// // GTMStackTraceTest.m // // Copyright 2007-2008 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. // #import #import "GTMStackTrace.h" #import "GTMSenTestCase.h" @interface GTMStackTraceTest : GTMTestCase @end @implementation GTMStackTraceTest + (BOOL)classMethodTest { NSString *stacktrace = GTMStackTrace(); NSArray *stacklines = [stacktrace componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"]; NSString *firstFrame = [stacklines objectAtIndex:0]; NSRange range = [firstFrame rangeOfString:@"+"]; return range.location != NSNotFound; } - (void)testStackTraceBasic { NSString *stacktrace = GTMStackTrace(); NSArray *stacklines = [stacktrace componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"]; STAssertGreaterThan([stacklines count], (NSUInteger)3, @"stack trace must have > 3 lines"); STAssertLessThan([stacklines count], (NSUInteger)35, @"stack trace must have < 35 lines"); NSString *firstFrame = [stacklines objectAtIndex:0]; NSRange range = [firstFrame rangeOfString:@"testStackTraceBasic"]; STAssertNotEquals(range.location, (NSUInteger)NSNotFound, @"First frame should contain testStackTraceBasic," " stack trace: %@", stacktrace); range = [firstFrame rangeOfString:@"#0"]; STAssertNotEquals(range.location, (NSUInteger)NSNotFound, @"First frame should contain #0, stack trace: %@", stacktrace); range = [firstFrame rangeOfString:@"-"]; STAssertNotEquals(range.location, (NSUInteger)NSNotFound, @"First frame should contain - since it's " @"an instance method: %@", stacktrace); STAssertTrue([[self class] classMethodTest], @"First frame should contain" @"+ since it's a class method"); } -(void)testGetStackAddressDescriptors { struct GTMAddressDescriptor descs[100]; size_t depth = sizeof(descs) / sizeof(struct GTMAddressDescriptor); depth = GTMGetStackAddressDescriptors(descs, depth); // Got atleast 4... STAssertGreaterThan(depth, (size_t)4, nil); // All that we got have symbols for (NSUInteger lp = 0 ; lp < depth ; ++lp) { STAssertNotNULL(descs[lp].symbol, @"didn't get a symbol at depth %lu", (unsigned long)lp); } // Do it again, but don't give it enough space (to make sure it handles that) size_t fullDepth = depth; STAssertGreaterThan(fullDepth, (size_t)4, nil); depth -= 2; depth = GTMGetStackAddressDescriptors(descs, depth); STAssertLessThan(depth, fullDepth, nil); // All that we got have symbols for (NSUInteger lp = 0 ; lp < depth ; ++lp) { STAssertNotNULL(descs[lp].symbol, @"didn't get a symbol at depth %lu", (unsigned long)lp); } } #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 - (void)helperThatThrows { [NSException raise:@"TestException" format:@"TestExceptionDescription"]; } - (void)testStackExceptionTrace { NSException *exception = nil; @try { [self helperThatThrows]; } @catch (NSException * e) { exception = e; } STAssertNotNil(exception, nil); NSString *stacktrace = GTMStackTraceFromException(exception); NSArray *stacklines = [stacktrace componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"]; STAssertGreaterThan([stacklines count], (NSUInteger)4, @"stack trace must have > 4 lines"); STAssertLessThan([stacklines count], (NSUInteger)35, @"stack trace must have < 35 lines"); STAssertEquals([stacklines count], [[exception callStackReturnAddresses] count], @"stack trace should have the same number of lines as the " @" array of return addresses. stack trace: %@", stacktrace); // we can't look for it on a specific frame because NSException doesn't // really document how deep the stack will be NSRange range = [stacktrace rangeOfString:@"testStackExceptionTrace"]; STAssertNotEquals(range.location, (NSUInteger)NSNotFound, @"Stack trace should contain testStackExceptionTrace," " stack trace: %@", stacktrace); } #endif #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 - (void)testProgramCountersBasic { void *pcs[10]; NSUInteger depth = 10; depth = GTMGetStackProgramCounters(pcs, depth); STAssertGreaterThan(depth, (NSUInteger)3, @"stack trace must have > 3 lines"); STAssertLessThanOrEqual(depth, (NSUInteger)10, @"stack trace must have < 10 lines"); // pcs is an array of program counters from the stack. pcs[0] should match // the call into GTMGetStackProgramCounters, which is tough for us to check. // However, we can verify that pcs[1] is equal to our current return address // for our current function. void *current_pc = __builtin_return_address(0); STAssertEquals(pcs[1], current_pc, @"pcs[1] should equal the current PC"); } - (void)testProgramCountersMore { void *pcs0[0]; NSUInteger depth0 = 0; depth0 = GTMGetStackProgramCounters(pcs0, depth0); STAssertEquals(depth0, (NSUInteger)0, @"stack trace must have 0 lines"); void *pcs1[1]; NSUInteger depth1 = 1; depth1 = GTMGetStackProgramCounters(pcs1, depth1); STAssertEquals(depth1, (NSUInteger)1, @"stack trace must have 1 lines"); void *pcs2[2]; NSUInteger depth2 = 2; depth2 = GTMGetStackProgramCounters(pcs2, depth2); STAssertEquals(depth2, (NSUInteger)2, @"stack trace must have 2 lines"); void *current_pc = __builtin_return_address(0); STAssertEquals(pcs2[1], current_pc, @"pcs[1] should equal the current PC"); } #endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 @end