path: root/examples/objective-c/auth_sample/AuthTestService.podspec
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/objective-c/auth_sample/AuthTestService.podspec')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/examples/objective-c/auth_sample/AuthTestService.podspec b/examples/objective-c/auth_sample/AuthTestService.podspec
index e935626053..59fbb5f395 100644
--- a/examples/objective-c/auth_sample/AuthTestService.podspec
+++ b/examples/objective-c/auth_sample/AuthTestService.podspec
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name = "AuthTestService"
s.version = "0.0.1"
s.license = "New BSD"
+ s.authors = { 'gRPC contributors' => 'grpc-io@googlegroups.com' }
+ s.homepage = "http://www.grpc.io/"
+ s.summary = "AuthTestService example"
+ s.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/grpc/grpc.git' }
s.ios.deployment_target = "7.1"
s.osx.deployment_target = "10.9"
@@ -9,27 +13,54 @@ Pod::Spec.new do |s|
# Base directory where the .proto files are.
src = "../../protos"
+ # Run protoc with the Objective-C and gRPC plugins to generate protocol messages and gRPC clients.
+ s.dependency "!ProtoCompiler-gRPCPlugin", "~> 1.0"
+ # Pods directory corresponding to this app's Podfile, relative to the location of this podspec.
+ pods_root = 'Pods'
+ # Path where Cocoapods downloads protoc and the gRPC plugin.
+ protoc_dir = "#{pods_root}/!ProtoCompiler"
+ protoc = "#{protoc_dir}/protoc"
+ plugin = "#{pods_root}/!ProtoCompiler-gRPCPlugin/grpc_objective_c_plugin"
# Directory where the generated files will be placed.
- dir = "Pods/" + s.name
+ dir = "#{pods_root}/#{s.name}"
- # Run protoc with the Objective-C and gRPC plugins to generate protocol messages and gRPC clients.
s.prepare_command = <<-CMD
mkdir -p #{dir}
- protoc -I #{src} --objc_out=#{dir} --objcgrpc_out=#{dir} #{src}/auth_sample.proto
+ #{protoc} \
+ --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=#{plugin} \
+ --objc_out=#{dir} \
+ --grpc_out=#{dir} \
+ -I #{src} \
+ -I #{protoc_dir} \
+ #{src}/auth_sample.proto
+ # Files generated by protoc
s.subspec "Messages" do |ms|
ms.source_files = "#{dir}/*.pbobjc.{h,m}", "#{dir}/**/*.pbobjc.{h,m}"
ms.header_mappings_dir = dir
ms.requires_arc = false
- ms.dependency "Protobuf", "~> 3.0.0-alpha-4"
+ # The generated files depend on the protobuf runtime.
+ ms.dependency "Protobuf"
+ # Files generated by the gRPC plugin
s.subspec "Services" do |ss|
ss.source_files = "#{dir}/*.pbrpc.{h,m}", "#{dir}/**/*.pbrpc.{h,m}"
ss.header_mappings_dir = dir
ss.requires_arc = true
- ss.dependency "gRPC", "~> 0.12"
+ # The generated files depend on the gRPC runtime, and on the files generated by protoc.
+ ss.dependency "gRPC-ProtoRPC"
ss.dependency "#{s.name}/Messages"
+ s.pod_target_xcconfig = {
+ # This is needed by all pods that depend on Protobuf:
+ # This is needed by all pods that depend on gRPC-RxLibrary:
+ }