(* CreateUnitTestExecutable.scpt Copyright 2007-2009 Google Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Support script for easily creating debug executables for unittests 2008/03/06 Added support for debug frameworks, Xcode 3.1, and debugging under a testhost *) on replaceText(theString, fString, rString) set current_Delimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to fString set sList to every text item of theString set AppleScript's text item delimiters to rString set newString to sList as string set AppleScript's text item delimiters to current_Delimiters return newString end replaceText on findVariable(a) set b to "echo '" & a & "' | grep -o \"$\\([^)]*)\\)\" | head -n 1" return do shell script b end findVariable on expandBuildSettings(a, b) tell me repeat set pattern to findVariable(a) if (length of pattern is equal to 0) then exit repeat else set oldValue to word 2 of pattern tell application "Xcode" -- get our project tell project of active project document set activeBuildConfig to name of active build configuration type try if oldValue is "inherited" then set oldValue to word 2 of b tell build configuration activeBuildConfig set newValue to value of flattened build setting oldValue end tell else tell build configuration activeBuildConfig of active target set newValue to value of flattened build setting oldValue end tell end if on error log "Unable to expand '" & oldValue & "'" set newValue to "" end try end tell end tell set newValue to expandBuildSettings(newValue, a) set a to replaceText(a, pattern, newValue) end if end repeat end tell return a end expandBuildSettings on expandBuildSetting(a) return expandBuildSettings(a, "") end expandBuildSetting tell application "Xcode" -- get our project tell project of active project document set activeBuildConfig to name of active build configuration type -- build executable tell build configuration activeBuildConfig of active target tell me set productName to expandBuildSetting("$(PRODUCT_NAME)") end tell tell me set wrapperExtension to expandBuildSetting("$(WRAPPER_EXTENSION)") end tell try tell me set useGC to expandBuildSetting("$(GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_GC)") end tell on error e log "Unable to expand GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_GC " & e set useGC to "" end try try tell me set testhost to expandBuildSetting("$(TEST_HOST)") end tell on error e log "Unable to expand testHost " & e set testhost to "" end try end tell if wrapperExtension is equal to "octest" then set executablePath to "/Developer/Tools/otest" set executableName to "otest" else if wrapperExtension is equal to "gtest" then set executablePath to "/Developer/Tools/gUnit" set executableName to "gUnit" else display alert "Unknown test type with extension " & wrapperExtension return end if if testhost is not equal to "" then set executablePath to testhost set executableName to "TestHost" end if set execName to productName & "(" & executableName & ")" set exec to make new executable with properties ¬ {name:execName, launchable:yes, path:executablePath, comments:¬ "Test executable for " & name of active target & "(" & executableName & ")." & ¬ return & "Generated " & (current date) & " by Google Toolbox For Mac Xcode Plugin." & ¬ return & "Go to http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn2004/tn2124.html for more info on settings."} tell exec if useGC is equal to "Unsupported" or useGC is equal to "" then make new environment variable with properties {name:"OBJC_DISABLE_GC", value:"YES", active:yes} end if if wrapperExtension is "octest" then -- force some nice cocoa debug stuff on make new launch argument with properties {name:"-NSBindingDebugLogLevel 1", active:yes} make new launch argument with properties {name:"-NSScriptingDebugLogLevel 1", active:yes} make new launch argument with properties {name:"-NSTraceEvents YES", active:no} make new launch argument with properties {name:"-NSShowAllViews YES", active:no} make new launch argument with properties {name:"-NSShowAllDrawing YES", active:no} make new launch argument with properties {name:"-NSDragManagerLogLevel 6", active:no} make new launch argument with properties {name:"-NSAccessibilityDebugLogLevel 3", active:no} end if set bundlename to productName & "." & wrapperExtension if testhost is not equal to "" then make new environment variable with properties {name:"XCInjectBundleInto", value:testhost, active:yes} make new environment variable with properties {name:"DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES", value:"/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DevToolsBundleInjection.framework/DevToolsBundleInjection", active:yes} make new environment variable with properties {name:"XCInjectBundle", value:bundlename, active:yes} if wrapperExtension is "octest" then make new launch argument with properties {name:"-SenTest All", active:yes} end if else if wrapperExtension is "octest" then make new launch argument with properties {name:"-SenTest Self", active:yes} end if make new launch argument with properties {name:"\"" & bundlename & "\"", active:yes} end if make new environment variable with properties {name:"DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX", value:"_debug", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", value:".", active:yes} make new environment variable with properties {name:"DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH", value:".:/Developer/Library/Frameworks", active:yes} make new environment variable with properties {name:"DYLD_NEW_LOCAL_SHARED_REGIONS", value:"YES", active:yes} make new environment variable with properties {name:"DYLD_NO_FIX_PREBINDING", value:"YES", active:yes} make new environment variable with properties {name:"MallocScribble", value:"YES", active:yes} make new environment variable with properties {name:"MallocPreScribble", value:"YES", active:yes} make new environment variable with properties {name:"MallocGuardEdges", value:"YES", active:yes} make new environment variable with properties {name:"NSAutoreleaseFreedObjectCheckEnabled", value:"YES", active:yes} make new environment variable with properties {name:"NSZombieEnabled", value:"YES", active:yes} make new environment variable with properties {name:"OBJC_DEBUG_FRAGILE_SUPERCLASSES", value:"YES", active:yes} make new environment variable with properties {name:"ComponentDebug", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"FilesASDDebug", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"VNDebug", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"WSDebug", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"WSDebugVerbose", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"DRVerboseLogging", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"INIT_Processes", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"EventDebug", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"EventRate", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"TSMEventTracing", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"OBJC_PRINT_IMAGES", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"OBJC_PRINT_LOAD_METHODS", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES_POST_LAUNCH", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"DYLD_PREBIND_DEBUG", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"DYLD_PRINT_APIS", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"DYLD_PRINT_BINDINGS", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"DYLD_PRINT_INITIALIZERS", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"DYLD_PRINT_SEGMENTS", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"NSDeallocateZombies", value:"YES", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"NSHangOnUncaughtException", value:"YES", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"NSEnableAutoreleasePool", value:"NO", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"NSAutoreleaseHighWaterMark", value:"1000", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"NSAutoreleaseHighWaterResolution", value:"100", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"NSPrintDynamicClassLoads", value:"YES", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"NSExceptionLoggingEnabled", value:"YES", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"NSDOLoggingEnabled", value:"YES", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"NSQuitAfterLaunch", value:"YES", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"CFZombieLevel", value:"3", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"AEDebugSends", value:"1", active:no} make new environment variable with properties {name:"AEDebugReceives", value:"1", active:no} end tell set active executable to exec end tell end tell