diff options
37 files changed, 354 insertions, 1870 deletions
@@ -1946,12 +1946,12 @@ else $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/lb/v1/load_balancer.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/lb/v1/load_balancer.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/lb/v1/load_balancer.grpc.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/lb/v1/load_balancer.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< endif ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true) @@ -1961,12 +1961,12 @@ else $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/compiler_test.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/compiler_test.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/compiler_test.grpc.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/compiler_test.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< endif ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true) @@ -1976,12 +1976,12 @@ else $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/control.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/control.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/payloads.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/stats.pb.cc $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/control.grpc.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/control.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/payloads.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/payloads.grpc.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/stats.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/stats.grpc.pb.cc $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< endif ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true) @@ -1991,12 +1991,12 @@ else $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/duplicate/echo_duplicate.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/duplicate/echo_duplicate.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_messages.pb.cc $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/duplicate/echo_duplicate.grpc.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/duplicate/echo_duplicate.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_messages.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_messages.grpc.pb.cc $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< endif ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true) @@ -2006,12 +2006,12 @@ else $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_messages.pb.cc $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.grpc.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_messages.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_messages.grpc.pb.cc $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< endif ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true) @@ -2021,12 +2021,12 @@ else $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_messages.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_messages.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_messages.grpc.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_messages.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< endif ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true) @@ -2036,12 +2036,12 @@ else $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.grpc.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< endif ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true) @@ -2051,12 +2051,12 @@ else $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.grpc.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< endif ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true) @@ -2066,12 +2066,12 @@ else $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/metrics.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/metrics.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/metrics.grpc.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/metrics.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< endif ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true) @@ -2081,12 +2081,12 @@ else $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/payloads.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/payloads.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/payloads.grpc.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/payloads.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< endif ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true) @@ -2096,12 +2096,12 @@ else $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/services.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/services.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/control.pb.cc $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/services.grpc.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/services.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.grpc.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/control.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/control.grpc.pb.cc $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< endif ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true) @@ -2111,12 +2111,12 @@ else $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/stats.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/stats.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/stats.grpc.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/stats.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< endif ifeq ($(NO_PROTOC),true) @@ -2126,12 +2126,12 @@ else $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/test.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/test.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.pb.cc $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/test.grpc.pb.cc: src/proto/grpc/testing/test.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/empty.grpc.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/src/proto/grpc/testing/messages.grpc.pb.cc $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< endif @@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ setuptools.setup( ext_modules=CYTHON_EXTENSION_MODULES, packages=list(PACKAGES), package_dir=PACKAGE_DIRECTORIES, - namespace_packages=['grpc'], package_data=PACKAGE_DATA, install_requires=INSTALL_REQUIRES, setup_requires=SETUP_REQUIRES, diff --git a/src/compiler/node_generator.cc b/src/compiler/node_generator.cc index 986b97c26e..1fe090d17a 100644 --- a/src/compiler/node_generator.cc +++ b/src/compiler/node_generator.cc @@ -74,8 +74,16 @@ grpc::string GetJSMessageFilename(const grpc::string& filename) { // Given a filename like foo/bar/baz.proto, returns the root directory // path ../../ -grpc::string GetRootPath(const grpc::string& filename) { - size_t slashes = std::count(filename.begin(), filename.end(), '/'); +grpc::string GetRootPath(const grpc::string& from_filename, + const grpc::string& to_filename) { + if (to_filename.find("google/protobuf") == 0) { + // Well-known types (.proto files in the google/protobuf directory) are + // assumed to come from the 'google-protobuf' npm package. We may want to + // generalize this exception later by letting others put generated code in + // their own npm packages. + return "google-protobuf/"; + } + size_t slashes = std::count(from_filename.begin(), from_filename.end(), '/'); if (slashes == 0) { return "./"; } @@ -90,7 +98,7 @@ grpc::string GetRootPath(const grpc::string& filename) { // from_file, assuming that both paths are relative to the same directory grpc::string GetRelativePath(const grpc::string& from_file, const grpc::string& to_file) { - return GetRootPath(from_file) + to_file; + return GetRootPath(from_file, to_file) + to_file; } /* Finds all message types used in all services in the file, and returns them diff --git a/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/frame_rst_stream.c b/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/frame_rst_stream.c index a7aefb9915..e3a3c9e4a7 100644 --- a/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/frame_rst_stream.c +++ b/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/frame_rst_stream.c @@ -102,12 +102,14 @@ grpc_error *grpc_chttp2_rst_stream_parser_parse( if (p->byte == 4) { GPR_ASSERT(is_last); stream_parsing->received_close = 1; - stream_parsing->forced_close_error = grpc_error_set_int( - GRPC_ERROR_CREATE("RST_STREAM"), GRPC_ERROR_INT_HTTP2_ERROR, - (intptr_t)((((uint32_t)p->reason_bytes[0]) << 24) | - (((uint32_t)p->reason_bytes[1]) << 16) | - (((uint32_t)p->reason_bytes[2]) << 8) | - (((uint32_t)p->reason_bytes[3])))); + if (stream_parsing->forced_close_error == GRPC_ERROR_NONE) { + stream_parsing->forced_close_error = grpc_error_set_int( + GRPC_ERROR_CREATE("RST_STREAM"), GRPC_ERROR_INT_HTTP2_ERROR, + (intptr_t)((((uint32_t)p->reason_bytes[0]) << 24) | + (((uint32_t)p->reason_bytes[1]) << 16) | + (((uint32_t)p->reason_bytes[2]) << 8) | + (((uint32_t)p->reason_bytes[3])))); + } } return GRPC_ERROR_NONE; diff --git a/src/node/tools/package.json b/src/node/tools/package.json index d4849c2e38..c34b259e2e 100644 --- a/src/node/tools/package.json +++ b/src/node/tools/package.json @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ "index.js", "bin/protoc.js", "bin/protoc_plugin.js", + "bin/google/protobuf", "LICENSE" ], "main": "index.js" diff --git a/src/php/ext/grpc/channel_credentials.c b/src/php/ext/grpc/channel_credentials.c index 5c537378a6..b76fb105f3 100644 --- a/src/php/ext/grpc/channel_credentials.c +++ b/src/php/ext/grpc/channel_credentials.c @@ -47,11 +47,23 @@ #include <zend_exceptions.h> #include <zend_hash.h> +#include <grpc/support/alloc.h> #include <grpc/grpc.h> #include <grpc/grpc_security.h> zend_class_entry *grpc_ce_channel_credentials; +static char *default_pem_root_certs = NULL; + +static grpc_ssl_roots_override_result get_ssl_roots_override( + char **pem_root_certs) { + *pem_root_certs = default_pem_root_certs; + if (default_pem_root_certs == NULL) { + return GRPC_SSL_ROOTS_OVERRIDE_FAIL; + } + return GRPC_SSL_ROOTS_OVERRIDE_OK; +} + /* Frees and destroys an instance of wrapped_grpc_channel_credentials */ void free_wrapped_grpc_channel_credentials(void *object TSRMLS_DC) { wrapped_grpc_channel_credentials *creds = @@ -94,6 +106,24 @@ zval *grpc_php_wrap_channel_credentials(grpc_channel_credentials *wrapped TSRMLS } /** + * Set default roots pem. + * @param string pem_roots PEM encoding of the server root certificates + * @return void + */ +PHP_METHOD(ChannelCredentials, setDefaultRootsPem) { + char *pem_roots; + int pem_roots_length; + if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s", &pem_roots, + &pem_roots_length) == FAILURE) { + zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, + "setDefaultRootsPem expects 1 string", 1 TSRMLS_CC); + return; + } + default_pem_root_certs = gpr_malloc((pem_roots_length + 1) * sizeof(char)); + memcpy(default_pem_root_certs, pem_roots, pem_roots_length + 1); +} + +/** * Create a default channel credentials object. * @return ChannelCredentials The new default channel credentials object */ @@ -178,6 +208,8 @@ PHP_METHOD(ChannelCredentials, createInsecure) { } static zend_function_entry channel_credentials_methods[] = { + PHP_ME(ChannelCredentials, setDefaultRootsPem, NULL, + ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) PHP_ME(ChannelCredentials, createDefault, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_STATIC) PHP_ME(ChannelCredentials, createSsl, NULL, @@ -192,6 +224,7 @@ void grpc_init_channel_credentials(TSRMLS_D) { zend_class_entry ce; INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(ce, "Grpc\\ChannelCredentials", channel_credentials_methods); + grpc_set_ssl_roots_override_callback(get_ssl_roots_override); ce.create_object = create_wrapped_grpc_channel_credentials; grpc_ce_channel_credentials = zend_register_internal_class(&ce TSRMLS_CC); } diff --git a/src/php/lib/Grpc/BaseStub.php b/src/php/lib/Grpc/BaseStub.php index 70644fac87..df3fe85d44 100755 --- a/src/php/lib/Grpc/BaseStub.php +++ b/src/php/lib/Grpc/BaseStub.php @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ class BaseStub */ public function __construct($hostname, $opts, $channel = null) { + $ssl_roots = file_get_contents( + dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../../etc/roots.pem'); + ChannelCredentials::setDefaultRootsPem($ssl_roots); + $this->hostname = $hostname; $this->update_metadata = null; if (isset($opts['update_metadata'])) { diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/grpc/__init__.py b/src/python/grpcio/grpc/__init__.py index 28adca3772..b3eeaad1f7 100644 --- a/src/python/grpcio/grpc/__init__.py +++ b/src/python/grpcio/grpc/__init__.py @@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ """gRPC's Python API.""" -__import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__) - import abc import enum @@ -438,9 +436,7 @@ class UnaryUnaryMultiCallable(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): """Affords invoking a unary-unary RPC.""" @abc.abstractmethod - def __call__( - self, request, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None, - with_call=False): + def __call__(self, request, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None): """Synchronously invokes the underlying RPC. Args: @@ -449,12 +445,30 @@ class UnaryUnaryMultiCallable(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): metadata: An optional sequence of pairs of bytes to be transmitted to the service-side of the RPC. credentials: An optional CallCredentials for the RPC. - with_call: Whether or not to include return a Call for the RPC in addition - to the response. Returns: - The response value for the RPC, and a Call for the RPC if with_call was - set to True at invocation. + The response value for the RPC. + + Raises: + RpcError: Indicating that the RPC terminated with non-OK status. The + raised RpcError will also be a Call for the RPC affording the RPC's + metadata, status code, and details. + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + @abc.abstractmethod + def with_call(self, request, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None): + """Synchronously invokes the underlying RPC. + + Args: + request: The request value for the RPC. + timeout: An optional durating of time in seconds to allow for the RPC. + metadata: An optional sequence of pairs of bytes to be transmitted to the + service-side of the RPC. + credentials: An optional CallCredentials for the RPC. + + Returns: + The response value for the RPC and a Call value for the RPC. Raises: RpcError: Indicating that the RPC terminated with non-OK status. The @@ -510,8 +524,7 @@ class StreamUnaryMultiCallable(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): @abc.abstractmethod def __call__( - self, request_iterator, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None, - with_call=False): + self, request_iterator, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None): """Synchronously invokes the underlying RPC. Args: @@ -520,8 +533,6 @@ class StreamUnaryMultiCallable(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): metadata: An optional sequence of pairs of bytes to be transmitted to the service-side of the RPC. credentials: An optional CallCredentials for the RPC. - with_call: Whether or not to include return a Call for the RPC in addition - to the response. Returns: The response value for the RPC, and a Call for the RPC if with_call was @@ -535,6 +546,28 @@ class StreamUnaryMultiCallable(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod + def with_call( + self, request_iterator, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None): + """Synchronously invokes the underlying RPC. + + Args: + request_iterator: An iterator that yields request values for the RPC. + timeout: An optional duration of time in seconds to allow for the RPC. + metadata: An optional sequence of pairs of bytes to be transmitted to the + service-side of the RPC. + credentials: An optional CallCredentials for the RPC. + + Returns: + The response value for the RPC and a Call for the RPC. + + Raises: + RpcError: Indicating that the RPC terminated with non-OK status. The + raised RpcError will also be a Call for the RPC affording the RPC's + metadata, status code, and details. + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + @abc.abstractmethod def future( self, request_iterator, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None): """Asynchronously invokes the underlying RPC. @@ -1171,7 +1204,7 @@ def secure_channel(target, credentials, options=None): A Channel to the target through which RPCs may be conducted. """ from grpc import _channel - return _channel.Channel(target, options, credentials) + return _channel.Channel(target, options, credentials._credentials) def server(generic_rpc_handlers, thread_pool, options=None): diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/grpc/_channel.py b/src/python/grpcio/grpc/_channel.py index d9315d2e6c..1f34beeb2c 100644 --- a/src/python/grpcio/grpc/_channel.py +++ b/src/python/grpcio/grpc/_channel.py @@ -449,9 +449,7 @@ class _UnaryUnaryMultiCallable(grpc.UnaryUnaryMultiCallable): ) return state, operations, deadline, deadline_timespec, None - def __call__( - self, request, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None, - with_call=False): + def _blocking(self, request, timeout, metadata, credentials): state, operations, deadline, deadline_timespec, rendezvous = self._prepare( request, timeout, metadata) if rendezvous: @@ -464,7 +462,15 @@ class _UnaryUnaryMultiCallable(grpc.UnaryUnaryMultiCallable): call.set_credentials(credentials._credentials) call.start_batch(cygrpc.Operations(operations), None) _handle_event(completion_queue.poll(), state, self._response_deserializer) - return _end_unary_response_blocking(state, with_call, deadline) + return state, deadline + + def __call__(self, request, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None): + state, deadline, = self._blocking(request, timeout, metadata, credentials) + return _end_unary_response_blocking(state, False, deadline) + + def with_call(self, request, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None): + state, deadline, = self._blocking(request, timeout, metadata, credentials) + return _end_unary_response_blocking(state, True, deadline) def future(self, request, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None): state, operations, deadline, deadline_timespec, rendezvous = self._prepare( @@ -532,9 +538,7 @@ class _StreamUnaryMultiCallable(grpc.StreamUnaryMultiCallable): self._request_serializer = request_serializer self._response_deserializer = response_deserializer - def __call__( - self, request_iterator, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None, - with_call=False): + def _blocking(self, request_iterator, timeout, metadata, credentials): deadline, deadline_timespec = _deadline(timeout) state = _RPCState(_STREAM_UNARY_INITIAL_DUE, None, None, None, None) completion_queue = cygrpc.CompletionQueue() @@ -563,7 +567,19 @@ class _StreamUnaryMultiCallable(grpc.StreamUnaryMultiCallable): state.condition.notify_all() if not state.due: break - return _end_unary_response_blocking(state, with_call, deadline) + return state, deadline + + def __call__( + self, request_iterator, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None): + state, deadline, = self._blocking( + request_iterator, timeout, metadata, credentials) + return _end_unary_response_blocking(state, False, deadline) + + def with_call( + self, request_iterator, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None): + state, deadline, = self._blocking( + request_iterator, timeout, metadata, credentials) + return _end_unary_response_blocking(state, True, deadline) def future( self, request_iterator, timeout=None, metadata=None, credentials=None): @@ -814,6 +830,13 @@ def _options(options): class Channel(grpc.Channel): def __init__(self, target, options, credentials): + """Constructor. + + Args: + target: The target to which to connect. + options: Configuration options for the channel. + credentials: A cygrpc.ChannelCredentials or None. + """ self._channel = cygrpc.Channel(target, _options(options), credentials) self._call_state = _ChannelCallState(self._channel) self._connectivity_state = _ChannelConnectivityState(self._channel) diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/grpc/beta/_client_adaptations.py b/src/python/grpcio/grpc/beta/_client_adaptations.py index 024808c540..56456cc117 100644 --- a/src/python/grpcio/grpc/beta/_client_adaptations.py +++ b/src/python/grpcio/grpc/beta/_client_adaptations.py @@ -186,9 +186,9 @@ def _blocking_unary_unary( response_deserializer=response_deserializer) effective_metadata = _effective_metadata(metadata, metadata_transformer) if with_call: - response, call = multi_callable( + response, call = multi_callable.with_call( request, timeout=timeout, metadata=effective_metadata, - credentials=_credentials(protocol_options), with_call=True) + credentials=_credentials(protocol_options)) return response, _Rendezvous(None, None, call) else: return multi_callable( @@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ def _blocking_stream_unary( response_deserializer=response_deserializer) effective_metadata = _effective_metadata(metadata, metadata_transformer) if with_call: - response, call = multi_callable( + response, call = multi_callable.with_call( request_iterator, timeout=timeout, metadata=effective_metadata, - credentials=_credentials(protocol_options), with_call=True) + credentials=_credentials(protocol_options)) return response, _Rendezvous(None, None, call) else: return multi_callable( diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/tests/tests.json b/src/python/grpcio/tests/tests.json index 20d11b20b5..8e509621a8 100644 --- a/src/python/grpcio/tests/tests.json +++ b/src/python/grpcio/tests/tests.json @@ -1,12 +1,9 @@ [ "_api_test.AllTest", "_api_test.ChannelConnectivityTest", + "_api_test.ChannelTest", "_auth_test.AccessTokenCallCredentialsTest", "_auth_test.GoogleCallCredentialsTest", - "_base_interface_test.AsyncEasyTest", - "_base_interface_test.AsyncPeasyTest", - "_base_interface_test.SyncEasyTest", - "_base_interface_test.SyncPeasyTest", "_beta_features_test.BetaFeaturesTest", "_beta_features_test.ContextManagementAndLifecycleTest", "_cancel_many_calls_test.CancelManyCallsTest", @@ -15,22 +12,6 @@ "_channel_test.ChannelTest", "_connectivity_channel_test.ChannelConnectivityTest", "_connectivity_channel_test.ConnectivityStatesTest", - "_core_over_links_base_interface_test.AsyncEasyTest", - "_core_over_links_base_interface_test.AsyncPeasyTest", - "_core_over_links_base_interface_test.SyncEasyTest", - "_core_over_links_base_interface_test.SyncPeasyTest", - "_crust_over_core_face_interface_test.DynamicInvokerBlockingInvocationInlineServiceTest", - "_crust_over_core_face_interface_test.DynamicInvokerFutureInvocationAsynchronousEventServiceTest", - "_crust_over_core_face_interface_test.GenericInvokerBlockingInvocationInlineServiceTest", - "_crust_over_core_face_interface_test.GenericInvokerFutureInvocationAsynchronousEventServiceTest", - "_crust_over_core_face_interface_test.MultiCallableInvokerBlockingInvocationInlineServiceTest", - "_crust_over_core_face_interface_test.MultiCallableInvokerFutureInvocationAsynchronousEventServiceTest", - "_crust_over_core_over_links_face_interface_test.DynamicInvokerBlockingInvocationInlineServiceTest", - "_crust_over_core_over_links_face_interface_test.DynamicInvokerFutureInvocationAsynchronousEventServiceTest", - "_crust_over_core_over_links_face_interface_test.GenericInvokerBlockingInvocationInlineServiceTest", - "_crust_over_core_over_links_face_interface_test.GenericInvokerFutureInvocationAsynchronousEventServiceTest", - "_crust_over_core_over_links_face_interface_test.MultiCallableInvokerBlockingInvocationInlineServiceTest", - "_crust_over_core_over_links_face_interface_test.MultiCallableInvokerFutureInvocationAsynchronousEventServiceTest", "_empty_message_test.EmptyMessageTest", "_face_interface_test.DynamicInvokerBlockingInvocationInlineServiceTest", "_face_interface_test.DynamicInvokerFutureInvocationAsynchronousEventServiceTest", @@ -42,15 +23,7 @@ "_implementations_test.CallCredentialsTest", "_implementations_test.ChannelCredentialsTest", "_insecure_interop_test.InsecureInteropTest", - "_intermediary_low_test.CancellationTest", - "_intermediary_low_test.EchoTest", - "_intermediary_low_test.ExpirationTest", - "_intermediary_low_test.LonelyClientTest", - "_later_test.LaterTest", "_logging_pool_test.LoggingPoolTest", - "_lonely_invocation_link_test.LonelyInvocationLinkTest", - "_low_test.HangingServerShutdown", - "_low_test.InsecureServerInsecureClient", "_metadata_test.MetadataTest", "_not_found_test.NotFoundTest", "_python_plugin_test.PythonPluginTest", @@ -59,8 +32,6 @@ "_sanity_test.Sanity", "_secure_interop_test.SecureInteropTest", "_thread_cleanup_test.CleanupThreadTest", - "_transmission_test.RoundTripTest", - "_transmission_test.TransmissionTest", "_utilities_test.ChannelConnectivityTest", "beta_python_plugin_test.PythonPluginTest", "cygrpc_test.InsecureServerInsecureClient", diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_adapter/_intermediary_low_test.py b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_adapter/_intermediary_low_test.py deleted file mode 100644 index 09ebdeff33..0000000000 --- a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_adapter/_intermediary_low_test.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,429 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright 2015, Google Inc. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -# met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -# this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -"""Tests for the old '_low'.""" - -import threading -import time -import unittest - -import six -from six.moves import queue - -from grpc._adapter import _intermediary_low as _low - -_STREAM_LENGTH = 300 -_TIMEOUT = 5 -_AFTER_DELAY = 2 -_FUTURE = time.time() + 60 * 60 * 24 -_BYTE_SEQUENCE = b'\abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' * 200 -_BYTE_SEQUENCE_SEQUENCE = tuple( - bytes(bytearray((row + column) % 256 for column in range(row))) - for row in range(_STREAM_LENGTH)) - - -class LonelyClientTest(unittest.TestCase): - - def testLonelyClient(self): - host = 'nosuchhostexists' - port = 54321 - method = 'test method' - deadline = time.time() + _TIMEOUT - after_deadline = deadline + _AFTER_DELAY - metadata_tag = object() - finish_tag = object() - - completion_queue = _low.CompletionQueue() - channel = _low.Channel('%s:%d' % (host, port), None) - client_call = _low.Call(channel, completion_queue, method, host, deadline) - - client_call.invoke(completion_queue, metadata_tag, finish_tag) - first_event = completion_queue.get(after_deadline) - self.assertIsNotNone(first_event) - second_event = completion_queue.get(after_deadline) - self.assertIsNotNone(second_event) - kinds = [event.kind for event in (first_event, second_event)] - six.assertCountEqual(self, - (_low.Event.Kind.METADATA_ACCEPTED, _low.Event.Kind.FINISH), - kinds) - - self.assertIsNone(completion_queue.get(after_deadline)) - - completion_queue.stop() - stop_event = completion_queue.get(_FUTURE) - self.assertEqual(_low.Event.Kind.STOP, stop_event.kind) - - del client_call - del channel - del completion_queue - - -def _drive_completion_queue(completion_queue, event_queue): - while True: - event = completion_queue.get(_FUTURE) - if event.kind is _low.Event.Kind.STOP: - break - event_queue.put(event) - - -class EchoTest(unittest.TestCase): - - def setUp(self): - self.host = 'localhost' - - self.server_completion_queue = _low.CompletionQueue() - self.server = _low.Server(self.server_completion_queue) - port = self.server.add_http2_addr('[::]:0') - self.server.start() - self.server_events = queue.Queue() - self.server_completion_queue_thread = threading.Thread( - target=_drive_completion_queue, - args=(self.server_completion_queue, self.server_events)) - self.server_completion_queue_thread.start() - - self.client_completion_queue = _low.CompletionQueue() - self.channel = _low.Channel('%s:%d' % (self.host, port), None) - self.client_events = queue.Queue() - self.client_completion_queue_thread = threading.Thread( - target=_drive_completion_queue, - args=(self.client_completion_queue, self.client_events)) - self.client_completion_queue_thread.start() - - def tearDown(self): - self.server.stop() - self.server.cancel_all_calls() - self.server_completion_queue.stop() - self.client_completion_queue.stop() - self.server_completion_queue_thread.join() - self.client_completion_queue_thread.join() - del self.server - - def _perform_echo_test(self, test_data): - method = 'test method' - details = 'test details' - server_leading_metadata_key = 'my_server_leading_key' - server_leading_metadata_value = 'my_server_leading_value' - server_trailing_metadata_key = 'my_server_trailing_key' - server_trailing_metadata_value = 'my_server_trailing_value' - client_metadata_key = 'my_client_key' - client_metadata_value = 'my_client_value' - server_leading_binary_metadata_key = 'my_server_leading_key-bin' - server_leading_binary_metadata_value = b'\0'*2047 - server_trailing_binary_metadata_key = 'my_server_trailing_key-bin' - server_trailing_binary_metadata_value = b'\0'*2047 - client_binary_metadata_key = 'my_client_key-bin' - client_binary_metadata_value = b'\0'*2047 - deadline = _FUTURE - metadata_tag = object() - finish_tag = object() - write_tag = object() - complete_tag = object() - service_tag = object() - read_tag = object() - status_tag = object() - - server_data = [] - client_data = [] - - client_call = _low.Call(self.channel, self.client_completion_queue, - method, self.host, deadline) - client_call.add_metadata(client_metadata_key, client_metadata_value) - client_call.add_metadata(client_binary_metadata_key, - client_binary_metadata_value) - - client_call.invoke(self.client_completion_queue, metadata_tag, finish_tag) - - self.server.service(service_tag) - service_accepted = self.server_events.get() - self.assertIsNotNone(service_accepted) - self.assertIs(service_accepted.kind, _low.Event.Kind.SERVICE_ACCEPTED) - self.assertIs(service_accepted.tag, service_tag) - self.assertEqual(method.encode(), service_accepted.service_acceptance.method) - self.assertEqual(self.host.encode(), service_accepted.service_acceptance.host) - self.assertIsNotNone(service_accepted.service_acceptance.call) - metadata = dict(service_accepted.metadata) - self.assertIn(client_metadata_key.encode(), metadata) - self.assertEqual(client_metadata_value.encode(), metadata[client_metadata_key.encode()]) - self.assertIn(client_binary_metadata_key.encode(), metadata) - self.assertEqual(client_binary_metadata_value, - metadata[client_binary_metadata_key.encode()]) - server_call = service_accepted.service_acceptance.call - server_call.accept(self.server_completion_queue, finish_tag) - server_call.add_metadata(server_leading_metadata_key, - server_leading_metadata_value) - server_call.add_metadata(server_leading_binary_metadata_key, - server_leading_binary_metadata_value) - server_call.premetadata() - - metadata_accepted = self.client_events.get() - self.assertIsNotNone(metadata_accepted) - self.assertEqual(_low.Event.Kind.METADATA_ACCEPTED, metadata_accepted.kind) - self.assertEqual(metadata_tag, metadata_accepted.tag) - metadata = dict(metadata_accepted.metadata) - self.assertIn(server_leading_metadata_key.encode(), metadata) - self.assertEqual(server_leading_metadata_value.encode(), - metadata[server_leading_metadata_key.encode()]) - self.assertIn(server_leading_binary_metadata_key.encode(), metadata) - self.assertEqual(server_leading_binary_metadata_value, - metadata[server_leading_binary_metadata_key.encode()]) - - for datum in test_data: - client_call.write(datum, write_tag, _low.WriteFlags.WRITE_NO_COMPRESS) - write_accepted = self.client_events.get() - self.assertIsNotNone(write_accepted) - self.assertIs(write_accepted.kind, _low.Event.Kind.WRITE_ACCEPTED) - self.assertIs(write_accepted.tag, write_tag) - self.assertIs(write_accepted.write_accepted, True) - - server_call.read(read_tag) - read_accepted = self.server_events.get() - self.assertIsNotNone(read_accepted) - self.assertEqual(_low.Event.Kind.READ_ACCEPTED, read_accepted.kind) - self.assertEqual(read_tag, read_accepted.tag) - self.assertIsNotNone(read_accepted.bytes) - server_data.append(read_accepted.bytes) - - server_call.write(read_accepted.bytes, write_tag, 0) - write_accepted = self.server_events.get() - self.assertIsNotNone(write_accepted) - self.assertEqual(_low.Event.Kind.WRITE_ACCEPTED, write_accepted.kind) - self.assertEqual(write_tag, write_accepted.tag) - self.assertTrue(write_accepted.write_accepted) - - client_call.read(read_tag) - read_accepted = self.client_events.get() - self.assertIsNotNone(read_accepted) - self.assertEqual(_low.Event.Kind.READ_ACCEPTED, read_accepted.kind) - self.assertEqual(read_tag, read_accepted.tag) - self.assertIsNotNone(read_accepted.bytes) - client_data.append(read_accepted.bytes) - - client_call.complete(complete_tag) - complete_accepted = self.client_events.get() - self.assertIsNotNone(complete_accepted) - self.assertIs(complete_accepted.kind, _low.Event.Kind.COMPLETE_ACCEPTED) - self.assertIs(complete_accepted.tag, complete_tag) - self.assertIs(complete_accepted.complete_accepted, True) - - server_call.read(read_tag) - read_accepted = self.server_events.get() - self.assertIsNotNone(read_accepted) - self.assertEqual(_low.Event.Kind.READ_ACCEPTED, read_accepted.kind) - self.assertEqual(read_tag, read_accepted.tag) - self.assertIsNone(read_accepted.bytes) - - server_call.add_metadata(server_trailing_metadata_key, - server_trailing_metadata_value) - server_call.add_metadata(server_trailing_binary_metadata_key, - server_trailing_binary_metadata_value) - - server_call.status(_low.Status(_low.Code.OK, details), status_tag) - server_terminal_event_one = self.server_events.get() - server_terminal_event_two = self.server_events.get() - if server_terminal_event_one.kind == _low.Event.Kind.COMPLETE_ACCEPTED: - status_accepted = server_terminal_event_one - rpc_accepted = server_terminal_event_two - else: - status_accepted = server_terminal_event_two - rpc_accepted = server_terminal_event_one - self.assertIsNotNone(status_accepted) - self.assertIsNotNone(rpc_accepted) - self.assertEqual(_low.Event.Kind.COMPLETE_ACCEPTED, status_accepted.kind) - self.assertEqual(status_tag, status_accepted.tag) - self.assertTrue(status_accepted.complete_accepted) - self.assertEqual(_low.Event.Kind.FINISH, rpc_accepted.kind) - self.assertEqual(finish_tag, rpc_accepted.tag) - self.assertEqual(_low.Status(_low.Code.OK, ''), rpc_accepted.status) - - client_call.read(read_tag) - client_terminal_event_one = self.client_events.get() - client_terminal_event_two = self.client_events.get() - if client_terminal_event_one.kind == _low.Event.Kind.READ_ACCEPTED: - read_accepted = client_terminal_event_one - finish_accepted = client_terminal_event_two - else: - read_accepted = client_terminal_event_two - finish_accepted = client_terminal_event_one - self.assertIsNotNone(read_accepted) - self.assertIsNotNone(finish_accepted) - self.assertEqual(_low.Event.Kind.READ_ACCEPTED, read_accepted.kind) - self.assertEqual(read_tag, read_accepted.tag) - self.assertIsNone(read_accepted.bytes) - self.assertEqual(_low.Event.Kind.FINISH, finish_accepted.kind) - self.assertEqual(finish_tag, finish_accepted.tag) - self.assertEqual(_low.Status(_low.Code.OK, details.encode()), finish_accepted.status) - metadata = dict(finish_accepted.metadata) - self.assertIn(server_trailing_metadata_key.encode(), metadata) - self.assertEqual(server_trailing_metadata_value.encode(), - metadata[server_trailing_metadata_key.encode()]) - self.assertIn(server_trailing_binary_metadata_key.encode(), metadata) - self.assertEqual(server_trailing_binary_metadata_value, - metadata[server_trailing_binary_metadata_key.encode()]) - self.assertSetEqual(set(key for key, _ in finish_accepted.metadata), - set((server_trailing_metadata_key.encode(), - server_trailing_binary_metadata_key.encode(),))) - - self.assertSequenceEqual(test_data, server_data) - self.assertSequenceEqual(test_data, client_data) - - def testNoEcho(self): - self._perform_echo_test(()) - - def testOneByteEcho(self): - self._perform_echo_test([b'\x07']) - - def testOneManyByteEcho(self): - self._perform_echo_test([_BYTE_SEQUENCE]) - - def testManyOneByteEchoes(self): - self._perform_echo_test( - [_BYTE_SEQUENCE[i:i+1] for i in range(len(_BYTE_SEQUENCE))]) - - def testManyManyByteEchoes(self): - self._perform_echo_test(_BYTE_SEQUENCE_SEQUENCE) - - -class CancellationTest(unittest.TestCase): - - def setUp(self): - self.host = 'localhost' - - self.server_completion_queue = _low.CompletionQueue() - self.server = _low.Server(self.server_completion_queue) - port = self.server.add_http2_addr('[::]:0') - self.server.start() - self.server_events = queue.Queue() - self.server_completion_queue_thread = threading.Thread( - target=_drive_completion_queue, - args=(self.server_completion_queue, self.server_events)) - self.server_completion_queue_thread.start() - - self.client_completion_queue = _low.CompletionQueue() - self.channel = _low.Channel('%s:%d' % (self.host, port), None) - self.client_events = queue.Queue() - self.client_completion_queue_thread = threading.Thread( - target=_drive_completion_queue, - args=(self.client_completion_queue, self.client_events)) - self.client_completion_queue_thread.start() - - def tearDown(self): - self.server.stop() - self.server.cancel_all_calls() - self.server_completion_queue.stop() - self.client_completion_queue.stop() - self.server_completion_queue_thread.join() - self.client_completion_queue_thread.join() - del self.server - - def testCancellation(self): - method = 'test method' - deadline = _FUTURE - metadata_tag = object() - finish_tag = object() - write_tag = object() - service_tag = object() - read_tag = object() - test_data = _BYTE_SEQUENCE_SEQUENCE - - server_data = [] - client_data = [] - - client_call = _low.Call(self.channel, self.client_completion_queue, - method, self.host, deadline) - - client_call.invoke(self.client_completion_queue, metadata_tag, finish_tag) - - self.server.service(service_tag) - service_accepted = self.server_events.get() - server_call = service_accepted.service_acceptance.call - - server_call.accept(self.server_completion_queue, finish_tag) - server_call.premetadata() - - metadata_accepted = self.client_events.get() - self.assertIsNotNone(metadata_accepted) - - for datum in test_data: - client_call.write(datum, write_tag, 0) - write_accepted = self.client_events.get() - - server_call.read(read_tag) - read_accepted = self.server_events.get() - server_data.append(read_accepted.bytes) - - server_call.write(read_accepted.bytes, write_tag, 0) - write_accepted = self.server_events.get() - self.assertIsNotNone(write_accepted) - - client_call.read(read_tag) - read_accepted = self.client_events.get() - client_data.append(read_accepted.bytes) - - client_call.cancel() - # cancel() is idempotent. - client_call.cancel() - client_call.cancel() - client_call.cancel() - - server_call.read(read_tag) - - server_terminal_event_one = self.server_events.get() - server_terminal_event_two = self.server_events.get() - if server_terminal_event_one.kind == _low.Event.Kind.READ_ACCEPTED: - read_accepted = server_terminal_event_one - rpc_accepted = server_terminal_event_two - else: - read_accepted = server_terminal_event_two - rpc_accepted = server_terminal_event_one - self.assertIsNotNone(read_accepted) - self.assertIsNotNone(rpc_accepted) - self.assertEqual(_low.Event.Kind.READ_ACCEPTED, read_accepted.kind) - self.assertIsNone(read_accepted.bytes) - self.assertEqual(_low.Event.Kind.FINISH, rpc_accepted.kind) - self.assertEqual(_low.Status(_low.Code.CANCELLED, ''), rpc_accepted.status) - - finish_event = self.client_events.get() - self.assertEqual(_low.Event.Kind.FINISH, finish_event.kind) - self.assertEqual(_low.Status(_low.Code.CANCELLED, b'Cancelled'), - finish_event.status) - - self.assertSequenceEqual(test_data, server_data) - self.assertSequenceEqual(test_data, client_data) - - -class ExpirationTest(unittest.TestCase): - - @unittest.skip('TODO(nathaniel): Expiration test!') - def testExpiration(self): - pass - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main(verbosity=2) - diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_adapter/_low_test.py b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_adapter/_low_test.py deleted file mode 100644 index e09a1f2564..0000000000 --- a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_adapter/_low_test.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,319 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright 2015, Google Inc. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -# met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -# this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -import threading -import time -import unittest - -from grpc import _grpcio_metadata -from grpc._adapter import _types -from grpc._adapter import _low -from tests.unit import test_common - - -def wait_for_events(completion_queues, deadline): - """ - Args: - completion_queues: list of completion queues to wait for events on - deadline: absolute deadline to wait until - - Returns: - a sequence of events of length len(completion_queues). - """ - - results = [None] * len(completion_queues) - lock = threading.Lock() - threads = [] - def set_ith_result(i, completion_queue): - result = completion_queue.next(deadline) - with lock: - results[i] = result - for i, completion_queue in enumerate(completion_queues): - thread = threading.Thread(target=set_ith_result, - args=[i, completion_queue]) - thread.start() - threads.append(thread) - for thread in threads: - thread.join() - return results - - -class InsecureServerInsecureClient(unittest.TestCase): - - def setUp(self): - self.server_completion_queue = _low.CompletionQueue() - self.server = _low.Server(self.server_completion_queue, []) - self.port = self.server.add_http2_port('[::]:0') - self.client_completion_queue = _low.CompletionQueue() - self.client_channel = _low.Channel('localhost:%d'%self.port, []) - - self.server.start() - - def tearDown(self): - self.server.shutdown() - del self.client_channel - - self.client_completion_queue.shutdown() - while (self.client_completion_queue.next(float('+inf')).type != - _types.EventType.QUEUE_SHUTDOWN): - pass - self.server_completion_queue.shutdown() - while (self.server_completion_queue.next(float('+inf')).type != - _types.EventType.QUEUE_SHUTDOWN): - pass - - del self.client_completion_queue - del self.server_completion_queue - del self.server - - def testEcho(self): - deadline = time.time() + 5 - event_time_tolerance = 2 - deadline_tolerance = 0.25 - client_metadata_ascii_key = 'key' - client_metadata_ascii_value = 'val' - client_metadata_bin_key = 'key-bin' - client_metadata_bin_value = b'\0'*1000 - server_initial_metadata_key = 'init_me_me_me' - server_initial_metadata_value = 'whodawha?' - server_trailing_metadata_key = 'california_is_in_a_drought' - server_trailing_metadata_value = 'zomg it is' - server_status_code = _types.StatusCode.OK - server_status_details = 'our work is never over' - request = 'blarghaflargh' - response = 'his name is robert paulson' - method = 'twinkies' - host = 'hostess' - server_request_tag = object() - request_call_result = self.server.request_call(self.server_completion_queue, - server_request_tag) - - self.assertEqual(_types.CallError.OK, request_call_result) - - client_call_tag = object() - client_call = self.client_channel.create_call( - self.client_completion_queue, method, host, deadline) - client_initial_metadata = [ - (client_metadata_ascii_key, client_metadata_ascii_value), - (client_metadata_bin_key, client_metadata_bin_value) - ] - client_start_batch_result = client_call.start_batch([ - _types.OpArgs.send_initial_metadata(client_initial_metadata), - _types.OpArgs.send_message(request, 0), - _types.OpArgs.send_close_from_client(), - _types.OpArgs.recv_initial_metadata(), - _types.OpArgs.recv_message(), - _types.OpArgs.recv_status_on_client() - ], client_call_tag) - self.assertEqual(_types.CallError.OK, client_start_batch_result) - - client_no_event, request_event, = wait_for_events( - [self.client_completion_queue, self.server_completion_queue], - time.time() + event_time_tolerance) - self.assertEqual(client_no_event, None) - self.assertEqual(_types.EventType.OP_COMPLETE, request_event.type) - self.assertIsInstance(request_event.call, _low.Call) - self.assertIs(server_request_tag, request_event.tag) - self.assertEqual(1, len(request_event.results)) - received_initial_metadata = request_event.results[0].initial_metadata - # Check that our metadata were transmitted - self.assertTrue(test_common.metadata_transmitted(client_initial_metadata, - received_initial_metadata)) - # Check that Python's user agent string is a part of the full user agent - # string - received_initial_metadata_dict = dict(received_initial_metadata) - self.assertIn(b'user-agent', received_initial_metadata_dict) - self.assertIn('Python-gRPC-{}'.format(_grpcio_metadata.__version__).encode(), - received_initial_metadata_dict[b'user-agent']) - self.assertEqual(method.encode(), request_event.call_details.method) - self.assertEqual(host.encode(), request_event.call_details.host) - self.assertLess(abs(deadline - request_event.call_details.deadline), - deadline_tolerance) - - # Check that the channel is connected, and that both it and the call have - # the proper target and peer; do this after the first flurry of messages to - # avoid the possibility that connection was delayed by the core until the - # first message was sent. - self.assertEqual(_types.ConnectivityState.READY, - self.client_channel.check_connectivity_state(False)) - self.assertIsNotNone(self.client_channel.target()) - self.assertIsNotNone(client_call.peer()) - - server_call_tag = object() - server_call = request_event.call - server_initial_metadata = [ - (server_initial_metadata_key, server_initial_metadata_value) - ] - server_trailing_metadata = [ - (server_trailing_metadata_key, server_trailing_metadata_value) - ] - server_start_batch_result = server_call.start_batch([ - _types.OpArgs.send_initial_metadata(server_initial_metadata), - _types.OpArgs.recv_message(), - _types.OpArgs.send_message(response, 0), - _types.OpArgs.recv_close_on_server(), - _types.OpArgs.send_status_from_server( - server_trailing_metadata, server_status_code, server_status_details) - ], server_call_tag) - self.assertEqual(_types.CallError.OK, server_start_batch_result) - - client_event, server_event, = wait_for_events( - [self.client_completion_queue, self.server_completion_queue], - time.time() + event_time_tolerance) - - self.assertEqual(6, len(client_event.results)) - found_client_op_types = set() - for client_result in client_event.results: - # we expect each op type to be unique - self.assertNotIn(client_result.type, found_client_op_types) - found_client_op_types.add(client_result.type) - if client_result.type == _types.OpType.RECV_INITIAL_METADATA: - self.assertTrue( - test_common.metadata_transmitted(server_initial_metadata, - client_result.initial_metadata)) - elif client_result.type == _types.OpType.RECV_MESSAGE: - self.assertEqual(response.encode(), client_result.message) - elif client_result.type == _types.OpType.RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT: - self.assertTrue( - test_common.metadata_transmitted(server_trailing_metadata, - client_result.trailing_metadata)) - self.assertEqual(server_status_details.encode(), client_result.status.details) - self.assertEqual(server_status_code, client_result.status.code) - self.assertEqual(set([ - _types.OpType.SEND_INITIAL_METADATA, - _types.OpType.SEND_MESSAGE, - _types.OpType.SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT, - _types.OpType.RECV_INITIAL_METADATA, - _types.OpType.RECV_MESSAGE, - _types.OpType.RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT - ]), found_client_op_types) - - self.assertEqual(5, len(server_event.results)) - found_server_op_types = set() - for server_result in server_event.results: - self.assertNotIn(client_result.type, found_server_op_types) - found_server_op_types.add(server_result.type) - if server_result.type == _types.OpType.RECV_MESSAGE: - self.assertEqual(request.encode(), server_result.message) - elif server_result.type == _types.OpType.RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER: - self.assertFalse(server_result.cancelled) - self.assertEqual(set([ - _types.OpType.SEND_INITIAL_METADATA, - _types.OpType.RECV_MESSAGE, - _types.OpType.SEND_MESSAGE, - _types.OpType.RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER, - _types.OpType.SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER - ]), found_server_op_types) - - del client_call - del server_call - - -class HangingServerShutdown(unittest.TestCase): - - def setUp(self): - self.server_completion_queue = _low.CompletionQueue() - self.server = _low.Server(self.server_completion_queue, []) - self.port = self.server.add_http2_port('[::]:0') - self.client_completion_queue = _low.CompletionQueue() - self.client_channel = _low.Channel('localhost:%d'%self.port, []) - - self.server.start() - - def tearDown(self): - self.server.shutdown() - del self.client_channel - - self.client_completion_queue.shutdown() - self.server_completion_queue.shutdown() - while True: - client_event, server_event = wait_for_events( - [self.client_completion_queue, self.server_completion_queue], - float("+inf")) - if (client_event.type == _types.EventType.QUEUE_SHUTDOWN and - server_event.type == _types.EventType.QUEUE_SHUTDOWN): - break - - del self.client_completion_queue - del self.server_completion_queue - del self.server - - def testHangingServerCall(self): - deadline = time.time() + 5 - deadline_tolerance = 0.25 - event_time_tolerance = 2 - cancel_all_calls_time_tolerance = 0.5 - request = 'blarghaflargh' - method = 'twinkies' - host = 'hostess' - server_request_tag = object() - request_call_result = self.server.request_call(self.server_completion_queue, - server_request_tag) - - client_call_tag = object() - client_call = self.client_channel.create_call(self.client_completion_queue, - method, host, deadline) - client_start_batch_result = client_call.start_batch([ - _types.OpArgs.send_initial_metadata([]), - _types.OpArgs.send_message(request, 0), - _types.OpArgs.send_close_from_client(), - _types.OpArgs.recv_initial_metadata(), - _types.OpArgs.recv_message(), - _types.OpArgs.recv_status_on_client() - ], client_call_tag) - - client_no_event, request_event, = wait_for_events( - [self.client_completion_queue, self.server_completion_queue], - time.time() + event_time_tolerance) - - # Now try to shutdown the server and expect that we see server shutdown - # almost immediately after calling cancel_all_calls. - - # First attempt to cancel all calls before shutting down, and expect - # our state machine to catch the erroneous API use. - with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): - self.server.cancel_all_calls() - - shutdown_tag = object() - self.server.shutdown(shutdown_tag) - pre_cancel_timestamp = time.time() - self.server.cancel_all_calls() - finish_shutdown_timestamp = None - client_call_event, server_shutdown_event = wait_for_events( - [self.client_completion_queue, self.server_completion_queue], - time.time() + event_time_tolerance) - self.assertIs(shutdown_tag, server_shutdown_event.tag) - self.assertGreater(pre_cancel_timestamp + cancel_all_calls_time_tolerance, - time.time()) - - del client_call - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main(verbosity=2) diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_api_test.py b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_api_test.py index 1501ec2a04..2fe89499f5 100644 --- a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_api_test.py +++ b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_api_test.py @@ -100,5 +100,12 @@ class ChannelConnectivityTest(unittest.TestCase): tuple(grpc.ChannelConnectivity)) +class ChannelTest(unittest.TestCase): + + def test_secure_channel(self): + channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials() + channel = grpc.secure_channel('google.com:443', channel_credentials) + + if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=2) diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_core_over_links_base_interface_test.py b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_core_over_links_base_interface_test.py deleted file mode 100644 index 2b8981c752..0000000000 --- a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_core_over_links_base_interface_test.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,157 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright 2015, Google Inc. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -# met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -# this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -"""Tests Base interface compliance of the core-over-gRPC-links stack.""" - -import collections -import logging -import random -import time -import unittest - -import six - -from grpc._adapter import _intermediary_low -from grpc._links import invocation -from grpc._links import service -from grpc.beta import interfaces as beta_interfaces -from grpc.framework.core import implementations -from grpc.framework.interfaces.base import utilities -from tests.unit import test_common as grpc_test_common -from tests.unit.framework.common import test_constants -from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.base import test_cases -from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.base import test_interfaces - - -class _SerializationBehaviors( - collections.namedtuple( - '_SerializationBehaviors', - ('request_serializers', 'request_deserializers', 'response_serializers', - 'response_deserializers',))): - pass - - -class _Links( - collections.namedtuple( - '_Links', - ('invocation_end_link', 'invocation_grpc_link', 'service_grpc_link', - 'service_end_link'))): - pass - - -def _serialization_behaviors_from_serializations(serializations): - request_serializers = {} - request_deserializers = {} - response_serializers = {} - response_deserializers = {} - for (group, method), serialization in six.iteritems(serializations): - request_serializers[group, method] = serialization.serialize_request - request_deserializers[group, method] = serialization.deserialize_request - response_serializers[group, method] = serialization.serialize_response - response_deserializers[group, method] = serialization.deserialize_response - return _SerializationBehaviors( - request_serializers, request_deserializers, response_serializers, - response_deserializers) - - -class _Implementation(test_interfaces.Implementation): - - def instantiate(self, serializations, servicer): - serialization_behaviors = _serialization_behaviors_from_serializations( - serializations) - invocation_end_link = implementations.invocation_end_link() - service_end_link = implementations.service_end_link( - servicer, test_constants.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, - test_constants.MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT) - service_grpc_link = service.service_link( - serialization_behaviors.request_deserializers, - serialization_behaviors.response_serializers) - port = service_grpc_link.add_port('[::]:0', None) - channel = _intermediary_low.Channel('localhost:%d' % port, None) - invocation_grpc_link = invocation.invocation_link( - channel, b'localhost', None, - serialization_behaviors.request_serializers, - serialization_behaviors.response_deserializers) - - invocation_end_link.join_link(invocation_grpc_link) - invocation_grpc_link.join_link(invocation_end_link) - service_end_link.join_link(service_grpc_link) - service_grpc_link.join_link(service_end_link) - invocation_grpc_link.start() - service_grpc_link.start() - return invocation_end_link, service_end_link, ( - invocation_grpc_link, service_grpc_link) - - def destantiate(self, memo): - invocation_grpc_link, service_grpc_link = memo - invocation_grpc_link.stop() - service_grpc_link.begin_stop() - service_grpc_link.end_stop() - - def invocation_initial_metadata(self): - return grpc_test_common.INVOCATION_INITIAL_METADATA - - def service_initial_metadata(self): - return grpc_test_common.SERVICE_INITIAL_METADATA - - def invocation_completion(self): - return utilities.completion(None, None, None) - - def service_completion(self): - return utilities.completion( - grpc_test_common.SERVICE_TERMINAL_METADATA, - beta_interfaces.StatusCode.OK, grpc_test_common.DETAILS) - - def metadata_transmitted(self, original_metadata, transmitted_metadata): - return original_metadata is None or grpc_test_common.metadata_transmitted( - original_metadata, transmitted_metadata) - - def completion_transmitted(self, original_completion, transmitted_completion): - if (original_completion.terminal_metadata is not None and - not grpc_test_common.metadata_transmitted( - original_completion.terminal_metadata, - transmitted_completion.terminal_metadata)): - return False - elif original_completion.code is not transmitted_completion.code: - return False - elif original_completion.message != transmitted_completion.message: - return False - else: - return True - - -def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern): - return unittest.TestSuite( - tests=tuple( - loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_case_class) - for test_case_class in test_cases.test_cases(_Implementation()))) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main(verbosity=2) diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_crust_over_core_over_links_face_interface_test.py b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_crust_over_core_over_links_face_interface_test.py deleted file mode 100644 index 50b9a5a824..0000000000 --- a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_crust_over_core_over_links_face_interface_test.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,163 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright 2015, Google Inc. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -# met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -# this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -"""Tests Face compliance of the crust-over-core-over-gRPC-links stack.""" - -import collections -import unittest - -import six - -from grpc._adapter import _intermediary_low -from grpc._links import invocation -from grpc._links import service -from grpc.beta import interfaces as beta_interfaces -from grpc.framework.core import implementations as core_implementations -from grpc.framework.crust import implementations as crust_implementations -from grpc.framework.foundation import logging_pool -from grpc.framework.interfaces.links import utilities -from tests.unit import test_common as grpc_test_common -from tests.unit.framework.common import test_constants -from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.face import test_cases -from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.face import test_interfaces - - -class _SerializationBehaviors( - collections.namedtuple( - '_SerializationBehaviors', - ('request_serializers', 'request_deserializers', 'response_serializers', - 'response_deserializers',))): - pass - - -def _serialization_behaviors_from_test_methods(test_methods): - request_serializers = {} - request_deserializers = {} - response_serializers = {} - response_deserializers = {} - for (group, method), test_method in six.iteritems(test_methods): - request_serializers[group, method] = test_method.serialize_request - request_deserializers[group, method] = test_method.deserialize_request - response_serializers[group, method] = test_method.serialize_response - response_deserializers[group, method] = test_method.deserialize_response - return _SerializationBehaviors( - request_serializers, request_deserializers, response_serializers, - response_deserializers) - - -class _Implementation(test_interfaces.Implementation): - - def instantiate( - self, methods, method_implementations, multi_method_implementation): - pool = logging_pool.pool(test_constants.POOL_SIZE) - servicer = crust_implementations.servicer( - method_implementations, multi_method_implementation, pool) - serialization_behaviors = _serialization_behaviors_from_test_methods( - methods) - invocation_end_link = core_implementations.invocation_end_link() - service_end_link = core_implementations.service_end_link( - servicer, test_constants.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, - test_constants.MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT) - service_grpc_link = service.service_link( - serialization_behaviors.request_deserializers, - serialization_behaviors.response_serializers) - port = service_grpc_link.add_port('[::]:0', None) - channel = _intermediary_low.Channel('localhost:%d' % port, None) - invocation_grpc_link = invocation.invocation_link( - channel, b'localhost', None, - serialization_behaviors.request_serializers, - serialization_behaviors.response_deserializers) - - invocation_end_link.join_link(invocation_grpc_link) - invocation_grpc_link.join_link(invocation_end_link) - service_grpc_link.join_link(service_end_link) - service_end_link.join_link(service_grpc_link) - service_end_link.start() - invocation_end_link.start() - invocation_grpc_link.start() - service_grpc_link.start() - - generic_stub = crust_implementations.generic_stub(invocation_end_link, pool) - # TODO(nathaniel): Add a "groups" attribute to _digest.TestServiceDigest. - group = next(iter(methods))[0] - # TODO(nathaniel): Add a "cardinalities_by_group" attribute to - # _digest.TestServiceDigest. - cardinalities = { - method: method_object.cardinality() - for (group, method), method_object in six.iteritems(methods)} - dynamic_stub = crust_implementations.dynamic_stub( - invocation_end_link, group, cardinalities, pool) - - return generic_stub, {group: dynamic_stub}, ( - invocation_end_link, invocation_grpc_link, service_grpc_link, - service_end_link, pool) - - def destantiate(self, memo): - (invocation_end_link, invocation_grpc_link, service_grpc_link, - service_end_link, pool) = memo - invocation_end_link.stop(0).wait() - invocation_grpc_link.stop() - service_grpc_link.begin_stop() - service_end_link.stop(0).wait() - service_grpc_link.end_stop() - invocation_end_link.join_link(utilities.NULL_LINK) - invocation_grpc_link.join_link(utilities.NULL_LINK) - service_grpc_link.join_link(utilities.NULL_LINK) - service_end_link.join_link(utilities.NULL_LINK) - pool.shutdown(wait=True) - - def invocation_metadata(self): - return grpc_test_common.INVOCATION_INITIAL_METADATA - - def initial_metadata(self): - return grpc_test_common.SERVICE_INITIAL_METADATA - - def terminal_metadata(self): - return grpc_test_common.SERVICE_TERMINAL_METADATA - - def code(self): - return beta_interfaces.StatusCode.OK - - def details(self): - return grpc_test_common.DETAILS - - def metadata_transmitted(self, original_metadata, transmitted_metadata): - return original_metadata is None or grpc_test_common.metadata_transmitted( - original_metadata, transmitted_metadata) - - -def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern): - return unittest.TestSuite( - tests=tuple( - loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_case_class) - for test_case_class in test_cases.test_cases(_Implementation()))) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main(verbosity=2) diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_links/_lonely_invocation_link_test.py b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_links/_lonely_invocation_link_test.py deleted file mode 100644 index 890755f81c..0000000000 --- a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_links/_lonely_invocation_link_test.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright 2015, Google Inc. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -# met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -# this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -"""A test of invocation-side code unconnected to an RPC server.""" - -import unittest - -from grpc._adapter import _intermediary_low -from grpc._links import invocation -from grpc.framework.interfaces.links import links -from tests.unit.framework.common import test_constants -from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.links import test_cases -from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.links import test_utilities - -_NULL_BEHAVIOR = lambda unused_argument: None - - -class LonelyInvocationLinkTest(unittest.TestCase): - - def testUpAndDown(self): - channel = _intermediary_low.Channel('nonexistent:54321', None) - invocation_link = invocation.invocation_link( - channel, 'nonexistent', None, {}, {}) - - invocation_link.start() - invocation_link.stop() - - def _test_lonely_invocation_with_termination(self, termination): - test_operation_id = object() - test_group = 'test package.Test Service' - test_method = 'test method' - invocation_link_mate = test_utilities.RecordingLink() - - channel = _intermediary_low.Channel('nonexistent:54321', None) - invocation_link = invocation.invocation_link( - channel, 'nonexistent', None, {}, {}) - invocation_link.join_link(invocation_link_mate) - invocation_link.start() - - ticket = links.Ticket( - test_operation_id, 0, test_group, test_method, - links.Ticket.Subscription.FULL, test_constants.SHORT_TIMEOUT, 1, None, - None, None, None, None, termination, None) - invocation_link.accept_ticket(ticket) - invocation_link_mate.block_until_tickets_satisfy(test_cases.terminated) - - invocation_link.stop() - - self.assertIsNot( - invocation_link_mate.tickets()[-1].termination, - links.Ticket.Termination.COMPLETION) - - def testLonelyInvocationLinkWithCommencementTicket(self): - self._test_lonely_invocation_with_termination(None) - - def testLonelyInvocationLinkWithEntireTicket(self): - self._test_lonely_invocation_with_termination( - links.Ticket.Termination.COMPLETION) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main() diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_links/_transmission_test.py b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_links/_transmission_test.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1f6edd18ca..0000000000 --- a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_links/_transmission_test.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,239 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright 2015, Google Inc. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -# met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -# this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -"""Tests transmission of tickets across gRPC-on-the-wire.""" - -import unittest - -from grpc._adapter import _intermediary_low -from grpc._links import invocation -from grpc._links import service -from grpc.beta import interfaces as beta_interfaces -from grpc.framework.interfaces.links import links -from tests.unit import test_common -from tests.unit._links import _proto_scenarios -from tests.unit.framework.common import test_constants -from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.links import test_cases -from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.links import test_utilities - -_IDENTITY = lambda x: x - - -class TransmissionTest(test_cases.TransmissionTest, unittest.TestCase): - - def create_transmitting_links(self): - service_link = service.service_link( - {self.group_and_method(): self.deserialize_request}, - {self.group_and_method(): self.serialize_response}) - port = service_link.add_port('[::]:0', None) - service_link.start() - channel = _intermediary_low.Channel('localhost:%d' % port, None) - invocation_link = invocation.invocation_link( - channel, 'localhost', None, - {self.group_and_method(): self.serialize_request}, - {self.group_and_method(): self.deserialize_response}) - invocation_link.start() - return invocation_link, service_link - - def destroy_transmitting_links(self, invocation_side_link, service_side_link): - invocation_side_link.stop() - service_side_link.begin_stop() - service_side_link.end_stop() - - def create_invocation_initial_metadata(self): - return ( - ('first_invocation_initial_metadata_key', 'just a string value'), - ('second_invocation_initial_metadata_key', '0123456789'), - ('third_invocation_initial_metadata_key-bin', '\x00\x57' * 100), - ) - - def create_invocation_terminal_metadata(self): - return None - - def create_service_initial_metadata(self): - return ( - ('first_service_initial_metadata_key', 'just another string value'), - ('second_service_initial_metadata_key', '9876543210'), - ('third_service_initial_metadata_key-bin', '\x00\x59\x02' * 100), - ) - - def create_service_terminal_metadata(self): - return ( - ('first_service_terminal_metadata_key', 'yet another string value'), - ('second_service_terminal_metadata_key', 'abcdefghij'), - ('third_service_terminal_metadata_key-bin', '\x00\x37' * 100), - ) - - def create_invocation_completion(self): - return None, None - - def create_service_completion(self): - return ( - beta_interfaces.StatusCode.OK, b'An exuberant test "details" message!') - - def assertMetadataTransmitted(self, original_metadata, transmitted_metadata): - self.assertTrue( - test_common.metadata_transmitted( - original_metadata, transmitted_metadata), - '%s erroneously transmitted as %s' % ( - original_metadata, transmitted_metadata)) - - -class RoundTripTest(unittest.TestCase): - - def testZeroMessageRoundTrip(self): - test_operation_id = object() - test_group = 'test package.Test Group' - test_method = 'test method' - identity_transformation = {(test_group, test_method): _IDENTITY} - test_code = beta_interfaces.StatusCode.OK - test_message = 'a test message' - - service_link = service.service_link( - identity_transformation, identity_transformation) - service_mate = test_utilities.RecordingLink() - service_link.join_link(service_mate) - port = service_link.add_port('[::]:0', None) - service_link.start() - channel = _intermediary_low.Channel('localhost:%d' % port, None) - invocation_link = invocation.invocation_link( - channel, None, None, identity_transformation, identity_transformation) - invocation_mate = test_utilities.RecordingLink() - invocation_link.join_link(invocation_mate) - invocation_link.start() - - invocation_ticket = links.Ticket( - test_operation_id, 0, test_group, test_method, - links.Ticket.Subscription.FULL, test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT, None, None, - None, None, None, None, links.Ticket.Termination.COMPLETION, None) - invocation_link.accept_ticket(invocation_ticket) - service_mate.block_until_tickets_satisfy(test_cases.terminated) - - service_ticket = links.Ticket( - service_mate.tickets()[-1].operation_id, 0, None, None, None, None, - None, None, None, None, test_code, test_message, - links.Ticket.Termination.COMPLETION, None) - service_link.accept_ticket(service_ticket) - invocation_mate.block_until_tickets_satisfy(test_cases.terminated) - - invocation_link.stop() - service_link.begin_stop() - service_link.end_stop() - - self.assertIs( - service_mate.tickets()[-1].termination, - links.Ticket.Termination.COMPLETION) - self.assertIs( - invocation_mate.tickets()[-1].termination, - links.Ticket.Termination.COMPLETION) - self.assertIs(invocation_mate.tickets()[-1].code, test_code) - self.assertEqual(invocation_mate.tickets()[-1].message, test_message.encode()) - - def _perform_scenario_test(self, scenario): - test_operation_id = object() - test_group, test_method = scenario.group_and_method() - test_code = beta_interfaces.StatusCode.OK - test_message = 'a scenario test message' - - service_link = service.service_link( - {(test_group, test_method): scenario.deserialize_request}, - {(test_group, test_method): scenario.serialize_response}) - service_mate = test_utilities.RecordingLink() - service_link.join_link(service_mate) - port = service_link.add_port('[::]:0', None) - service_link.start() - channel = _intermediary_low.Channel('localhost:%d' % port, None) - invocation_link = invocation.invocation_link( - channel, 'localhost', None, - {(test_group, test_method): scenario.serialize_request}, - {(test_group, test_method): scenario.deserialize_response}) - invocation_mate = test_utilities.RecordingLink() - invocation_link.join_link(invocation_mate) - invocation_link.start() - - invocation_ticket = links.Ticket( - test_operation_id, 0, test_group, test_method, - links.Ticket.Subscription.FULL, test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT, None, None, - None, None, None, None, None, None) - invocation_link.accept_ticket(invocation_ticket) - requests = scenario.requests() - for request_index, request in enumerate(requests): - request_ticket = links.Ticket( - test_operation_id, 1 + request_index, None, None, None, None, 1, None, - request, None, None, None, None, None) - invocation_link.accept_ticket(request_ticket) - service_mate.block_until_tickets_satisfy( - test_cases.at_least_n_payloads_received_predicate(1 + request_index)) - response_ticket = links.Ticket( - service_mate.tickets()[0].operation_id, request_index, None, None, - None, None, 1, None, scenario.response_for_request(request), None, - None, None, None, None) - service_link.accept_ticket(response_ticket) - invocation_mate.block_until_tickets_satisfy( - test_cases.at_least_n_payloads_received_predicate(1 + request_index)) - request_count = len(requests) - invocation_completion_ticket = links.Ticket( - test_operation_id, request_count + 1, None, None, None, None, None, - None, None, None, None, None, links.Ticket.Termination.COMPLETION, - None) - invocation_link.accept_ticket(invocation_completion_ticket) - service_mate.block_until_tickets_satisfy(test_cases.terminated) - service_completion_ticket = links.Ticket( - service_mate.tickets()[0].operation_id, request_count, None, None, None, - None, None, None, None, None, test_code, test_message, - links.Ticket.Termination.COMPLETION, None) - service_link.accept_ticket(service_completion_ticket) - invocation_mate.block_until_tickets_satisfy(test_cases.terminated) - - invocation_link.stop() - service_link.begin_stop() - service_link.end_stop() - - observed_requests = tuple( - ticket.payload for ticket in service_mate.tickets() - if ticket.payload is not None) - observed_responses = tuple( - ticket.payload for ticket in invocation_mate.tickets() - if ticket.payload is not None) - self.assertTrue(scenario.verify_requests(observed_requests)) - self.assertTrue(scenario.verify_responses(observed_responses)) - - def testEmptyScenario(self): - self._perform_scenario_test(_proto_scenarios.EmptyScenario()) - - def testBidirectionallyUnaryScenario(self): - self._perform_scenario_test(_proto_scenarios.BidirectionallyUnaryScenario()) - - def testBidirectionallyStreamingScenario(self): - self._perform_scenario_test( - _proto_scenarios.BidirectionallyStreamingScenario()) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main(verbosity=2) diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_metadata_test.py b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_metadata_test.py index 77b3901261..2cb13f236b 100644 --- a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_metadata_test.py +++ b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_metadata_test.py @@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ class MetadataTest(unittest.TestCase): def testUnaryUnary(self): multi_callable = self._channel.unary_unary(_UNARY_UNARY) - unused_response, call = multi_callable( - _REQUEST, metadata=_CLIENT_METADATA, with_call=True) + unused_response, call = multi_callable.with_call( + _REQUEST, metadata=_CLIENT_METADATA) self.assertTrue(test_common.metadata_transmitted( _SERVER_INITIAL_METADATA, call.initial_metadata())) self.assertTrue(test_common.metadata_transmitted( @@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ class MetadataTest(unittest.TestCase): def testStreamUnary(self): multi_callable = self._channel.stream_unary(_STREAM_UNARY) - unused_response, call = multi_callable( + unused_response, call = multi_callable.with_call( [_REQUEST] * test_constants.STREAM_LENGTH, - metadata=_CLIENT_METADATA, with_call=True) + metadata=_CLIENT_METADATA) self.assertTrue(test_common.metadata_transmitted( _SERVER_INITIAL_METADATA, call.initial_metadata())) self.assertTrue(test_common.metadata_transmitted( diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_rpc_test.py b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_rpc_test.py index 8407593c86..9814504edf 100644 --- a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_rpc_test.py +++ b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/_rpc_test.py @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -"""Test of gRPC Python's application-layer API.""" +"""Test of RPCs made against gRPC Python's application-layer API.""" import itertools import threading @@ -216,10 +216,9 @@ class RPCTest(unittest.TestCase): expected_response = self._handler.handle_unary_unary(request, None) multi_callable = _unary_unary_multi_callable(self._channel) - response, call = multi_callable( + response, call = multi_callable.with_call( request, metadata=( - (b'test', b'SuccessfulUnaryRequestBlockingUnaryResponseWithCall'),), - with_call=True) + (b'test', b'SuccessfulUnaryRequestBlockingUnaryResponseWithCall'),)) self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) self.assertIs(grpc.StatusCode.OK, call.code()) @@ -266,11 +265,11 @@ class RPCTest(unittest.TestCase): request_iterator = iter(requests) multi_callable = _stream_unary_multi_callable(self._channel) - response, call = multi_callable( + response, call = multi_callable.with_call( request_iterator, metadata=( (b'test', b'SuccessfulStreamRequestBlockingUnaryResponseWithCall'), - ), with_call=True) + )) self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) self.assertIs(grpc.StatusCode.OK, call.code()) @@ -525,10 +524,9 @@ class RPCTest(unittest.TestCase): multi_callable = _unary_unary_multi_callable(self._channel) with self._control.pause(): with self.assertRaises(grpc.RpcError) as exception_context: - multi_callable( + multi_callable.with_call( request, timeout=test_constants.SHORT_TIMEOUT, - metadata=((b'test', b'ExpiredUnaryRequestBlockingUnaryResponse'),), - with_call=True) + metadata=((b'test', b'ExpiredUnaryRequestBlockingUnaryResponse'),)) self.assertIsNotNone(exception_context.exception.initial_metadata()) self.assertIs( @@ -640,10 +638,9 @@ class RPCTest(unittest.TestCase): multi_callable = _unary_unary_multi_callable(self._channel) with self._control.fail(): with self.assertRaises(grpc.RpcError) as exception_context: - multi_callable( + multi_callable.with_call( request, - metadata=((b'test', b'FailedUnaryRequestBlockingUnaryResponse'),), - with_call=True) + metadata=((b'test', b'FailedUnaryRequestBlockingUnaryResponse'),)) self.assertIs(grpc.StatusCode.UNKNOWN, exception_context.exception.code()) diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/beta/test_utilities.py b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/beta/test_utilities.py index e374b203ce..8ccad04e05 100644 --- a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/beta/test_utilities.py +++ b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/beta/test_utilities.py @@ -50,6 +50,6 @@ def not_really_secure_channel( """ target = '%s:%d' % (host, port) channel = grpc.secure_channel( - target, channel_credentials._credentials, + target, channel_credentials, ((b'grpc.ssl_target_name_override', server_host_override,),)) return implementations.Channel(channel) diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/framework/_crust_over_core_face_interface_test.py b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/framework/_crust_over_core_face_interface_test.py deleted file mode 100644 index 43457be362..0000000000 --- a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/framework/_crust_over_core_face_interface_test.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright 2015, Google Inc. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -# met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -# this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -"""Tests Face interface compliance of the crust-over-core stack.""" - -import collections -import unittest - -import six - -from grpc.framework.core import implementations as core_implementations -from grpc.framework.crust import implementations as crust_implementations -from grpc.framework.foundation import logging_pool -from grpc.framework.interfaces.links import utilities -from tests.unit.framework.common import test_constants -from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.face import test_cases -from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.face import test_interfaces -from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.links import test_utilities - - -class _Implementation(test_interfaces.Implementation): - - def instantiate( - self, methods, method_implementations, multi_method_implementation): - pool = logging_pool.pool(test_constants.POOL_SIZE) - servicer = crust_implementations.servicer( - method_implementations, multi_method_implementation, pool) - - service_end_link = core_implementations.service_end_link( - servicer, test_constants.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, - test_constants.MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT) - invocation_end_link = core_implementations.invocation_end_link() - invocation_end_link.join_link(service_end_link) - service_end_link.join_link(invocation_end_link) - service_end_link.start() - invocation_end_link.start() - - generic_stub = crust_implementations.generic_stub(invocation_end_link, pool) - # TODO(nathaniel): Add a "groups" attribute to _digest.TestServiceDigest. - group = next(iter(methods))[0] - # TODO(nathaniel): Add a "cardinalities_by_group" attribute to - # _digest.TestServiceDigest. - cardinalities = { - method: method_object.cardinality() - for (group, method), method_object in six.iteritems(methods)} - dynamic_stub = crust_implementations.dynamic_stub( - invocation_end_link, group, cardinalities, pool) - - return generic_stub, {group: dynamic_stub}, ( - invocation_end_link, service_end_link, pool) - - def destantiate(self, memo): - invocation_end_link, service_end_link, pool = memo - invocation_end_link.stop(0).wait() - service_end_link.stop(0).wait() - invocation_end_link.join_link(utilities.NULL_LINK) - service_end_link.join_link(utilities.NULL_LINK) - pool.shutdown(wait=True) - - def invocation_metadata(self): - return object() - - def initial_metadata(self): - return object() - - def terminal_metadata(self): - return object() - - def code(self): - return object() - - def details(self): - return object() - - def metadata_transmitted(self, original_metadata, transmitted_metadata): - return original_metadata is transmitted_metadata - - -def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern): - return unittest.TestSuite( - tests=tuple( - loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_case_class) - for test_case_class in test_cases.test_cases(_Implementation()))) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main(verbosity=2) diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/framework/core/_base_interface_test.py b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/framework/core/_base_interface_test.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1310292306..0000000000 --- a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/framework/core/_base_interface_test.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright 2015, Google Inc. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -# met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -# this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -"""Tests the RPC Framework Core's implementation of the Base interface.""" - -import logging -import random -import time -import unittest - -from grpc.framework.core import implementations -from grpc.framework.interfaces.base import utilities -from tests.unit.framework.common import test_constants -from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.base import test_cases -from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.base import test_interfaces - - -class _Implementation(test_interfaces.Implementation): - - def __init__(self): - self._invocation_initial_metadata = object() - self._service_initial_metadata = object() - self._invocation_terminal_metadata = object() - self._service_terminal_metadata = object() - - def instantiate(self, serializations, servicer): - invocation = implementations.invocation_end_link() - service = implementations.service_end_link( - servicer, test_constants.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, - test_constants.MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT) - invocation.join_link(service) - service.join_link(invocation) - return invocation, service, None - - def destantiate(self, memo): - pass - - def invocation_initial_metadata(self): - return self._invocation_initial_metadata - - def service_initial_metadata(self): - return self._service_initial_metadata - - def invocation_completion(self): - return utilities.completion(self._invocation_terminal_metadata, None, None) - - def service_completion(self): - return utilities.completion(self._service_terminal_metadata, None, None) - - def metadata_transmitted(self, original_metadata, transmitted_metadata): - return transmitted_metadata is original_metadata - - def completion_transmitted(self, original_completion, transmitted_completion): - return ( - (original_completion.terminal_metadata is - transmitted_completion.terminal_metadata) and - original_completion.code is transmitted_completion.code and - original_completion.message is transmitted_completion.message - ) - - -def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern): - return unittest.TestSuite( - tests=tuple( - loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_case_class) - for test_case_class in test_cases.test_cases(_Implementation()))) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main(verbosity=2) diff --git a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/framework/foundation/_later_test.py b/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/framework/foundation/_later_test.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6c2459e185..0000000000 --- a/src/python/grpcio/tests/unit/framework/foundation/_later_test.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright 2015, Google Inc. -# All rights reserved. -# -# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -# met: -# -# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -# distribution. -# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -# this software without specific prior written permission. -# -# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -"""Tests of the later module.""" - -import threading -import time -import unittest - -from grpc.framework.foundation import later - -TICK = 0.1 - - -class LaterTest(unittest.TestCase): - - def test_simple_delay(self): - lock = threading.Lock() - cell = [0] - return_value = object() - - def computation(): - with lock: - cell[0] += 1 - return return_value - computation_future = later.later(TICK * 2, computation) - - self.assertFalse(computation_future.done()) - self.assertFalse(computation_future.cancelled()) - time.sleep(TICK) - self.assertFalse(computation_future.done()) - self.assertFalse(computation_future.cancelled()) - with lock: - self.assertEqual(0, cell[0]) - time.sleep(TICK * 2) - self.assertTrue(computation_future.done()) - self.assertFalse(computation_future.cancelled()) - with lock: - self.assertEqual(1, cell[0]) - self.assertEqual(return_value, computation_future.result()) - - def test_callback(self): - lock = threading.Lock() - cell = [0] - callback_called = [False] - future_passed_to_callback = [None] - def computation(): - with lock: - cell[0] += 1 - computation_future = later.later(TICK * 2, computation) - def callback(outcome): - with lock: - callback_called[0] = True - future_passed_to_callback[0] = outcome - computation_future.add_done_callback(callback) - time.sleep(TICK) - with lock: - self.assertFalse(callback_called[0]) - time.sleep(TICK * 2) - with lock: - self.assertTrue(callback_called[0]) - self.assertTrue(future_passed_to_callback[0].done()) - - callback_called[0] = False - future_passed_to_callback[0] = None - - computation_future.add_done_callback(callback) - with lock: - self.assertTrue(callback_called[0]) - self.assertTrue(future_passed_to_callback[0].done()) - - def test_cancel(self): - lock = threading.Lock() - cell = [0] - callback_called = [False] - future_passed_to_callback = [None] - def computation(): - with lock: - cell[0] += 1 - computation_future = later.later(TICK * 2, computation) - def callback(outcome): - with lock: - callback_called[0] = True - future_passed_to_callback[0] = outcome - computation_future.add_done_callback(callback) - time.sleep(TICK) - with lock: - self.assertFalse(callback_called[0]) - computation_future.cancel() - self.assertTrue(computation_future.cancelled()) - self.assertFalse(computation_future.running()) - self.assertTrue(computation_future.done()) - with lock: - self.assertTrue(callback_called[0]) - self.assertTrue(future_passed_to_callback[0].cancelled()) - - def test_result(self): - lock = threading.Lock() - cell = [0] - callback_called = [False] - future_passed_to_callback_cell = [None] - return_value = object() - - def computation(): - with lock: - cell[0] += 1 - return return_value - computation_future = later.later(TICK * 2, computation) - - def callback(future_passed_to_callback): - with lock: - callback_called[0] = True - future_passed_to_callback_cell[0] = future_passed_to_callback - computation_future.add_done_callback(callback) - returned_value = computation_future.result() - self.assertEqual(return_value, returned_value) - - # The callback may not yet have been called! Sleep a tick. - time.sleep(TICK) - with lock: - self.assertTrue(callback_called[0]) - self.assertEqual(return_value, future_passed_to_callback_cell[0].result()) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main(verbosity=2) diff --git a/templates/Makefile.template b/templates/Makefile.template index 02039541e6..0e3b9926b7 100644 --- a/templates/Makefile.template +++ b/templates/Makefile.template @@ -1251,12 +1251,12 @@ $(GENDIR)/${p}.pb.cc: ${p}.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) ${' '.join('$(GENDIR)/%s.pb.cc' % q for q in proto_deps.get(p, []))} $(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --cpp_out=$(GENDIR) $< $(GENDIR)/${p}.grpc.pb.cc: ${p}.proto $(PROTOBUF_DEP) $(PROTOC_PLUGINS) ${' '.join('$(GENDIR)/%s.pb.cc $(GENDIR)/%s.grpc.pb.cc' % (q,q) for q in proto_deps.get(p, []))} $(E) "[GRPC] Generating gRPC's protobuf service CC file from $<" $(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` - $(Q) $(PROTOC) --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< + $(Q) $(PROTOC) -Ithird_party/protobuf/src -I. --grpc_out=$(GENDIR) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cpp_plugin $< endif % endfor diff --git a/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/2c452818a10ddef09b90c89a53db14b9b56b21f3 b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/2c452818a10ddef09b90c89a53db14b9b56b21f3 Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..059634fda1 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/2c452818a10ddef09b90c89a53db14b9b56b21f3 diff --git a/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/42ead79c94eccdf8a8c3d8036be73e14fa260dd5 b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/42ead79c94eccdf8a8c3d8036be73e14fa260dd5 Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b9c53b26ed --- /dev/null +++ b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/42ead79c94eccdf8a8c3d8036be73e14fa260dd5 diff --git a/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/4e05d6cf1c3f0c04f6ee92d09a53ee0fe35c085a b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/4e05d6cf1c3f0c04f6ee92d09a53ee0fe35c085a Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8a4a279998 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/4e05d6cf1c3f0c04f6ee92d09a53ee0fe35c085a diff --git a/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/8f980dd25f1c77e3536131c2c620aa32e8c13180 b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/8f980dd25f1c77e3536131c2c620aa32e8c13180 Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fcebab7a64 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/8f980dd25f1c77e3536131c2c620aa32e8c13180 diff --git a/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/aef36c49d7dec0dcf8cdc224d9e9221fa2cb1db0 b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/aef36c49d7dec0dcf8cdc224d9e9221fa2cb1db0 Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b015fe66e --- /dev/null +++ b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/aef36c49d7dec0dcf8cdc224d9e9221fa2cb1db0 diff --git a/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/crash-14ed70cd9ea7987cdd0c8f6e39398ee7c60ee2ff b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/crash-14ed70cd9ea7987cdd0c8f6e39398ee7c60ee2ff Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..be6366049d --- /dev/null +++ b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/crash-14ed70cd9ea7987cdd0c8f6e39398ee7c60ee2ff diff --git a/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/dcb06a6e34cbed15515e5b3581ca666f704777bd b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/dcb06a6e34cbed15515e5b3581ca666f704777bd Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..92750f94a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/dcb06a6e34cbed15515e5b3581ca666f704777bd diff --git a/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/ea46b684f1e67a27c231f2d536c41da631189b9c b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/ea46b684f1e67a27c231f2d536c41da631189b9c Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c891d9adc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/ea46b684f1e67a27c231f2d536c41da631189b9c diff --git a/tools/dockerfile/interoptest/grpc_interop_php/build_interop.sh b/tools/dockerfile/interoptest/grpc_interop_php/build_interop.sh index 87262f1d62..a84a450221 100755 --- a/tools/dockerfile/interoptest/grpc_interop_php/build_interop.sh +++ b/tools/dockerfile/interoptest/grpc_interop_php/build_interop.sh @@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ cp -r /var/local/jenkins/service_account $HOME || true cd /var/local/git/grpc rvm --default use ruby-2.1 -make install-certs - # gRPC core and protobuf need to be installed make install diff --git a/tools/run_tests/build_package_node.sh b/tools/run_tests/build_package_node.sh index 4646072a54..6f7211b53f 100755 --- a/tools/run_tests/build_package_node.sh +++ b/tools/run_tests/build_package_node.sh @@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ tools_version=$(npm list | grep -oP '(?<=grpc-tools@)\S+') output_dir=$artifacts/grpc-precompiled-binaries/node/grpc-tools/v$tools_version mkdir -p $output_dir +well_known_protos=( any api compiler/plugin descriptor duration empty field_mask source_context struct timestamp type wrappers ) + for arch in {x86,x64}; do case arch in x86) @@ -79,10 +81,14 @@ for arch in {x86,x64}; do node_plat=$plat ;; esac - rm bin/* + rm -r bin/* input_dir="$EXTERNAL_GIT_ROOT/architecture=$arch,language=protoc,platform=$plat/artifacts" cp $input_dir/protoc* bin/ cp $input_dir/grpc_node_plugin* bin/ + mkdir -p bin/google/protobuf + for proto in "${well_known_protos[@]}"; do + cp $base/third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/$proto.proto bin/google/protobuf/$proto.proto + done tar -czf $output_dir/$node_plat-$node_arch.tar.gz bin/ done done diff --git a/tools/run_tests/build_package_ruby.sh b/tools/run_tests/build_package_ruby.sh index e44428bf7e..4116e29deb 100755 --- a/tools/run_tests/build_package_ruby.sh +++ b/tools/run_tests/build_package_ruby.sh @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ mkdir -p artifacts/ # and we only collect them here to deliver them to the distribtest phase. cp -r $EXTERNAL_GIT_ROOT/architecture={x86,x64},language=ruby,platform={windows,linux,macos}/artifacts/* artifacts/ || true +well_known_protos=( any api compiler/plugin descriptor duration empty field_mask source_context struct timestamp type wrappers ) + # TODO: all the artifact builder configurations generate a grpc-VERSION.gem # source distribution package, and only one of them will end up # in the artifacts/ directory. They should be all equivalent though. @@ -56,9 +58,12 @@ for arch in {x86,x64}; do for plat in {windows,linux,macos}; do input_dir="$EXTERNAL_GIT_ROOT/architecture=$arch,language=protoc,platform=$plat/artifacts" output_dir="$base/src/ruby/tools/bin/${ruby_arch}-${plat}" - mkdir -p $output_dir + mkdir -p $output_dir/google/protobuf cp $input_dir/protoc* $output_dir/ cp $input_dir/grpc_ruby_plugin* $output_dir/ + for proto in "${well_known_protos[@]}"; do + cp $base/third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/$proto.proto $output_dir/google/protobuf/$proto.proto + done done done diff --git a/tools/run_tests/tests.json b/tools/run_tests/tests.json index 3ed7a6bc47..2353ac8583 100644 --- a/tools/run_tests/tests.json +++ b/tools/run_tests/tests.json @@ -54190,6 +54190,25 @@ }, { "args": [ + "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/2c452818a10ddef09b90c89a53db14b9b56b21f3" + ], + "ci_platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "cpu_cost": 0.1, + "exclude_configs": [ + "tsan" + ], + "flaky": false, + "language": "c", + "name": "client_fuzzer_one_entry", + "platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "uses_polling": false + }, + { + "args": [ "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/2c6e69067c68c145dc5d3a60b86d8081fdf95d0d" ], "ci_platforms": [ @@ -54988,6 +55007,25 @@ }, { "args": [ + "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/42ead79c94eccdf8a8c3d8036be73e14fa260dd5" + ], + "ci_platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "cpu_cost": 0.1, + "exclude_configs": [ + "tsan" + ], + "flaky": false, + "language": "c", + "name": "client_fuzzer_one_entry", + "platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "uses_polling": false + }, + { + "args": [ "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/43202ad9b1a689d919ab9ae91c2d0223394867bf" ], "ci_platforms": [ @@ -55330,6 +55368,25 @@ }, { "args": [ + "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/4e05d6cf1c3f0c04f6ee92d09a53ee0fe35c085a" + ], + "ci_platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "cpu_cost": 0.1, + "exclude_configs": [ + "tsan" + ], + "flaky": false, + "language": "c", + "name": "client_fuzzer_one_entry", + "platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "uses_polling": false + }, + { + "args": [ "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/4e21c4b5c454df51c102f09ea1ba78c42133ee16" ], "ci_platforms": [ @@ -57249,6 +57306,25 @@ }, { "args": [ + "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/8f980dd25f1c77e3536131c2c620aa32e8c13180" + ], + "ci_platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "cpu_cost": 0.1, + "exclude_configs": [ + "tsan" + ], + "flaky": false, + "language": "c", + "name": "client_fuzzer_one_entry", + "platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "uses_polling": false + }, + { + "args": [ "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/90a9c3390752b94ca19a58cb2fe6267bc818f718" ], "ci_platforms": [ @@ -58465,6 +58541,25 @@ }, { "args": [ + "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/aef36c49d7dec0dcf8cdc224d9e9221fa2cb1db0" + ], + "ci_platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "cpu_cost": 0.1, + "exclude_configs": [ + "tsan" + ], + "flaky": false, + "language": "c", + "name": "client_fuzzer_one_entry", + "platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "uses_polling": false + }, + { + "args": [ "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/af8b24ffaecdfaf96c0cd7c76f31dc9e1b4d0935" ], "ci_platforms": [ @@ -59510,6 +59605,25 @@ }, { "args": [ + "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/crash-14ed70cd9ea7987cdd0c8f6e39398ee7c60ee2ff" + ], + "ci_platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "cpu_cost": 0.1, + "exclude_configs": [ + "tsan" + ], + "flaky": false, + "language": "c", + "name": "client_fuzzer_one_entry", + "platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "uses_polling": false + }, + { + "args": [ "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/crash-3bd02c98286bfa7be8e13c5500ddb587bba74fbb" ], "ci_platforms": [ @@ -60175,6 +60289,25 @@ }, { "args": [ + "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/dcb06a6e34cbed15515e5b3581ca666f704777bd" + ], + "ci_platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "cpu_cost": 0.1, + "exclude_configs": [ + "tsan" + ], + "flaky": false, + "language": "c", + "name": "client_fuzzer_one_entry", + "platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "uses_polling": false + }, + { + "args": [ "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/dccd1fd6d3394f5f68c87950ed7356a2e9ef0f6f" ], "ci_platforms": [ @@ -60669,6 +60802,25 @@ }, { "args": [ + "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/ea46b684f1e67a27c231f2d536c41da631189b9c" + ], + "ci_platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "cpu_cost": 0.1, + "exclude_configs": [ + "tsan" + ], + "flaky": false, + "language": "c", + "name": "client_fuzzer_one_entry", + "platforms": [ + "linux" + ], + "uses_polling": false + }, + { + "args": [ "test/core/end2end/fuzzers/client_fuzzer_corpus/eb969b9ab1b0d6b5d197795223ba7a091ebd8460" ], "ci_platforms": [ |