// // GTMScriptRunnerTest.m // // Copyright 2007-2008 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. // #import #import #import "GTMSenTestCase.h" #import "GTMScriptRunner.h" #import "GTMUnitTestDevLog.h" @interface GTMScriptRunnerTest : GTMTestCase { @private NSString *shScript_; NSString *perlScript_; NSString *shOutputScript_; } @end @interface GTMScriptRunnerTest (PrivateMethods) - (void)helperTestBourneShellUsingScriptRunner:(GTMScriptRunner *)sr; @end @implementation GTMScriptRunnerTest - (void)setUp { shScript_ = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/tmp/script_runner_unittest_%d_%d_sh", geteuid(), getpid()]; [@"#!/bin/sh\n" @"i=1\n" @"if [ -n \"$1\" ]; then\n" @" i=$1\n" @"fi\n" @"echo $i\n" writeToFile:shScript_ atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil]; perlScript_ = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/tmp/script_runner_unittest_%d_%d_pl", geteuid(), getpid()]; [@"#!/usr/bin/perl\n" @"use strict;\n" @"my $i = 1;\n" @"if (defined $ARGV[0]) {\n" @" $i = $ARGV[0];\n" @"}\n" @"print \"$i\n\"\n" writeToFile:perlScript_ atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil]; shOutputScript_ = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/tmp/script_runner_unittest_err_%d_%d_sh", geteuid(), getpid()]; [@"#!/bin/sh\n" @"if [ \"err\" = \"$1\" ]; then\n" @" echo \" on err \" > /dev/stderr\n" @"else\n" @" echo \" on out \"\n" @"fi\n" writeToFile:shOutputScript_ atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil]; } - (void)tearDown { const char *path = [shScript_ fileSystemRepresentation]; if (path) { unlink(path); } path = [perlScript_ fileSystemRepresentation]; if (path) { unlink(path); } path = [shOutputScript_ fileSystemRepresentation]; if (path) { unlink(path); } } - (void)testShCommands { GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runner]; [self helperTestBourneShellUsingScriptRunner:sr]; } - (void)testBashCommands { GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runnerWithBash]; [self helperTestBourneShellUsingScriptRunner:sr]; } - (void)testZshCommands { GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runnerWithInterpreter:@"/bin/zsh"]; [self helperTestBourneShellUsingScriptRunner:sr]; } - (void)testBcCommands { GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runnerWithInterpreter:@"/usr/bin/bc" withArgs:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"-lq"]]; STAssertNotNil(sr, @"Script runner must not be nil"); NSString *output = nil; // Simple expression (NOTE that bc requires that commands end with a newline) output = [sr run:@"1 + 2\n"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"3", @"output should equal '3'"); // Simple expression with variables and multiple statements output = [sr run:@"i=1; i+2\n"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"3", @"output should equal '3'"); // Simple expression with base conversion output = [sr run:@"obase=2; 2^5\n"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"100000", @"output should equal '100000'"); // Simple expression with sine and cosine functions output = [sr run:@"scale=3;s(0)+c(0)\n"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"1.000", @"output should equal '1.000'"); } - (void)testPerlCommands { GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runnerWithPerl]; STAssertNotNil(sr, @"Script runner must not be nil"); NSString *output = nil; // Simple print output = [sr run:@"print 'hi'"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"hi", @"output should equal 'hi'"); // Simple print x4 output = [sr run:@"print 'A'x4"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"AAAA", @"output should equal 'AAAA'"); // Simple perl-y stuff output = [sr run:@"my $i=0; until ($i++==41){} print $i"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"42", @"output should equal '42'"); } - (void)testPythonCommands { GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runnerWithPython]; STAssertNotNil(sr, @"Script runner must not be nil"); NSString *output = nil; // Simple print output = [sr run:@"print 'hi'"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"hi", @"output should equal 'hi'"); // Simple python expression output = [sr run:@"print '-'.join(['a', 'b', 'c'])"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"a-b-c", @"output should equal 'a-b-c'"); } - (void)testBashScript { GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runnerWithBash]; STAssertNotNil(sr, @"Script runner must not be nil"); NSString *output = nil; // Simple sh script output = [sr runScript:shScript_]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"1", @"output should equal '1'"); // Simple sh script with 1 command line argument output = [sr runScript:shScript_ withArgs:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"2"]]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"2", @"output should equal '2'"); } - (void)testPerlScript { GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runnerWithPerl]; STAssertNotNil(sr, @"Script runner must not be nil"); NSString *output = nil; // Simple Perl script output = [sr runScript:perlScript_]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"1", @"output should equal '1'"); // Simple perl script with 1 command line argument output = [sr runScript:perlScript_ withArgs:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"2"]]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"2", @"output should equal '2'"); } - (void)testEnvironment { GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runner]; STAssertNotNil(sr, @"Script runner must not be nil"); NSString *output = nil; NSString *error = nil; STAssertNil([sr environment], @"should start w/ empty env"); output = [sr run:@"/usr/bin/env | wc -l" standardError:&error]; int numVars = [output intValue]; STAssertGreaterThan(numVars, 0, @"numVars should be positive. StdErr %@", error); // By default the environment is wiped clean, however shells often add a few // of their own env vars after things have been wiped. For example, sh will // add about 3 env vars (PWD, _, and SHLVL). STAssertLessThan(numVars, 5, @"Our env should be almost empty"); NSDictionary *newEnv = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"bar" forKey:@"foo"]; [sr setEnvironment:newEnv]; output = [sr run:@"/usr/bin/env | wc -l" standardError:&error]; STAssertEquals([output intValue], numVars + 1, @"should have one more env var now. StdErr %@", error); [sr setEnvironment:nil]; output = [sr run:@"/usr/bin/env | wc -l" standardError:&error]; STAssertEquals([output intValue], numVars, @"should be back down to %d vars. StdErr:%@", numVars, error); NSMutableDictionary *currVars = [[[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] environment] mutableCopy] autorelease]; // When debugging a release build _ was not in the processInfo environment // causing the assert below to fail. Not sure why, but it appeared // to be harmless, and easy to account for. [currVars setObject:@"/usr/bin/env" forKey:@"_"]; [sr setEnvironment:currVars]; output = [sr run:@"/usr/bin/env | /usr/bin/sort" standardError:&error]; NSArray *lineArray = [output componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"]; STAssertEquals([lineArray count], [currVars count], @"StdErr:%@\nCurrentEnvironment:\n%@\nExpected environment:\n%@", error, output, currVars); } - (void)testDescription { // make sure description doesn't choke GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runner]; STAssertNotNil(sr, @"Script runner must not be nil"); STAssertGreaterThan([[sr description] length], (NSUInteger)10, @"expected a description of at least 10 chars"); } - (void)testRunCommandOutputHandling { // Test whitespace trimming & stdout vs. stderr w/ run command api GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runnerWithBash]; STAssertNotNil(sr, @"Script runner must not be nil"); NSString *output = nil; NSString *err = nil; // w/o whitespace trimming { [sr setTrimsWhitespace:NO]; STAssertFalse([sr trimsWhitespace], @"setTrimsWhitespace to NO failed"); // test stdout output = [sr run:@"echo \" on out \"" standardError:&err]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @" on out \n", @"failed to get stdout output"); STAssertNil(err, @"stderr should have been empty"); // test stderr output = [sr run:@"echo \" on err \" > /dev/stderr" standardError:&err]; STAssertNil(output, @"stdout should have been empty"); STAssertEqualObjects(err, @" on err \n", nil); } // w/ whitespace trimming { [sr setTrimsWhitespace:YES]; STAssertTrue([sr trimsWhitespace], @"setTrimsWhitespace to YES failed"); // test stdout output = [sr run:@"echo \" on out \"" standardError:&err]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"on out", @"failed to get stdout output"); STAssertNil(err, @"stderr should have been empty"); // test stderr output = [sr run:@"echo \" on err \" > /dev/stderr" standardError:&err]; STAssertNil(output, @"stdout should have been empty"); STAssertEqualObjects(err, @"on err", nil); } } - (void)testScriptOutputHandling { // Test whitespace trimming & stdout vs. stderr w/ script api GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runner]; STAssertNotNil(sr, @"Script runner must not be nil"); NSString *output = nil; NSString *err = nil; // w/o whitespace trimming { [sr setTrimsWhitespace:NO]; STAssertFalse([sr trimsWhitespace], @"setTrimsWhitespace to NO failed"); // test stdout output = [sr runScript:shOutputScript_ withArgs:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"out"] standardError:&err]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @" on out \n", nil); STAssertNil(err, @"stderr should have been empty"); // test stderr output = [sr runScript:shOutputScript_ withArgs:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"err"] standardError:&err]; STAssertNil(output, @"stdout should have been empty"); STAssertEqualObjects(err, @" on err \n", nil); } // w/ whitespace trimming { [sr setTrimsWhitespace:YES]; STAssertTrue([sr trimsWhitespace], @"setTrimsWhitespace to YES failed"); // test stdout output = [sr runScript:shOutputScript_ withArgs:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"out"] standardError:&err]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"on out", nil); STAssertNil(err, @"stderr should have been empty"); // test stderr output = [sr runScript:shOutputScript_ withArgs:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"err"] standardError:&err]; STAssertNil(output, @"stdout should have been empty"); STAssertEqualObjects(err, @"on err", nil); } } - (void)testBadRunCommandInput { GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runner]; STAssertNotNil(sr, @"Script runner must not be nil"); NSString *err = nil; STAssertNil([sr run:nil standardError:&err], nil); STAssertNil(err, nil); } - (void)testBadScriptInput { GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runner]; STAssertNotNil(sr, @"Script runner must not be nil"); NSString *err = nil; STAssertNil([sr runScript:nil withArgs:nil standardError:&err], nil); STAssertNil(err, nil); STAssertNil([sr runScript:@"/path/that/does/not/exists/foo/bar/baz" withArgs:nil standardError:&err], nil); STAssertNotNil(err, @"should have gotten something about the path not existing"); } - (void)testBadCmdInterpreter { GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runnerWithInterpreter:@"/path/that/does/not/exists/interpreter"]; STAssertNotNil(sr, @"Script runner must not be nil"); NSString *err = nil; STAssertNil([sr run:nil standardError:&err], nil); STAssertNil(err, nil); [GTMUnitTestDevLog expectString:@"Failed to launch interpreter " "'/path/that/does/not/exists/interpreter' due to: launch path not accessible"]; STAssertNil([sr run:@"ls /" standardError:&err], nil); STAssertNil(err, nil); } - (void)testBadScriptInterpreter { GTMScriptRunner *sr = [GTMScriptRunner runnerWithInterpreter:@"/path/that/does/not/exists/interpreter"]; STAssertNotNil(sr, @"Script runner must not be nil"); NSString *err = nil; [GTMUnitTestDevLog expectString:@"Failed to launch interpreter " "'/path/that/does/not/exists/interpreter' due to: launch path not accessible"]; STAssertNil([sr runScript:shScript_ withArgs:nil standardError:&err], nil); STAssertNil(err, nil); [GTMUnitTestDevLog expectString:@"Failed to launch interpreter " "'/path/that/does/not/exists/interpreter' due to: launch path not accessible"]; STAssertNil([sr runScript:@"/path/that/does/not/exists/foo/bar/baz" withArgs:nil standardError:&err], nil); STAssertNil(err, nil); } @end @implementation GTMScriptRunnerTest (PrivateMethods) - (void)helperTestBourneShellUsingScriptRunner:(GTMScriptRunner *)sr { STAssertNotNil(sr, @"Script runner must not be nil"); NSString *output = nil; // Simple command output = [sr run:@"ls /etc/passwd"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"/etc/passwd", @"output should equal '/etc/passwd'"); // Simple command pipe-line output = [sr run:@"ls /etc/ | grep passwd | tail -1"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"passwd", @"output should equal 'passwd'"); // Simple pipe-line with quotes and awk variables output = [sr run:@"ps jaxww | awk '{print $2}' | sort -nr | tail -2 | head -1"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"1", @"output should equal '1'"); // Simple shell loop with variables output = [sr run:@"i=0; while [ $i -lt 100 ]; do i=$((i+1)); done; echo $i"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"100", @"output should equal '100'"); // Simple command with newlines output = [sr run:@"i=1\necho $i"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"1", @"output should equal '1'"); // Simple full shell script output = [sr run:@"#!/bin/sh\ni=1\necho $i\n"]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"1", @"output should equal '1'"); NSString *err = nil; // Test getting standard error with no stdout output = [sr run:@"ls /etc/does-not-exist" standardError:&err]; STAssertNil(output, @"output should be nil due to expected error"); STAssertEqualObjects(err, @"ls: /etc/does-not-exist: No such file or directory", @""); // Test getting standard output along with some standard error output = [sr run:@"ls /etc/does-not-exist /etc/passwd" standardError:&err]; STAssertEqualObjects(output, @"/etc/passwd", @""); STAssertEqualObjects(err, @"ls: /etc/does-not-exist: No such file or directory", @""); } @end