diff options
8 files changed, 318 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/include/grpc++/ext/reflection.grpc.pb.h b/include/grpc++/ext/reflection.grpc.pb.h
index 6e56088497..151271c65b 100644
--- a/include/grpc++/ext/reflection.grpc.pb.h
+++ b/include/grpc++/ext/reflection.grpc.pb.h
@@ -176,6 +176,8 @@ class ServerReflection GRPC_FINAL {
typedef Service StreamedUnaryService;
+ typedef Service SplitStreamedService;
+ typedef Service StreamedService;
} // namespace v1alpha
diff --git a/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/method_handler_impl.h b/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/method_handler_impl.h
index 52f927631c..bb992f0e18 100644
--- a/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/method_handler_impl.h
+++ b/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/method_handler_impl.h
@@ -236,6 +236,19 @@ class StreamedUnaryHandler
ServerUnaryStreamer<RequestType, ResponseType>, true>(func) {}
+template <class RequestType, class ResponseType>
+class SplitServerStreamingHandler
+ : public TemplatedBidiStreamingHandler<
+ ServerSplitStreamer<RequestType, ResponseType>, false> {
+ public:
+ explicit SplitServerStreamingHandler(
+ std::function<Status(ServerContext*,
+ ServerSplitStreamer<RequestType, ResponseType>*)>
+ func)
+ : TemplatedBidiStreamingHandler<
+ ServerSplitStreamer<RequestType, ResponseType>, false>(func) {}
// Handle unknown method by returning UNIMPLEMENTED error.
class UnknownMethodHandler : public MethodHandler {
diff --git a/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/service_type.h b/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/service_type.h
index 72b2225312..bd65ea009e 100644
--- a/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/service_type.h
+++ b/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/service_type.h
@@ -147,14 +147,15 @@ class Service {
- void MarkMethodStreamedUnary(int index,
- MethodHandler* streamed_unary_method) {
+ void MarkMethodStreamed(int index, MethodHandler* streamed_method) {
GPR_CODEGEN_ASSERT(methods_[index] && methods_[index]->handler() &&
- "Cannot mark an async or generic method Streamed Unary");
- methods_[index]->SetHandler(streamed_unary_method);
+ "Cannot mark an async or generic method Streamed");
+ methods_[index]->SetHandler(streamed_method);
// From the server's point of view, streamed unary is a special
- // case of BIDI_STREAMING that has 1 read and 1 write, in that order.
+ // case of BIDI_STREAMING that has 1 read and 1 write, in that order,
+ // and split server-side streaming is BIDI_STREAMING with 1 read and
+ // any number of writes, in that order
diff --git a/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/sync_stream.h b/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/sync_stream.h
index e3c5a919b1..9a3efb5119 100644
--- a/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/sync_stream.h
+++ b/include/grpc++/impl/codegen/sync_stream.h
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ class ServerReaderWriter GRPC_FINAL : public ServerReaderWriterInterface<W, R> {
/// the \a NextMessageSize method to determine an upper-bound on the size of
/// the message.
/// A key difference relative to streaming: ServerUnaryStreamer
-/// must have exactly 1 Read and exactly 1 Write, in that order, to function
+/// must have exactly 1 Read and exactly 1 Write, in that order, to function
/// correctly. Otherwise, the RPC is in error.
template <class RequestType, class ResponseType>
class ServerUnaryStreamer GRPC_FINAL
@@ -577,6 +577,43 @@ class ServerUnaryStreamer GRPC_FINAL
bool write_done_;
+/// A class to represent a flow-controlled server-side streaming call.
+/// This is something of a hybrid between server-side and bidi streaming.
+/// This is invoked through a server-side streaming call on the client side,
+/// but the server responds to it as though it were a bidi streaming call that
+/// must first have exactly 1 Read and then any number of Writes.
+template <class RequestType, class ResponseType>
+class ServerSplitStreamer GRPC_FINAL
+ : public ServerReaderWriterInterface<ResponseType, RequestType> {
+ public:
+ ServerSplitStreamer(Call* call, ServerContext* ctx)
+ : body_(call, ctx), read_done_(false) {}
+ void SendInitialMetadata() GRPC_OVERRIDE { body_.SendInitialMetadata(); }
+ bool NextMessageSize(uint32_t* sz) GRPC_OVERRIDE {
+ return body_.NextMessageSize(sz);
+ }
+ bool Read(RequestType* request) GRPC_OVERRIDE {
+ if (read_done_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ read_done_ = true;
+ return body_.Read(request);
+ }
+ using WriterInterface<ResponseType>::Write;
+ bool Write(const ResponseType& response,
+ const WriteOptions& options) GRPC_OVERRIDE {
+ return read_done_ && body_.Write(response, options);
+ }
+ private:
+ internal::ServerReaderWriterBody<ResponseType, RequestType> body_;
+ bool read_done_;
} // namespace grpc
diff --git a/src/compiler/cpp_generator.cc b/src/compiler/cpp_generator.cc
index d0c35ea1ab..fa72f9b0d9 100644
--- a/src/compiler/cpp_generator.cc
+++ b/src/compiler/cpp_generator.cc
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ void PrintHeaderServerMethodStreamedUnary(
"WithStreamedUnaryMethod_$Method$() {\n"
- " ::grpc::Service::MarkMethodStreamedUnary($Idx$,\n"
+ " ::grpc::Service::MarkMethodStreamed($Idx$,\n"
" new ::grpc::StreamedUnaryHandler< $Request$, "
@@ -656,6 +656,58 @@ void PrintHeaderServerMethodStreamedUnary(
+void PrintHeaderServerMethodSplitStreaming(
+ Printer *printer, const Method *method,
+ std::map<grpc::string, grpc::string> *vars) {
+ (*vars)["Method"] = method->name();
+ (*vars)["Request"] = method->input_type_name();
+ (*vars)["Response"] = method->output_type_name();
+ if (method->ServerOnlyStreaming()) {
+ printer->Print(*vars, "template <class BaseClass>\n");
+ printer->Print(*vars,
+ "class WithSplitStreamingMethod_$Method$ : "
+ "public BaseClass {\n");
+ printer->Print(
+ " private:\n"
+ " void BaseClassMustBeDerivedFromService(const Service *service) "
+ "{}\n");
+ printer->Print(" public:\n");
+ printer->Indent();
+ printer->Print(*vars,
+ "WithSplitStreamingMethod_$Method$() {\n"
+ " ::grpc::Service::MarkMethodStreamed($Idx$,\n"
+ " new ::grpc::SplitServerStreamingHandler< $Request$, "
+ "$Response$>(std::bind"
+ "(&WithSplitStreamingMethod_$Method$<BaseClass>::"
+ "Streamed$Method$, this, std::placeholders::_1, "
+ "std::placeholders::_2)));\n"
+ "}\n");
+ printer->Print(*vars,
+ "~WithSplitStreamingMethod_$Method$() GRPC_OVERRIDE {\n"
+ " BaseClassMustBeDerivedFromService(this);\n"
+ "}\n");
+ printer->Print(
+ *vars,
+ "// disable regular version of this method\n"
+ "::grpc::Status $Method$("
+ "::grpc::ServerContext* context, const $Request$* request, "
+ "::grpc::ServerWriter< $Response$>* writer) GRPC_FINAL GRPC_OVERRIDE "
+ "{\n"
+ " abort();\n"
+ " return ::grpc::Status(::grpc::StatusCode::UNIMPLEMENTED, \"\");\n"
+ "}\n");
+ printer->Print(*vars,
+ "// replace default version of method with split streamed\n"
+ "virtual ::grpc::Status Streamed$Method$("
+ "::grpc::ServerContext* context, "
+ "::grpc::ServerSplitStreamer< "
+ "$Request$,$Response$>* server_split_streamer)"
+ " = 0;\n");
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print(*vars, "};\n");
+ }
void PrintHeaderServerMethodGeneric(
Printer *printer, const Method *method,
std::map<grpc::string, grpc::string> *vars) {
@@ -844,6 +896,48 @@ void PrintHeaderService(Printer *printer, const Service *service,
printer->Print(" StreamedUnaryService;\n");
+ // Server side - controlled server-side streaming
+ for (int i = 0; i < service->method_count(); ++i) {
+ (*vars)["Idx"] = as_string(i);
+ PrintHeaderServerMethodSplitStreaming(printer, service->method(i).get(),
+ vars);
+ }
+ printer->Print("typedef ");
+ for (int i = 0; i < service->method_count(); ++i) {
+ (*vars)["method_name"] = service->method(i).get()->name();
+ if (service->method(i)->ServerOnlyStreaming()) {
+ printer->Print(*vars, "WithSplitStreamingMethod_$method_name$<");
+ }
+ }
+ printer->Print("Service");
+ for (int i = 0; i < service->method_count(); ++i) {
+ if (service->method(i)->ServerOnlyStreaming()) {
+ printer->Print(" >");
+ }
+ }
+ printer->Print(" SplitStreamedService;\n");
+ // Server side - typedef for controlled both unary and server-side streaming
+ printer->Print("typedef ");
+ for (int i = 0; i < service->method_count(); ++i) {
+ (*vars)["method_name"] = service->method(i).get()->name();
+ if (service->method(i)->ServerOnlyStreaming()) {
+ printer->Print(*vars, "WithSplitStreamingMethod_$method_name$<");
+ }
+ if (service->method(i)->NoStreaming()) {
+ printer->Print(*vars, "WithStreamedUnaryMethod_$method_name$<");
+ }
+ }
+ printer->Print("Service");
+ for (int i = 0; i < service->method_count(); ++i) {
+ if (service->method(i)->NoStreaming() ||
+ service->method(i)->ServerOnlyStreaming()) {
+ printer->Print(" >");
+ }
+ }
+ printer->Print(" StreamedService;\n");
diff --git a/src/proto/grpc/testing/duplicate/echo_duplicate.proto b/src/proto/grpc/testing/duplicate/echo_duplicate.proto
index 94130ea767..97fdbc4fd3 100644
--- a/src/proto/grpc/testing/duplicate/echo_duplicate.proto
+++ b/src/proto/grpc/testing/duplicate/echo_duplicate.proto
@@ -38,4 +38,5 @@ package grpc.testing.duplicate;
service EchoTestService {
rpc Echo(grpc.testing.EchoRequest) returns (grpc.testing.EchoResponse);
+ rpc ResponseStream(EchoRequest) returns (stream EchoResponse);
diff --git a/test/cpp/codegen/compiler_test_golden b/test/cpp/codegen/compiler_test_golden
index 7b0fd6ce80..5f0e824655 100644
--- a/test/cpp/codegen/compiler_test_golden
+++ b/test/cpp/codegen/compiler_test_golden
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ class ServiceA GRPC_FINAL {
void BaseClassMustBeDerivedFromService(const Service *service) {}
WithStreamedUnaryMethod_MethodA1() {
- ::grpc::Service::MarkMethodStreamedUnary(0,
+ ::grpc::Service::MarkMethodStreamed(0,
new ::grpc::StreamedUnaryHandler< ::grpc::testing::Request, ::grpc::testing::Response>(std::bind(&WithStreamedUnaryMethod_MethodA1<BaseClass>::StreamedMethodA1, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)));
~WithStreamedUnaryMethod_MethodA1() GRPC_OVERRIDE {
@@ -228,6 +228,8 @@ class ServiceA GRPC_FINAL {
virtual ::grpc::Status StreamedMethodA1(::grpc::ServerContext* context, ::grpc::ServerUnaryStreamer< ::grpc::testing::Request,::grpc::testing::Response>* server_unary_streamer) = 0;
typedef WithStreamedUnaryMethod_MethodA1<Service > StreamedUnaryService;
+ typedef Service SplitStreamedService;
+ typedef WithStreamedUnaryMethod_MethodA1<Service > StreamedService;
// ServiceB leading comment 1
@@ -312,7 +314,7 @@ class ServiceB GRPC_FINAL {
void BaseClassMustBeDerivedFromService(const Service *service) {}
WithStreamedUnaryMethod_MethodB1() {
- ::grpc::Service::MarkMethodStreamedUnary(0,
+ ::grpc::Service::MarkMethodStreamed(0,
new ::grpc::StreamedUnaryHandler< ::grpc::testing::Request, ::grpc::testing::Response>(std::bind(&WithStreamedUnaryMethod_MethodB1<BaseClass>::StreamedMethodB1, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)));
~WithStreamedUnaryMethod_MethodB1() GRPC_OVERRIDE {
@@ -327,6 +329,8 @@ class ServiceB GRPC_FINAL {
virtual ::grpc::Status StreamedMethodB1(::grpc::ServerContext* context, ::grpc::ServerUnaryStreamer< ::grpc::testing::Request,::grpc::testing::Response>* server_unary_streamer) = 0;
typedef WithStreamedUnaryMethod_MethodB1<Service > StreamedUnaryService;
+ typedef Service SplitStreamedService;
+ typedef WithStreamedUnaryMethod_MethodB1<Service > StreamedService;
// ServiceB trailing comment 1
diff --git a/test/cpp/end2end/hybrid_end2end_test.cc b/test/cpp/end2end/hybrid_end2end_test.cc
index 8cd2e66347..76a5732f33 100644
--- a/test/cpp/end2end/hybrid_end2end_test.cc
+++ b/test/cpp/end2end/hybrid_end2end_test.cc
@@ -320,6 +320,29 @@ class HybridEnd2endTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ void SendSimpleServerStreamingToDupService() {
+ std::shared_ptr<Channel> channel =
+ CreateChannel(server_address_.str(), InsecureChannelCredentials());
+ auto stub = grpc::testing::duplicate::EchoTestService::NewStub(channel);
+ EchoRequest request;
+ EchoResponse response;
+ ClientContext context;
+ context.set_wait_for_ready(true);
+ request.set_message("hello");
+ auto stream = stub->ResponseStream(&context, request);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream->Read(&response));
+ EXPECT_EQ(response.message(), request.message() + "0_dup");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream->Read(&response));
+ EXPECT_EQ(response.message(), request.message() + "1_dup");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(stream->Read(&response));
+ EXPECT_EQ(response.message(), request.message() + "2_dup");
+ EXPECT_FALSE(stream->Read(&response));
+ Status s = stream->Finish();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(s.ok());
+ }
void SendBidiStreaming() {
EchoRequest request;
EchoResponse response;
@@ -498,6 +521,140 @@ TEST_F(HybridEnd2endTest,
+// Add a second service with one sync split server streaming method.
+class SplitResponseStreamDupPkg
+ : public duplicate::EchoTestService::
+ WithSplitStreamingMethod_ResponseStream<TestServiceImplDupPkg> {
+ public:
+ Status StreamedResponseStream(
+ ServerContext* context,
+ ServerSplitStreamer<EchoRequest, EchoResponse>* stream) GRPC_OVERRIDE {
+ EchoRequest req;
+ EchoResponse resp;
+ uint32_t next_msg_sz;
+ stream->NextMessageSize(&next_msg_sz);
+ gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Split Streamed Next Message Size is %u", next_msg_sz);
+ GPR_ASSERT(stream->Read(&req));
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumResponseStreamsMsgs; i++) {
+ resp.set_message(req.message() + grpc::to_string(i) + "_dup");
+ GPR_ASSERT(stream->Write(resp));
+ }
+ return Status::OK;
+ }
+ AsyncRequestStreamResponseStream_SyncSplitStreamedDupService) {
+ typedef EchoTestService::WithAsyncMethod_RequestStream<
+ EchoTestService::WithAsyncMethod_ResponseStream<TestServiceImpl>>
+ SType;
+ SType service;
+ SplitResponseStreamDupPkg dup_service;
+ SetUpServer(&service, &dup_service, nullptr, 8192);
+ ResetStub();
+ std::thread response_stream_handler_thread(HandleServerStreaming<SType>,
+ &service, cqs_[0].get());
+ std::thread request_stream_handler_thread(HandleClientStreaming<SType>,
+ &service, cqs_[1].get());
+ TestAllMethods();
+ SendSimpleServerStreamingToDupService();
+ response_stream_handler_thread.join();
+ request_stream_handler_thread.join();
+// Add a second service that is fully split server streamed
+class FullySplitStreamedDupPkg
+ : public duplicate::EchoTestService::SplitStreamedService {
+ public:
+ Status StreamedResponseStream(
+ ServerContext* context,
+ ServerSplitStreamer<EchoRequest, EchoResponse>* stream) GRPC_OVERRIDE {
+ EchoRequest req;
+ EchoResponse resp;
+ uint32_t next_msg_sz;
+ stream->NextMessageSize(&next_msg_sz);
+ gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Split Streamed Next Message Size is %u", next_msg_sz);
+ GPR_ASSERT(stream->Read(&req));
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumResponseStreamsMsgs; i++) {
+ resp.set_message(req.message() + grpc::to_string(i) + "_dup");
+ GPR_ASSERT(stream->Write(resp));
+ }
+ return Status::OK;
+ }
+ AsyncRequestStreamResponseStream_FullySplitStreamedDupService) {
+ typedef EchoTestService::WithAsyncMethod_RequestStream<
+ EchoTestService::WithAsyncMethod_ResponseStream<TestServiceImpl>>
+ SType;
+ SType service;
+ FullySplitStreamedDupPkg dup_service;
+ SetUpServer(&service, &dup_service, nullptr, 8192);
+ ResetStub();
+ std::thread response_stream_handler_thread(HandleServerStreaming<SType>,
+ &service, cqs_[0].get());
+ std::thread request_stream_handler_thread(HandleClientStreaming<SType>,
+ &service, cqs_[1].get());
+ TestAllMethods();
+ SendSimpleServerStreamingToDupService();
+ response_stream_handler_thread.join();
+ request_stream_handler_thread.join();
+// Add a second service that is fully server streamed
+class FullyStreamedDupPkg : public duplicate::EchoTestService::StreamedService {
+ public:
+ Status StreamedEcho(ServerContext* context,
+ ServerUnaryStreamer<EchoRequest, EchoResponse>* stream)
+ EchoRequest req;
+ EchoResponse resp;
+ uint32_t next_msg_sz;
+ stream->NextMessageSize(&next_msg_sz);
+ gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Streamed Unary Next Message Size is %u", next_msg_sz);
+ GPR_ASSERT(stream->Read(&req));
+ resp.set_message(req.message() + "_dup");
+ GPR_ASSERT(stream->Write(resp));
+ return Status::OK;
+ }
+ Status StreamedResponseStream(
+ ServerContext* context,
+ ServerSplitStreamer<EchoRequest, EchoResponse>* stream) GRPC_OVERRIDE {
+ EchoRequest req;
+ EchoResponse resp;
+ uint32_t next_msg_sz;
+ stream->NextMessageSize(&next_msg_sz);
+ gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Split Streamed Next Message Size is %u", next_msg_sz);
+ GPR_ASSERT(stream->Read(&req));
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumResponseStreamsMsgs; i++) {
+ resp.set_message(req.message() + grpc::to_string(i) + "_dup");
+ GPR_ASSERT(stream->Write(resp));
+ }
+ return Status::OK;
+ }
+ AsyncRequestStreamResponseStream_FullyStreamedDupService) {
+ typedef EchoTestService::WithAsyncMethod_RequestStream<
+ EchoTestService::WithAsyncMethod_ResponseStream<TestServiceImpl>>
+ SType;
+ SType service;
+ FullyStreamedDupPkg dup_service;
+ SetUpServer(&service, &dup_service, nullptr, 8192);
+ ResetStub();
+ std::thread response_stream_handler_thread(HandleServerStreaming<SType>,
+ &service, cqs_[0].get());
+ std::thread request_stream_handler_thread(HandleClientStreaming<SType>,
+ &service, cqs_[1].get());
+ TestAllMethods();
+ SendEchoToDupService();
+ SendSimpleServerStreamingToDupService();
+ response_stream_handler_thread.join();
+ request_stream_handler_thread.join();
// Add a second service with one async method.
TEST_F(HybridEnd2endTest, AsyncRequestStreamResponseStream_AsyncDupService) {
typedef EchoTestService::WithAsyncMethod_RequestStream<