- Remove files not for compile. -->
+ <Protobuf_Compile Remove="@(Protobuf_Compile)" Condition=" !%(ProtoCompile) " />
+ <!-- Ensure invariant Source=%(Identity). -->
+ <Protobuf_Compile>
+ <Source>%(Identity)</Source>
+ </Protobuf_Compile>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ </Target>
+ <!-- Extension point for non-C# project. Protobuf_Generator should be supported
+ by the ProtoCompile task, but we skip inferring expected outputs. All proto
+ files will be always recompiled with a warning, unless you add expectations
+ to the Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs collection.
+ All inferred ExpectedOutputs will be added to code compile (C#) in a C# project
+ by default. This is controlled per-proto by the CompileOutputs metadata. -->
+ <Target Name="Protobuf_PrepareCompile" Condition=" '@(Protobuf_Compile)' != '' ">
+ <!-- Predict expected names. -->
+ <ProtoCompilerOutputs Condition=" '$(Language)' == 'C#' "
+ ProtoBuf="@(Protobuf_Compile)"
+ Generator="$(Protobuf_Generator)">
+ <Output TaskParameter="PossibleOutputs" ItemName="Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs" />
+ </ProtoCompilerOutputs>
+ <!-- Read any dependency files from previous compiles. -->
+ <ProtoReadDependencies Condition=" '$(Protobuf_DepFilesPath)' != '' and '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true' "
+ ProtoBuf="@(Protobuf_Compile)"
+ ProtoDepDir="$(Protobuf_DepFilesPath)" >
+ <Output TaskParameter="Dependencies" ItemName="Protobuf_Dependencies" />
+ </ProtoReadDependencies>
+ </Target>
+ <!-- Add all expected outputs, and only these, to language compile. -->
+ <Target Name="_Protobuf_AugmentLanguageCompile"
+ DependsOnTargets="_Protobuf_EnforceInvariants"
+ Condition=" '$(Language)' == 'C#' ">
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <_Protobuf_CodeCompile Include="@(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs->Distinct())"
+ Condition=" '%(Source)' != '' and '@(Protobuf_Compile->WithMetadataValue('CompileOutputs', 'true'))' != '' " />
+ <Compile Include="@(_Protobuf_CodeCompile)" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ </Target>
+ <!-- These invariants must be kept for compile up-to-date check to work. -->
+ <Target Name="_Protobuf_EnforceInvariants">
+ <!-- Enforce Source=Identity on proto files. The 'Source' metadata is used as a common
+ key to match dependencies/expected outputs in the lists for up-to-date checks. -->
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <Protobuf_Compile>
+ <Source>%(Identity)</Source>
+ </Protobuf_Compile>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <!-- Remove possible output and dependency declarations that have no Source set, or those
+ not matching any proto marked for compilation. -->
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs Remove="@(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs)" Condition=" '%(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs.Source)' == '' " />
+ <Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs Remove="@(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs)" Condition=" '%(Source)' != '' and '@(Protobuf_Compile)' == '' " />
+ <Protobuf_Dependencies Remove="@(Protobuf_Dependencies)" Condition=" '%(Protobuf_Dependencies.Source)' == '' " />
+ <Protobuf_Dependencies Remove="@(Protobuf_Dependencies)" Condition=" '%(Source)' != '' and '@(Protobuf_Compile)' == '' " />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ </Target>
+ <!-- Gather files with and without known outputs, separately. -->
+ <Target Name="_Protobuf_GatherStaleFiles"
+ Condition=" '@(Protobuf_Compile)' != '' "
+ DependsOnTargets="_Protobuf_EnforceInvariants; _Protobuf_GatherStaleSimple; _Protobuf_GatherStaleBatched">
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <!-- Drop outputs from MSBuild inference (they won't have the '_Exec' metadata). -->
+ <_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto Remove="@(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto->WithMetadataValue('_Exec',''))" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ </Target>
+ <Target Name="_Protobuf_GatherStaleSimple">
+ <!-- Simple selection: always compile files that have no declared outputs (but warn below). -->
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto Include="@(Protobuf_Compile)"
+ Condition = " '%(Source)' != '' and '@(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs)' == '' ">
+ <_Exec>true</_Exec>
+ </_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <!-- You are seeing this warning because there was no Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs items with
+ their Source attribute pointing to the proto files listed in the warning. Such files
+ will be recompiled on every build, as there is nothing to run up-to-date check against.
+ Set Protobuf_NoOrphanWarning to 'true' to suppress if this is what you want. -->
+ <Warning Condition=" '@(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto)' != '' and '$(Protobuf_NoOrphanWarning)' != 'true' "
+ Text="The following files have no known outputs, and will be always recompiled as if out-of-date:&#10;@(_Protobuf_Orphans->'&#10; %(Identity)', '')" />
+ </Target>
+ <Target Name="_Protobuf_GatherStaleBatched"
+ Inputs="@(Protobuf_Compile);%(Source);@(Protobuf_Dependencies);$(MSBuildAllProjects)"
+ Outputs="@(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs)" >
+ <!-- The '_Exec' metadatum is set to distinguish really executed items from those MSBuild so
+ "helpfully" infers in a bucketed task. For the same reason, cannot use the intrinsic
+ ItemGroup task here. -->
+ <CreateItem Include="@(Protobuf_Compile)" AdditionalMetadata="_Exec=true">
+ <Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto"/>
+ </CreateItem>
+ </Target>
+ <!-- Extension point: Plugins massage metadata into recognized metadata
+ values passed to the ProtoCompile task. -->
+ <Target Name="Protobuf_PrepareCompileOptions" Condition=" '@(Protobuf_Compile)' != '' ">
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <Protobuf_Compile>
+ <_OutputOptions Condition=" '%(Protobuf_Compile.Access)' == 'Internal' ">%(Protobuf_Compile._OutputOptions);internal_access</_OutputOptions>
+ </Protobuf_Compile>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ </Target>
+ <Target Name="_Protobuf_CoreCompile"
+ Condition=" '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true' "
+ DependsOnTargets="Protobuf_PrepareCompileOptions;_Protobuf_GatherStaleFiles">
+ <!-- Ensure output directories. -->
+ <MakeDir Directories="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.OutputDir)" />
+ <MakeDir Directories="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.GrpcOutputDir)" />
+ <MakeDir Directories="$(Protobuf_DepFilesPath)" />
+ <!-- Force output to the current directory if the user has set it to empty. -->
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto>
+ <OutputDir Condition=" '%(OutputDir)' == '' ">.</OutputDir>
+ </_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ProtoCompile Condition=" '@(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto)' != '' "
+ ToolExe="$(Protobuf_ProtocFullPath)"
+ Generator="$(Protobuf_Generator)"
+ ProtoBuf="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.Source)"
+ ProtoPath="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.AdditionalImportDirs);$(Protobuf_StandardImportsPath);%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.ProtoRoot)"
+ ProtoDepDir="$(Protobuf_DepFilesPath)"
+ OutputDir="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.OutputDir)"
+ OutputOptions="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto._OutputOptions)"
+ GrpcPluginExe="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.GrpcPluginExe)"
+ GrpcOutputDir="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto.GrpcOutputDir)"
+ GrpcOutputOptions="%(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto._GrpcOutputOptions)"
+ >
+ <Output TaskParameter="GeneratedFiles" ItemName="_Protobuf_GeneratedFiles"/>
+ </ProtoCompile>
+ <!-- Compute files expected but not in fact produced by protoc. -->
+ <ItemGroup Condition=" '@(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto)' != '' ">
+ <Protobuf_ExpectedNotGenerated Include="@(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs)"
+ Condition=" '%(Source)' != '' and '@(_Protobuf_OutOfDateProto)' != '' " />
+ <Protobuf_ExpectedNotGenerated Remove="@(_Protobuf_GeneratedFiles)" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ </Target>
+ <!-- Extension point. Plugins and/or unsupported projects may take special care of the
+ Protobuf_ExpectedNotGenerated list in BeforeTargets. We just silently create the
+ missing outputs so that out-of-date checks work (we do not add them to language
+ compile though). You can empty this collection in your Before targets to do nothing.
+ The target is not executed if the proto compiler is not executed. -->
+ <Target Name="Protobuf_ReconcileOutputs"
+ Condition=" '$(DesignTimeBuild)' != 'true' ">
+ <!-- Warn about unexpected/missing files outside object file directory only.
+ This should have happened because build was incorrectly customized. -->
+ <FindUnderPath Path="$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)" Files="@(Protobuf_ExpectedNotGenerated)">
+ <Output TaskParameter="InPath" ItemName="_Protobuf_ExpectedNotGeneratedInTemp"/>
+ <Output TaskParameter="OutOfPath" ItemName="_Protobuf_ExpectedNotGeneratedElsewhere"/>
+ </FindUnderPath>
+ <!-- Prevent unnecessary recompilation by silently creating empty files. This probably
+ has happened because a proto file with an rpc service was processed by the gRPC
+ plugin, and the user did not set GrpcOutput to None. When we treat outputs as
+ transient, we can do it permissively. -->
+ <Touch Files="@(_Protobuf_ExpectedNotGeneratedInTemp)" AlwaysCreate="true" />
+ <!-- Also create empty files outside of the intermediate directory, if the user wants so. -->
+ <Touch Files="@(_Protobuf_ExpectedNotGeneratedElsewhere)" AlwaysCreate="true"
+ Condition=" '$(Protobuf_TouchMissingExpected)' == 'true' "/>
+ <!-- You are seeing this warning because there were some Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs items
+ (outside of the transient directory under obj/) not in fact produced by protoc. -->
+ <Warning Condition=" '@(_Protobuf_ExpectedNotGeneratedElsewhere)' != '' and $(Protobuf_NoWarnMissingExpected) != 'true' "
+ Text="Some expected protoc outputs were not generated.&#10;@(_Protobuf_ExpectedNotGeneratedElsewhere->'&#10; %(Identity)', '')" />
+ </Target>
+ <!--================================================================================
+ Proto cleanup
+ =================================================================================-->
+ <!-- We fully support cleanup only in a C# project. If extending the build for other
+ generators/plugins, then mostly roll your own. -->
+ <!-- Extension points. -->
+ <Target Name="Protobuf_BeforeClean" />
+ <Target Name="Protobuf_AfterClean" />
+ <!-- Main cleanup sequence. -->
+ <Target Name="Protobuf_Clean"
+ Condition=" '@(ProtoBuf)' != '' "
+ DependsOnTargets=" Protobuf_BeforeClean;
+ Protobuf_PrepareClean;
+ _Protobuf_CoreClean;
+ Protobuf_AfterClean" />
+ <!-- Do proto cleanup by default in a C# project. In other types, the user should
+ invoke Protobuf_Clean directly if required. -->
+ <Target Name="_Protobuf_Clean_AfterCsClean"
+ AfterTargets="CoreClean"
+ DependsOnTargets="Protobuf_Clean"
+ Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProjectSupported)' == 'true' and '$(Language)' == 'C#' " />
+ <!-- Extension point for non-C# project. ProtoCompilerOutputs is not invoked for
+ non-C# projects, since inferring protoc outputs is required, so this is a
+ no-op in other project types. In your extension target populate the
+ Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs with all possible output. An option is to include
+ all existing outputs using Include with a wildcard, if you know where to look.
+ Note this is like Protobuf_PrepareCompile, but uses @(Protobuf) regardless
+ of the Compile metadata, to remove all possible outputs. Plugins should err
+ on the side of overextending the Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs here.
+ All ExpectedOutputs will be removed. -->
+ <Target Name="Protobuf_PrepareClean" Condition=" '@(Protobuf)' != '' ">
+ <!-- Predict expected names. -->
+ <ProtoCompilerOutputs Condition=" '$(Language)' == 'C#' "
+ ProtoBuf="@(Protobuf)"
+ Generator="$(Protobuf_Generator)">
+ <Output TaskParameter="PossibleOutputs" ItemName="Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs" />
+ </ProtoCompilerOutputs>
+ </Target>
+ <Target Name="_Protobuf_CoreClean">
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <_Protobuf_Protodep Include="$(Protobuf_DepFilesPath)*.protodep" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <Delete Files="@(Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs);@(_Protobuf_Protodep)" TreatErrorsAsWarnings="true" />
+ </Target>
+ <!--================================================================================
+ Design-time support
+ =================================================================================-->
+ <!-- Add all .proto files to the SourceFilesProjectOutputGroupOutput, so that
+ * Visual Studio triggers a build when any of them changed;
+ * The Pack target includes .proto files into the source package. -->
+ <Target Name="_Protobuf_SourceFilesProjectOutputGroup"
+ BeforeTargets="SourceFilesProjectOutputGroup"
+ Condition=" '@(ProtoBuf)' != '' " >
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <SourceFilesProjectOutputGroupOutput Include="@(ProtoBuf->'%(FullPath)')" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ </Target>
diff --git a/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools/build/_protobuf/Protobuf.CSharp.xml b/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools/build/_protobuf/Protobuf.CSharp.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c41fbcbd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools/build/_protobuf/Protobuf.CSharp.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+<ProjectSchemaDefinitions xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/build/2009/properties">
+ <FileExtension Name=".proto"
+ ContentType="ProtoFile" />
+ <ContentType Name="ProtoFile"
+ DisplayName="Protocol buffer definitions file"
+ ItemType="ProtoBuf" />
+ <ItemType Name="ProtoBuf"
+ DisplayName="Protobuf compiler" />
+ <Rule Name="ProtoBuf"
+ DisplayName="File Properties"
+ PageTemplate="generic"
+ Description="File Properties"
+ OverrideMode="Extend">
+ <Rule.DataSource>
+ <DataSource Persistence="ProjectFile" Label="Configuration" ItemType="ProtoBuf"
+ HasConfigurationCondition="false" SourceOfDefaultValue="AfterContext" />
+ </Rule.DataSource>
+ <Rule.Categories>
+ <Category Name="Advanced" DisplayName="Advanced" />
+ <Category Name="Protobuf" DisplayName="Protobuf" />
+ <Category Name="Misc" DisplayName="Misc" />
+ </Rule.Categories>
+ <DynamicEnumProperty Name="{}{ItemType}" DisplayName="Build Action" Category="Advanced"
+ Description="How the file relates to the build and deployment processes."
+ EnumProvider="ItemTypes" />
+ <StringProperty Name="Identity" Visible="false" ReadOnly="true">
+ <StringProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource Persistence="Intrinsic" ItemType="ProtoBuf"
+ PersistedName="Identity" SourceOfDefaultValue="AfterContext" />
+ </StringProperty.DataSource>
+ </StringProperty>
+ <StringProperty Name="FullPath"
+ DisplayName="Full Path"
+ ReadOnly="true"
+ Category="Misc"
+ Description="Location of the file.">
+ <StringProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource Persistence="Intrinsic" ItemType="ProtoBuf"
+ PersistedName="FullPath" SourceOfDefaultValue="AfterContext" />
+ </StringProperty.DataSource>
+ </StringProperty>
+ <StringProperty Name="FileNameAndExtension"
+ DisplayName="File Name"
+ ReadOnly="true"
+ Category="Misc"
+ Description="Name of the file or folder.">
+ <StringProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource Persistence="Intrinsic" ItemType="ProtoBuf"
+ PersistedName="FileNameAndExtension" SourceOfDefaultValue="AfterContext" />
+ </StringProperty.DataSource>
+ </StringProperty>
+ <BoolProperty Name="Visible" Visible="false" Default="true" />
+ <StringProperty Name="DependentUpon" Visible="false">
+ <StringProperty.Metadata>
+ <NameValuePair Name="DoNotCopyAcrossProjects" Value="true" />
+ </StringProperty.Metadata>
+ </StringProperty>
+ <StringProperty Name="Link" Visible="false">
+ <StringProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource SourceOfDefaultValue="AfterContext" />
+ </StringProperty.DataSource>
+ <StringProperty.Metadata>
+ <NameValuePair Name="DoNotCopyAcrossProjects" Value="true" />
+ </StringProperty.Metadata>
+ </StringProperty>
+ <EnumProperty Name="Access" DisplayName="Class Access"
+ Category="Protobuf"
+ Description="Public or internal access modifier on generated classes.">
+ <EnumValue Name="Public" DisplayName="Public" IsDefault="true" />
+ <EnumValue Name="Internal" DisplayName="Internal" />
+ <EnumProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource ItemType="ProtoBuf" SourceOfDefaultValue="AfterContext"
+ PersistenceStyle="Attribute" />
+ </EnumProperty.DataSource>
+ </EnumProperty>
+ <BoolProperty Name="ProtoCompile" DisplayName="Compile Protobuf"
+ Category="Protobuf" Default="true"
+ Description="Specifies if this file is compiled or only imported by other files.">
+ <BoolProperty.DataSource>
+ <DataSource ItemType="ProtoBuf" SourceOfDefaultValue="AfterContext"
+ PersistenceStyle="Attribute" />
+ </BoolProperty.DataSource>
+ </BoolProperty>
+ </Rule>
diff --git a/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools/build/_protobuf/README b/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools/build/_protobuf/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6e358a218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/csharp/Grpc.Tools/build/_protobuf/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+TODO(kkm): These file will go into Google.Protobuf.Tools/build after package split.