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105 files changed, 3366 insertions, 882 deletions
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format index 651e1296ba..4b3f13fa55 100644 --- a/.clang-format +++ b/.clang-format @@ -1,57 +1,5 @@ --- Language: Cpp -# BasedOnStyle: Google -AccessModifierOffset: -1 -ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 -AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: true -AlignTrailingComments: true -AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true -AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false -AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: true -AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: true -AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: All -AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true -AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: true -BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: false -BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true -BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false -BinPackParameters: true -ColumnLimit: 80 -ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true -DerivePointerAlignment: true -ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false -IndentCaseLabels: true -IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false -IndentFunctionDeclarationAfterType: false -MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1 -KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false -NamespaceIndentation: None -ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false -ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: false -PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 1 -PenaltyBreakComment: 300 -PenaltyBreakString: 1000 -PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120 -PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000 -PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 200 -PointerAlignment: Left -SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 2 -Cpp11BracedListStyle: true -Standard: Auto -IndentWidth: 2 -TabWidth: 8 -UseTab: Never -BreakBeforeBraces: Attach -SpacesInParentheses: false -SpacesInAngles: false -SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false -SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false -SpacesInContainerLiterals: true -SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true -ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 -CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:' -ForEachMacros: [ foreach, Q_FOREACH, BOOST_FOREACH ] -SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements -DisableFormat: false +BasedOnStyle: Google ... diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 3efc25aafb..002e3e661c 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ gens libs objs +# Python virtual environment (pre-3.4 only) +python2.7_virtual_environment + # gcov coverage data coverage *.gcno @@ -17,3 +20,5 @@ coverage # cache for run_tests.py .run_tests_cache +# emacs temp files +*~
\ No newline at end of file @@ -1,83 +1,142 @@ -Dependencies -============ +These instructions only cover building grpc C and C++ libraries under +typical unix systems. If you need more information, please try grpc's +wiki pages: -grpc has few external dependencies. If needed, they are present in the -third_party directory, if you have cloned the github repository recursively. -If you didn't clone recursively, you can still get them later by running the -following command: + https://github.com/google/grpc/wiki -$ git submodule update --init -Note that the Makefile makes it much easier for you to compile from sources -if you were to clone recursively our git repository. +************************* +* If you are in a hurry * +************************* +A typical unix installation won't require any more steps than running: -grpc core currently depends on zlib and OpenSSL 1.0.2beta3. + $ make + # make install -grpc++'s tests depends on protobuf 3.0.0, gtests and gflags. +You don't need anything else than GNU Make and gcc. Under a Debian or +Ubuntu system, this should boil down to the following package: -OpenSSL -------- + # apt-get install build-essential python-all-dev python-virtualenv -Secure HTTP2 requires to have the TLS extension ALPN (see rfc 7301 and -http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/ section 3.3). Our HTTP2 implementation -relies on OpenSSL's implementation. OpenSSL 1.0.2beta3 is the first version -of OpenSSL that has ALPN support, and this explains our dependency on it. -Note that the Makefile supports compiling only the unsecure elements of grpc, -and if you do not have OpenSSL and do not want it, you can still proceed -with installing only the elements you require. However, it is recommended -to encrypt your network traffic, therefore we urge you to not use the unsecure -version of grpc if possible. +******************************* +* More detailled instructions * +******************************* +Setting up dependencies +======================= -Compiling -========= +Dependencies to compile the libraries +------------------------------------- -If you have all the dependencies in the third_party subfolder, you should -simply be able to go ahead and run "make" to compile grpc. The other targets -that you might find interesting are "buildtests" and "test". +grpc libraries have few external dependencies. If you need to compile and +install them, they are present in the third_party directory if you have +cloned the github repository recursively. If you didn't clone recursively, +you can still get them later by running the following command: -If you didn't clone from git, and thus are unable to get the required -dependencies, you can manually download and unpack the necessary packages, -and let the Makefile build them itself. + $ git submodule update --init -You may also install the dependencies yourself, from the sources, or from -your distribution's package manager. +Note that the Makefile makes it much easier for you to compile from sources +if you were to clone recursively our git repository: it will automatically +compile zlib and OpenSSL, which are core requirements for grpc. Note this +creates grpc libraries that will have zlib and OpenSSL built-in inside of them, +which significantly increases the libraries' size. + +In order to decrease that size, you can manually install zlib and OpenSSL on +your system, so that the Makefile can use them instead. + +Under a Debian or Ubuntu system, one can acquire the development package +for zlib this way: -The only development package needed for grpc is zlib. -The development packages needed for grpc++'s tests are gtests, and gflags. + # apt-get install zlib1g-dev To the best of our knowledge, no distribution has an OpenSSL package that supports ALPN yet, so you would still have to depend on installing from source -for that particular dependency. +for that particular dependency if you want to reduce the libraries' size. The recommended version of OpenSSL that provides ALPN support is available at this URL: https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.2-beta3.tar.gz -If you want to let the Makefile build them automatically for you, please -extract them in the third_party folder. You will need to rename the extracted -folder the following way: - openssl-1.0.2-beta3 --> openssl +Dependencies to compile and run the tests +----------------------------------------- + +Compiling and running grpc plain-C tests dont't require any more dependency. + + +Compiling and running grpc C++ tests depend on protobuf 3.0.0, gtest and +gflags. Although gflags and protobuf are provided in third_party, you will +need to manually install these dependencies on your system to run these tests. + +Under a Debian or Ubuntu system, you can install the gtests and gflags packages +using apt-get: + + # apt-get install libgflags-dev libgtest-dev + +However, protobuf 3.0.0 isn't in a debian package yet: you'll need to compile +and install it from the sources in the third_party. Note that if you already +have the protobuf and protoc packages installed on your system, they will most +likely interfere, and you'll need to uninstall them first. + +Compiling and installing protobuf 3.0.0 requires a few more dependencies in +itself, notably the autoconf suite, curl, and unzip. If you have apt-get, you +can install these dependencies this way: + + # apt-get install unzip curl autotools-dev + +Then, you can build and install protobuf 3.0.0: + + $ cd third_party/protobuf + $ ./configure + $ make + # make install + # ldconfig + + +A word on OpenSSL +----------------- + +Secure HTTP2 requires to have the TLS extension ALPN (see rfc 7301 and +http://http2.github.io/http2-spec/ section 3.3). Our HTTP2 implementation +relies on OpenSSL's implementation. OpenSSL 1.0.2beta3 is the first version +of OpenSSL that has ALPN support, and this explains our dependency on it. + +Note that the Makefile supports compiling only the unsecure elements of grpc, +and if you do not have OpenSSL and do not want it, you can still proceed +with installing only the elements you require. However, it is recommended +to encrypt your network traffic, therefore we urge you to not use the unsecure +version of grpc if possible. + + +Compiling +========= + +If you have all the dependencies mentioned above, you should simply be able +to go ahead and run "make" to compile grpc's C and C++ libraries: + + $ make Testing ======= -At the moment, C++ tests aren't fully available yet. If you want to run tests -on the C core of grpc, you can do the following: +To build and run the tests, you can run the command: + + $ make test + +If you want to be able to run them in parallel, and get better output, you can +also use the python tool we have written: -$ make buildtests_c -$ make test_c + $ ./tools/run_tests/run_tests.py Installing ========== -Once everything is compiled, you should be able to install grpc and grpc++ +Once everything is compiled, you should be able to install grpc C and C++ libraries and headers: -$ sudo make install + # make install @@ -2,6 +2,14 @@ # This currently builds C and C++ code. + +# Basic platform detection +HOST_SYSTEM = $(shell uname | cut -f 1 -d_) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),) +SYSTEM = $(HOST_SYSTEM) +endif + + # Configurations VALID_CONFIG_opt = 1 @@ -115,10 +123,15 @@ LDFLAGS += $(LDFLAGS_$(CONFIG)) CFLAGS += -std=c89 -pedantic CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 CPPFLAGS += -g -fPIC -Wall -Werror -Wno-long-long -LDFLAGS += -g -pthread -fPIC +LDFLAGS += -g -fPIC INCLUDES = . include gens +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) +LIBS = m z +else LIBS = rt m z pthread +LDFLAGS += -pthread +endif LIBSXX = protobuf LIBS_PROTOC = protoc protobuf @@ -156,11 +169,6 @@ HOST_LDLIBS = $(LDLIBS) # These are automatically computed variables. # There shouldn't be any need to change anything from now on. -HOST_SYSTEM = $(shell uname | cut -f 1 -d_) -ifeq ($(SYSTEM),) -SYSTEM = $(HOST_SYSTEM) -endif - ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32) SHARED_EXT = dll endif @@ -372,6 +380,8 @@ credentials_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test end2end_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test interop_client: bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_client interop_server: bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_server +tips_client: bins/$(CONFIG)/tips_client +tips_client_test: bins/$(CONFIG)/tips_client_test qps_client: bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client qps_server: bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server ruby_plugin: bins/$(CONFIG)/ruby_plugin @@ -524,8 +534,12 @@ libs/$(CONFIG)/zlib/libz.a: $(Q)cp third_party/zlib/libz.a libs/$(CONFIG)/zlib libs/$(CONFIG)/openssl/libssl.a: - $(E) "[MAKE] Building openssl" + $(E) "[MAKE] Building openssl for $(SYSTEM)" +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q)(cd third_party/openssl ; CC="$(CC) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden $(CPPFLAGS_$(CONFIG)) $(OPENSSL_CFLAGS_$(CONFIG))" ./Configure darwin64-x86_64-cc $(OPENSSL_CONFIG_$(CONFIG))) +else $(Q)(cd third_party/openssl ; CC="$(CC) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden $(CPPFLAGS_$(CONFIG)) $(OPENSSL_CFLAGS_$(CONFIG))" ./config $(OPENSSL_CONFIG_$(CONFIG))) +endif $(Q)$(MAKE) -C third_party/openssl clean $(Q)$(MAKE) -C third_party/openssl build_crypto build_ssl $(Q)mkdir -p libs/$(CONFIG)/openssl @@ -547,13 +561,13 @@ privatelibs: privatelibs_c privatelibs_cxx privatelibs_c: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a -privatelibs_cxx: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a +privatelibs_cxx: libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libtips_client_lib.a buildtests: buildtests_c buildtests_cxx buildtests_c: privatelibs_c bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_heap_test bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_list_test bins/$(CONFIG)/alarm_test bins/$(CONFIG)/alpn_test bins/$(CONFIG)/bin_encoder_test bins/$(CONFIG)/census_hash_table_test bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_circular_buffer_test bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_multiple_writers_test bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_performance_test bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_quick_test bins/$(CONFIG)/census_statistics_small_log_test bins/$(CONFIG)/census_stub_test bins/$(CONFIG)/census_window_stats_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_status_conversion_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_encoder_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_stream_map_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_transport_end2end_test bins/$(CONFIG)/dualstack_socket_test bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_client bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_server bins/$(CONFIG)/echo_test bins/$(CONFIG)/fd_posix_test bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_client bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_server bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_stream_test bins/$(CONFIG)/fling_test bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cancellable_test bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_cmdline_test bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_histogram_test bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_host_port_test bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_log_test bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_buffer_test bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_slice_test bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_string_test bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_sync_test bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_thd_test bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_time_test bins/$(CONFIG)/gpr_useful_test bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_base64_test bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_byte_buffer_reader_test bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_channel_stack_test bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_completion_queue_test bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_credentials_test bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_json_token_test bins/$(CONFIG)/grpc_stream_op_test bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_parser_test bins/$(CONFIG)/hpack_table_test bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_format_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_parser_test bins/$(CONFIG)/httpcli_test bins/$(CONFIG)/lame_client_test bins/$(CONFIG)/message_compress_test bins/$(CONFIG)/metadata_buffer_test bins/$(CONFIG)/murmur_hash_test bins/$(CONFIG)/no_server_test bins/$(CONFIG)/poll_kick_test bins/$(CONFIG)/resolve_address_test bins/$(CONFIG)/secure_endpoint_test bins/$(CONFIG)/sockaddr_utils_test bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_client_posix_test bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_posix_test bins/$(CONFIG)/tcp_server_posix_test bins/$(CONFIG)/time_averaged_stats_test bins/$(CONFIG)/time_test bins/$(CONFIG)/timeout_encoding_test bins/$(CONFIG)/transport_metadata_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_after_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_before_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_census_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_disappearing_server_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_graceful_server_shutdown_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_invoke_large_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_max_concurrent_streams_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_no_op_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_ping_pong_streaming_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_delayed_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_thread_stress_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fake_security_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_no_op_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_thread_stress_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_census_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_disappearing_server_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_no_op_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_thread_stress_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_after_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_before_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_census_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_disappearing_server_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_graceful_server_shutdown_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_invoke_large_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_max_concurrent_streams_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_no_op_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_ping_pong_streaming_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_delayed_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_thread_stress_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_after_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_before_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_census_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_disappearing_server_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_graceful_server_shutdown_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_invoke_large_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_max_concurrent_streams_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_no_op_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_ping_pong_streaming_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_delayed_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_thread_stress_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_after_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_before_invoke_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_cancel_in_a_vacuum_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_census_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_disappearing_server_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_graceful_server_shutdown_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_invoke_large_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_max_concurrent_streams_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_no_op_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_ping_pong_streaming_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_delayed_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_simple_request_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_thread_stress_test bins/$(CONFIG)/chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read_test -buildtests_cxx: privatelibs_cxx bins/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test bins/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_client bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_server bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server bins/$(CONFIG)/status_test bins/$(CONFIG)/sync_client_async_server_test bins/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test +buildtests_cxx: privatelibs_cxx bins/$(CONFIG)/channel_arguments_test bins/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_client bins/$(CONFIG)/interop_server bins/$(CONFIG)/tips_client bins/$(CONFIG)/tips_client_test bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_server bins/$(CONFIG)/status_test bins/$(CONFIG)/sync_client_async_server_test bins/$(CONFIG)/thread_pool_test test: test_c test_cxx @@ -955,6 +969,8 @@ test_cxx: buildtests_cxx $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/credentials_test || ( echo test credentials_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing end2end_test" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/end2end_test || ( echo test end2end_test failed ; exit 1 ) + $(E) "[RUN] Testing tips_client_test" + $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/tips_client_test || ( echo test tips_client_test failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing qps_client" $(Q) ./bins/$(CONFIG)/qps_client || ( echo test qps_client failed ; exit 1 ) $(E) "[RUN] Testing qps_server" @@ -1008,6 +1024,21 @@ strip-shared_cxx: shared_cxx $(E) "[STRIP] Stripping libgrpc++.so" $(Q) $(STRIP) libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.$(SHARED_EXT) +gens/examples/tips/empty.pb.cc: examples/tips/empty.proto $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) + $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=gens --grpc_out=gens --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=bins/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin $< + +gens/examples/tips/label.pb.cc: examples/tips/label.proto $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) + $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=gens --grpc_out=gens --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=bins/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin $< + +gens/examples/tips/pubsub.pb.cc: examples/tips/pubsub.proto $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) + $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=gens --grpc_out=gens --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=bins/$(CONFIG)/cpp_plugin $< + gens/test/cpp/interop/empty.pb.cc: test/cpp/interop/empty.proto $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` @@ -1220,7 +1251,11 @@ LIBGPR_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBGPR_S libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBGPR_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LIBGPR_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a +endif @@ -1296,7 +1331,11 @@ endif libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a $(LIBGPR_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a +endif @@ -1532,6 +1571,7 @@ endif libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBGRPC_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a $(LIBGRPC_OBJS) $(Q) rm -rf tmp-merge $(Q) mkdir tmp-merge @@ -1540,6 +1580,9 @@ libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBGRPC_OBJS) $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a tmp-merge/__.SYMDEF* $(Q) ar rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a tmp-merge/* $(Q) rm -rf tmp-merge +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a +endif @@ -1709,7 +1752,11 @@ endif libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a $(LIBGRPC_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a +endif @@ -1831,7 +1878,11 @@ LIBGRPC_UNSECURE_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBGRPC_UNSECURE_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.a $(LIBGRPC_UNSECURE_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_unsecure.a +endif @@ -2025,7 +2076,11 @@ endif libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBGRPC++_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a $(LIBGRPC++_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a +endif @@ -2107,7 +2162,11 @@ endif libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBGRPC++_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a $(LIBGRPC++_TEST_UTIL_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a +endif @@ -2128,6 +2187,58 @@ objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/end2end/async_test_server.o: gens/test/cpp/util/echo objs/$(CONFIG)/test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.o: gens/test/cpp/util/echo.pb.cc gens/test/cpp/util/echo_duplicate.pb.cc gens/test/cpp/util/messages.pb.cc +LIBTIPS_CLIENT_LIB_SRC = \ + gens/examples/tips/label.pb.cc \ + gens/examples/tips/empty.pb.cc \ + gens/examples/tips/pubsub.pb.cc \ + examples/tips/client.cc \ + + +LIBTIPS_CLIENT_LIB_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIBTIPS_CLIENT_LIB_SRC)))) + +ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) + +# You can't build secure libraries if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +libs/$(CONFIG)/libtips_client_lib.a: openssl_dep_error + + +else + +ifneq ($(OPENSSL_DEP),) +examples/tips/label.proto: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +examples/tips/empty.proto: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +examples/tips/pubsub.proto: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +examples/tips/client.cc: $(OPENSSL_DEP) +endif + +libs/$(CONFIG)/libtips_client_lib.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBTIPS_CLIENT_LIB_OBJS) + $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libtips_client_lib.a + $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libtips_client_lib.a $(LIBTIPS_CLIENT_LIB_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libtips_client_lib.a +endif + + + + + +endif + +ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) +-include $(LIBTIPS_CLIENT_LIB_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif +endif + + + + +objs/$(CONFIG)/examples/tips/client.o: gens/examples/tips/label.pb.cc gens/examples/tips/empty.pb.cc gens/examples/tips/pubsub.pb.cc + + LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_SRC = \ test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_fake_security.c \ @@ -2150,7 +2261,11 @@ endif libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_FAKE_SECURITY_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fake_security.a +endif @@ -2189,7 +2304,11 @@ endif libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_FULLSTACK_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_fullstack.a +endif @@ -2228,7 +2347,11 @@ endif libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_FULLSTACK_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.a +endif @@ -2267,7 +2390,11 @@ endif libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SIMPLE_SSL_WITH_OAUTH2_FULLSTACK_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.a +endif @@ -2306,7 +2433,11 @@ endif libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair.a +endif @@ -2345,7 +2476,11 @@ endif libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a $(LIBEND2END_FIXTURE_CHTTP2_SOCKET_PAIR_ONE_BYTE_AT_A_TIME_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_fixture_chttp2_socket_pair_one_byte_at_a_time.a +endif @@ -2371,7 +2506,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuf libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept.a +endif @@ -2393,7 +2532,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$( libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_ACCEPT_AND_WRITES_CLOSED_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_accept_and_writes_closed.a +endif @@ -2415,7 +2558,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuf libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_AFTER_INVOKE_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_after_invoke.a +endif @@ -2437,7 +2584,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsu libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_BEFORE_INVOKE_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_before_invoke.a +endif @@ -2459,7 +2610,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuff libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CANCEL_IN_A_VACUUM_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_cancel_in_a_vacuum.a +endif @@ -2481,7 +2636,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(adds libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_CENSUS_SIMPLE_REQUEST_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_census_simple_request.a +endif @@ -2503,7 +2662,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuf libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_DISAPPEARING_SERVER_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_disappearing_server.a +endif @@ -2525,7 +2688,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_OBJS = $(addprefix libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_INFLIGHT_CALLS_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_inflight_calls.a +endif @@ -2547,7 +2714,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CO libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_EARLY_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_FINISHES_TAGS_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_early_server_shutdown_finishes_tags.a +endif @@ -2569,7 +2740,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(a libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_GRACEFUL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_graceful_server_shutdown.a +endif @@ -2591,7 +2766,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsu libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_INVOKE_LARGE_REQUEST_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_invoke_large_request.a +endif @@ -2613,7 +2792,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(add libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_max_concurrent_streams.a +endif @@ -2635,7 +2818,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_NO_OP_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(base libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_NO_OP_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_NO_OP_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_no_op.a +endif @@ -2657,7 +2844,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_PING_PONG_STREAMING_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuf libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_PING_PONG_STREAMING_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_PING_PONG_STREAMING_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_ping_pong_streaming.a +endif @@ -2679,7 +2870,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_OBJS = $(addpr libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_BINARY_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_binary_metadata_and_payload.a +endif @@ -2701,7 +2896,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_OBJS = $(addprefix ob libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_metadata_and_payload.a +endif @@ -2723,7 +2922,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/ libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_PAYLOAD_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_payload.a +endif @@ -2745,7 +2948,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_OBJS = $(add libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_REQUEST_RESPONSE_WITH_TRAILING_METADATA_AND_PAYLOAD_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_request_response_with_trailing_metadata_and_payload.a +endif @@ -2767,7 +2974,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(add libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_SIMPLE_DELAYED_REQUEST_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_delayed_request.a +endif @@ -2789,7 +3000,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_SIMPLE_REQUEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix . libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_SIMPLE_REQUEST_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_SIMPLE_REQUEST_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_simple_request.a +endif @@ -2811,7 +3026,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_THREAD_STRESS_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_THREAD_STRESS_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_THREAD_STRESS_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_thread_stress.a +endif @@ -2833,7 +3052,11 @@ LIBEND2END_TEST_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CO libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_TEST_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a $(LIBEND2END_TEST_WRITES_DONE_HANGS_WITH_PENDING_READ_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_test_writes_done_hangs_with_pending_read.a +endif @@ -2874,7 +3097,11 @@ endif libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(OPENSSL_DEP) $(LIBEND2END_CERTS_OBJS) $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a $(LIBEND2END_CERTS_OBJS) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/libend2end_certs.a +endif @@ -5318,6 +5545,68 @@ endif endif +TIPS_CLIENT_SRC = \ + examples/tips/client_main.cc \ + +TIPS_CLIENT_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TIPS_CLIENT_SRC)))) + +ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) + +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/tips_client: openssl_dep_error + +else + +bins/$(CONFIG)/tips_client: $(TIPS_CLIENT_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libtips_client_lib.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a + $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(TIPS_CLIENT_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libtips_client_lib.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/tips_client + +endif + +objs/$(CONFIG)/examples/tips/client_main.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libtips_client_lib.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a + +deps_tips_client: $(TIPS_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep) + +ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) +-include $(TIPS_CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif +endif + + +TIPS_CLIENT_TEST_SRC = \ + examples/tips/client_test.cc \ + +TIPS_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/$(CONFIG)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(TIPS_CLIENT_TEST_SRC)))) + +ifeq ($(NO_SECURE),true) + +# You can't build secure targets if you don't have OpenSSL with ALPN. + +bins/$(CONFIG)/tips_client_test: openssl_dep_error + +else + +bins/$(CONFIG)/tips_client_test: $(TIPS_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS) libs/$(CONFIG)/libtips_client_lib.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a + $(E) "[LD] Linking $@" + $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(TIPS_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) libs/$(CONFIG)/libtips_client_lib.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a $(LDLIBSXX) $(LDLIBS) $(LDLIBS_SECURE) -o bins/$(CONFIG)/tips_client_test + +endif + +objs/$(CONFIG)/examples/tips/client_test.o: libs/$(CONFIG)/libtips_client_lib.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc++.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgrpc.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr_test_util.a libs/$(CONFIG)/libgpr.a + +deps_tips_client_test: $(TIPS_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) + +ifneq ($(NO_SECURE),true) +ifneq ($(NO_DEPS),true) +-include $(TIPS_CLIENT_TEST_OBJS:.o=.dep) +endif +endif + + QPS_CLIENT_SRC = \ gens/test/cpp/qps/qpstest.pb.cc \ test/cpp/qps/client.cc \ diff --git a/build.json b/build.json index 5057bceff2..cacbfe2ae5 100644 --- a/build.json +++ b/build.json @@ -411,6 +411,22 @@ "test/cpp/end2end/async_test_server.cc", "test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.cc" ] + }, + { + "name": "tips_client_lib", + "build": "private", + "language": "c++", + "src": [ + "examples/tips/label.proto", + "examples/tips/empty.proto", + "examples/tips/pubsub.proto", + "examples/tips/client.cc" + ], + "deps": [ + "grpc++", + "grpc", + "gpr" + ] } ], "targets": [ @@ -1497,6 +1513,41 @@ "run": false }, { + "name": "tips_client", + "build": "test", + "run": false, + "language": "c++", + "src": [ + "examples/tips/client_main.cc" + ], + "deps": [ + "tips_client_lib", + "grpc++_test_util", + "grpc_test_util", + "grpc++", + "grpc", + "gpr_test_util", + "gpr" + ] + }, + { + "name": "tips_client_test", + "build": "test", + "language": "c++", + "src": [ + "examples/tips/client_test.cc" + ], + "deps": [ + "tips_client_lib", + "grpc++_test_util", + "grpc_test_util", + "grpc++", + "grpc", + "gpr_test_util", + "gpr" + ] + }, + { "name": "qps_client", "build": "test", "language": "c++", diff --git a/examples/tips/client.cc b/examples/tips/client.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..695ff80e8a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/tips/client.cc @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2014, Google Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are + * met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer + * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + * this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +#include <grpc++/client_context.h> + +#include "examples/tips/client.h" + +using tech::pubsub::Topic; +using tech::pubsub::PublisherService; + +namespace grpc { +namespace examples { +namespace tips { + +Client::Client(std::shared_ptr<ChannelInterface> channel) + : stub_(PublisherService::NewStub(channel)) { +} + +Status Client::CreateTopic(grpc::string topic) { + Topic request; + Topic response; + request.set_name(topic); + ClientContext context; + + return stub_->CreateTopic(&context, request, &response); +} + +} // namespace tips +} // namespace examples +} // namespace grpc diff --git a/src/node/port_picker.js b/examples/tips/client.h index ad82f2a7f8..3f4f1fd836 100644 --- a/src/node/port_picker.js +++ b/examples/tips/client.h @@ -31,22 +31,24 @@ * */ -var net = require('net'); +#include <grpc++/channel_interface.h> +#include <grpc++/status.h> -/** - * Finds a free port that a server can bind to, in the format - * "address:port" - * @param {function(string)} cb The callback that should execute when the port - * is available - */ -function nextAvailablePort(cb) { - var server = net.createServer(); - server.listen(function() { - var address = server.address(); - server.close(function() { - cb(address.address + ':' + address.port.toString()); - }); - }); -} +#include "examples/tips/pubsub.pb.h" + +namespace grpc { +namespace examples { +namespace tips { + +class Client { + public: + Client(std::shared_ptr<grpc::ChannelInterface> channel); + Status CreateTopic(grpc::string topic); + + private: + std::unique_ptr<tech::pubsub::PublisherService::Stub> stub_; +}; -exports.nextAvailablePort = nextAvailablePort; +} // namespace tips +} // namespace examples +} // namespace grpc diff --git a/examples/tips/client_main.cc b/examples/tips/client_main.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..17567b6f17 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/tips/client_main.cc @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2014, Google Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are + * met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer + * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + * this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +#include <grpc/grpc.h> +#include <grpc/support/log.h> +#include <google/gflags.h> +#include <grpc++/channel_interface.h> +#include <grpc++/create_channel.h> +#include <grpc++/status.h> + +#include "examples/tips/client.h" +#include "test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.h" + +DEFINE_bool(enable_ssl, true, "Whether to use ssl/tls."); +DEFINE_bool(use_prod_roots, true, "True to use SSL roots for production GFE"); +DEFINE_int32(server_port, 0, "Server port."); +DEFINE_string(server_host, "", "Server host to connect to"); +DEFINE_string(server_host_override, "foo.test.google.com", + "Override the server host which is sent in HTTP header"); + +int main(int argc, char** argv) { + grpc_init(); + google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); + gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Start TIPS client"); + + GPR_ASSERT(FLAGS_server_port); + const int host_port_buf_size = 1024; + char host_port[host_port_buf_size]; + snprintf(host_port, host_port_buf_size, "%s:%d", FLAGS_server_host.c_str(), + FLAGS_server_port); + + std::shared_ptr<grpc::ChannelInterface> channel( + grpc::CreateTestChannel(host_port, FLAGS_server_host_override, + FLAGS_enable_ssl, FLAGS_use_prod_roots)); + + grpc::examples::tips::Client client(channel); + grpc::Status s = client.CreateTopic("test"); + GPR_ASSERT(s.IsOk()); + + channel.reset(); + grpc_shutdown(); + return 0; +} diff --git a/examples/tips/client_test.cc b/examples/tips/client_test.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..69238f2c6f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/tips/client_test.cc @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2014, Google Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are + * met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer + * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + * this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +#include <grpc++/channel_arguments.h> +#include <grpc++/channel_interface.h> +#include <grpc++/client_context.h> +#include <grpc++/create_channel.h> +#include <grpc++/server.h> +#include <grpc++/server_builder.h> +#include <grpc++/server_context.h> +#include <grpc++/status.h> +#include <gtest/gtest.h> + +#include "examples/tips/client.h" +#include "test/core/util/port.h" +#include "test/core/util/test_config.h" + +using grpc::ChannelInterface; + +namespace grpc { +namespace testing { +namespace { + +const char kTopic[] = "test topic"; + +class PublishServiceImpl : public tech::pubsub::PublisherService::Service { + public: + Status CreateTopic(::grpc::ServerContext* context, + const ::tech::pubsub::Topic* request, + ::tech::pubsub::Topic* response) override { + EXPECT_EQ(request->name(), kTopic); + return Status::OK; + } +}; + +class End2endTest : public ::testing::Test { + protected: + void SetUp() override { + int port = grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(); + server_address_ << "localhost:" << port; + // Setup server + ServerBuilder builder; + builder.AddPort(server_address_.str()); + builder.RegisterService(service_.service()); + server_ = builder.BuildAndStart(); + + channel_ = CreateChannel(server_address_.str(), ChannelArguments()); + } + + void TearDown() override { server_->Shutdown(); } + + std::unique_ptr<Server> server_; + std::ostringstream server_address_; + PublishServiceImpl service_; + + std::shared_ptr<ChannelInterface> channel_; +}; + +TEST_F(End2endTest, CreateTopic) { + grpc::examples::tips::Client client(channel_); + client.CreateTopic(kTopic); +} + +} // namespace +} // namespace testing +} // namespace grpc + +int main(int argc, char** argv) { + grpc_test_init(argc, argv); + grpc_init(); + ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); + gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Start test ..."); + int result = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); + grpc_shutdown(); + return result; +} diff --git a/examples/tips/empty.proto b/examples/tips/empty.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..adf66b5e61 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/tips/empty.proto @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +syntax = "proto2"; + +package proto2; + +// An empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty +// messages in your project. A typical example is to use it as argument or the +// return value of a service API. For instance: +// +// service Foo { +// rpc Bar (proto2.Empty) returns (proto2.Empty) { }; +// }; +// +message Empty {} diff --git a/examples/tips/label.proto b/examples/tips/label.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e93ac9dea3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/tips/label.proto @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +// Labels provide a way to associate user-defined metadata with various +// objects. Labels may be used to organize objects into non-hierarchical +// groups; think metadata tags attached to mp3s. + +syntax = "proto2"; + +package tech.label; + +// A key-value pair applied to a given object. +message Label { + // The key of a label is a syntactically valid URL (as per RFC 1738) with + // the "scheme" and initial slashes omitted and with the additional + // restrictions noted below. Each key should be globally unique. The + // "host" portion is called the "namespace" and is not necessarily + // resolvable to a network endpoint. Instead, the namespace indicates what + // system or entity defines the semantics of the label. Namespaces do not + // restrict the set of objects to which a label may be associated. + // + // Keys are defined by the following grammar: + // + // key = hostname "/" kpath + // kpath = ksegment *[ "/" ksegment ] + // ksegment = alphadigit | *[ alphadigit | "-" | "_" | "." ] + // + // where "hostname" and "alphadigit" are defined as in RFC 1738. + // + // Example key: + // spanner.google.com/universe + required string key = 1; + + // The value of the label. + oneof value { + // A string value. + string str_value = 2; + // An integer value. + int64 num_value = 3; + } +} + +// A collection of labels, such as the set of all labels attached to an +// object. Each label in the set must have a different key. +// +// Users should prefer to embed "repeated Label" directly when possible. +// This message should only be used in cases where that isn't possible (e.g. +// with oneof). +message Labels { + repeated Label label = 1; +} diff --git a/examples/tips/pubsub.proto b/examples/tips/pubsub.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0b3bd5d012 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/tips/pubsub.proto @@ -0,0 +1,702 @@ +// Specification of the Pubsub API. + +syntax = "proto2"; + +import "examples/tips/empty.proto"; +import "examples/tips/label.proto"; + +package tech.pubsub; + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Overview of the Pubsub API +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// This file describes an API for a Pubsub system. This system provides a +// reliable many-to-many communication mechanism between independently written +// publishers and subscribers where the publisher publishes messages to "topics" +// and each subscriber creates a "subscription" and consumes messages from it. +// +// (a) The pubsub system maintains bindings between topics and subscriptions. +// (b) A publisher publishes messages into a topic. +// (c) The pubsub system delivers messages from topics into relevant +// subscriptions. +// (d) A subscriber receives pending messages from its subscription and +// acknowledges or nacks each one to the pubsub system. +// (e) The pubsub system removes acknowledged messages from that subscription. + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Data Model +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// The data model consists of the following: +// +// * Topic: A topic is a resource to which messages are published by publishers. +// Topics are named, and the name of the topic is unique within the pubsub +// system. +// +// * Subscription: A subscription records the subscriber's interest in a topic. +// It can optionally include a query to select a subset of interesting +// messages. The pubsub system maintains a logical cursor tracking the +// matching messages which still need to be delivered and acked so that +// they can retried as needed. The set of messages that have not been +// acknowledged is called the subscription backlog. +// +// * Message: A message is a unit of data that flows in the system. It contains +// opaque data from the publisher along with its labels. +// +// * Message Labels (optional): A set of opaque key, value pairs assigned +// by the publisher which the subscriber can use for filtering out messages +// in the topic. For example, a label with key "foo.com/device_type" and +// value "mobile" may be added for messages that are only relevant for a +// mobile subscriber; a subscriber on a phone may decide to create a +// subscription only for messages that have this label. + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Publisher Flow +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// A publisher publishes messages to the topic using the Publish request: +// +// PubsubMessage message; +// message.set_data("...."); +// Label label; +// label.set_key("foo.com/key1"); +// label.set_str_value("value1"); +// message.add_label(label); +// PublishRequest request; +// request.set_topic("topicName"); +// request.set_message(message); +// PublisherService.Publish(request); + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Subscriber Flow +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// The subscriber part of the API is richer than the publisher part and has a +// number of concepts w.r.t. subscription creation and monitoring: +// +// (1) A subscriber creates a subscription using the CreateSubscription call. +// It may specify an optional "query" to indicate that it wants to receive +// only messages with a certain set of labels using the label query syntax. +// It may also specify an optional truncation policy to indicate when old +// messages from the subcription can be removed. +// +// (2) A subscriber receives messages in one of two ways: via push or pull. +// +// (a) To receive messages via push, the PushConfig field must be specified in +// the Subscription parameter when creating a subscription. The PushConfig +// specifies an endpoint at which the subscriber must expose the +// PushEndpointService. Messages are received via the HandlePubsubEvent +// method. The push subscriber responds to the HandlePubsubEvent method +// with a result code that indicates one of three things: Ack (the message +// has been successfully processed and the Pubsub system may delete it), +// Nack (the message has been rejected, the Pubsub system should resend it +// at a later time), or Push-Back (this is a Nack with the additional +// semantics that the subscriber is overloaded and the pubsub system should +// back off on the rate at which it is invoking HandlePubsubEvent). The +// endpoint may be a load balancer for better scalability. +// +// (b) To receive messages via pull a subscriber calls the Pull method on the +// SubscriberService to get messages from the subscription. For each +// individual message, the subscriber may use the ack_id received in the +// PullResponse to Ack the message, Nack the message, or modify the ack +// deadline with ModifyAckDeadline. See the +// Subscription.ack_deadline_seconds field documentation for details on the +// ack deadline behavior. +// +// Note: Messages may be consumed in parallel by multiple subscribers making +// Pull calls to the same subscription; this will result in the set of +// messages from the subscription being shared and each subscriber +// receiving a subset of the messages. +// +// (4) The subscriber can explicitly truncate the current subscription. +// +// (5) "Truncated" events are delivered when a subscription is +// truncated, whether due to the subscription's truncation policy +// or an explicit request from the subscriber. +// +// Subscription creation: +// +// Subscription subscription; +// subscription.set_topic("topicName"); +// subscription.set_name("subscriptionName"); +// subscription.push_config().set_push_endpoint("machinename:8888"); +// SubscriberService.CreateSubscription(subscription); +// +// Consuming messages via push: +// +// TODO(eschapira): Add HTTP push example. +// +// The port 'machinename:8888' must be bound to a stubby server that implements +// the PushEndpointService with the following method: +// +// int HandlePubsubEvent(PubsubEvent event) { +// if (event.subscription().equals("subscriptionName")) { +// if (event.has_message()) { +// Process(event.message().data()); +// } else if (event.truncated()) { +// ProcessTruncatedEvent(); +// } +// } +// return OK; // This return code implies an acknowledgment +// } +// +// Consuming messages via pull: +// +// The subscription must be created without setting the push_config field. +// +// PullRequest pull_request; +// pull_request.set_subscription("subscriptionName"); +// pull_request.set_return_immediately(false); +// while (true) { +// PullResponse pull_response; +// if (SubscriberService.Pull(pull_request, pull_response) == OK) { +// PubsubEvent event = pull_response.pubsub_event(); +// if (event.has_message()) { +// Process(event.message().data()); +// } else if (event.truncated()) { +// ProcessTruncatedEvent(); +// } +// AcknowledgeRequest ack_request; +// ackRequest.set_subscription("subscriptionName"); +// ackRequest.set_ack_id(pull_response.ack_id()); +// SubscriberService.Acknowledge(ack_request); +// } +// } + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Reliability Semantics +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// When a subscriber successfully creates a subscription using +// Subscriber.CreateSubscription, it establishes a "subscription point" with +// respect to that subscription - the subscriber is guaranteed to receive any +// message published after this subscription point that matches the +// subscription's query. Note that messages published before the Subscription +// point may or may not be delivered. +// +// If the system truncates the subscription according to the specified +// truncation policy, the system delivers a subscription status event with the +// "truncated" field set to true. We refer to such events as "truncation +// events". A truncation event: +// +// * Informs the subscriber that part of the subscription messages have been +// discarded. The subscriber may want to recover from the message loss, e.g., +// by resyncing its state with its backend. +// * Establishes a new subscription point, i.e., the subscriber is guaranteed to +// receive all changes published after the trunction event is received (or +// until another truncation event is received). +// +// Note that messages are not delivered in any particular order by the pubsub +// system. Furthermore, the system guarantees at-least-once delivery +// of each message or truncation events until acked. + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Deletion +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// Both topics and subscriptions may be deleted. Deletion of a topic implies +// deletion of all attached subscriptions. +// +// When a subscription is deleted directly by calling DeleteSubscription, all +// messages are immediately dropped. If it is a pull subscriber, future pull +// requests will return NOT_FOUND. +// +// When a topic is deleted all corresponding subscriptions are immediately +// deleted, and subscribers experience the same behavior as directly deleting +// the subscription. + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// The Publisher service and its protos. +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// The service that an application uses to manipulate topics, and to send +// messages to a topic. +service PublisherService { + + // Creates the given topic with the given name. + rpc CreateTopic(Topic) returns (Topic) { + } + + // Adds a message to the topic. Returns NOT_FOUND if the topic does not + // exist. + // (-- For different error code values returned via Stubby, see + // util/task/codes.proto. --) + rpc Publish(PublishRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) { + } + + // Adds one or more messages to the topic. Returns NOT_FOUND if the topic does + // not exist. + rpc PublishBatch(PublishBatchRequest) returns (PublishBatchResponse) { + } + + // Gets the configuration of a topic. Since the topic only has the name + // attribute, this method is only useful to check the existence of a topic. + // If other attributes are added in the future, they will be returned here. + rpc GetTopic(GetTopicRequest) returns (Topic) { + } + + // Lists matching topics. + rpc ListTopics(ListTopicsRequest) returns (ListTopicsResponse) { + } + + // Deletes the topic with the given name. All subscriptions to this topic + // are also deleted. Returns NOT_FOUND if the topic does not exist. + // After a topic is deleted, a new topic may be created with the same name. + rpc DeleteTopic(DeleteTopicRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) { + } +} + +// A topic resource. +message Topic { + // Name of the topic. + optional string name = 1; +} + +// A message data and its labels. +message PubsubMessage { + // The message payload. + optional bytes data = 1; + + // Optional list of labels for this message. Keys in this collection must + // be unique. + //(-- TODO(eschapira): Define how key namespace may be scoped to the topic.--) + repeated tech.label.Label label = 2; + + // ID of this message assigned by the server at publication time. Guaranteed + // to be unique within the topic. This value may be read by a subscriber + // that receives a PubsubMessage via a Pull call or a push delivery. It must + // not be populated by a publisher in a Publish call. + optional string message_id = 3; +} + +// Request for the GetTopic method. +message GetTopicRequest { + // The name of the topic to get. + optional string topic = 1; +} + +// Request for the Publish method. +message PublishRequest { + // The message in the request will be published on this topic. + optional string topic = 1; + + // The message to publish. + optional PubsubMessage message = 2; +} + +// Request for the PublishBatch method. +message PublishBatchRequest { + // The messages in the request will be published on this topic. + optional string topic = 1; + + // The messages to publish. + repeated PubsubMessage messages = 2; +} + +// Response for the PublishBatch method. +message PublishBatchResponse { + // The server-assigned ID of each published message, in the same order as + // the messages in the request. IDs are guaranteed to be unique within + // the topic. + repeated string message_ids = 1; +} + +// Request for the ListTopics method. +message ListTopicsRequest { + // A valid label query expression. + // (-- Which labels are required or supported is implementation-specific. --) + optional string query = 1; + + // Maximum number of topics to return. + // (-- If not specified or <= 0, the implementation will select a reasonable + // value. --) + optional int32 max_results = 2; + + // The value obtained in the last <code>ListTopicsResponse</code> + // for continuation. + optional string page_token = 3; + +} + +// Response for the ListTopics method. +message ListTopicsResponse { + // The resulting topics. + repeated Topic topic = 1; + + // If not empty, indicates that there are more topics that match the request, + // and this value should be passed to the next <code>ListTopicsRequest</code> + // to continue. + optional string next_page_token = 2; +} + +// Request for the Delete method. +message DeleteTopicRequest { + // Name of the topic to delete. + optional string topic = 1; +} + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// The Subscriber service and its protos. +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// The service that an application uses to manipulate subscriptions and to +// consume messages from a subscription via the pull method. +service SubscriberService { + + // Creates a subscription on a given topic for a given subscriber. + // If the subscription already exists, returns ALREADY_EXISTS. + // If the corresponding topic doesn't exist, returns NOT_FOUND. + // + // If the name is not provided in the request, the server will assign a random + // name for this subscription on the same project as the topic. + rpc CreateSubscription(Subscription) returns (Subscription) { + } + + // Gets the configuration details of a subscription. + rpc GetSubscription(GetSubscriptionRequest) returns (Subscription) { + } + + // Lists matching subscriptions. + rpc ListSubscriptions(ListSubscriptionsRequest) + returns (ListSubscriptionsResponse) { + } + + // Deletes an existing subscription. All pending messages in the subscription + // are immediately dropped. Calls to Pull after deletion will return + // NOT_FOUND. + rpc DeleteSubscription(DeleteSubscriptionRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) { + } + + // Removes all the pending messages in the subscription and releases the + // storage associated with them. Results in a truncation event to be sent to + // the subscriber. Messages added after this call returns are stored in the + // subscription as before. + rpc TruncateSubscription(TruncateSubscriptionRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) { + } + + // + // Push subscriber calls. + // + + // Modifies the <code>PushConfig</code> for a specified subscription. + // This method can be used to suspend the flow of messages to an endpoint + // by clearing the <code>PushConfig</code> field in the request. Messages + // will be accumulated for delivery even if no push configuration is + // defined or while the configuration is modified. + rpc ModifyPushConfig(ModifyPushConfigRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) { + } + + // + // Pull Subscriber calls + // + + // Pulls a single message from the server. + // If return_immediately is true, and no messages are available in the + // subscription, this method returns FAILED_PRECONDITION. The system is free + // to return an UNAVAILABLE error if no messages are available in a + // reasonable amount of time (to reduce system load). + rpc Pull(PullRequest) returns (PullResponse) { + } + + // Pulls messages from the server. Returns an empty list if there are no + // messages available in the backlog. The system is free to return UNAVAILABLE + // if there are too many pull requests outstanding for the given subscription. + rpc PullBatch(PullBatchRequest) returns (PullBatchResponse) { + } + + // Modifies the Ack deadline for a message received from a pull request. + rpc ModifyAckDeadline(ModifyAckDeadlineRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) { + } + + // Acknowledges a particular received message: the Pub/Sub system can remove + // the given message from the subscription. Acknowledging a message whose + // Ack deadline has expired may succeed, but the message could have been + // already redelivered. Acknowledging a message more than once will not + // result in an error. This is only used for messages received via pull. + rpc Acknowledge(AcknowledgeRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) { + } + + // Refuses processing a particular received message. The system will + // redeliver this message to some consumer of the subscription at some + // future time. This is only used for messages received via pull. + rpc Nack(NackRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) { + } +} + +// A subscription resource. +message Subscription { + // Name of the subscription. + optional string name = 1; + + // The name of the topic from which this subscription is receiving messages. + optional string topic = 2; + + // If <code>query</code> is non-empty, only messages on the subscriber's + // topic whose labels match the query will be returned. Otherwise all + // messages on the topic will be returned. + // (-- The query syntax is described in tech/label/proto/label_query.proto --) + optional string query = 3; + + // The subscriber may specify requirements for truncating unacknowledged + // subscription entries. The system will honor the + // <code>CreateSubscription</code> request only if it can meet these + // requirements. If this field is not specified, messages are never truncated + // by the system. + optional TruncationPolicy truncation_policy = 4; + + // Specifies which messages can be truncated by the system. + message TruncationPolicy { + oneof policy { + // If <code>max_bytes</code> is specified, the system is allowed to drop + // old messages to keep the combined size of stored messages under + // <code>max_bytes</code>. This is a hint; the system may keep more than + // this many bytes, but will make a best effort to keep the size from + // growing much beyond this parameter. + int64 max_bytes = 1; + + // If <code>max_age_seconds</code> is specified, the system is allowed to + // drop messages that have been stored for at least this many seconds. + // This is a hint; the system may keep these messages, but will make a + // best effort to remove them when their maximum age is reached. + int64 max_age_seconds = 2; + } + } + + // If push delivery is used with this subscription, this field is + // used to configure it. + optional PushConfig push_config = 5; + + // For either push or pull delivery, the value is the maximum time after a + // subscriber receives a message before the subscriber should acknowledge or + // Nack the message. If the Ack deadline for a message passes without an + // Ack or a Nack, the Pub/Sub system will eventually redeliver the message. + // If a subscriber acknowledges after the deadline, the Pub/Sub system may + // accept the Ack, but it is possible that the message has been already + // delivered again. Multiple Acks to the message are allowed and will + // succeed. + // + // For push delivery, this value is used to set the request timeout for + // the call to the push endpoint. + // + // For pull delivery, this value is used as the initial value for the Ack + // deadline. It may be overridden for a specific pull request (message) with + // <code>ModifyAckDeadline</code>. + // While a message is outstanding (i.e. it has been delivered to a pull + // subscriber and the subscriber has not yet Acked or Nacked), the Pub/Sub + // system will not deliver that message to another pull subscriber + // (on a best-effort basis). + optional int32 ack_deadline_seconds = 6; + + // If this parameter is set to n, the system is allowed to (but not required + // to) delete the subscription when at least n seconds have elapsed since the + // client presence was detected. (Presence is detected through any + // interaction using the subscription ID, including Pull(), Get(), or + // acknowledging a message.) + // + // If this parameter is not set, the subscription will stay live until + // explicitly deleted. + // + // Clients can detect such garbage collection when a Get call or a Pull call + // (for pull subscribers only) returns NOT_FOUND. + optional int64 garbage_collect_seconds = 7; +} + +// Configuration for a push delivery endpoint. +message PushConfig { + // A URL locating the endpoint to which messages should be pushed. + // For example, a Webhook endpoint might use "https://example.com/push". + // (-- An Android application might use "gcm:<REGID>", where <REGID> is a + // GCM registration id allocated for pushing messages to the application. --) + optional string push_endpoint = 1; +} + +// An event indicating a received message or truncation event. +message PubsubEvent { + // The subscription that received the event. + optional string subscription = 1; + + oneof type { + // A received message. + PubsubMessage message = 2; + + // Indicates that this subscription has been truncated. + bool truncated = 3; + + // Indicates that this subscription has been deleted. (Note that pull + // subscribers will always receive NOT_FOUND in response in their pull + // request on the subscription, rather than seeing this boolean.) + bool deleted = 4; + } +} + +// Request for the GetSubscription method. +message GetSubscriptionRequest { + // The name of the subscription to get. + optional string subscription = 1; +} + +// Request for the ListSubscriptions method. +message ListSubscriptionsRequest { + // A valid label query expression. + // (-- Which labels are required or supported is implementation-specific. + // TODO(eschapira): This method must support to query by topic. We must + // define the key URI for the "topic" label. --) + optional string query = 1; + + // Maximum number of subscriptions to return. + // (-- If not specified or <= 0, the implementation will select a reasonable + // value. --) + optional int32 max_results = 3; + + // The value obtained in the last <code>ListSubscriptionsResponse</code> + // for continuation. + optional string page_token = 4; +} + +// Response for the ListSubscriptions method. +message ListSubscriptionsResponse { + // The subscriptions that match the request. + repeated Subscription subscription = 1; + + // If not empty, indicates that there are more subscriptions that match the + // request and this value should be passed to the next + // <code>ListSubscriptionsRequest</code> to continue. + optional string next_page_token = 2; +} + +// Request for the TruncateSubscription method. +message TruncateSubscriptionRequest { + // The subscription that is being truncated. + optional string subscription = 1; +} + +// Request for the DeleteSubscription method. +message DeleteSubscriptionRequest { + // The subscription to delete. + optional string subscription = 1; +} + +// Request for the ModifyPushConfig method. +message ModifyPushConfigRequest { + // The name of the subscription. + optional string subscription = 1; + + // An empty <code>push_config</code> indicates that the Pub/Sub system should + // pause pushing messages from the given subscription. + optional PushConfig push_config = 2; +} + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// The protos used by a pull subscriber. +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// Request for the Pull method. +message PullRequest { + // The subscription from which a message should be pulled. + optional string subscription = 1; + + // If this is specified as true the system will respond immediately even if + // it is not able to return a message in the Pull response. Otherwise the + // system is allowed to wait until at least one message is available rather + // than returning FAILED_PRECONDITION. The client may cancel the request if + // it does not wish to wait any longer for the response. + optional bool return_immediately = 2; +} + +// Either a <code>PubsubMessage</code> or a truncation event. One of these two +// must be populated. +message PullResponse { + // This ID must be used to acknowledge the received event or message. + optional string ack_id = 1; + + // A pubsub message or truncation event. + optional PubsubEvent pubsub_event = 2; +} + +// Request for the PullBatch method. +message PullBatchRequest { + // The subscription from which messages should be pulled. + optional string subscription = 1; + + // If this is specified as true the system will respond immediately even if + // it is not able to return a message in the Pull response. Otherwise the + // system is allowed to wait until at least one message is available rather + // than returning no messages. The client may cancel the request if it does + // not wish to wait any longer for the response. + optional bool return_immediately = 2; + + // The maximum number of PubsubEvents returned for this request. The Pub/Sub + // system may return fewer than the number of events specified. + optional int32 max_events = 3; +} + +// Response for the PullBatch method. +message PullBatchResponse { + + // Received Pub/Sub messages or status events. The Pub/Sub system will return + // zero messages if there are no more messages available in the backlog. The + // Pub/Sub system may return fewer than the max_events requested even if + // there are more messages available in the backlog. + repeated PullResponse pull_responses = 2; +} + +// Request for the ModifyAckDeadline method. +message ModifyAckDeadlineRequest { + // The name of the subscription from which messages are being pulled. + optional string subscription = 1; + + // The acknowledgment ID. + optional string ack_id = 2; + + // The new Ack deadline. Must be >= 0. + optional int32 ack_deadline_seconds = 3; +} + +// Request for the Acknowledge method. +message AcknowledgeRequest { + // The subscription whose message is being acknowledged. + optional string subscription = 1; + + // The acknowledgment ID for the message being acknowledged. This was + // returned by the Pub/Sub system in the Pull response. + repeated string ack_id = 2; +} + +// Request for the Nack method. +message NackRequest { + // The subscription whose message is being Nacked. + optional string subscription = 1; + + // The acknowledgment ID for the message being refused. This was returned by + // the Pub/Sub system in the Pull response. + repeated string ack_id = 2; +} + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// The service and protos used by a push subscriber. +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// The service that a subscriber uses to handle messages sent via push +// delivery. +// This service is not currently exported for HTTP clients. +// TODO(eschapira): Explain HTTP subscribers. +service PushEndpointService { + // Sends a <code>PubsubMessage</code> or a subscription status event to a + // push endpoint. + // The push endpoint responds with an empty message and a code from + // util/task/codes.proto. The following codes have a particular meaning to the + // Pub/Sub system: + // OK - This is interpreted by Pub/Sub as Ack. + // ABORTED - This is intepreted by Pub/Sub as a Nack, without implying + // pushback for congestion control. The Pub/Sub system will + // retry this message at a later time. + // UNAVAILABLE - This is intepreted by Pub/Sub as a Nack, with the additional + // semantics of push-back. The Pub/Sub system will use an AIMD + // congestion control algorithm to backoff the rate of sending + // messages from this subscription. + // Any other code, or a failure to respond, will be interpreted in the same + // way as ABORTED; i.e. the system will retry the message at a later time to + // ensure reliable delivery. + rpc HandlePubsubEvent(PubsubEvent) returns (proto2.Empty); +} diff --git a/include/grpc++/server_credentials.h b/include/grpc++/server_credentials.h index cf08870f42..91504ae0ae 100644 --- a/include/grpc++/server_credentials.h +++ b/include/grpc++/server_credentials.h @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ #define __GRPCPP_SERVER_CREDENTIALS_H_ #include <memory> +#include <vector> #include <grpc++/config.h> @@ -60,9 +61,12 @@ class ServerCredentials final { // Options to create ServerCredentials with SSL struct SslServerCredentialsOptions { + struct PemKeyCertPair{ + grpc::string private_key; + grpc::string cert_chain; + }; grpc::string pem_root_certs; - grpc::string pem_private_key; - grpc::string pem_cert_chain; + std::vector<PemKeyCertPair> pem_key_cert_pairs; }; // Factory for building different types of ServerCredentials diff --git a/include/grpc/grpc.h b/include/grpc/grpc.h index 3c5b0de195..f03f61d84e 100644 --- a/include/grpc/grpc.h +++ b/include/grpc/grpc.h @@ -428,7 +428,8 @@ grpc_server *grpc_server_create(grpc_completion_queue *cq, REQUIRES: server not started */ int grpc_server_add_http2_port(grpc_server *server, const char *addr); -/* Add a secure port to server; returns 1 on success, 0 on failure +/* Add a secure port to server. + Returns bound port number on success, 0 on failure. REQUIRES: server not started */ int grpc_server_add_secure_http2_port(grpc_server *server, const char *addr); diff --git a/include/grpc/grpc_security.h b/include/grpc/grpc_security.h index 644b31f763..0732a8f83a 100644 --- a/include/grpc/grpc_security.h +++ b/include/grpc/grpc_security.h @@ -54,22 +54,26 @@ void grpc_credentials_release(grpc_credentials *creds); /* Creates default credentials. */ grpc_credentials *grpc_default_credentials_create(void); +/* Object that holds a private key / certificate chain pair in PEM format. */ +typedef struct { + /* private_key is the NULL-terminated string containing the PEM encoding of + the client's private key. */ + const char *private_key; + + /* cert_chain is the NULL-terminated string containing the PEM encoding of + the client's certificate chain. */ + const char *cert_chain; +} grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair; + /* Creates an SSL credentials object. - - pem_roots_cert is the buffer containing the PEM encoding of the server - root certificates. This parameter cannot be NULL. - - pem_roots_cert_size is the size of the associated buffer. - - pem_private_key is the buffer containing the PEM encoding of the client's - private key. This parameter can be NULL if the client does not have a - private key. - - pem_private_key_size is the size of the associated buffer. - - pem_cert_chain is the buffer containing the PEM encoding of the client's - certificate chain. This parameter can be NULL if the client does not have - a certificate chain. - - pem_cert_chain_size is the size of the associated buffer. */ + - pem_roots_cert is the NULL-terminated string containing the PEM encoding + of the server root certificates. If this parameter is NULL, the default + roots will be used. + - pem_key_cert_pair is a pointer on the object containing client's private + key and certificate chain. This parameter can be NULL if the client does + not have such a key/cert pair. */ grpc_credentials *grpc_ssl_credentials_create( - const unsigned char *pem_root_certs, size_t pem_root_certs_size, - const unsigned char *pem_private_key, size_t pem_private_key_size, - const unsigned char *pem_cert_chain, size_t pem_cert_chain_size); + const char *pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair *pem_key_cert_pair); /* Creates a composite credentials object. */ grpc_credentials *grpc_composite_credentials_create(grpc_credentials *creds1, @@ -130,22 +134,16 @@ typedef struct grpc_server_credentials grpc_server_credentials; void grpc_server_credentials_release(grpc_server_credentials *creds); /* Creates an SSL server_credentials object. - TODO(jboeuf): Change the constructor so that it can support multiple - key/cert pairs. - - pem_roots_cert is the buffer containing the PEM encoding of the server - root certificates. This parameter may be NULL if the server does not want - the client to be authenticated with SSL. - - pem_roots_cert_size is the size of the associated buffer. - - pem_private_key is the buffer containing the PEM encoding of the client's - private key. This parameter cannot be NULL. - - pem_private_key_size is the size of the associated buffer. - - pem_cert_chain is the buffer containing the PEM encoding of the client's - certificate chain. This parameter cannot be NULL. - - pem_cert_chain_size is the size of the associated buffer. */ + - pem_roots_cert is the NULL-terminated string containing the PEM encoding of + the client root certificates. This parameter may be NULL if the server does + not want the client to be authenticated with SSL. + - pem_key_cert_pairs is an array private key / certificate chains of the + server. This parameter cannot be NULL. + - num_key_cert_pairs indicates the number of items in the private_key_files + and cert_chain_files parameters. It should be at least 1. */ grpc_server_credentials *grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create( - const unsigned char *pem_root_certs, size_t pem_root_certs_size, - const unsigned char *pem_private_key, size_t pem_private_key_size, - const unsigned char *pem_cert_chain, size_t pem_cert_chain_size); + const char *pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair *pem_key_cert_pairs, + size_t num_key_cert_pairs); /* Creates a fake server transport security credentials object for testing. */ grpc_server_credentials *grpc_fake_transport_security_server_credentials_create( diff --git a/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.c b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.c index a04a6b430a..4386cf5a46 100644 --- a/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.c +++ b/src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick_posix.c @@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ /* This implementation is based on a freelist of pipes. */ +#define GRPC_MAX_CACHED_PIPES 50 +#define GRPC_PIPE_LOW_WATERMARK 25 + typedef struct grpc_kick_pipe_info { int pipe_read_fd; int pipe_write_fd; @@ -54,14 +57,16 @@ typedef struct grpc_kick_pipe_info { } grpc_kick_pipe_info; static grpc_kick_pipe_info *pipe_freelist = NULL; +static int pipe_freelist_count = 0; static gpr_mu pipe_freelist_mu; -static grpc_kick_pipe_info *allocate_pipe() { +static grpc_kick_pipe_info *allocate_pipe(void) { grpc_kick_pipe_info *info; gpr_mu_lock(&pipe_freelist_mu); if (pipe_freelist != NULL) { info = pipe_freelist; pipe_freelist = pipe_freelist->next; + --pipe_freelist_count; } else { int pipefd[2]; /* TODO(klempner): Make this nonfatal */ @@ -77,11 +82,26 @@ static grpc_kick_pipe_info *allocate_pipe() { return info; } +static void destroy_pipe(void) { + /* assumes pipe_freelist_mu is held */ + grpc_kick_pipe_info *current = pipe_freelist; + pipe_freelist = pipe_freelist->next; + pipe_freelist_count--; + close(current->pipe_read_fd); + close(current->pipe_write_fd); + gpr_free(current); +} + static void free_pipe(grpc_kick_pipe_info *pipe_info) { - /* TODO(klempner): Start closing pipes if the free list gets too large */ gpr_mu_lock(&pipe_freelist_mu); pipe_info->next = pipe_freelist; pipe_freelist = pipe_info; + pipe_freelist_count++; + if (pipe_freelist_count > GRPC_MAX_CACHED_PIPES) { + while (pipe_freelist_count > GRPC_PIPE_LOW_WATERMARK) { + destroy_pipe(); + } + } gpr_mu_unlock(&pipe_freelist_mu); } @@ -92,11 +112,7 @@ void grpc_pollset_kick_global_init() { void grpc_pollset_kick_global_destroy() { while (pipe_freelist != NULL) { - grpc_kick_pipe_info *current = pipe_freelist; - pipe_freelist = pipe_freelist->next; - close(current->pipe_read_fd); - close(current->pipe_write_fd); - gpr_free(current); + destroy_pipe(); } gpr_mu_destroy(&pipe_freelist_mu); } diff --git a/src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_common_posix.c b/src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_common_posix.c index 4b1ae3d4c7..3a0639f356 100644 --- a/src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_common_posix.c +++ b/src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_common_posix.c @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ int grpc_set_socket_reuse_addr(int fd, int reuse) { socklen_t intlen = sizeof(newval); return 0 == setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &val, sizeof(val)) && 0 == getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &newval, &intlen) && - newval == val; + (newval != 0) == val; } /* disable nagle */ @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ int grpc_set_socket_low_latency(int fd, int low_latency) { socklen_t intlen = sizeof(newval); return 0 == setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &val, sizeof(val)) && 0 == getsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &newval, &intlen) && - newval == val; + (newval != 0) == val; } static gpr_once g_probe_ipv6_once = GPR_ONCE_INIT; diff --git a/src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_posix.c b/src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_posix.c index e8c8071037..06c5033d45 100644 --- a/src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_posix.c +++ b/src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_posix.c @@ -50,12 +50,22 @@ int grpc_accept4(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen, fd = accept(sockfd, addr, addrlen); if (fd >= 0) { - flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); - flags |= nonblock ? O_NONBLOCK : 0; - flags |= cloexec ? FD_CLOEXEC : 0; - GPR_ASSERT(fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags) == 0); + if (nonblock) { + flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); + if (flags < 0) goto close_and_error; + if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) != 0) goto close_and_error; + } + if (cloexec) { + flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD, 0); + if (flags < 0) goto close_and_error; + if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC) != 0) goto close_and_error; + } } return fd; + +close_and_error: + close(fd); + return -1; } #endif /* GPR_POSIX_SOCKETUTILS */ diff --git a/src/core/iomgr/tcp_server_posix.c b/src/core/iomgr/tcp_server_posix.c index f1e5a6a8cd..2d6c6a73c2 100644 --- a/src/core/iomgr/tcp_server_posix.c +++ b/src/core/iomgr/tcp_server_posix.c @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ static int add_socket_to_server(grpc_tcp_server *s, int fd, if (s->nports == s->port_capacity) { s->port_capacity *= 2; s->ports = - gpr_realloc(s->ports, sizeof(server_port *) * s->port_capacity); + gpr_realloc(s->ports, sizeof(server_port) * s->port_capacity); } sp = &s->ports[s->nports++]; sp->server = s; diff --git a/src/core/security/credentials.c b/src/core/security/credentials.c index 006d863e27..628963e46c 100644 --- a/src/core/security/credentials.c +++ b/src/core/security/credentials.c @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ typedef struct { typedef struct { grpc_server_credentials base; - grpc_ssl_config config; + grpc_ssl_server_config config; } grpc_ssl_server_credentials; static void ssl_destroy(grpc_credentials *creds) { @@ -152,9 +152,24 @@ static void ssl_destroy(grpc_credentials *creds) { static void ssl_server_destroy(grpc_server_credentials *creds) { grpc_ssl_server_credentials *c = (grpc_ssl_server_credentials *)creds; + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < c->config.num_key_cert_pairs; i++) { + if (c->config.pem_private_keys[i] != NULL) { + gpr_free(c->config.pem_private_keys[i]); + } + if (c->config.pem_cert_chains[i]!= NULL) { + gpr_free(c->config.pem_cert_chains[i]); + } + } + if (c->config.pem_private_keys != NULL) gpr_free(c->config.pem_private_keys); + if (c->config.pem_private_keys_sizes != NULL) { + gpr_free(c->config.pem_private_keys_sizes); + } + if (c->config.pem_cert_chains != NULL) gpr_free(c->config.pem_cert_chains); + if (c->config.pem_cert_chains_sizes != NULL) { + gpr_free(c->config.pem_cert_chains_sizes); + } if (c->config.pem_root_certs != NULL) gpr_free(c->config.pem_root_certs); - if (c->config.pem_private_key != NULL) gpr_free(c->config.pem_private_key); - if (c->config.pem_cert_chain != NULL) gpr_free(c->config.pem_cert_chain); gpr_free(creds); } @@ -179,7 +194,7 @@ const grpc_ssl_config *grpc_ssl_credentials_get_config( } } -const grpc_ssl_config *grpc_ssl_server_credentials_get_config( +const grpc_ssl_server_config *grpc_ssl_server_credentials_get_config( const grpc_server_credentials *creds) { if (creds == NULL || strcmp(creds->type, GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_SSL)) { return NULL; @@ -189,57 +204,89 @@ const grpc_ssl_config *grpc_ssl_server_credentials_get_config( } } -static void ssl_build_config(const unsigned char *pem_root_certs, - size_t pem_root_certs_size, - const unsigned char *pem_private_key, - size_t pem_private_key_size, - const unsigned char *pem_cert_chain, - size_t pem_cert_chain_size, +static void ssl_copy_key_material(const char *input, unsigned char **output, + size_t *output_size) { + *output_size = strlen(input); + *output = gpr_malloc(*output_size); + memcpy(*output, input, *output_size); +} + +static void ssl_build_config(const char *pem_root_certs, + grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair *pem_key_cert_pair, grpc_ssl_config *config) { + if (pem_root_certs == NULL) { + /* TODO(jboeuf): Get them from the environment. */ + gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Default SSL roots not yet implemented."); + } else { + ssl_copy_key_material(pem_root_certs, &config->pem_root_certs, + &config->pem_root_certs_size); + } + + if (pem_key_cert_pair != NULL) { + GPR_ASSERT(pem_key_cert_pair->private_key != NULL); + GPR_ASSERT(pem_key_cert_pair->cert_chain != NULL); + ssl_copy_key_material(pem_key_cert_pair->private_key, + &config->pem_private_key, + &config->pem_private_key_size); + ssl_copy_key_material(pem_key_cert_pair->cert_chain, + &config->pem_cert_chain, + &config->pem_cert_chain_size); + } +} + +static void ssl_build_server_config( + const char *pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair *pem_key_cert_pairs, + size_t num_key_cert_pairs, grpc_ssl_server_config *config) { + size_t i; if (pem_root_certs != NULL) { - config->pem_root_certs = gpr_malloc(pem_root_certs_size); - memcpy(config->pem_root_certs, pem_root_certs, pem_root_certs_size); - config->pem_root_certs_size = pem_root_certs_size; + ssl_copy_key_material(pem_root_certs, &config->pem_root_certs, + &config->pem_root_certs_size); } - if (pem_private_key != NULL) { - config->pem_private_key = gpr_malloc(pem_private_key_size); - memcpy(config->pem_private_key, pem_private_key, pem_private_key_size); - config->pem_private_key_size = pem_private_key_size; + if (num_key_cert_pairs > 0) { + GPR_ASSERT(pem_key_cert_pairs != NULL); + config->pem_private_keys = + gpr_malloc(num_key_cert_pairs * sizeof(unsigned char *)); + config->pem_cert_chains = + gpr_malloc(num_key_cert_pairs * sizeof(unsigned char *)); + config->pem_private_keys_sizes = + gpr_malloc(num_key_cert_pairs * sizeof(size_t)); + config->pem_cert_chains_sizes = + gpr_malloc(num_key_cert_pairs * sizeof(size_t)); } - if (pem_cert_chain != NULL) { - config->pem_cert_chain = gpr_malloc(pem_cert_chain_size); - memcpy(config->pem_cert_chain, pem_cert_chain, pem_cert_chain_size); - config->pem_cert_chain_size = pem_cert_chain_size; + config->num_key_cert_pairs = num_key_cert_pairs; + for (i = 0; i < num_key_cert_pairs; i++) { + GPR_ASSERT(pem_key_cert_pairs[i].private_key != NULL); + GPR_ASSERT(pem_key_cert_pairs[i].cert_chain != NULL); + ssl_copy_key_material(pem_key_cert_pairs[i].private_key, + &config->pem_private_keys[i], + &config->pem_private_keys_sizes[i]); + ssl_copy_key_material(pem_key_cert_pairs[i].cert_chain, + &config->pem_cert_chains[i], + &config->pem_cert_chains_sizes[i]); } } grpc_credentials *grpc_ssl_credentials_create( - const unsigned char *pem_root_certs, size_t pem_root_certs_size, - const unsigned char *pem_private_key, size_t pem_private_key_size, - const unsigned char *pem_cert_chain, size_t pem_cert_chain_size) { + const char *pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair *pem_key_cert_pair) { grpc_ssl_credentials *c = gpr_malloc(sizeof(grpc_ssl_credentials)); memset(c, 0, sizeof(grpc_ssl_credentials)); c->base.type = GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_SSL; c->base.vtable = &ssl_vtable; gpr_ref_init(&c->base.refcount, 1); - ssl_build_config(pem_root_certs, pem_root_certs_size, pem_private_key, - pem_private_key_size, pem_cert_chain, pem_cert_chain_size, - &c->config); + ssl_build_config(pem_root_certs, pem_key_cert_pair, &c->config); return &c->base; } grpc_server_credentials *grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create( - const unsigned char *pem_root_certs, size_t pem_root_certs_size, - const unsigned char *pem_private_key, size_t pem_private_key_size, - const unsigned char *pem_cert_chain, size_t pem_cert_chain_size) { + const char *pem_root_certs, grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair *pem_key_cert_pairs, + size_t num_key_cert_pairs) { grpc_ssl_server_credentials *c = gpr_malloc(sizeof(grpc_ssl_server_credentials)); memset(c, 0, sizeof(grpc_ssl_server_credentials)); c->base.type = GRPC_CREDENTIALS_TYPE_SSL; c->base.vtable = &ssl_server_vtable; - ssl_build_config(pem_root_certs, pem_root_certs_size, pem_private_key, - pem_private_key_size, pem_cert_chain, pem_cert_chain_size, - &c->config); + ssl_build_server_config(pem_root_certs, pem_key_cert_pairs, + num_key_cert_pairs, &c->config); return &c->base; } diff --git a/src/core/security/credentials.h b/src/core/security/credentials.h index 4a2532d7c4..8a9ff41e10 100644 --- a/src/core/security/credentials.h +++ b/src/core/security/credentials.h @@ -137,10 +137,17 @@ struct grpc_server_credentials { const char *type; }; -/* TODO(jboeuf): Have an ssl_server_config that can contain multiple key/cert - pairs. */ +typedef struct { + unsigned char **pem_private_keys; + size_t *pem_private_keys_sizes; + unsigned char **pem_cert_chains; + size_t *pem_cert_chains_sizes; + size_t num_key_cert_pairs; + unsigned char *pem_root_certs; + size_t pem_root_certs_size; +} grpc_ssl_server_config; -const grpc_ssl_config *grpc_ssl_server_credentials_get_config( +const grpc_ssl_server_config *grpc_ssl_server_credentials_get_config( const grpc_server_credentials *ssl_creds); #endif /* __GRPC_INTERNAL_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS_H__ */ diff --git a/src/core/security/security_context.c b/src/core/security/security_context.c index 3a70f44a0a..cce3c7fe04 100644 --- a/src/core/security/security_context.c +++ b/src/core/security/security_context.c @@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ error: } grpc_security_status grpc_ssl_server_security_context_create( - const grpc_ssl_config *config, grpc_security_context **ctx) { + const grpc_ssl_server_config *config, grpc_security_context **ctx) { size_t num_alpn_protocols = grpc_chttp2_num_alpn_versions(); const unsigned char **alpn_protocol_strings = gpr_malloc(sizeof(const char *) * num_alpn_protocols); @@ -399,8 +399,7 @@ grpc_security_status grpc_ssl_server_security_context_create( strlen(grpc_chttp2_get_alpn_version_index(i)); } - if (config == NULL || config->pem_private_key == NULL || - config->pem_cert_chain == NULL) { + if (config == NULL || config->num_key_cert_pairs == 0) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "An SSL server needs a key and a cert."); goto error; } @@ -410,13 +409,13 @@ grpc_security_status grpc_ssl_server_security_context_create( gpr_ref_init(&c->base.refcount, 1); c->base.vtable = &ssl_server_vtable; result = tsi_create_ssl_server_handshaker_factory( - (const unsigned char **)&config->pem_private_key, - &config->pem_private_key_size, - (const unsigned char **)&config->pem_cert_chain, - &config->pem_cert_chain_size, 1, config->pem_root_certs, - config->pem_root_certs_size, GRPC_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES, - alpn_protocol_strings, alpn_protocol_string_lengths, num_alpn_protocols, - &c->handshaker_factory); + (const unsigned char **)config->pem_private_keys, + config->pem_private_keys_sizes, + (const unsigned char **)config->pem_cert_chains, + config->pem_cert_chains_sizes, config->num_key_cert_pairs, + config->pem_root_certs, config->pem_root_certs_size, + GRPC_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES, alpn_protocol_strings, + alpn_protocol_string_lengths, num_alpn_protocols, &c->handshaker_factory); if (result != TSI_OK) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Handshaker factory creation failed with %s.", tsi_result_to_string(result)); diff --git a/src/core/security/security_context.h b/src/core/security/security_context.h index 9ace7f1ccb..2caa2d3690 100644 --- a/src/core/security/security_context.h +++ b/src/core/security/security_context.h @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ grpc_security_status grpc_ssl_channel_security_context_create( specific error code otherwise. */ grpc_security_status grpc_ssl_server_security_context_create( - const grpc_ssl_config *config, grpc_security_context **ctx); + const grpc_ssl_server_config *config, grpc_security_context **ctx); /* --- Creation of high level objects. --- */ diff --git a/src/core/security/server_secure_chttp2.c b/src/core/security/server_secure_chttp2.c index 931fa95651..9dd4327822 100644 --- a/src/core/security/server_secure_chttp2.c +++ b/src/core/security/server_secure_chttp2.c @@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ int grpc_server_add_secure_http2_port(grpc_server *server, const char *addr) { grpc_tcp_server *tcp = NULL; size_t i; int count = 0; + int port_num = -1; + int port_temp; resolved = grpc_blocking_resolve_address(addr, "https"); if (!resolved) { @@ -105,9 +107,15 @@ int grpc_server_add_secure_http2_port(grpc_server *server, const char *addr) { } for (i = 0; i < resolved->naddrs; i++) { - if (grpc_tcp_server_add_port(tcp, - (struct sockaddr *)&resolved->addrs[i].addr, - resolved->addrs[i].len)) { + port_temp = grpc_tcp_server_add_port( + tcp, (struct sockaddr *)&resolved->addrs[i].addr, + resolved->addrs[i].len); + if (port_temp >= 0) { + if (port_num == -1) { + port_num = port_temp; + } else { + GPR_ASSERT(port_num == port_temp); + } count++; } } @@ -125,7 +133,7 @@ int grpc_server_add_secure_http2_port(grpc_server *server, const char *addr) { /* Register with the server only upon success */ grpc_server_add_listener(server, tcp, start, destroy); - return 1; + return port_num; /* Error path: cleanup and return */ error: diff --git a/src/core/support/time_posix.c b/src/core/support/time_posix.c index 78d4c3b446..9e11f8a865 100644 --- a/src/core/support/time_posix.c +++ b/src/core/support/time_posix.c @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ gpr_timespec gpr_now(void) { struct timeval now_tv; gettimeofday(&now_tv, NULL); now.tv_sec = now_tv.tv_sec; - now.tv_nsec = now_tv.tv_usec / 1000; + now.tv_nsec = now_tv.tv_usec * 1000; return now; } #endif diff --git a/src/cpp/client/credentials.cc b/src/cpp/client/credentials.cc index 0955fa28ae..8e3a988477 100644 --- a/src/cpp/client/credentials.cc +++ b/src/cpp/client/credentials.cc @@ -54,26 +54,12 @@ std::unique_ptr<Credentials> CredentialsFactory::DefaultCredentials() { // Builds SSL Credentials given SSL specific options std::unique_ptr<Credentials> CredentialsFactory::SslCredentials( const SslCredentialsOptions &options) { - const unsigned char *pem_root_certs = - options.pem_root_certs.empty() ? nullptr - : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>( - options.pem_root_certs.c_str()); - if (pem_root_certs == nullptr) { - return std::unique_ptr<Credentials>(); - } - const unsigned char *pem_private_key = - options.pem_private_key.empty() ? nullptr - : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>( - options.pem_private_key.c_str()); - const unsigned char *pem_cert_chain = - options.pem_cert_chain.empty() ? nullptr - : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>( - options.pem_cert_chain.c_str()); + grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair pem_key_cert_pair = { + options.pem_private_key.c_str(), options.pem_cert_chain.c_str()}; grpc_credentials *c_creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create( - pem_root_certs, options.pem_root_certs.size(), pem_private_key, - options.pem_private_key.size(), pem_cert_chain, - options.pem_cert_chain.size()); + options.pem_root_certs.empty() ? nullptr : options.pem_root_certs.c_str(), + options.pem_private_key.empty() ? nullptr : &pem_key_cert_pair); std::unique_ptr<Credentials> cpp_creds( c_creds == nullptr ? nullptr : new Credentials(c_creds)); return cpp_creds; diff --git a/src/cpp/server/server_credentials.cc b/src/cpp/server/server_credentials.cc index b82a2d821a..ce0271b6a0 100644 --- a/src/cpp/server/server_credentials.cc +++ b/src/cpp/server/server_credentials.cc @@ -48,23 +48,14 @@ grpc_server_credentials *ServerCredentials::GetRawCreds() { return creds_; } std::shared_ptr<ServerCredentials> ServerCredentialsFactory::SslCredentials( const SslServerCredentialsOptions &options) { - const unsigned char *pem_root_certs = - options.pem_root_certs.empty() ? nullptr - : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>( - options.pem_root_certs.c_str()); - const unsigned char *pem_private_key = - options.pem_private_key.empty() ? nullptr - : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>( - options.pem_private_key.c_str()); - const unsigned char *pem_cert_chain = - options.pem_cert_chain.empty() ? nullptr - : reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>( - options.pem_cert_chain.c_str()); - + std::vector<grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair> pem_key_cert_pairs; + for (const auto &key_cert_pair : options.pem_key_cert_pairs) { + pem_key_cert_pairs.push_back( + {key_cert_pair.private_key.c_str(), key_cert_pair.cert_chain.c_str()}); + } grpc_server_credentials *c_creds = grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create( - pem_root_certs, options.pem_root_certs.size(), pem_private_key, - options.pem_private_key.size(), pem_cert_chain, - options.pem_cert_chain.size()); + options.pem_root_certs.empty() ? nullptr : options.pem_root_certs.c_str(), + &pem_key_cert_pairs[0], pem_key_cert_pairs.size()); return std::shared_ptr<ServerCredentials>(new ServerCredentials(c_creds)); } diff --git a/src/node/binding.gyp b/src/node/binding.gyp index 4a1fd7aaf0..da4a943491 100644 --- a/src/node/binding.gyp +++ b/src/node/binding.gyp @@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ 'link_settings': { 'libraries': [ '-lgrpc', - '-levent', - '-levent_pthreads', - '-levent_core', '-lrt', '-lgpr', '-lpthread' diff --git a/src/node/client.js b/src/node/client.js index edaa115d0f..f913b06f29 100644 --- a/src/node/client.js +++ b/src/node/client.js @@ -45,10 +45,22 @@ util.inherits(GrpcClientStream, Duplex); * from stream.Duplex. * @constructor * @param {grpc.Call} call Call object to proxy - * @param {object} options Stream options + * @param {function(*):Buffer=} serialize Serialization function for requests + * @param {function(Buffer):*=} deserialize Deserialization function for + * responses */ -function GrpcClientStream(call, options) { - Duplex.call(this, options); +function GrpcClientStream(call, serialize, deserialize) { + Duplex.call(this, {objectMode: true}); + if (!serialize) { + serialize = function(value) { + return value; + }; + } + if (!deserialize) { + deserialize = function(value) { + return value; + }; + } var self = this; // Indicates that we can start reading and have not received a null read var can_read = false; @@ -59,6 +71,32 @@ function GrpcClientStream(call, options) { // Indicates that a write is currently pending var writing = false; this._call = call; + + /** + * Serialize a request value to a buffer. Always maps null to null. Otherwise + * uses the provided serialize function + * @param {*} value The value to serialize + * @return {Buffer} The serialized value + */ + this.serialize = function(value) { + if (value === null || value === undefined) { + return null; + } + return serialize(value); + }; + + /** + * Deserialize a response buffer to a value. Always maps null to null. + * Otherwise uses the provided deserialize function. + * @param {Buffer} buffer The buffer to deserialize + * @return {*} The deserialized value + */ + this.deserialize = function(buffer) { + if (buffer === null) { + return null; + } + return deserialize(buffer); + }; /** * Callback to handle receiving a READ event. Pushes the data from that event * onto the read queue and starts reading again if applicable. @@ -66,7 +104,7 @@ function GrpcClientStream(call, options) { */ function readCallback(event) { var data = event.data; - if (self.push(data)) { + if (self.push(self.deserialize(data))) { if (data == null) { // Disable starting to read after null read was received can_read = false; @@ -102,7 +140,7 @@ function GrpcClientStream(call, options) { next.callback(); writeNext(); }; - call.startWrite(next.chunk, writeCallback, 0); + call.startWrite(self.serialize(next.chunk), writeCallback, 0); } else { writing = false; } @@ -171,6 +209,9 @@ GrpcClientStream.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, callback) { * Make a request on the channel to the given method with the given arguments * @param {grpc.Channel} channel The channel on which to make the request * @param {string} method The method to request + * @param {function(*):Buffer} serialize Serialization function for requests + * @param {function(Buffer):*} deserialize Deserialization function for + * responses * @param {array=} metadata Array of metadata key/value pairs to add to the call * @param {(number|Date)=} deadline The deadline for processing this request. * Defaults to infinite future. @@ -178,6 +219,8 @@ GrpcClientStream.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, callback) { */ function makeRequest(channel, method, + serialize, + deserialize, metadata, deadline) { if (deadline === undefined) { diff --git a/src/node/common.js b/src/node/common.js index 656a4aca95..54247e3fa1 100644 --- a/src/node/common.js +++ b/src/node/common.js @@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ * */ +var capitalize = require('underscore.string/capitalize'); + /** * Get a function that deserializes a specific type of protobuf. * @param {function()} cls The constructor of the message type to deserialize @@ -73,6 +75,9 @@ function fullyQualifiedName(value) { return ''; } var name = value.name; + if (value.className === 'Service.RPCMethod') { + name = capitalize(name); + } if (value.hasOwnProperty('parent')) { var parent_name = fullyQualifiedName(value.parent); if (parent_name !== '') { diff --git a/src/node/credentials.cc b/src/node/credentials.cc index d58b7eda89..f9cd2fcfe0 100644 --- a/src/node/credentials.cc +++ b/src/node/credentials.cc @@ -136,33 +136,29 @@ NAN_METHOD(Credentials::CreateDefault) { NAN_METHOD(Credentials::CreateSsl) { NanScope(); - char *root_certs; - char *private_key = NULL; - char *cert_chain = NULL; - int root_certs_length, private_key_length = 0, cert_chain_length = 0; - if (!Buffer::HasInstance(args[0])) { + char *root_certs = NULL; + grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair key_cert_pair = {NULL, NULL}; + if (Buffer::HasInstance(args[0])) { + root_certs = Buffer::Data(args[0]); + } else if (!(args[0]->IsNull() || args[0]->IsUndefined())) { return NanThrowTypeError("createSsl's first argument must be a Buffer"); } - root_certs = Buffer::Data(args[0]); - root_certs_length = Buffer::Length(args[0]); if (Buffer::HasInstance(args[1])) { - private_key = Buffer::Data(args[1]); - private_key_length = Buffer::Length(args[1]); + key_cert_pair.private_key = Buffer::Data(args[1]); } else if (!(args[1]->IsNull() || args[1]->IsUndefined())) { return NanThrowTypeError( "createSSl's second argument must be a Buffer if provided"); } if (Buffer::HasInstance(args[2])) { - cert_chain = Buffer::Data(args[2]); - cert_chain_length = Buffer::Length(args[2]); + key_cert_pair.cert_chain = Buffer::Data(args[2]); } else if (!(args[2]->IsNull() || args[2]->IsUndefined())) { return NanThrowTypeError( "createSSl's third argument must be a Buffer if provided"); } + NanReturnValue(WrapStruct(grpc_ssl_credentials_create( - reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(root_certs), root_certs_length, - reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(private_key), private_key_length, - reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(cert_chain), cert_chain_length))); + root_certs, + key_cert_pair.private_key == NULL ? NULL : &key_cert_pair))); } NAN_METHOD(Credentials::CreateComposite) { diff --git a/src/node/examples/math_server.js b/src/node/examples/math_server.js index 366513dc17..d649b4fd6d 100644 --- a/src/node/examples/math_server.js +++ b/src/node/examples/math_server.js @@ -119,10 +119,10 @@ function mathDivMany(stream) { var server = new Server({ 'math.Math' : { - Div: mathDiv, - Fib: mathFib, - Sum: mathSum, - DivMany: mathDivMany + div: mathDiv, + fib: mathFib, + sum: mathSum, + divMany: mathDivMany } }); diff --git a/src/node/interop/empty.proto b/src/node/interop/empty.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c9920a22ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/node/interop/empty.proto @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +syntax = "proto2"; + +package grpc.testing; + +// An empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty +// messages in your project. A typical example is to use it as argument or the +// return value of a service API. For instance: +// +// service Foo { +// rpc Bar (grpc.testing.Empty) returns (grpc.testing.Empty) { }; +// }; +// +// MOE:begin_strip +// The difference between this one and net/rpc/empty-message.proto is that +// 1) The generated message here is in proto2 C++ API. +// 2) The proto2.Empty has minimum dependencies +// (no message_set or net/rpc dependencies) +// MOE:end_strip +message Empty {} diff --git a/src/node/interop/interop_client.js b/src/node/interop/interop_client.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cf75b9a77a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/node/interop/interop_client.js @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2014, Google Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are + * met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer + * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + * this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +var fs = require('fs'); +var path = require('path'); +var grpc = require('..'); +var testProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/test.proto').grpc.testing; + +var assert = require('assert'); + +/** + * Create a buffer filled with size zeroes + * @param {number} size The length of the buffer + * @return {Buffer} The new buffer + */ +function zeroBuffer(size) { + var zeros = new Buffer(size); + zeros.fill(0); + return zeros; +} + +/** + * Run the empty_unary test + * @param {Client} client The client to test against + * @param {function} done Callback to call when the test is completed. Included + * primarily for use with mocha + */ +function emptyUnary(client, done) { + var call = client.emptyCall({}, function(err, resp) { + assert.ifError(err); + }); + call.on('status', function(status) { + assert.strictEqual(status.code, grpc.status.OK); + if (done) { + done(); + } + }); +} + +/** + * Run the large_unary test + * @param {Client} client The client to test against + * @param {function} done Callback to call when the test is completed. Included + * primarily for use with mocha + */ +function largeUnary(client, done) { + var arg = { + response_type: testProto.PayloadType.COMPRESSABLE, + response_size: 314159, + payload: { + body: zeroBuffer(271828) + } + }; + var call = client.unaryCall(arg, function(err, resp) { + assert.ifError(err); + assert.strictEqual(resp.payload.type, testProto.PayloadType.COMPRESSABLE); + assert.strictEqual(resp.payload.body.limit - resp.payload.body.offset, + 314159); + }); + call.on('status', function(status) { + assert.strictEqual(status.code, grpc.status.OK); + if (done) { + done(); + } + }); +} + +/** + * Run the client_streaming test + * @param {Client} client The client to test against + * @param {function} done Callback to call when the test is completed. Included + * primarily for use with mocha + */ +function clientStreaming(client, done) { + var call = client.streamingInputCall(function(err, resp) { + assert.ifError(err); + assert.strictEqual(resp.aggregated_payload_size, 74922); + }); + call.on('status', function(status) { + assert.strictEqual(status.code, grpc.status.OK); + if (done) { + done(); + } + }); + var payload_sizes = [27182, 8, 1828, 45904]; + for (var i = 0; i < payload_sizes.length; i++) { + call.write({payload: {body: zeroBuffer(payload_sizes[i])}}); + } + call.end(); +} + +/** + * Run the server_streaming test + * @param {Client} client The client to test against + * @param {function} done Callback to call when the test is completed. Included + * primarily for use with mocha + */ +function serverStreaming(client, done) { + var arg = { + response_type: testProto.PayloadType.COMPRESSABLE, + response_parameters: [ + {size: 31415}, + {size: 9}, + {size: 2653}, + {size: 58979} + ] + }; + var call = client.streamingOutputCall(arg); + var resp_index = 0; + call.on('data', function(value) { + assert(resp_index < 4); + assert.strictEqual(value.payload.type, testProto.PayloadType.COMPRESSABLE); + assert.strictEqual(value.payload.body.limit - value.payload.body.offset, + arg.response_parameters[resp_index].size); + resp_index += 1; + }); + call.on('status', function(status) { + assert.strictEqual(resp_index, 4); + assert.strictEqual(status.code, grpc.status.OK); + if (done) { + done(); + } + }); +} + +/** + * Run the ping_pong test + * @param {Client} client The client to test against + * @param {function} done Callback to call when the test is completed. Included + * primarily for use with mocha + */ +function pingPong(client, done) { + var payload_sizes = [27182, 8, 1828, 45904]; + var response_sizes = [31415, 9, 2653, 58979]; + var call = client.fullDuplexCall(); + call.on('status', function(status) { + assert.strictEqual(status.code, grpc.status.OK); + if (done) { + done(); + } + }); + var index = 0; + call.write({ + response_type: testProto.PayloadType.COMPRESSABLE, + response_parameters: [ + {size: response_sizes[index]} + ], + payload: {body: zeroBuffer(payload_sizes[index])} + }); + call.on('data', function(response) { + assert.strictEqual(response.payload.type, + testProto.PayloadType.COMPRESSABLE); + assert.equal(response.payload.body.limit - response.payload.body.offset, + response_sizes[index]); + index += 1; + if (index == 4) { + call.end(); + } else { + call.write({ + response_type: testProto.PayloadType.COMPRESSABLE, + response_parameters: [ + {size: response_sizes[index]} + ], + payload: {body: zeroBuffer(payload_sizes[index])} + }); + } + }); +} + +/** + * Run the empty_stream test. + * NOTE: This does not work, but should with the new invoke API + * @param {Client} client The client to test against + * @param {function} done Callback to call when the test is completed. Included + * primarily for use with mocha + */ +function emptyStream(client, done) { + var call = client.fullDuplexCall(); + call.on('status', function(status) { + assert.strictEqual(status.code, grpc.status.OK); + if (done) { + done(); + } + }); + call.on('data', function(value) { + assert.fail(value, null, 'No data should have been received', '!=='); + }); + call.end(); +} + +/** + * Map from test case names to test functions + */ +var test_cases = { + empty_unary: emptyUnary, + large_unary: largeUnary, + client_streaming: clientStreaming, + server_streaming: serverStreaming, + ping_pong: pingPong, + empty_stream: emptyStream +}; + +/** + * Execute a single test case. + * @param {string} address The address of the server to connect to, in the + * format "hostname:port" + * @param {string} host_overrirde The hostname of the server to use as an SSL + * override + * @param {string} test_case The name of the test case to run + * @param {bool} tls Indicates that a secure channel should be used + * @param {function} done Callback to call when the test is completed. Included + * primarily for use with mocha + */ +function runTest(address, host_override, test_case, tls, done) { + // TODO(mlumish): enable TLS functionality + var options = {}; + if (tls) { + var ca_path = path.join(__dirname, '../test/data/ca.pem'); + var ca_data = fs.readFileSync(ca_path); + var creds = grpc.Credentials.createSsl(ca_data); + options.credentials = creds; + if (host_override) { + options['grpc.ssl_target_name_override'] = host_override; + } + } + var client = new testProto.TestService(address, options); + + test_cases[test_case](client, done); +} + +if (require.main === module) { + var parseArgs = require('minimist'); + var argv = parseArgs(process.argv, { + string: ['server_host', 'server_host_override', 'server_port', 'test_case', + 'use_tls', 'use_test_ca'] + }); + runTest(argv.server_host + ':' + argv.server_port, argv.server_host_override, + argv.test_case, argv.use_tls === 'true'); +} + +/** + * See docs for runTest + */ +exports.runTest = runTest; diff --git a/src/node/interop/interop_server.js b/src/node/interop/interop_server.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d2bd7ae0d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/node/interop/interop_server.js @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2014, Google Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are + * met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer + * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + * this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +var fs = require('fs'); +var path = require('path'); +var _ = require('underscore'); +var grpc = require('..'); +var testProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/test.proto').grpc.testing; +var Server = grpc.buildServer([testProto.TestService.service]); + +/** + * Create a buffer filled with size zeroes + * @param {number} size The length of the buffer + * @return {Buffer} The new buffer + */ +function zeroBuffer(size) { + var zeros = new Buffer(size); + zeros.fill(0); + return zeros; +} + +/** + * Respond to an empty parameter with an empty response. + * NOTE: this currently does not work due to issue #137 + * @param {Call} call Call to handle + * @param {function(Error, Object)} callback Callback to call with result + * or error + */ +function handleEmpty(call, callback) { + callback(null, {}); +} + +/** + * Handle a unary request by sending the requested payload + * @param {Call} call Call to handle + * @param {function(Error, Object)} callback Callback to call with result or + * error + */ +function handleUnary(call, callback) { + var req = call.request; + var zeros = zeroBuffer(req.response_size); + var payload_type = req.response_type; + if (payload_type === testProto.PayloadType.RANDOM) { + payload_type = [ + testProto.PayloadType.COMPRESSABLE, + testProto.PayloadType.UNCOMPRESSABLE][Math.random() < 0.5 ? 0 : 1]; + } + callback(null, {payload: {type: payload_type, body: zeros}}); +} + +/** + * Respond to a streaming call with the total size of all payloads + * @param {Call} call Call to handle + * @param {function(Error, Object)} callback Callback to call with result or + * error + */ +function handleStreamingInput(call, callback) { + var aggregate_size = 0; + call.on('data', function(value) { + aggregate_size += value.payload.body.limit - value.payload.body.offset; + }); + call.on('end', function() { + callback(null, {aggregated_payload_size: aggregate_size}); + }); +} + +/** + * Respond to a payload request with a stream of the requested payloads + * @param {Call} call Call to handle + */ +function handleStreamingOutput(call) { + var req = call.request; + var payload_type = req.response_type; + if (payload_type === testProto.PayloadType.RANDOM) { + payload_type = [ + testProto.PayloadType.COMPRESSABLE, + testProto.PayloadType.UNCOMPRESSABLE][Math.random() < 0.5 ? 0 : 1]; + } + _.each(req.response_parameters, function(resp_param) { + call.write({ + payload: { + body: zeroBuffer(resp_param.size), + type: payload_type + } + }); + }); + call.end(); +} + +/** + * Respond to a stream of payload requests with a stream of payload responses as + * they arrive. + * @param {Call} call Call to handle + */ +function handleFullDuplex(call) { + call.on('data', function(value) { + var payload_type = value.response_type; + if (payload_type === testProto.PayloadType.RANDOM) { + payload_type = [ + testProto.PayloadType.COMPRESSABLE, + testProto.PayloadType.UNCOMPRESSABLE][Math.random() < 0.5 ? 0 : 1]; + } + _.each(value.response_parameters, function(resp_param) { + call.write({ + payload: { + body: zeroBuffer(resp_param.size), + type: payload_type + } + }); + }); + }); + call.on('end', function() { + call.end(); + }); +} + +/** + * Respond to a stream of payload requests with a stream of payload responses + * after all requests have arrived + * @param {Call} call Call to handle + */ +function handleHalfDuplex(call) { + throw new Error('HalfDuplexCall not yet implemented'); +} + +/** + * Get a server object bound to the given port + * @param {string} port Port to which to bind + * @param {boolean} tls Indicates that the bound port should use TLS + * @return {{server: Server, port: number}} Server object bound to the support, + * and port number that the server is bound to + */ +function getServer(port, tls) { + // TODO(mlumish): enable TLS functionality + var options = {}; + if (tls) { + var key_path = path.join(__dirname, '../test/data/server1.key'); + var pem_path = path.join(__dirname, '../test/data/server1.pem'); + + var key_data = fs.readFileSync(key_path); + var pem_data = fs.readFileSync(pem_path); + var server_creds = grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl(null, + key_data, + pem_data); + options.credentials = server_creds; + } + var server = new Server({ + 'grpc.testing.TestService' : { + emptyCall: handleEmpty, + unaryCall: handleUnary, + streamingOutputCall: handleStreamingOutput, + streamingInputCall: handleStreamingInput, + fullDuplexCall: handleFullDuplex, + halfDuplexCall: handleHalfDuplex + } + }, options); + var port_num = server.bind('' + port, tls); + return {server: server, port: port_num}; +} + +if (require.main === module) { + var parseArgs = require('minimist'); + var argv = parseArgs(process.argv, { + string: ['port', 'use_tls'] + }); + var server_obj = getServer(argv.port, argv.use_tls === 'true'); + server_obj.server.start(); +} + +/** + * See docs for getServer + */ +exports.getServer = getServer; diff --git a/src/node/interop/messages.proto b/src/node/interop/messages.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..29db0dd8b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/node/interop/messages.proto @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +// Message definitions to be used by integration test service definitions. + +syntax = "proto2"; + +package grpc.testing; + +// The type of payload that should be returned. +enum PayloadType { + // Compressable text format. + COMPRESSABLE = 0; + + // Uncompressable binary format. + UNCOMPRESSABLE = 1; + + // Randomly chosen from all other formats defined in this enum. + RANDOM = 2; +} + +// A block of data, to simply increase gRPC message size. +message Payload { + // The type of data in body. + optional PayloadType type = 1; + // Primary contents of payload. + optional bytes body = 2; +} + +// Unary request. +message SimpleRequest { + // Desired payload type in the response from the server. + // If response_type is RANDOM, server randomly chooses one from other formats. + optional PayloadType response_type = 1; + + // Desired payload size in the response from the server. + // If response_type is COMPRESSABLE, this denotes the size before compression. + optional int32 response_size = 2; + + // Optional input payload sent along with the request. + optional Payload payload = 3; +} + +// Unary response, as configured by the request. +message SimpleResponse { + // Payload to increase message size. + optional Payload payload = 1; + // The user the request came from, for verifying authentication was + // successful when the client expected it. + optional int64 effective_gaia_user_id = 2; +} + +// Client-streaming request. +message StreamingInputCallRequest { + // Optional input payload sent along with the request. + optional Payload payload = 1; + + // Not expecting any payload from the response. +} + +// Client-streaming response. +message StreamingInputCallResponse { + // Aggregated size of payloads received from the client. + optional int32 aggregated_payload_size = 1; +} + +// Configuration for a particular response. +message ResponseParameters { + // Desired payload sizes in responses from the server. + // If response_type is COMPRESSABLE, this denotes the size before compression. + optional int32 size = 1; + + // Desired interval between consecutive responses in the response stream in + // microseconds. + optional int32 interval_us = 2; +} + +// Server-streaming request. +message StreamingOutputCallRequest { + // Desired payload type in the response from the server. + // If response_type is RANDOM, the payload from each response in the stream + // might be of different types. This is to simulate a mixed type of payload + // stream. + optional PayloadType response_type = 1; + + // Configuration for each expected response message. + repeated ResponseParameters response_parameters = 2; + + // Optional input payload sent along with the request. + optional Payload payload = 3; +} + +// Server-streaming response, as configured by the request and parameters. +message StreamingOutputCallResponse { + // Payload to increase response size. + optional Payload payload = 1; +} diff --git a/src/node/interop/test.proto b/src/node/interop/test.proto new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8380ebb31d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/node/interop/test.proto @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +// An integration test service that covers all the method signature permutations +// of unary/streaming requests/responses. +syntax = "proto2"; + +import "empty.proto"; +import "messages.proto"; + +package grpc.testing; + +// A simple service to test the various types of RPCs and experiment with +// performance with various types of payload. +service TestService { + // One empty request followed by one empty response. + rpc EmptyCall(grpc.testing.Empty) returns (grpc.testing.Empty); + + // One request followed by one response. + // The server returns the client payload as-is. + rpc UnaryCall(SimpleRequest) returns (SimpleResponse); + + // One request followed by a sequence of responses (streamed download). + // The server returns the payload with client desired type and sizes. + rpc StreamingOutputCall(StreamingOutputCallRequest) + returns (stream StreamingOutputCallResponse); + + // A sequence of requests followed by one response (streamed upload). + // The server returns the aggregated size of client payload as the result. + rpc StreamingInputCall(stream StreamingInputCallRequest) + returns (StreamingInputCallResponse); + + // A sequence of requests with each request served by the server immediately. + // As one request could lead to multiple responses, this interface + // demonstrates the idea of full duplexing. + rpc FullDuplexCall(stream StreamingOutputCallRequest) + returns (stream StreamingOutputCallResponse); + + // A sequence of requests followed by a sequence of responses. + // The server buffers all the client requests and then serves them in order. A + // stream of responses are returned to the client when the server starts with + // first request. + rpc HalfDuplexCall(stream StreamingOutputCallRequest) + returns (stream StreamingOutputCallResponse); +} diff --git a/src/node/main.js b/src/node/main.js index a8dfa20024..751c3525d3 100644 --- a/src/node/main.js +++ b/src/node/main.js @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ function loadObject(value) { return result; } else if (value.className === 'Service') { return surface_client.makeClientConstructor(value); - } else if (value.className === 'Service.Message') { + } else if (value.className === 'Message' || value.className === 'Enum') { return value.build(); } else { return value; @@ -96,3 +96,13 @@ exports.status = grpc.status; * Call error name to code number mapping */ exports.callError = grpc.callError; + +/** + * Credentials factories + */ +exports.Credentials = grpc.Credentials; + +/** + * ServerCredentials factories + */ +exports.ServerCredentials = grpc.ServerCredentials; diff --git a/src/node/package.json b/src/node/package.json index ed93c4ff41..5f3c6fa345 100644 --- a/src/node/package.json +++ b/src/node/package.json @@ -8,12 +8,14 @@ "dependencies": { "bindings": "^1.2.1", "nan": "~1.3.0", + "protobufjs": "murgatroid99/ProtoBuf.js", "underscore": "^1.7.0", - "protobufjs": "murgatroid99/ProtoBuf.js" + "underscore.string": "^3.0.0" }, "devDependencies": { + "highland": "~2.2.0", "mocha": "~1.21.0", - "highland": "~2.0.0" + "minimist": "^1.1.0" }, "main": "main.js" } diff --git a/src/node/server.cc b/src/node/server.cc index 64826897cd..b102775d33 100644 --- a/src/node/server.cc +++ b/src/node/server.cc @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ NAN_METHOD(Server::AddHttp2Port) { return NanThrowTypeError("addHttp2Port's argument must be a String"); } Server *server = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Server>(args.This()); - NanReturnValue(NanNew<Boolean>(grpc_server_add_http2_port( + NanReturnValue(NanNew<Number>(grpc_server_add_http2_port( server->wrapped_server, *NanUtf8String(args[0])))); } @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ NAN_METHOD(Server::AddSecureHttp2Port) { return NanThrowTypeError("addSecureHttp2Port's argument must be a String"); } Server *server = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Server>(args.This()); - NanReturnValue(NanNew<Boolean>(grpc_server_add_secure_http2_port( + NanReturnValue(NanNew<Number>(grpc_server_add_secure_http2_port( server->wrapped_server, *NanUtf8String(args[0])))); } diff --git a/src/node/server.js b/src/node/server.js index e947032b29..eca20aa5fd 100644 --- a/src/node/server.js +++ b/src/node/server.js @@ -47,10 +47,22 @@ util.inherits(GrpcServerStream, Duplex); * from stream.Duplex. * @constructor * @param {grpc.Call} call Call object to proxy - * @param {object} options Stream options + * @param {function(*):Buffer=} serialize Serialization function for responses + * @param {function(Buffer):*=} deserialize Deserialization function for + * requests */ -function GrpcServerStream(call, options) { - Duplex.call(this, options); +function GrpcServerStream(call, serialize, deserialize) { + Duplex.call(this, {objectMode: true}); + if (!serialize) { + serialize = function(value) { + return value; + }; + } + if (!deserialize) { + deserialize = function(value) { + return value; + }; + } this._call = call; // Indicate that a status has been sent var finished = false; @@ -59,6 +71,33 @@ function GrpcServerStream(call, options) { 'code' : grpc.status.OK, 'details' : 'OK' }; + + /** + * Serialize a response value to a buffer. Always maps null to null. Otherwise + * uses the provided serialize function + * @param {*} value The value to serialize + * @return {Buffer} The serialized value + */ + this.serialize = function(value) { + if (value === null || value === undefined) { + return null; + } + return serialize(value); + }; + + /** + * Deserialize a request buffer to a value. Always maps null to null. + * Otherwise uses the provided deserialize function. + * @param {Buffer} buffer The buffer to deserialize + * @return {*} The deserialized value + */ + this.deserialize = function(buffer) { + if (buffer === null) { + return null; + } + return deserialize(buffer); + }; + /** * Send the pending status */ @@ -75,7 +114,6 @@ function GrpcServerStream(call, options) { * @param {Error} err The error object */ function setStatus(err) { - console.log('Server setting status to', err); var code = grpc.status.INTERNAL; var details = 'Unknown Error'; @@ -113,7 +151,7 @@ function GrpcServerStream(call, options) { return; } var data = event.data; - if (self.push(data) && data != null) { + if (self.push(deserialize(data)) && data != null) { self._call.startRead(readCallback); } else { reading = false; @@ -155,7 +193,7 @@ GrpcServerStream.prototype._read = function(size) { */ GrpcServerStream.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, callback) { var self = this; - self._call.startWrite(chunk, function(event) { + self._call.startWrite(self.serialize(chunk), function(event) { callback(); }, 0); }; @@ -211,12 +249,13 @@ function Server(options) { } }, 0); call.serverEndInitialMetadata(0); - var stream = new GrpcServerStream(call); + var stream = new GrpcServerStream(call, handler.serialize, + handler.deserialize); Object.defineProperty(stream, 'cancelled', { get: function() { return cancelled;} }); try { - handler(stream, data.metadata); + handler.func(stream, data.metadata); } catch (e) { stream.emit('error', e); } @@ -237,14 +276,20 @@ function Server(options) { * handle/respond to. * @param {function} handler Function that takes a stream of request values and * returns a stream of response values + * @param {function(*):Buffer} serialize Serialization function for responses + * @param {function(Buffer):*} deserialize Deserialization function for requests * @return {boolean} True if the handler was set. False if a handler was already * set for that name. */ -Server.prototype.register = function(name, handler) { +Server.prototype.register = function(name, handler, serialize, deserialize) { if (this.handlers.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return false; } - this.handlers[name] = handler; + this.handlers[name] = { + func: handler, + serialize: serialize, + deserialize: deserialize + }; return true; }; @@ -256,9 +301,9 @@ Server.prototype.register = function(name, handler) { */ Server.prototype.bind = function(port, secure) { if (secure) { - this._server.addSecureHttp2Port(port); + return this._server.addSecureHttp2Port(port); } else { - this._server.addHttp2Port(port); + return this._server.addHttp2Port(port); } }; diff --git a/src/node/server_credentials.cc b/src/node/server_credentials.cc index 38df547527..393f3a6305 100644 --- a/src/node/server_credentials.cc +++ b/src/node/server_credentials.cc @@ -123,14 +123,12 @@ NAN_METHOD(ServerCredentials::New) { } NAN_METHOD(ServerCredentials::CreateSsl) { + // TODO: have the node API support multiple key/cert pairs. NanScope(); char *root_certs = NULL; - char *private_key; - char *cert_chain; - int root_certs_length = 0, private_key_length, cert_chain_length; + grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair key_cert_pair; if (Buffer::HasInstance(args[0])) { root_certs = Buffer::Data(args[0]); - root_certs_length = Buffer::Length(args[0]); } else if (!(args[0]->IsNull() || args[0]->IsUndefined())) { return NanThrowTypeError( "createSSl's first argument must be a Buffer if provided"); @@ -138,17 +136,13 @@ NAN_METHOD(ServerCredentials::CreateSsl) { if (!Buffer::HasInstance(args[1])) { return NanThrowTypeError("createSsl's second argument must be a Buffer"); } - private_key = Buffer::Data(args[1]); - private_key_length = Buffer::Length(args[1]); + key_cert_pair.private_key = Buffer::Data(args[1]); if (!Buffer::HasInstance(args[2])) { return NanThrowTypeError("createSsl's third argument must be a Buffer"); } - cert_chain = Buffer::Data(args[2]); - cert_chain_length = Buffer::Length(args[2]); - NanReturnValue(WrapStruct(grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create( - reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(root_certs), root_certs_length, - reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(private_key), private_key_length, - reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(cert_chain), cert_chain_length))); + key_cert_pair.cert_chain = Buffer::Data(args[2]); + NanReturnValue(WrapStruct( + grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create(root_certs, &key_cert_pair, 1))); } NAN_METHOD(ServerCredentials::CreateFake) { diff --git a/src/node/surface_client.js b/src/node/surface_client.js index 77dab5ca6f..996e3d101f 100644 --- a/src/node/surface_client.js +++ b/src/node/surface_client.js @@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ var _ = require('underscore'); +var capitalize = require('underscore.string/capitalize'); +var decapitalize = require('underscore.string/decapitalize'); + var client = require('./client.js'); var common = require('./common.js'); @@ -352,10 +355,11 @@ function makeClientConstructor(service) { method_type = 'unary'; } } - SurfaceClient.prototype[method.name] = requester_makers[method_type]( - prefix + method.name, - common.serializeCls(method.resolvedRequestType.build()), - common.deserializeCls(method.resolvedResponseType.build())); + SurfaceClient.prototype[decapitalize(method.name)] = + requester_makers[method_type]( + prefix + capitalize(method.name), + common.serializeCls(method.resolvedRequestType.build()), + common.deserializeCls(method.resolvedResponseType.build())); }); SurfaceClient.service = service; diff --git a/src/node/surface_server.js b/src/node/surface_server.js index b6e0c37b4c..bc688839fe 100644 --- a/src/node/surface_server.js +++ b/src/node/surface_server.js @@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ var _ = require('underscore'); +var capitalize = require('underscore.string/capitalize'); +var decapitalize = require('underscore.string/decapitalize'); + var Server = require('./server.js'); var stream = require('stream'); @@ -332,15 +335,16 @@ function makeServerConstructor(services) { method_type = 'unary'; } } - if (service_handlers[service_name][method.name] === undefined) { + if (service_handlers[service_name][decapitalize(method.name)] === + undefined) { throw new Error('Method handler for ' + common.fullyQualifiedName(method) + ' not provided.'); } var binary_handler = handler_makers[method_type]( - service_handlers[service_name][method.name], + service_handlers[service_name][decapitalize(method.name)], common.serializeCls(method.resolvedResponseType.build()), common.deserializeCls(method.resolvedRequestType.build())); - server.register(prefix + method.name, binary_handler); + server.register(prefix + capitalize(method.name), binary_handler); }); }, this); } @@ -353,8 +357,7 @@ function makeServerConstructor(services) { * @return {SurfaceServer} this */ SurfaceServer.prototype.bind = function(port, secure) { - this.inner_server.bind(port, secure); - return this; + return this.inner_server.bind(port, secure); }; /** diff --git a/src/node/test/client_server_test.js b/src/node/test/client_server_test.js index 534a5c464f..2a25908684 100644 --- a/src/node/test/client_server_test.js +++ b/src/node/test/client_server_test.js @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ var path = require('path'); var grpc = require('bindings')('grpc.node'); var Server = require('../server'); var client = require('../client'); -var port_picker = require('../port_picker'); var common = require('../common'); var _ = require('highland'); @@ -80,55 +79,50 @@ function errorHandler(stream) { describe('echo client', function() { it('should receive echo responses', function(done) { - port_picker.nextAvailablePort(function(port) { - var server = new Server(); - server.bind(port); - server.register('echo', echoHandler); - server.start(); - - var messages = ['echo1', 'echo2', 'echo3', 'echo4']; - var channel = new grpc.Channel(port); - var stream = client.makeRequest( - channel, - 'echo'); - _(messages).map(function(val) { - return new Buffer(val); - }).pipe(stream); - var index = 0; - stream.on('data', function(chunk) { - assert.equal(messages[index], chunk.toString()); - index += 1; - }); - stream.on('end', function() { - server.shutdown(); - done(); - }); + var server = new Server(); + var port_num = server.bind(''); + server.register('echo', echoHandler); + server.start(); + + var messages = ['echo1', 'echo2', 'echo3', 'echo4']; + var channel = new grpc.Channel('localhost:' + port_num); + var stream = client.makeRequest( + channel, + 'echo'); + _(messages).map(function(val) { + return new Buffer(val); + }).pipe(stream); + var index = 0; + stream.on('data', function(chunk) { + assert.equal(messages[index], chunk.toString()); + index += 1; + }); + stream.on('end', function() { + server.shutdown(); + done(); }); }); it('should get an error status that the server throws', function(done) { - port_picker.nextAvailablePort(function(port) { - var server = new Server(); - server.bind(port); - server.register('error', errorHandler); - server.start(); - - var channel = new grpc.Channel(port); - var stream = client.makeRequest( - channel, - 'error', - null, - getDeadline(1)); - - stream.on('data', function() {}); - stream.write(new Buffer('test')); - stream.end(); - stream.on('status', function(status) { - assert.equal(status.code, grpc.status.UNIMPLEMENTED); - assert.equal(status.details, 'error details'); - server.shutdown(); - done(); - }); - + var server = new Server(); + var port_num = server.bind(''); + server.register('error', errorHandler); + server.start(); + + var channel = new grpc.Channel('localhost:' + port_num); + var stream = client.makeRequest( + channel, + 'error', + null, + getDeadline(1)); + + stream.on('data', function() {}); + stream.write(new Buffer('test')); + stream.end(); + stream.on('status', function(status) { + assert.equal(status.code, grpc.status.UNIMPLEMENTED); + assert.equal(status.details, 'error details'); + server.shutdown(); + done(); }); }); }); @@ -136,46 +130,43 @@ describe('echo client', function() { * and the insecure echo client test */ describe('secure echo client', function() { it('should recieve echo responses', function(done) { - port_picker.nextAvailablePort(function(port) { - fs.readFile(ca_path, function(err, ca_data) { + fs.readFile(ca_path, function(err, ca_data) { + assert.ifError(err); + fs.readFile(key_path, function(err, key_data) { assert.ifError(err); - fs.readFile(key_path, function(err, key_data) { + fs.readFile(pem_path, function(err, pem_data) { assert.ifError(err); - fs.readFile(pem_path, function(err, pem_data) { - assert.ifError(err); - var creds = grpc.Credentials.createSsl(ca_data); - var server_creds = grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl(null, - key_data, - pem_data); - - var server = new Server({'credentials' : server_creds}); - server.bind(port, true); - server.register('echo', echoHandler); - server.start(); - - var messages = ['echo1', 'echo2', 'echo3', 'echo4']; - var channel = new grpc.Channel(port, { - 'grpc.ssl_target_name_override' : 'foo.test.google.com', - 'credentials' : creds - }); - var stream = client.makeRequest( - channel, - 'echo'); - - _(messages).map(function(val) { - return new Buffer(val); - }).pipe(stream); - var index = 0; - stream.on('data', function(chunk) { - assert.equal(messages[index], chunk.toString()); - index += 1; - }); - stream.on('end', function() { - server.shutdown(); - done(); - }); + var creds = grpc.Credentials.createSsl(ca_data); + var server_creds = grpc.ServerCredentials.createSsl(null, + key_data, + pem_data); + + var server = new Server({'credentials' : server_creds}); + var port_num = server.bind('', true); + server.register('echo', echoHandler); + server.start(); + + var messages = ['echo1', 'echo2', 'echo3', 'echo4']; + var channel = new grpc.Channel('localhost:' + port_num, { + 'grpc.ssl_target_name_override' : 'foo.test.google.com', + 'credentials' : creds + }); + var stream = client.makeRequest( + channel, + 'echo'); + + _(messages).map(function(val) { + return new Buffer(val); + }).pipe(stream); + var index = 0; + stream.on('data', function(chunk) { + assert.equal(messages[index], chunk.toString()); + index += 1; + }); + stream.on('end', function() { + server.shutdown(); + done(); }); - }); }); }); diff --git a/src/node/test/end_to_end_test.js b/src/node/test/end_to_end_test.js index 40bb5f3bbd..db3834dbba 100644 --- a/src/node/test/end_to_end_test.js +++ b/src/node/test/end_to_end_test.js @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ var assert = require('assert'); var grpc = require('bindings')('grpc.node'); -var port_picker = require('../port_picker'); /** * This is used for testing functions with multiple asynchronous calls that @@ -58,143 +57,139 @@ function multiDone(done, count) { describe('end-to-end', function() { it('should start and end a request without error', function(complete) { - port_picker.nextAvailablePort(function(port) { - var server = new grpc.Server(); - var done = multiDone(function() { - complete(); - server.shutdown(); - }, 2); - server.addHttp2Port(port); - var channel = new grpc.Channel(port); - var deadline = new Date(); - deadline.setSeconds(deadline.getSeconds() + 3); - var status_text = 'xyz'; - var call = new grpc.Call(channel, - 'dummy_method', - deadline); - call.startInvoke(function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, - grpc.completionType.INVOKE_ACCEPTED); + var server = new grpc.Server(); + var done = multiDone(function() { + complete(); + server.shutdown(); + }, 2); + var port_num = server.addHttp2Port(''); + var channel = new grpc.Channel('localhost:' + port_num); + var deadline = new Date(); + deadline.setSeconds(deadline.getSeconds() + 3); + var status_text = 'xyz'; + var call = new grpc.Call(channel, + 'dummy_method', + deadline); + call.startInvoke(function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, + grpc.completionType.INVOKE_ACCEPTED); - call.writesDone(function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, - grpc.completionType.FINISH_ACCEPTED); - assert.strictEqual(event.data, grpc.opError.OK); - }); - },function(event) { + call.writesDone(function(event) { assert.strictEqual(event.type, - grpc.completionType.CLIENT_METADATA_READ); - },function(event) { + grpc.completionType.FINISH_ACCEPTED); + assert.strictEqual(event.data, grpc.opError.OK); + }); + },function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, + grpc.completionType.CLIENT_METADATA_READ); + },function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.FINISHED); + var status = event.data; + assert.strictEqual(status.code, grpc.status.OK); + assert.strictEqual(status.details, status_text); + done(); + }, 0); + + server.start(); + server.requestCall(function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.SERVER_RPC_NEW); + var server_call = event.call; + assert.notEqual(server_call, null); + server_call.serverAccept(function(event) { assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.FINISHED); - var status = event.data; - assert.strictEqual(status.code, grpc.status.OK); - assert.strictEqual(status.details, status_text); - done(); }, 0); + server_call.serverEndInitialMetadata(0); + server_call.startWriteStatus( + grpc.status.OK, + status_text, + function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, + grpc.completionType.FINISH_ACCEPTED); + assert.strictEqual(event.data, grpc.opError.OK); + done(); + }); + }); + }); - server.start(); - server.requestCall(function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.SERVER_RPC_NEW); - var server_call = event.call; - assert.notEqual(server_call, null); - server_call.serverAccept(function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.FINISHED); - }, 0); - server_call.serverEndInitialMetadata(0); - server_call.startWriteStatus( - grpc.status.OK, - status_text, - function(event) { + it('should send and receive data without error', function(complete) { + var req_text = 'client_request'; + var reply_text = 'server_response'; + var server = new grpc.Server(); + var done = multiDone(function() { + complete(); + server.shutdown(); + }, 6); + var port_num = server.addHttp2Port(''); + var channel = new grpc.Channel('localhost:' + port_num); + var deadline = new Date(); + deadline.setSeconds(deadline.getSeconds() + 3); + var status_text = 'success'; + var call = new grpc.Call(channel, + 'dummy_method', + deadline); + call.startInvoke(function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, + grpc.completionType.INVOKE_ACCEPTED); + call.startWrite( + new Buffer(req_text), + function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, + grpc.completionType.WRITE_ACCEPTED); + assert.strictEqual(event.data, grpc.opError.OK); + call.writesDone(function(event) { assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.FINISH_ACCEPTED); assert.strictEqual(event.data, grpc.opError.OK); done(); }); + }, 0); + call.startRead(function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.READ); + assert.strictEqual(event.data.toString(), reply_text); + done(); }); - }); - }); + },function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, + grpc.completionType.CLIENT_METADATA_READ); + done(); + },function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.FINISHED); + var status = event.data; + assert.strictEqual(status.code, grpc.status.OK); + assert.strictEqual(status.details, status_text); + done(); + }, 0); - it('should send and receive data without error', function(complete) { - port_picker.nextAvailablePort(function(port) { - var req_text = 'client_request'; - var reply_text = 'server_response'; - var server = new grpc.Server(); - var done = multiDone(function() { - complete(); - server.shutdown(); - }, 6); - server.addHttp2Port(port); - var channel = new grpc.Channel(port); - var deadline = new Date(); - deadline.setSeconds(deadline.getSeconds() + 3); - var status_text = 'success'; - var call = new grpc.Call(channel, - 'dummy_method', - deadline); - call.startInvoke(function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, - grpc.completionType.INVOKE_ACCEPTED); - call.startWrite( - new Buffer(req_text), + server.start(); + server.requestCall(function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.SERVER_RPC_NEW); + var server_call = event.call; + assert.notEqual(server_call, null); + server_call.serverAccept(function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.FINISHED); + done(); + }); + server_call.serverEndInitialMetadata(0); + server_call.startRead(function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.READ); + assert.strictEqual(event.data.toString(), req_text); + server_call.startWrite( + new Buffer(reply_text), function(event) { assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.WRITE_ACCEPTED); - assert.strictEqual(event.data, grpc.opError.OK); - call.writesDone(function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, - grpc.completionType.FINISH_ACCEPTED); - assert.strictEqual(event.data, grpc.opError.OK); - done(); - }); + assert.strictEqual(event.data, + grpc.opError.OK); + server_call.startWriteStatus( + grpc.status.OK, + status_text, + function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, + grpc.completionType.FINISH_ACCEPTED); + assert.strictEqual(event.data, grpc.opError.OK); + done(); + }); }, 0); - call.startRead(function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.READ); - assert.strictEqual(event.data.toString(), reply_text); - done(); - }); - },function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, - grpc.completionType.CLIENT_METADATA_READ); - done(); - },function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.FINISHED); - var status = event.data; - assert.strictEqual(status.code, grpc.status.OK); - assert.strictEqual(status.details, status_text); - done(); - }, 0); - - server.start(); - server.requestCall(function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.SERVER_RPC_NEW); - var server_call = event.call; - assert.notEqual(server_call, null); - server_call.serverAccept(function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.FINISHED); - done(); - }); - server_call.serverEndInitialMetadata(0); - server_call.startRead(function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.READ); - assert.strictEqual(event.data.toString(), req_text); - server_call.startWrite( - new Buffer(reply_text), - function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, - grpc.completionType.WRITE_ACCEPTED); - assert.strictEqual(event.data, - grpc.opError.OK); - server_call.startWriteStatus( - grpc.status.OK, - status_text, - function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, - grpc.completionType.FINISH_ACCEPTED); - assert.strictEqual(event.data, grpc.opError.OK); - done(); - }); - }, 0); - }); }); }); }); diff --git a/src/node/test/interop_sanity_test.js b/src/node/test/interop_sanity_test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..410b050e8d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/node/test/interop_sanity_test.js @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright 2014, Google Inc. + * All rights reserved. + * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are + * met: + * + * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer + * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the + * distribution. + * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from + * this software without specific prior written permission. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS + * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR + * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT + * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, + * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT + * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, + * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY + * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT + * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + * + */ + +var interop_server = require('../interop/interop_server.js'); +var interop_client = require('../interop/interop_client.js'); + +var server; + +var port; + +var name_override = 'foo.test.google.com'; + +describe('Interop tests', function() { + before(function(done) { + var server_obj = interop_server.getServer(0, true); + server = server_obj.server; + server.listen(); + port = 'localhost:' + server_obj.port; + done(); + }); + // This depends on not using a binary stream + it('should pass empty_unary', function(done) { + interop_client.runTest(port, name_override, 'empty_unary', true, done); + }); + it('should pass large_unary', function(done) { + interop_client.runTest(port, name_override, 'large_unary', true, done); + }); + it('should pass client_streaming', function(done) { + interop_client.runTest(port, name_override, 'client_streaming', true, done); + }); + it('should pass server_streaming', function(done) { + interop_client.runTest(port, name_override, 'server_streaming', true, done); + }); + it('should pass ping_pong', function(done) { + interop_client.runTest(port, name_override, 'ping_pong', true, done); + }); + // This depends on the new invoke API + it.skip('should pass empty_stream', function(done) { + interop_client.runTest(port, name_override, 'empty_stream', true, done); + }); +}); diff --git a/src/node/test/math_client_test.js b/src/node/test/math_client_test.js index 45c956d179..0e365bf870 100644 --- a/src/node/test/math_client_test.js +++ b/src/node/test/math_client_test.js @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ */ var assert = require('assert'); -var port_picker = require('../port_picker'); var grpc = require('..'); var math = grpc.load(__dirname + '/../examples/math.proto').math; @@ -50,18 +49,17 @@ var server = require('../examples/math_server.js'); describe('Math client', function() { before(function(done) { - port_picker.nextAvailablePort(function(port) { - server.bind(port).listen(); - math_client = new math.Math(port); - done(); - }); + var port_num = server.bind(''); + server.listen(); + math_client = new math.Math('localhost:' + port_num); + done(); }); after(function() { server.shutdown(); }); it('should handle a single request', function(done) { var arg = {dividend: 7, divisor: 4}; - var call = math_client.Div(arg, function handleDivResult(err, value) { + var call = math_client.div(arg, function handleDivResult(err, value) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(value.quotient, 1); assert.equal(value.remainder, 3); @@ -72,7 +70,7 @@ describe('Math client', function() { }); }); it('should handle a server streaming request', function(done) { - var call = math_client.Fib({limit: 7}); + var call = math_client.fib({limit: 7}); var expected_results = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]; var next_expected = 0; call.on('data', function checkResponse(value) { @@ -85,7 +83,7 @@ describe('Math client', function() { }); }); it('should handle a client streaming request', function(done) { - var call = math_client.Sum(function handleSumResult(err, value) { + var call = math_client.sum(function handleSumResult(err, value) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(value.num, 21); }); @@ -103,7 +101,7 @@ describe('Math client', function() { assert.equal(value.quotient, index); assert.equal(value.remainder, 1); } - var call = math_client.DivMany(); + var call = math_client.divMany(); var response_index = 0; call.on('data', function(value) { checkResponse(response_index, value); diff --git a/src/node/test/server_test.js b/src/node/test/server_test.js index 79f7b32948..61aef4677e 100644 --- a/src/node/test/server_test.js +++ b/src/node/test/server_test.js @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ var assert = require('assert'); var grpc = require('bindings')('grpc.node'); var Server = require('../server'); -var port_picker = require('../port_picker'); /** * This is used for testing functions with multiple asynchronous calls that @@ -68,54 +67,52 @@ function echoHandler(stream) { describe('echo server', function() { it('should echo inputs as responses', function(done) { done = multiDone(done, 4); - port_picker.nextAvailablePort(function(port) { - var server = new Server(); - server.bind(port); - server.register('echo', echoHandler); - server.start(); + var server = new Server(); + var port_num = server.bind('[::]:0'); + server.register('echo', echoHandler); + server.start(); - var req_text = 'echo test string'; - var status_text = 'OK'; + var req_text = 'echo test string'; + var status_text = 'OK'; - var channel = new grpc.Channel(port); - var deadline = new Date(); - deadline.setSeconds(deadline.getSeconds() + 3); - var call = new grpc.Call(channel, - 'echo', - deadline); - call.startInvoke(function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, - grpc.completionType.INVOKE_ACCEPTED); - call.startWrite( - new Buffer(req_text), - function(event) { + var channel = new grpc.Channel('localhost:' + port_num); + var deadline = new Date(); + deadline.setSeconds(deadline.getSeconds() + 3); + var call = new grpc.Call(channel, + 'echo', + deadline); + call.startInvoke(function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, + grpc.completionType.INVOKE_ACCEPTED); + call.startWrite( + new Buffer(req_text), + function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, + grpc.completionType.WRITE_ACCEPTED); + assert.strictEqual(event.data, grpc.opError.OK); + call.writesDone(function(event) { assert.strictEqual(event.type, - grpc.completionType.WRITE_ACCEPTED); + grpc.completionType.FINISH_ACCEPTED); assert.strictEqual(event.data, grpc.opError.OK); - call.writesDone(function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, - grpc.completionType.FINISH_ACCEPTED); - assert.strictEqual(event.data, grpc.opError.OK); - done(); - }); - }, 0); - call.startRead(function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.READ); - assert.strictEqual(event.data.toString(), req_text); - done(); - }); - },function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, - grpc.completionType.CLIENT_METADATA_READ); + done(); + }); + }, 0); + call.startRead(function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.READ); + assert.strictEqual(event.data.toString(), req_text); done(); - },function(event) { - assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.FINISHED); - var status = event.data; - assert.strictEqual(status.code, grpc.status.OK); - assert.strictEqual(status.details, status_text); - server.shutdown(); - done(); - }, 0); - }); + }); + },function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, + grpc.completionType.CLIENT_METADATA_READ); + done(); + },function(event) { + assert.strictEqual(event.type, grpc.completionType.FINISHED); + var status = event.data; + assert.strictEqual(status.code, grpc.status.OK); + assert.strictEqual(status.details, status_text); + server.shutdown(); + done(); + }, 0); }); }); diff --git a/src/node/test/surface_test.js b/src/node/test/surface_test.js index 8d0d8ec3bc..34f1a156eb 100644 --- a/src/node/test/surface_test.js +++ b/src/node/test/surface_test.js @@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ describe('Surface server constructor', function() { assert.throws(function() { new Server({ 'math.Math': { - 'Div': function() {}, - 'DivMany': function() {}, - 'Fib': function() {} + 'div': function() {}, + 'divMany': function() {}, + 'fib': function() {} } }); }, /math.Math.Sum/); diff --git a/src/php/ext/grpc/credentials.c b/src/php/ext/grpc/credentials.c index 2a83d1cbc1..46c825a48f 100644 --- a/src/php/ext/grpc/credentials.c +++ b/src/php/ext/grpc/credentials.c @@ -77,24 +77,25 @@ PHP_METHOD(Credentials, createDefault) { */ PHP_METHOD(Credentials, createSsl) { char *pem_root_certs; - char *pem_private_key = NULL; - char *pem_cert_chain = NULL; + grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair pem_key_cert_pair; int root_certs_length, private_key_length = 0, cert_chain_length = 0; + pem_key_cert_pair.private_key = pem_key_cert_pair.cert_chain = NULL; + /* "s|s!s! == 1 string, 2 optional nullable strings */ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s|s!s!", &pem_root_certs, &root_certs_length, - &pem_private_key, &private_key_length, - &pem_cert_chain, &cert_chain_length) == FAILURE) { + &pem_key_cert_pair.private_key, &private_key_length, + &pem_key_cert_pair.cert_chain, + &cert_chain_length) == FAILURE) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, "createSsl expects 1 to 3 strings", 1 TSRMLS_CC); return; } grpc_credentials *creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create( - (unsigned char *)pem_root_certs, (size_t)root_certs_length, - (unsigned char *)pem_private_key, (size_t)private_key_length, - (unsigned char *)pem_cert_chain, (size_t)cert_chain_length); + pem_root_certs, + pem_key_cert_pair.private_key == NULL ? NULL : &pem_key_cert_pair); zval *creds_object = grpc_php_wrap_credentials(creds); RETURN_DESTROY_ZVAL(creds_object); } diff --git a/src/php/ext/grpc/server_credentials.c b/src/php/ext/grpc/server_credentials.c index 1f8e58aa4d..3d43d6a78c 100644 --- a/src/php/ext/grpc/server_credentials.c +++ b/src/php/ext/grpc/server_credentials.c @@ -66,24 +66,22 @@ zval *grpc_php_wrap_server_credentials(grpc_server_credentials *wrapped) { */ PHP_METHOD(ServerCredentials, createSsl) { char *pem_root_certs = 0; - char *pem_private_key; - char *pem_cert_chain; + grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair pem_key_cert_pair; int root_certs_length = 0, private_key_length, cert_chain_length; /* "s!ss" == 1 nullable string, 2 strings */ + /* TODO: support multiple key cert pairs. */ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s!ss", &pem_root_certs, - &root_certs_length, &pem_private_key, - &private_key_length, &pem_cert_chain, + &root_certs_length, &pem_key_cert_pair.private_key, + &private_key_length, &pem_key_cert_pair.cert_chain, &cert_chain_length) == FAILURE) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, "createSsl expects 3 strings", 1 TSRMLS_CC); return; } - grpc_server_credentials *creds = grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create( - (unsigned char *)pem_root_certs, (size_t)root_certs_length, - (unsigned char *)pem_private_key, (size_t)private_key_length, - (unsigned char *)pem_cert_chain, (size_t)cert_chain_length); + grpc_server_credentials *creds = + grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create(pem_root_certs, &pem_key_cert_pair, 1); zval *creds_object = grpc_php_wrap_server_credentials(creds); RETURN_DESTROY_ZVAL(creds_object); } diff --git a/src/python/__init__.py b/src/python/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/python/__init__.py diff --git a/src/python/_framework/__init__.py b/src/python/_framework/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/python/_framework/__init__.py diff --git a/src/python/_framework/foundation/__init__.py b/src/python/_framework/foundation/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/python/_framework/foundation/__init__.py diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/beefcake.rb b/src/python/_framework/foundation/_logging_pool_test.py index fd3ebbf4b8..ffe07c788d 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/beefcake.rb +++ b/src/python/_framework/foundation/_logging_pool_test.py @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# Copyright 2014, Google Inc. +# Copyright 2015, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -27,31 +27,38 @@ # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -require 'beefcake' - -module Beefcake - # Re-open the beefcake message module to add a static encode - # - # This is a temporary measure while beefcake is used as the default proto - # library for developing grpc ruby. Once that changes to the official proto - # library this can be removed. It's necessary to allow the update the service - # module to assume a static encode method. - # TODO(temiola): remove this. - module Message - # additional mixin module that adds static encode method when include - module StaticEncode - # encodes o with its instance#encode method - def encode(o) - o.encode - end - end - - # extend self.included in Beefcake::Message to include StaticEncode - def self.included(o) - o.extend StaticEncode - o.extend Dsl - o.extend Decode - o.send(:include, Encode) - end - end -end +"""Tests for google3.net.rpc.python.framework.foundation.logging_pool.""" + +import unittest + +from _framework.foundation import logging_pool + +_POOL_SIZE = 16 + + +class LoggingPoolTest(unittest.TestCase): + + def testUpAndDown(self): + pool = logging_pool.pool(_POOL_SIZE) + pool.shutdown(wait=True) + + with logging_pool.pool(_POOL_SIZE) as pool: + self.assertIsNotNone(pool) + + def testTaskExecuted(self): + test_list = [] + + with logging_pool.pool(_POOL_SIZE) as pool: + pool.submit(lambda: test_list.append(object())).result() + + self.assertTrue(test_list) + + def testException(self): + with logging_pool.pool(_POOL_SIZE) as pool: + raised_exception = pool.submit(lambda: 1/0).exception() + + self.assertIsNotNone(raised_exception) + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + unittest.main() diff --git a/src/python/_framework/foundation/logging_pool.py b/src/python/_framework/foundation/logging_pool.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7c7a6eebfc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/python/_framework/foundation/logging_pool.py @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +# Copyright 2015, Google Inc. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are +# met: +# +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer +# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the +# distribution. +# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its +# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from +# this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS +# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT +# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR +# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT +# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT +# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, +# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY +# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE +# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +"""A thread pool that logs exceptions raised by tasks executed within it.""" + +import functools +import logging + +from concurrent import futures + + +def _wrap(behavior): + """Wraps an arbitrary callable behavior in exception-logging.""" + @functools.wraps(behavior) + def _wrapping(*args, **kwargs): + try: + return behavior(*args, **kwargs) + except Exception as e: + logging.exception('Unexpected exception from task run in logging pool!') + raise + return _wrapping + + +class _LoggingPool(object): + """An exception-logging futures.ThreadPoolExecutor-compatible thread pool.""" + + def __init__(self, backing_pool): + self._backing_pool = backing_pool + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): + self._backing_pool.shutdown(wait=True) + + def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): + return self._backing_pool.submit(_wrap(fn), *args, **kwargs) + + def map(self, func, *iterables, **kwargs): + return self._backing_pool.map( + _wrap(func), *iterables, timeout=kwargs.get('timeout', None)) + + def shutdown(self, wait=True): + self._backing_pool.shutdown(wait=wait) + + +def pool(max_workers): + """Creates a thread pool that logs exceptions raised by the tasks within it. + + Args: + max_workers: The maximum number of worker threads to allow the pool. + + Returns: + A futures.ThreadPoolExecutor-compatible thread pool that logs exceptions + raised by the tasks executed within it. + """ + return _LoggingPool(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers)) diff --git a/src/ruby/README.md b/src/ruby/README.md index 23aec2b20a..7f7558dc67 100755 --- a/src/ruby/README.md +++ b/src/ruby/README.md @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ -Ruby for GRPC -============= +gRPC Ruby +========= -LAYOUT ------- +A Ruby implementation of gRPC, Google's RPC library. -Directory structure is the recommended layout for [ruby extensions](http://guides.rubygems.org/gems-with-extensions/) - * ext: the extension code - * lib: the entrypoint grpc ruby library to be used in a 'require' statement - * test: tests +INSTALLATION PREREQUISITES +-------------------------- +This requires Ruby 2.x, as the rpc api surface uses keyword args. -DEPENDENCIES ------------- +INSTALLING +---------- -* Extension +- Install the gRPC core library +TODO: describe this, once the core distribution mechanism is defined. -The extension can be built and tested using -[rake](https://rubygems.org/gems/rake). However, the rake-extensiontask rule -is not supported on older versions of rubygems, and the necessary version of -rubygems. +$ gem install grpc -This is resolved by using [RVM](https://rvm.io/) instead; install a single-user -ruby environment, and develop on the latest stable version of ruby (2.1.5). +Installing from source +---------------------- -INSTALLATION PREREQUISITES --------------------------- - -Install RVM +- Build or Install the gRPC core +E.g, from the root of the grpc [git repo](https://github.com/google/grpc) +$ cd ../.. +$ make && sudo make install +- Install Ruby 2.x. Consider doing this with [RVM](http://rvm.io), it's a nice way of controlling + the exact ruby version that's used. $ command curl -sSL https://rvm.io/mpapis.asc | gpg --import - $ \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby $ $ # follow the instructions to ensure that your're using the latest stable version of Ruby $ # and that the rvm command is installed -$ -$ gem install bundler # install bundler, the standard ruby package manager -HACKING -------- +- Install [bundler](http://bundler.io/) +$ gem install bundler -The extension can be built and tested using the Rakefile. +- Finally, install grpc ruby locally. +$ cd <install_dir> +$ bundle install +$ rake # compiles the extension, runs the unit tests, see rake -T for other options -$ # create a workspace -$ git5 start <your-git5-branch> net/grpc -$ -$ # build the C library and install it in $HOME/grpc_dev -$ <google3>/net/grpc/c/build_gyp/build_grpc_dev.sh -$ -$ # build the ruby extension and test it. -$ cd google3_dir/net/grpc/ruby -$ rake -Finally, install grpc ruby locally. +CONTENTS +-------- -$ cd <this_dir> -$ -$ # update the Gemfile, modify the line beginning # gem 'beefcake' to refer to -$ # the patched beefcake dir -$ -$ bundle install +Directory structure is the layout for [ruby extensions](http://guides.rubygems.org/gems-with-extensions/) + + * ext: the extension code + * lib: the entrypoint grpc ruby library to be used in a 'require' statement + * spec: tests + * bin: example gRPC clients and servers, e.g, +```ruby +# client +stub = Math::Math::Stub.new('my.test.math.server.com:8080') +req = Math::DivArgs.new(dividend: 7, divisor: 3) +logger.info("div(7/3): req=#{req.inspect}") +resp = stub.div(req, INFINITE_FUTURE) +logger.info("Answer: #{resp.inspect}") +``` diff --git a/src/ruby/bin/interop/README.md b/src/ruby/bin/interop/README.md index 04020868a4..84fc663620 100755 --- a/src/ruby/bin/interop/README.md +++ b/src/ruby/bin/interop/README.md @@ -1,11 +1,8 @@ Interop test protos =================== -These were generated by a patched version of beefcake and a patched version of -protoc. +These ruby classes were generated with protoc v3, using grpc's ruby compiler +plugin. -- set up and access of the patched versions is described in ../../README.md - -The actual test proto is found in Google3 at - -- third_party/stubby/testing/proto/test.proto +- As of 2015/01 protoc v3 is available in the +[google-protobuf](https://github.com/google/protobuf) repo diff --git a/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb b/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb index 0ce10d9e30..0ea7f376be 100755 --- a/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb +++ b/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_client.rb @@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ class PingPongPlayer @msg_sizes.each do |m| req_size, resp_size = m req = req_cls.new(payload: Payload.new(body: nulls(req_size)), - response_type: COMPRESSABLE, + response_type: :COMPRESSABLE, response_parameters: [p_cls.new(size: resp_size)]) yield req resp = @queue.pop - assert_equal(PayloadType.lookup(COMPRESSABLE), resp.payload.type, + assert_equal(:COMPRESSABLE, resp.payload.type, 'payload type is wrong') assert_equal(resp_size, resp.payload.body.length, 'payload body #{i} has the wrong length') @@ -149,11 +149,13 @@ class NamedTests # FAILED def large_unary req_size, wanted_response_size = 271_828, 314_159 - payload = Payload.new(type: COMPRESSABLE, body: nulls(req_size)) - req = SimpleRequest.new(response_type: COMPRESSABLE, + payload = Payload.new(type: :COMPRESSABLE, body: nulls(req_size)) + req = SimpleRequest.new(response_type: :COMPRESSABLE, response_size: wanted_response_size, payload: payload) resp = @stub.unary_call(req) + assert_equal(:COMPRESSABLE, resp.payload.type, + 'large_unary: payload had the wrong type') assert_equal(wanted_response_size, resp.payload.body.length, 'large_unary: payload had the wrong length') assert_equal(nulls(wanted_response_size), resp.payload.body, @@ -185,12 +187,12 @@ class NamedTests def server_streaming msg_sizes = [31_415, 9, 2653, 58_979] response_spec = msg_sizes.map { |s| ResponseParameters.new(size: s) } - req = StreamingOutputCallRequest.new(response_type: COMPRESSABLE, + req = StreamingOutputCallRequest.new(response_type: :COMPRESSABLE, response_parameters: response_spec) resps = @stub.streaming_output_call(req) resps.each_with_index do |r, i| assert i < msg_sizes.length, 'too many responses' - assert_equal(PayloadType.lookup(COMPRESSABLE), r.payload.type, + assert_equal(:COMPRESSABLE, r.payload.type, 'payload type is wrong') assert_equal(msg_sizes[i], r.payload.body.length, 'payload body #{i} has the wrong length') @@ -235,7 +237,7 @@ def parse_options end end.parse! - %w(server_host, server_port, test_case).each do |arg| + %w(server_host server_port test_case).each do |arg| if options[arg].nil? fail(OptionParser::MissingArgument, "please specify --#{arg}") end diff --git a/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_server.rb b/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_server.rb index 9273dcdf91..83212823f6 100755 --- a/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_server.rb +++ b/src/ruby/bin/interop/interop_server.rb @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class TestTarget < Grpc::Testing::TestService::Service def unary_call(simple_req, _call) req_size = simple_req.response_size - SimpleResponse.new(payload: Payload.new(type: COMPRESSABLE, + SimpleResponse.new(payload: Payload.new(type: :COMPRESSABLE, body: nulls(req_size))) end @@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ class TestTarget < Grpc::Testing::TestService::Service end def half_duplex_call(reqs) - # TODO(temiola): clarify the behaviour of the half_duplex_call, it's not - # currently used in any tests + # TODO: update with unique behaviour of the half_duplex_call if that's + # ever required by any of the tests. full_duplex_call(reqs) end end diff --git a/src/ruby/ext/grpc/extconf.rb b/src/ruby/ext/grpc/extconf.rb index e948504e9e..cbf41eda8b 100644 --- a/src/ruby/ext/grpc/extconf.rb +++ b/src/ruby/ext/grpc/extconf.rb @@ -68,13 +68,9 @@ $CFLAGS << ' -Wno-return-type ' $CFLAGS << ' -Wall ' $CFLAGS << ' -pedantic ' -$LDFLAGS << ' -lgrpc -lgpr -levent -levent_pthreads -levent_core' - -# crash('need grpc lib') unless have_library('grpc', 'grpc_channel_destroy') -# -# TODO(temiola): figure out why this stopped working, but the so is built OK -# and the tests pass +$LDFLAGS << ' -lgrpc -lgpr -ldl' +crash('need grpc lib') unless have_library('grpc', 'grpc_channel_destroy') have_library('grpc', 'grpc_channel_destroy') crash('need gpr lib') unless have_library('gpr', 'gpr_now') create_makefile('grpc/grpc') diff --git a/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_completion_queue.c b/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_completion_queue.c index c1b74e2606..47776a991a 100644 --- a/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_completion_queue.c +++ b/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_completion_queue.c @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ static void grpc_rb_completion_queue_shutdown_drain(grpc_completion_queue *cq) { grpc_completion_queue_shutdown(cq); next_call.cq = cq; next_call.event = NULL; - /* TODO(temiola): the timeout should be a module level constant that defaults + /* TODO: the timeout should be a module level constant that defaults * to gpr_inf_future. * * - at the moment this does not work, it stalls. Using a small timeout like diff --git a/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_credentials.c b/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_credentials.c index 5dec51824d..31f47f3b76 100644 --- a/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_credentials.c +++ b/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_credentials.c @@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ static VALUE grpc_rb_credentials_init(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE pem_cert_chain = Qnil; grpc_rb_credentials *wrapper = NULL; grpc_credentials *creds = NULL; + /* TODO: Remove mandatory arg when we support default roots. */ /* "12" == 1 mandatory arg, 2 (credentials) is optional */ rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &pem_root_certs, &pem_private_key, &pem_cert_chain); @@ -225,22 +226,12 @@ static VALUE grpc_rb_credentials_init(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { return Qnil; } if (pem_private_key == Qnil && pem_cert_chain == Qnil) { - creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create(RSTRING_PTR(pem_root_certs), - RSTRING_LEN(pem_root_certs), NULL, 0, - NULL, 0); - } else if (pem_cert_chain == Qnil) { - creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create( - RSTRING_PTR(pem_root_certs), RSTRING_LEN(pem_root_certs), - RSTRING_PTR(pem_private_key), RSTRING_LEN(pem_private_key), - RSTRING_PTR(pem_cert_chain), RSTRING_LEN(pem_cert_chain)); - } else if (pem_private_key == Qnil) { - creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create( - RSTRING_PTR(pem_root_certs), RSTRING_LEN(pem_root_certs), NULL, 0, - RSTRING_PTR(pem_cert_chain), RSTRING_LEN(pem_cert_chain)); + creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create(RSTRING_PTR(pem_root_certs), NULL); } else { + grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair key_cert_pair = {RSTRING_PTR(pem_private_key), + RSTRING_PTR(pem_cert_chain)}; creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create( - RSTRING_PTR(pem_root_certs), RSTRING_LEN(pem_root_certs), - RSTRING_PTR(pem_private_key), RSTRING_LEN(pem_private_key), NULL, 0); + RSTRING_PTR(pem_root_certs), &key_cert_pair); } if (creds == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "could not create a credentials, not sure why"); diff --git a/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_server_credentials.c b/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_server_credentials.c index e534c11444..4f6c67ea5e 100644 --- a/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_server_credentials.c +++ b/src/ruby/ext/grpc/rb_server_credentials.c @@ -145,8 +145,10 @@ static ID id_pem_cert_chain; static VALUE grpc_rb_server_credentials_init(VALUE self, VALUE pem_root_certs, VALUE pem_private_key, VALUE pem_cert_chain) { + /* TODO support multiple key cert pairs in the ruby API. */ grpc_rb_server_credentials *wrapper = NULL; grpc_server_credentials *creds = NULL; + grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair key_cert_pair = {NULL, NULL}; Data_Get_Struct(self, grpc_rb_server_credentials, wrapper); if (pem_cert_chain == Qnil) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, @@ -157,15 +159,13 @@ static VALUE grpc_rb_server_credentials_init(VALUE self, VALUE pem_root_certs, "could not create a server credential: nil pem_private_key"); return Qnil; } + key_cert_pair.private_key = RSTRING_PTR(pem_private_key); + key_cert_pair.cert_chain = RSTRING_PTR(pem_cert_chain); if (pem_root_certs == Qnil) { - creds = grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create( - NULL, 0, RSTRING_PTR(pem_private_key), RSTRING_LEN(pem_private_key), - RSTRING_PTR(pem_cert_chain), RSTRING_LEN(pem_cert_chain)); + creds = grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create(NULL, &key_cert_pair, 1); } else { - creds = grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create( - RSTRING_PTR(pem_root_certs), RSTRING_LEN(pem_root_certs), - RSTRING_PTR(pem_private_key), RSTRING_LEN(pem_private_key), - RSTRING_PTR(pem_cert_chain), RSTRING_LEN(pem_cert_chain)); + creds = grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create(RSTRING_PTR(pem_root_certs), + &key_cert_pair, 1); } if (creds == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "could not create a credentials, not sure why"); diff --git a/src/ruby/grpc.gemspec b/src/ruby/grpc.gemspec index 8d7f44f30e..450362f5a8 100755 --- a/src/ruby/grpc.gemspec +++ b/src/ruby/grpc.gemspec @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ require 'grpc/version' Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'grpc' s.version = Google::RPC::VERSION - s.authors = ['One Platform Team'] - s.email = 'stubby-team@google.com' - s.homepage = 'http://go/grpc' + s.authors = ['gRPC Authors'] + s.email = 'tbetbetbe@gmail.com' + s.homepage = 'https://github.com/google/grpc/tree/master/src/ruby' s.summary = 'Google RPC system in Ruby' - s.description = 'Send RPCs from Ruby' + s.description = 'Send RPCs from Ruby using Google\'s RPC system' s.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") s.test_files = `git ls-files -- spec/*`.split("\n") diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/bidi_call.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/bidi_call.rb index 14ef6c531f..36877dc648 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/bidi_call.rb +++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/bidi_call.rb @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ module Google # during bidi-streaming, read the requests to send from a separate thread # read so that read_loop does not block waiting for requests to read. def start_write_loop(requests, is_client: true) - Thread.new do # TODO(temiola) run on a thread pool + Thread.new do # TODO: run on a thread pool write_tag = Object.new begin count = 0 diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_server.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_server.rb index 5ea3cc94d6..40c5ec118e 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_server.rb +++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/generic/rpc_server.rb @@ -233,10 +233,6 @@ module Google end def new_active_server_call(call, new_server_rpc) - # TODO(temiola): perhaps reuse the main server completion queue here, - # but for now, create a new completion queue per call, pending best - # practice usage advice from the c core. - # Accept the call. This is necessary even if a status is to be sent # back immediately finished_tag = Object.new @@ -340,7 +336,7 @@ module Google @workers.size.times { schedule { throw :exit } } @stopped = true - # TODO(temiola): allow configuration of the keepalive period + # TODO: allow configuration of the keepalive period keep_alive = 5 @stop_mutex.synchronize do @stop_cond.wait(@stop_mutex, keep_alive) if @workers.size > 0 diff --git a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/logconfig.rb b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/logconfig.rb index 6d8e1899a0..6442f23e89 100644 --- a/src/ruby/lib/grpc/logconfig.rb +++ b/src/ruby/lib/grpc/logconfig.rb @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ include Logging.globally # logger is accessible everywhere Logging.logger.root.appenders = Logging.appenders.stdout Logging.logger.root.level = :info -# TODO(temiola): provide command-line configuration for logging +# TODO: provide command-line configuration for logging Logging.logger['Google::RPC'].level = :debug Logging.logger['Google::RPC::ActiveCall'].level = :info Logging.logger['Google::RPC::BidiCall'].level = :info diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/client_server_spec.rb b/src/ruby/spec/client_server_spec.rb index 1bcbc66446..df70e56bca 100644 --- a/src/ruby/spec/client_server_spec.rb +++ b/src/ruby/spec/client_server_spec.rb @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ shared_examples 'GRPC metadata delivery works OK' do expect_next_event_on(@server_queue, WRITE_ACCEPTED, @server_tag) # there is the HTTP status metadata, though there should not be any - # TODO(temiola): update this with the bug number to be resolved + # TODO: update this with the bug number to be resolved ev = expect_next_event_on(@client_queue, CLIENT_METADATA_READ, @tag) expect(ev.result).to eq(':status' => '200') end diff --git a/src/ruby/spec/testdata/README b/src/ruby/spec/testdata/README index ed72661e97..cb20dcb49f 100755 --- a/src/ruby/spec/testdata/README +++ b/src/ruby/spec/testdata/README @@ -1,4 +1 @@ These are test keys *NOT* to be used in production. -http://go/keyhunt requires this README - -CONFIRMEDTESTKEY diff --git a/templates/Makefile.template b/templates/Makefile.template index 11b9438a68..b80e80ca81 100644 --- a/templates/Makefile.template +++ b/templates/Makefile.template @@ -19,6 +19,14 @@ return 'gens/' + m.group(1) + '.pb.cc' %> + +# Basic platform detection +HOST_SYSTEM = $(shell uname | cut -f 1 -d_) +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),) +SYSTEM = $(HOST_SYSTEM) +endif + + # Configurations VALID_CONFIG_opt = 1 @@ -132,10 +140,15 @@ LDFLAGS += $(LDFLAGS_$(CONFIG)) CFLAGS += -std=c89 -pedantic CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 CPPFLAGS += -g -fPIC -Wall -Werror -Wno-long-long -LDFLAGS += -g -pthread -fPIC +LDFLAGS += -g -fPIC INCLUDES = . include gens +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) +LIBS = m z +else LIBS = rt m z pthread +LDFLAGS += -pthread +endif LIBSXX = protobuf LIBS_PROTOC = protoc protobuf @@ -173,11 +186,6 @@ HOST_LDLIBS = $(LDLIBS) # These are automatically computed variables. # There shouldn't be any need to change anything from now on. -HOST_SYSTEM = $(shell uname | cut -f 1 -d_) -ifeq ($(SYSTEM),) -SYSTEM = $(HOST_SYSTEM) -endif - ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32) SHARED_EXT = dll endif @@ -340,8 +348,12 @@ libs/$(CONFIG)/zlib/libz.a: $(Q)cp third_party/zlib/libz.a libs/$(CONFIG)/zlib libs/$(CONFIG)/openssl/libssl.a: - $(E) "[MAKE] Building openssl" + $(E) "[MAKE] Building openssl for $(SYSTEM)" +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q)(cd third_party/openssl ; CC="$(CC) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden $(CPPFLAGS_$(CONFIG)) $(OPENSSL_CFLAGS_$(CONFIG))" ./Configure darwin64-x86_64-cc $(OPENSSL_CONFIG_$(CONFIG))) +else $(Q)(cd third_party/openssl ; CC="$(CC) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden $(CPPFLAGS_$(CONFIG)) $(OPENSSL_CFLAGS_$(CONFIG))" ./config $(OPENSSL_CONFIG_$(CONFIG))) +endif $(Q)$(MAKE) -C third_party/openssl clean $(Q)$(MAKE) -C third_party/openssl build_crypto build_ssl $(Q)mkdir -p libs/$(CONFIG)/openssl @@ -695,6 +707,7 @@ libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_OBJS) % endif $(E) "[AR] Creating $@" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` + $(Q) rm -f libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a $(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_OBJS) % if lib.get('baselib', False): % if lib.get('secure', True): @@ -707,6 +720,9 @@ libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a: $(ZLIB_DEP) $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_OBJS) $(Q) rm -rf tmp-merge % endif % endif +ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) + $(Q) ranlib libs/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a +endif <% if lib.language == 'c++': diff --git a/test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.c b/test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.c index 21a199ce37..3b66d236c3 100644 --- a/test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.c +++ b/test/core/end2end/data/prod_roots_certs.c @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ * */ -unsigned char prod_roots_certs[] = { +const char prod_roots_certs[] = { 0x23, 0x20, 0x49, 0x73, 0x73, 0x75, 0x65, 0x72, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x43, 0x4e, 0x3d, 0x47, 0x54, 0x45, 0x20, 0x43, 0x79, 0x62, 0x65, 0x72, 0x54, 0x72, 0x75, 0x73, 0x74, 0x20, 0x47, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x20, 0x52, @@ -11270,5 +11270,4 @@ unsigned char prod_roots_certs[] = { 0x33, 0x50, 0x59, 0x74, 0x6c, 0x4e, 0x58, 0x4c, 0x66, 0x62, 0x51, 0x34, 0x64, 0x64, 0x49, 0x0a, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x45, 0x4e, 0x44, 0x20, 0x43, 0x45, 0x52, 0x54, 0x49, 0x46, 0x49, 0x43, 0x41, 0x54, 0x45, - 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x0a}; -unsigned int prod_roots_certs_size = 134862; + 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x0a, 0x00}; diff --git a/test/core/end2end/data/server1_cert.c b/test/core/end2end/data/server1_cert.c index da1d36653c..134b9cb98e 100644 --- a/test/core/end2end/data/server1_cert.c +++ b/test/core/end2end/data/server1_cert.c @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ * */ -unsigned char test_server1_cert[] = { +const char test_server1_cert[] = { 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x42, 0x45, 0x47, 0x49, 0x4e, 0x20, 0x43, 0x45, 0x52, 0x54, 0x49, 0x46, 0x49, 0x43, 0x41, 0x54, 0x45, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x0a, 0x4d, 0x49, 0x49, 0x43, 0x6d, 0x7a, 0x43, 0x43, @@ -112,5 +112,4 @@ unsigned char test_server1_cert[] = { 0x32, 0x77, 0x65, 0x2f, 0x4b, 0x44, 0x34, 0x6f, 0x6a, 0x66, 0x39, 0x73, 0x3d, 0x0a, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x45, 0x4e, 0x44, 0x20, 0x43, 0x45, 0x52, 0x54, 0x49, 0x46, 0x49, 0x43, 0x41, 0x54, 0x45, 0x2d, 0x2d, - 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x0a}; -unsigned int test_server1_cert_size = 964; + 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x0a, 0x00}; diff --git a/test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.c b/test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.c index 3540505467..992d3c032a 100644 --- a/test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.c +++ b/test/core/end2end/data/server1_key.c @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ * */ -unsigned char test_server1_key[] = { +const char test_server1_key[] = { 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x42, 0x45, 0x47, 0x49, 0x4e, 0x20, 0x52, 0x53, 0x41, 0x20, 0x50, 0x52, 0x49, 0x56, 0x41, 0x54, 0x45, 0x20, 0x4b, 0x45, 0x59, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x0a, 0x4d, 0x49, 0x49, 0x43, @@ -105,5 +105,4 @@ unsigned char test_server1_key[] = { 0x6e, 0x68, 0x66, 0x66, 0x46, 0x79, 0x65, 0x37, 0x53, 0x42, 0x58, 0x79, 0x61, 0x67, 0x3d, 0x3d, 0x0a, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x45, 0x4e, 0x44, 0x20, 0x52, 0x53, 0x41, 0x20, 0x50, 0x52, 0x49, 0x56, 0x41, 0x54, - 0x45, 0x20, 0x4b, 0x45, 0x59, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x0a}; -unsigned int test_server1_key_size = 887; + 0x45, 0x20, 0x4b, 0x45, 0x59, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x0a, 0x00}; diff --git a/test/core/end2end/data/ssl_test_data.h b/test/core/end2end/data/ssl_test_data.h index 6ac19945b2..3456ebebd4 100644 --- a/test/core/end2end/data/ssl_test_data.h +++ b/test/core/end2end/data/ssl_test_data.h @@ -34,14 +34,10 @@ #ifndef __GRPC_TEST_END2END_DATA_SSL_TEST_DATA_H__ #define __GRPC_TEST_END2END_DATA_SSL_TEST_DATA_H__ -extern unsigned char test_root_cert[]; -extern unsigned int test_root_cert_size; -extern unsigned char test_server1_cert[]; -extern unsigned int test_server1_cert_size; -extern unsigned char test_server1_key[]; -extern unsigned int test_server1_key_size; +extern const char test_root_cert[]; +extern const char test_server1_cert[]; +extern const char test_server1_key[]; -extern unsigned char prod_roots_certs[]; -extern unsigned int prod_roots_certs_size; +extern const char prod_roots_certs[]; #endif /* __GRPC_TEST_END2END_DATA_SSL_TEST_DATA_H__ */ diff --git a/test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.c b/test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.c index fd01953ccb..f358b0b79a 100644 --- a/test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.c +++ b/test/core/end2end/data/test_root_cert.c @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ * */ -unsigned char test_root_cert[] = { +const char test_root_cert[] = { 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x42, 0x45, 0x47, 0x49, 0x4e, 0x20, 0x43, 0x45, 0x52, 0x54, 0x49, 0x46, 0x49, 0x43, 0x41, 0x54, 0x45, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x0a, 0x4d, 0x49, 0x49, 0x43, 0x49, 0x7a, 0x43, 0x43, @@ -98,5 +98,4 @@ unsigned char test_root_cert[] = { 0x31, 0x59, 0x75, 0x58, 0x32, 0x72, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x78, 0x30, 0x4a, 0x68, 0x75, 0x54, 0x51, 0x66, 0x63, 0x49, 0x3d, 0x0a, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x45, 0x4e, 0x44, 0x20, 0x43, 0x45, 0x52, 0x54, 0x49, 0x46, 0x49, - 0x43, 0x41, 0x54, 0x45, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x0a}; -unsigned int test_root_cert_size = 802; + 0x43, 0x41, 0x54, 0x45, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x0a, 0x00}; diff --git a/test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.c b/test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.c index 7718d30b3e..e5cdec8ea7 100644 --- a/test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.c +++ b/test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_simple_ssl_fullstack.c @@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ void chttp2_tear_down_secure_fullstack(grpc_end2end_test_fixture *f) { static void chttp2_init_client_simple_ssl_secure_fullstack( grpc_end2end_test_fixture *f, grpc_channel_args *client_args) { - grpc_credentials *ssl_creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create( - test_root_cert, test_root_cert_size, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); + grpc_credentials *ssl_creds = + grpc_ssl_credentials_create(test_root_cert, NULL); grpc_arg ssl_name_override = {GRPC_ARG_STRING, GRPC_SSL_TARGET_NAME_OVERRIDE_ARG, {"foo.test.google.com"}}; @@ -111,9 +111,10 @@ static void chttp2_init_client_simple_ssl_secure_fullstack( static void chttp2_init_server_simple_ssl_secure_fullstack( grpc_end2end_test_fixture *f, grpc_channel_args *server_args) { - grpc_server_credentials *ssl_creds = grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create( - NULL, 0, test_server1_key, test_server1_key_size, test_server1_cert, - test_server1_cert_size); + grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair pem_cert_key_pair = {test_server1_key, + test_server1_cert}; + grpc_server_credentials *ssl_creds = + grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create(NULL, &pem_cert_key_pair, 1); chttp2_init_server_secure_fullstack(f, server_args, ssl_creds); } diff --git a/test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.c b/test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.c index bb8af88c54..8bfa465696 100644 --- a/test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.c +++ b/test/core/end2end/fixtures/chttp2_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_fullstack.c @@ -99,8 +99,7 @@ void chttp2_tear_down_secure_fullstack(grpc_end2end_test_fixture *f) { static void chttp2_init_client_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_secure_fullstack( grpc_end2end_test_fixture *f, grpc_channel_args *client_args) { - grpc_credentials *ssl_creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create( - test_root_cert, test_root_cert_size, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); + grpc_credentials *ssl_creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create(test_root_cert, NULL); grpc_credentials *oauth2_creds = grpc_fake_oauth2_credentials_create("Bearer aaslkfjs424535asdf", 1); grpc_credentials *ssl_oauth2_creds = @@ -118,9 +117,10 @@ static void chttp2_init_client_simple_ssl_with_oauth2_secure_fullstack( static void chttp2_init_server_simple_ssl_secure_fullstack( grpc_end2end_test_fixture *f, grpc_channel_args *server_args) { - grpc_server_credentials *ssl_creds = grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create( - NULL, 0, test_server1_key, test_server1_key_size, test_server1_cert, - test_server1_cert_size); + grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair pem_key_cert_pair = {test_server1_key, + test_server1_cert}; + grpc_server_credentials *ssl_creds = + grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create(NULL, &pem_key_cert_pair, 1); chttp2_init_server_secure_fullstack(f, server_args, ssl_creds); } diff --git a/test/core/fling/server.c b/test/core/fling/server.c index d68fbe7c3c..f811aac284 100644 --- a/test/core/fling/server.c +++ b/test/core/fling/server.c @@ -101,9 +101,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { cq = grpc_completion_queue_create(); if (secure) { - grpc_server_credentials *ssl_creds = grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create( - NULL, 0, test_server1_key, test_server1_key_size, test_server1_cert, - test_server1_cert_size); + grpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair pem_key_cert_pair = {test_server1_key, + test_server1_cert}; + grpc_server_credentials *ssl_creds = + grpc_ssl_server_credentials_create(NULL, &pem_key_cert_pair, 1); server = grpc_secure_server_create(ssl_creds, cq, NULL); GPR_ASSERT(grpc_server_add_secure_http2_port(server, addr)); grpc_server_credentials_release(ssl_creds); diff --git a/test/core/iomgr/fd_posix_test.c b/test/core/iomgr/fd_posix_test.c index 136f34a8b0..05c91ffdd4 100644 --- a/test/core/iomgr/fd_posix_test.c +++ b/test/core/iomgr/fd_posix_test.c @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <netinet/in.h> +#include <poll.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> @@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ static void create_test_socket(int port, int *socket_fd, /* Use local address for test */ sin->sin_family = AF_INET; - sin->sin_addr.s_addr = 0; + sin->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0x7f000001); sin->sin_port = htons(port); } @@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ static void session_read_cb(void *arg, /*session*/ grpc_fd_notify_on_read(se->em_fd, session_read_cb, se); } else { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Unhandled read error %s", strerror(errno)); - GPR_ASSERT(0); + abort(); } } } @@ -316,7 +317,7 @@ static void client_session_write(void *arg, /*client*/ gpr_mu_unlock(&cl->mu); } else { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "unknown errno %s", strerror(errno)); - GPR_ASSERT(0); + abort(); } } @@ -325,10 +326,20 @@ static void client_start(client *cl, int port) { int fd; struct sockaddr_in sin; create_test_socket(port, &fd, &sin); - if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)) == -1 && - errno != EINPROGRESS) { - gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Failed to connect to the server"); - GPR_ASSERT(0); + if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)) == -1) { + if (errno == EINPROGRESS) { + struct pollfd pfd; + pfd.fd = fd; + pfd.events = POLLOUT; + pfd.revents = 0; + if (poll(&pfd, 1, -1) == -1) { + gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "poll() failed during connect; errno=%d", errno); + abort(); + } + } else { + gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Failed to connect to the server (errno=%d)", errno); + abort(); + } } cl->em_fd = grpc_fd_create(fd); diff --git a/test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_test.c b/test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_test.c index 9f0d0f38b3..c30a7b9ee0 100644 --- a/test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_test.c +++ b/test/core/iomgr/poll_kick_test.c @@ -33,16 +33,17 @@ #include "src/core/iomgr/pollset_kick.h" +#include <grpc/support/alloc.h> #include <grpc/support/log.h> #include "test/core/util/test_config.h" -static void test_allocation() { +static void test_allocation(void) { grpc_pollset_kick_state state; grpc_pollset_kick_init(&state); grpc_pollset_kick_destroy(&state); } -static void test_non_kick() { +static void test_non_kick(void) { grpc_pollset_kick_state state; int fd; @@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ static void test_non_kick() { grpc_pollset_kick_destroy(&state); } -static void test_basic_kick() { +static void test_basic_kick(void) { /* Kicked during poll */ grpc_pollset_kick_state state; int fd; @@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ static void test_basic_kick() { grpc_pollset_kick_destroy(&state); } -static void test_non_poll_kick() { +static void test_non_poll_kick(void) { /* Kick before entering poll */ grpc_pollset_kick_state state; int fd; @@ -86,6 +87,26 @@ static void test_non_poll_kick() { grpc_pollset_kick_destroy(&state); } +#define GRPC_MAX_CACHED_PIPES 50 + +static void test_over_free(void) { + /* Check high watermark pipe free logic */ + int i; + struct grpc_pollset_kick_state *kick_state = + gpr_malloc(sizeof(grpc_pollset_kick_state) * GRPC_MAX_CACHED_PIPES); + for (i = 0; i < GRPC_MAX_CACHED_PIPES; ++i) { + int fd; + grpc_pollset_kick_init(&kick_state[i]); + fd = grpc_pollset_kick_pre_poll(&kick_state[i]); + GPR_ASSERT(fd >= 0); + } + + for (i = 0; i < GRPC_MAX_CACHED_PIPES; ++i) { + grpc_pollset_kick_post_poll(&kick_state[i]); + grpc_pollset_kick_destroy(&kick_state[i]); + } +} + int main(int argc, char **argv) { grpc_test_init(argc, argv); @@ -95,6 +116,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { test_basic_kick(); test_non_poll_kick(); test_non_kick(); + test_over_free(); grpc_pollset_kick_global_destroy(); return 0; diff --git a/test/core/iomgr/resolve_address_test.c b/test/core/iomgr/resolve_address_test.c index 26a4bc67e6..319ee634d6 100644 --- a/test/core/iomgr/resolve_address_test.c +++ b/test/core/iomgr/resolve_address_test.c @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ */ #include "src/core/iomgr/resolve_address.h" +#include "src/core/iomgr/iomgr.h" #include <grpc/support/log.h> #include <grpc/support/sync.h> #include <grpc/support/time.h> @@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ static void test_unparseable_hostports(void) { int main(int argc, char** argv) { grpc_test_init(argc, argv); - + grpc_iomgr_init(); test_localhost(); test_default_port(); test_missing_default_port(); @@ -130,6 +131,6 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { test_ipv6_without_port(); test_invalid_ip_addresses(); test_unparseable_hostports(); - + grpc_iomgr_shutdown(); return 0; } diff --git a/test/core/iomgr/sockaddr_utils_test.c b/test/core/iomgr/sockaddr_utils_test.c index 14018ed66c..3e653da4c9 100644 --- a/test/core/iomgr/sockaddr_utils_test.c +++ b/test/core/iomgr/sockaddr_utils_test.c @@ -213,9 +213,9 @@ static void test_sockaddr_to_string(void) { expect_sockaddr_str("[::fffe:c000:263]:12345", &input6, 1); memset(&dummy, 0, sizeof(dummy)); - dummy.sa_family = 999; - expect_sockaddr_str("(sockaddr family=999)", &dummy, 0); - expect_sockaddr_str("(sockaddr family=999)", &dummy, 1); + dummy.sa_family = 123; + expect_sockaddr_str("(sockaddr family=123)", &dummy, 0); + expect_sockaddr_str("(sockaddr family=123)", &dummy, 1); GPR_ASSERT(errno == 0xDEADBEEF); } diff --git a/test/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix_test.c b/test/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix_test.c index 79ba777e85..f9212e7373 100644 --- a/test/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix_test.c +++ b/test/core/iomgr/tcp_client_posix_test.c @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ #include <unistd.h> #include "src/core/iomgr/iomgr.h" +#include "src/core/iomgr/socket_utils_posix.h" #include <grpc/support/log.h> #include <grpc/support/time.h> @@ -138,7 +139,8 @@ void test_times_out(void) { /* tie up the listen buffer, which is somewhat arbitrarily sized. */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_CLIENT_CONNECTS; ++i) { - client_fd[i] = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK, 0); + client_fd[i] = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); + grpc_set_socket_nonblocking(client_fd[i], 1); do { r = connect(client_fd[i], (struct sockaddr *)&addr, addr_len); } while (r == -1 && errno == EINTR); diff --git a/test/core/security/credentials_test.c b/test/core/security/credentials_test.c index 619f09308e..9c60f4c233 100644 --- a/test/core/security/credentials_test.c +++ b/test/core/security/credentials_test.c @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ static const char test_iam_authorization_token[] = "blahblahblhahb"; static const char test_iam_authority_selector[] = "respectmyauthoritah"; static const char test_oauth2_bearer_token[] = "Bearer blaaslkdjfaslkdfasdsfasf"; -static const unsigned char test_root_cert[] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF}; +static const char test_root_cert[] = "I am the root!"; /* This JSON key was generated with the GCE console and revoked immediately. The identifiers have been changed as well. @@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ static void check_ssl_oauth2_composite_metadata( } static void test_ssl_oauth2_composite_creds(void) { - grpc_credentials *ssl_creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create( - test_root_cert, sizeof(test_root_cert), NULL, 0, NULL, 0); + grpc_credentials *ssl_creds = + grpc_ssl_credentials_create(test_root_cert, NULL); const grpc_credentials_array *creds_array; grpc_credentials *oauth2_creds = grpc_fake_oauth2_credentials_create(test_oauth2_bearer_token, 0); @@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ static void check_ssl_oauth2_iam_composite_metadata( } static void test_ssl_oauth2_iam_composite_creds(void) { - grpc_credentials *ssl_creds = grpc_ssl_credentials_create( - test_root_cert, sizeof(test_root_cert), NULL, 0, NULL, 0); + grpc_credentials *ssl_creds = + grpc_ssl_credentials_create(test_root_cert, NULL); const grpc_credentials_array *creds_array; grpc_credentials *oauth2_creds = grpc_fake_oauth2_credentials_create(test_oauth2_bearer_token, 0); diff --git a/test/cpp/client/credentials_test.cc b/test/cpp/client/credentials_test.cc index ea088b87bd..174d2187b0 100644 --- a/test/cpp/client/credentials_test.cc +++ b/test/cpp/client/credentials_test.cc @@ -45,15 +45,6 @@ class CredentialsTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: }; -TEST_F(CredentialsTest, InvalidSslCreds) { - std::unique_ptr<Credentials> bad1 = - CredentialsFactory::SslCredentials({"", "", ""}); - EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, bad1.get()); - std::unique_ptr<Credentials> bad2 = - CredentialsFactory::SslCredentials({"", "bla", "bla"}); - EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, bad2.get()); -} - TEST_F(CredentialsTest, InvalidServiceAccountCreds) { std::unique_ptr<Credentials> bad1 = CredentialsFactory::ServiceAccountCredentials("", "", diff --git a/test/cpp/interop/client.cc b/test/cpp/interop/client.cc index 04cfeb86cb..2a18ddb72e 100644 --- a/test/cpp/interop/client.cc +++ b/test/cpp/interop/client.cc @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ void DoResponseStreamingWithSlowConsumer( grpc::ClientContext context; StreamingOutputCallRequest request; - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kNumResponseMessages; ++i) { + for (int i = 0; i < kNumResponseMessages; ++i) { ResponseParameters* response_parameter = request.add_response_parameters(); response_parameter->set_size(kResponseMessageSize); } @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ void DoResponseStreamingWithSlowConsumer( std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientReader<StreamingOutputCallResponse>> stream( stub->StreamingOutputCall(&context, &request)); - unsigned int i = 0; + int i = 0; while (stream->Read(&response)) { GPR_ASSERT(response.payload().body() == grpc::string(kResponseMessageSize, '\0')); diff --git a/test/cpp/interop/server.cc b/test/cpp/interop/server.cc index 561b134c27..5b5c35416c 100644 --- a/test/cpp/interop/server.cc +++ b/test/cpp/interop/server.cc @@ -203,11 +203,7 @@ void RunServer() { builder.RegisterService(service.service()); if (FLAGS_enable_ssl) { SslServerCredentialsOptions ssl_opts = { - "", - {reinterpret_cast<const char*>(test_server1_key), - test_server1_key_size}, - {reinterpret_cast<const char*>(test_server1_cert), - test_server1_cert_size}}; + "", {{test_server1_key, test_server1_cert}}}; std::shared_ptr<ServerCredentials> creds = ServerCredentialsFactory::SslCredentials(ssl_opts); builder.SetCredentials(creds); diff --git a/test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.cc b/test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.cc index f0d35d98c2..68f6244a53 100644 --- a/test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.cc +++ b/test/cpp/util/create_test_channel.cc @@ -56,11 +56,8 @@ std::shared_ptr<ChannelInterface> CreateTestChannel( ChannelArguments channel_args; if (enable_ssl) { const char* roots_certs = - use_prod_roots ? reinterpret_cast<const char*>(prod_roots_certs) - : reinterpret_cast<const char*>(test_root_cert); - unsigned int roots_certs_size = - use_prod_roots ? prod_roots_certs_size : test_root_cert_size; - SslCredentialsOptions ssl_opts = {{roots_certs, roots_certs_size}, "", ""}; + use_prod_roots ? prod_roots_certs : test_root_cert; + SslCredentialsOptions ssl_opts = {roots_certs, "", ""}; std::unique_ptr<Credentials> creds = CredentialsFactory::SslCredentials(ssl_opts); diff --git a/tools/dockerfile/grpc_base/Dockerfile b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_base/Dockerfile index 45be172593..be1b69b0dc 100644 --- a/tools/dockerfile/grpc_base/Dockerfile +++ b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_base/Dockerfile @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ libc6 \ libc6-dbg \ libc6-dev \ + libgtest-dev \ libtool \ make \ strace \ @@ -34,23 +35,13 @@ ENV CLOUD_SDK /google-cloud-sdk RUN $CLOUD_SDK/install.sh --usage-reporting=true --path-update=true --bash-completion=true --rc-path=/.bashrc --disable-installation-options ENV PATH $CLOUD_SDK/bin:$PATH -# Install gcompute-tools to allow access to private git-on-borg repos -RUN git clone https://gerrit.googlesource.com/gcompute-tools /var/local/git/gcompute-tools - -# Start the daemon that allows access to private git-on-borg repos -RUN /var/local/git/gcompute-tools/git-cookie-authdaemon - -# Install the grpc-tools scripts dir from git -RUN git clone https://team.googlesource.com/one-platform-grpc-team/grpc-tools /var/local/git/grpc-tools - -# Install the grpc-protobuf dir that has the protoc patch -RUN git clone https://team.googlesource.com/one-platform-grpc-team/protobuf /var/local/git/protobuf - -# Install the patched version of protoc -RUN cd /var/local/git/protobuf && \ - ./autogen.sh && \ - ./configure --prefix=/usr && \ - make && make check && make install && make clean +# Install a GitHub SSH service credential that gives access to the GitHub repo while it's private +# TODO: remove this once the repo is public +ADD .ssh .ssh +RUN chmod 600 .ssh/github.rsa +RUN mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh && echo 'Host github.com' > $HOME/.ssh/config +RUN echo " IdentityFile /.ssh/github.rsa" >> $HOME/.ssh/config +RUN echo 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' >> $HOME/.ssh/config # Define the default command. CMD ["bash"] diff --git a/tools/dockerfile/grpc_cxx/Dockerfile b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_cxx/Dockerfile index cf38e976b1..ea3a1dba8f 100644 --- a/tools/dockerfile/grpc_cxx/Dockerfile +++ b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_cxx/Dockerfile @@ -1,15 +1,18 @@ # Dockerfile for gRPC C++ FROM grpc/base -# Start the daemon that allows access to the protected git-on-borg repos -RUN /var/local/git/gcompute-tools/git-cookie-authdaemon - -RUN git clone https://team.googlesource.com/one-platform-grpc-team/grpc /var/local/git/grpc -RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc \ - && git pull --recurse-submodules \ - && git submodule update --init --recursive +# Get the source from GitHub +RUN git clone git@github.com:google/grpc.git /var/local/git/grpc +RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc && \ + git pull --recurse-submodules && \ + git submodule update --init --recursive +# Build the protobuf library; then the C core. +RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc/third_party/protobuf && \ + ./autogen.sh && \ + ./configure --prefix=/usr && \ + make -j12 && make check && make install && make clean RUN make install -C /var/local/git/grpc # Define the default command. -CMD ["bash"]
\ No newline at end of file +CMD ["bash"] diff --git a/tools/dockerfile/grpc_go/Dockerfile b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_go/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab463b2a00 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_go/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# Dockerfile for gRPC Go +FROM golang:1.4 + +# Install SSH to that Go source can be pulled securely. +RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ssh + +# Install a GitHub SSH service credential that gives access to the GitHub repo while it's private +# +# TODO: remove this once the repo is public +ADD .ssh .ssh +RUN chmod 600 /.ssh/github.rsa +RUN mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh && echo 'Host github.com' > $HOME/.ssh/config +RUN echo " IdentityFile /.ssh/github.rsa" >> $HOME/.ssh/config +RUN echo 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' >> $HOME/.ssh/config + +# Force go get to use the GitHub ssh url instead of https, and use the SSH creds +RUN git config --global url."git@github.com:".insteadOf "https://github.com/" + +# Get the source from GitHub +RUN go get github.com/google/grpc-go + +# Build the interop client and server +RUN cd src/github.com/google/grpc-go/interop/client && go install +RUN cd src/github.com/google/grpc-go/interop/server && go install + +# Specify the default command such that the interop server runs on its known testing port +CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c 'cd src/github.com/google/grpc-go/interop/server && go run server.go --use_tls=true --port=8020'"] diff --git a/tools/dockerfile/grpc_go/README.md b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_go/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d6ad3e391 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_go/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +GRPC Go Dockerfile +================== + +Dockerfile for gRPC Go development, testing and deployment. diff --git a/tools/dockerfile/grpc_php/Dockerfile b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_php/Dockerfile index 0e50af70a2..177587669c 100644 --- a/tools/dockerfile/grpc_php/Dockerfile +++ b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_php/Dockerfile @@ -1,9 +1,6 @@ # Dockerfile for gRPC PHP FROM grpc/php_base -# Start the daemon that allows access to the protected git-on-borg repos -RUN /var/local/git/gcompute-tools/git-cookie-authdaemon - RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc \ && git pull --recurse-submodules \ && git submodule update --init --recursive @@ -15,4 +12,4 @@ RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc/src/php/ext/grpc && git pull && phpize # Build the grpc PHP extension RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc/src/php/ext/grpc \ && ./configure \ - && make
\ No newline at end of file + && make diff --git a/tools/dockerfile/grpc_php_base/Dockerfile b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_php_base/Dockerfile index 8ec90f48b8..47266a310e 100644 --- a/tools/dockerfile/grpc_php_base/Dockerfile +++ b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_php_base/Dockerfile @@ -43,9 +43,10 @@ RUN cd /var/local \ && tar -xf php-5.5.17.tar.gz \ && cd php-5.5.17 \ && ./configure --with-zlib=/usr --with-libxml-dir=ext/libxml \ - && make && make install + && make -j12 && make install # Start the daemon that allows access to the protected git-on-borg repos +RUN git clone https://gerrit.googlesource.com/gcompute-tools /var/local/git/gcompute-tools RUN /var/local/git/gcompute-tools/git-cookie-authdaemon # Download the patched PHP protobuf so that PHP gRPC clients can be generated @@ -64,6 +65,18 @@ ENV PATH /usr/local/rvm/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/s # rake: a ruby version of make used to build the PHP Protobuf extension RUN rvm all do gem install ronn rake +# Get the source from GitHub, this gets the protobuf library as well +RUN git clone git@github.com:google/grpc.git /var/local/git/grpc +RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc && \ + git pull --recurse-submodules && \ + git submodule update --init --recursive + +# Build and install the protobuf library +RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc/third_party/protobuf && \ + ./autogen.sh && \ + ./configure --prefix=/usr && \ + make -j12 && make check && make install && make clean + # Install the patched PHP protobuf so that PHP gRPC clients can be generated # from proto3 schemas. RUN cd /var/local/git/protobuf-php \ @@ -75,10 +88,7 @@ RUN wget https://phar.phpunit.de/phpunit.phar \ && chmod +x phpunit.phar \ && mv phpunit.phar /usr/local/bin/phpunit -RUN git clone https://team.googlesource.com/one-platform-grpc-team/grpc /var/local/git/grpc -RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc \ - && git submodule update --init --recursive - +# Build the C core RUN make static_c shared_c -j12 -C /var/local/git/grpc # Define the default command. diff --git a/tools/dockerfile/grpc_ruby/Dockerfile b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_ruby/Dockerfile index 9aa34bfcc9..43ec0183ca 100644 --- a/tools/dockerfile/grpc_ruby/Dockerfile +++ b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_ruby/Dockerfile @@ -1,19 +1,14 @@ # Dockerfile for gRPC Ruby FROM grpc/ruby_base -# Start the daemon that allows access to the protected git-on-borg repos -RUN /var/local/git/gcompute-tools/git-cookie-authdaemon - +# Build the C libary RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc \ && git pull --recurse-submodules \ && git submodule update --init --recursive +# Build the C core. RUN make install_c -C /var/local/git/grpc -# Install the grpc gem locally with its dependencies and build the extension. -RUN /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/local/git/beefcake && bundle && gem build beefcake.gemspec && gem install beefcake' -RUN /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/local/git/grpc/src/ruby && bundle && rake compile:grpc && gem build grpc.gemspec && gem install grpc' - # TODO add a command to run the unittest tests when the bug below is fixed # - the tests fail due to an error in the C threading library: # they fail with 'ruby: __pthread_mutex_cond_lock_adjust for unknown reasons' at the end of a testcase diff --git a/tools/dockerfile/grpc_ruby_base/Dockerfile b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_ruby_base/Dockerfile index ad14e43ec7..b2af9d7160 100644 --- a/tools/dockerfile/grpc_ruby_base/Dockerfile +++ b/tools/dockerfile/grpc_ruby_base/Dockerfile @@ -31,15 +31,6 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ sqlite3 \ zlib1g-dev - -# Start the daemon that allows access to the protected git-on-borg repos -RUN /var/local/git/gcompute-tools/git-cookie-authdaemon - -# Download the patched Ruby protobuf (beefcake) so that Ruby gRPC clients can -# be generated from proto3 schemas. -RUN git clone https://team.googlesource.com/one-platform-grpc-team/grpc-ruby-beefcake \ - /var/local/git/beefcake - # Install RVM, use this to install ruby RUN gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys D39DC0E3 # Needed for RVM RUN /bin/bash -l -c "curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable" @@ -52,8 +43,17 @@ RUN /bin/bash -l -c "echo 'source /home/grpc_ruby/.rvm/scripts/rvm' >> ~/.bashrc RUN /bin/bash -l -c "echo 'rvm --default use ruby-2.1' >> ~/.bashrc" RUN /bin/bash -l -c "gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc" -RUN git clone https://team.googlesource.com/one-platform-grpc-team/grpc /var/local/git/grpc -RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc \ - && git submodule update --init --recursive +# Get the source from GitHub +RUN git clone git@github.com:google/grpc.git /var/local/git/grpc +RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc && \ + git pull --recurse-submodules && \ + git submodule update --init --recursive + +# Build and install the protobuf library +RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc/third_party/protobuf && \ + ./autogen.sh && \ + ./configure --prefix=/usr && \ + make -j12 && make check && make install && make clean -RUN make static_c shared_c -C /var/local/git/grpc
\ No newline at end of file +# Build the C core +RUN make static_c shared_c -j12 -C /var/local/git/grpc diff --git a/tools/gce_setup/grpc_docker.sh b/tools/gce_setup/grpc_docker.sh index bf776126b5..bfa4c808be 100755 --- a/tools/gce_setup/grpc_docker.sh +++ b/tools/gce_setup/grpc_docker.sh @@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ grpc_add_docker_user() { } _grpc_update_image_args() { + echo "image_args $@" # default the host, root storage uri and docker file root grpc_gs_root='gs://tmp-grpc-dev/admin/' grpc_dockerfile_root='tools/dockerfile' @@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ _grpc_update_image_args() { # see if -p or -z is used to override the the project or zone local OPTIND local OPTARG - while getopts :r:d:h name + while getopts :r:d:h: name do case $name in d) grpc_dockerfile_root=$OPTARG ;; @@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ _grpc_set_project_and_zone() { local OPTIND local OPTARG local arg_func - while getopts :p:z:f:n name + while getopts :np:z:f: name do case $name in f) declare -F $OPTARG >> /dev/null && { @@ -392,6 +393,65 @@ grpc_interop_test_args() { } } +_grpc_sync_scripts_args() { + grpc_gce_script_root='tools/gce_setup' + + local OPTIND + local OPTARG + while getopts :s: name + do + case $name in + s) grpc_gce_script_root=$OPTARG ;; + :) continue ;; # ignore -s without args, just use the defaults + \?) echo "-$OPTARG: unknown flag; it's ignored" 1>&2; continue ;; + esac + done + shift $((OPTIND-1)) + + [[ -d $grpc_gce_script_root ]] || { + echo "Could not locate gce script dir: $grpc_gce_script_root" 1>&2 + return 1 + } + + [[ $# -lt 1 ]] && { + echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: host1 [host2 ... hostN]" 1>&2 + return 1 + } + grpc_hosts="$@" +} + +# Updates the latest version of the support scripts on some hosts. +# +# call-seq; +# grpc_sync_scripts <server_name1>, <server_name2> .. <server_name3> +# +# Updates the GCE docker instance <server_name> +grpc_sync_scripts() { + _grpc_ensure_gcloud_ssh || return 1; + + # declare vars local so that they don't pollute the shell environment + # where they this func is used. + local grpc_zone grpc_project dry_run # set by _grpc_set_project_and_zone + local grpc_hosts grpc_gce_script_root + + # set the project zone and check that all necessary args are provided + _grpc_set_project_and_zone -f _grpc_sync_scripts_args "$@" || return 1 + + local func_lib="shared_startup_funcs.sh" + local gce_func_lib="/var/local/startup_scripts/$func_lib" + local project_opt="--project $grpc_project" + local zone_opt="--zone $grpc_zone" + local host + for host in $grpc_hosts + do + gce_has_instance $grpc_project $host || return 1; + # Update the remote copy of the GCE func library. + local src_func_lib="$grpc_gce_script_root/$func_lib" + local rmt_func_lib="$host:$gce_func_lib" + gcloud compute copy-files $src_func_lib $rmt_func_lib $project_opt $zone_opt || return 1 + done +} + grpc_sync_images_args() { [[ $# -lt 1 ]] && { echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: host1 [host2 ... hostN]" 1>&2 @@ -412,7 +472,6 @@ grpc_sync_images() { # declare vars local so that they don't pollute the shell environment # where they this func is used. local grpc_zone grpc_project dry_run # set by _grpc_set_project_and_zone - # set by grpc_sync_images local grpc_hosts # set the project zone and check that all necessary args are provided @@ -425,7 +484,7 @@ grpc_sync_images() { local host for host in $grpc_hosts do - gce_has_instance $grpc_project $h || return 1; + gce_has_instance $grpc_project $host || return 1; local ssh_cmd="bash -l -c \"$cmd\"" echo "will run:" echo " $ssh_cmd" @@ -575,6 +634,18 @@ grpc_interop_gen_ruby_cmd() { echo $the_cmd } +# constructs the full dockerized Go interop test cmd. +# +# call-seq: +# flags= .... # generic flags to include the command +# cmd=$($grpc_gen_test_cmd $flags) +grpc_interop_gen_go_cmd() { + local cmd_prefix="sudo docker run grpc/go bin/bash -c"; + local test_script="cd /go/src/github.com/google/grpc-go/interop/client"; + local test_script+=" && go run client.go --use_tls=true"; + local the_cmd="$cmd_prefix '$test_script $@ 1>&2'"; +} + # constructs the full dockerized java interop test cmd. # # call-seq: @@ -605,4 +676,4 @@ grpc_interop_gen_php_cmd() { } -# TODO(grpc-team): add grpc_interop_gen_xxx_cmd for python|cxx|nodejs|go +# TODO(grpc-team): add grpc_interop_gen_xxx_cmd for python|cxx|nodejs diff --git a/tools/gce_setup/shared_startup_funcs.sh b/tools/gce_setup/shared_startup_funcs.sh index 9ea6eca461..f1dbca9a2e 100755 --- a/tools/gce_setup/shared_startup_funcs.sh +++ b/tools/gce_setup/shared_startup_funcs.sh @@ -367,11 +367,12 @@ grpc_docker_launch_registry() { grpc_docker_pull_known() { local addr=$1 [[ -n $addr ]] || addr="" - local known="base cxx php_base php ruby_base ruby java_base java" + local known="base cxx php_base php ruby_base ruby java_base java go" echo "... pulling docker images for '$known'" for i in $known do - sudo docker pull ${addr}/grpc/$i \ + echo "<--- grpc/$i" + sudo docker pull ${addr}/grpc/$i > /dev/null 2>&1 \ && sudo docker tag ${addr}/grpc/$i grpc/$i || { # log and continue echo "docker op error: could not pull ${addr}/grpc/$i" @@ -388,7 +389,7 @@ grpc_docker_pull_known() { # grpc_dockerfile_install "grpc/image" /var/local/dockerfile/grpc_image grpc_dockerfile_install() { local image_label=$1 - [[ -n $image_label ]] || { echo "missing arg: image_label" >&2; return 1; } + [[ -n $image_label ]] || { echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: image_label" >&2; return 1; } local docker_img_url=$image_label local dockerfile_dir=$2 @@ -400,19 +401,30 @@ grpc_dockerfile_install() { [[ $cache == "cache=1" ]] && { cache_opt=''; } [[ $cache == "cache=true" ]] && { cache_opt=''; } - [[ -d $dockerfile_dir ]] || { echo "not a valid dir: $dockerfile_dir"; return 1; } + [[ -d $dockerfile_dir ]] || { echo "$FUNCNAME: not a valid dir: $dockerfile_dir"; return 1; } + + # For specific base images, sync the ssh key into the .ssh dir in the dockerfile context + [[ $image_label == "grpc/base" ]] && { + grpc_docker_sync_github_key $dockerfile_dir/.ssh 'base_ssh_key'|| return 1; + } + [[ $image_label == "grpc/go" ]] && { + grpc_docker_sync_github_key $dockerfile_dir/.ssh 'go_ssh_key'|| return 1; + } + [[ $image_label == "grpc/java_base" ]] && { + grpc_docker_sync_github_key $dockerfile_dir/.ssh 'java_base_ssh_key'|| return 1; + } # TODO(temiola): maybe make cache/no-cache a func option? sudo docker build $cache_opt -t $image_label $dockerfile_dir || { - echo "docker op error: build of $image_label <- $dockerfile_dir" + echo "$FUNCNAME:: build of $image_label <- $dockerfile_dir" return 1 } sudo docker tag $image_label $docker_img_url || { - echo "docker op error: tag of $docker_img_url" + echo "$FUNCNAME: failed to tag $docker_img_url as $image_label" return 1 } sudo docker push $docker_img_url || { - echo "docker op error: push of $docker_img_url" + echo "$FUNCNAME: failed to push $docker_img_url" return 1 } } @@ -428,3 +440,34 @@ grpc_dockerfile_install() { grpc_dockerfile_refresh() { grpc_dockerfile_install "$@" } + +# grpc_docker_sync_github_key. +# +# Copies the docker github key from GCS to the target dir +# +# call-seq: +# grpc_docker_sync_github_key <target_dir> +grpc_docker_sync_github_key() { + local target_dir=$1 + [[ -n $target_dir ]] || { echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: target_dir" >&2; return 1; } + + local key_file=$2 + [[ -n $key_file ]] || { echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: key_file" >&2; return 1; } + + # determine the admin root; the parent of the dockerfile root, + local gs_dockerfile_root=$(load_metadata "attributes/gs_dockerfile_root") + [[ -n $gs_dockerfile_root ]] || { + echo "$FUNCNAME: missing metadata: gs_dockerfile_root" >&2 + return 1 + } + local gcs_admin_root=$(dirname $gs_dockerfile_root) + + # cp the file from gsutil to a known local area + local gcs_key_path=$gcs_admin_root/github/$key_file + local local_key_path=$target_dir/github.rsa + mkdir -p $target_dir || { + echo "$FUNCNAME: could not create dir: $target_dir" 1>&2 + return 1 + } + gsutil cp $src $gcs_key_path $local_key_path +} diff --git a/tools/run_tests/build_python.sh b/tools/run_tests/build_python.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..6899ac7fe3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/run_tests/build_python.sh @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +set -ex + +# change to grpc repo root +cd $(dirname $0)/../.. + +root=`pwd` +virtualenv python2.7_virtual_environment +python2.7_virtual_environment/bin/pip install enum34==1.0.4 futures==2.2.0 diff --git a/tools/run_tests/jobset.py b/tools/run_tests/jobset.py index 7a6d979ba3..8f16a4ff2c 100755 --- a/tools/run_tests/jobset.py +++ b/tools/run_tests/jobset.py @@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ class Jobset(object): self._completed += 1 self._running.remove(job) if dead: return - message('WAITING', '%d jobs running, %d complete' % ( - len(self._running), self._completed)) + message('WAITING', '%d jobs running, %d complete, %d failed' % ( + len(self._running), self._completed, self._failures)) time.sleep(0.1) def cancelled(self): diff --git a/tools/run_tests/run_python.sh b/tools/run_tests/run_python.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..0d5ed0238d --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/run_tests/run_python.sh @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +set -ex + +# change to grpc repo root +cd $(dirname $0)/../.. + +root=`pwd` +python2.7_virtual_environment/bin/python2.7 -B -m unittest discover -s src/python -p '*.py' +python3.4 -B -m unittest discover -s src/python -p '*.py' diff --git a/tools/run_tests/run_tests.py b/tools/run_tests/run_tests.py index 15c523731b..da849f04cb 100755 --- a/tools/run_tests/run_tests.py +++ b/tools/run_tests/run_tests.py @@ -75,6 +75,21 @@ class PhpLanguage(object): return [['tools/run_tests/build_php.sh']] +class PythonLanguage(object): + + def __init__(self): + self.allow_hashing = False + + def test_binaries(self, config): + return ['tools/run_tests/run_python.sh'] + + def make_targets(self): + return[] + + def build_steps(self): + return [['tools/run_tests/build_python.sh']] + + # different configurations we can run under _CONFIGS = { 'dbg': SimpleConfig('dbg'), @@ -92,7 +107,8 @@ _DEFAULT = ['dbg', 'opt'] _LANGUAGES = { 'c++': CLanguage('cxx', 'c++'), 'c': CLanguage('c', 'c'), - 'php': PhpLanguage() + 'php': PhpLanguage(), + 'python': PythonLanguage(), } # parse command line diff --git a/tools/run_tests/tests.json b/tools/run_tests/tests.json index ec838649e0..90571eaec6 100644 --- a/tools/run_tests/tests.json +++ b/tools/run_tests/tests.json @@ -263,6 +263,10 @@ }, { "language": "c++", + "name": "tips_client_test" + }, + { + "language": "c++", "name": "status_test" }, { |