// // GTMNSAppleScript+Handler.m // // Copyright 2008 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. // #import #import "GTMNSAppleScript+Handler.h" #import "GTMNSAppleEventDescriptor+Foundation.h" #import "GTMNSAppleEventDescriptor+Handler.h" #import "GTMFourCharCode.h" #import "GTMMethodCheck.h" // Some private methods that we need to call @interface NSAppleScript (NSPrivate) + (ComponentInstance)_defaultScriptingComponent; - (OSAID) _compiledScriptID; - (id)_initWithData:(NSData*)data error:(NSDictionary**)error; - (id)_initWithScriptIDNoCopy:(OSAID)osaID; + (id)_infoForOSAError:(OSAError)error; @end @interface NSMethodSignature (NSPrivate) + (id)signatureWithObjCTypes:(const char *)fp8; @end // Our own private interfaces. @interface NSAppleScript (GTMAppleScriptHandlerAdditionsPrivate) // Return an descriptor for a property. Properties are only supposed to be // of type NSString or GTMFourCharCode. GTMFourCharCode's need special handling // as they must be turned into NSAppleEventDescriptors of typeProperty. - (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_descriptorForPropertyValue:(id)property; // Return an NSAppleEventDescriptor for a given property. // |property| must be kind of class GTMFourCharCode - (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_valueDescriptorForProperty:(id)property; // Utility routine for extracting multiple values in scripts and their // parents. - (NSSet*)gtm_allValuesUsingSelector:(SEL)selector; // Utility routine for extracting the handlers for a specific script without // referring to parent scripts. - (NSSet*)gtm_scriptHandlers; // Utility routine for extracting the properties for a specific script without // referring to parent scripts. - (NSSet*)gtm_scriptProperties; // Handles creating an NSAppleEventDescriptor from an OSAID - (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)descForScriptID:(OSAID)scriptID component:(ComponentInstance)component; // Utility methods for converting between real and generic OSAIDs. - (OSAID)gtm_genericID:(OSAID)osaID forComponent:(ComponentInstance)component; - (OSAID)gtm_realIDAndComponent:(ComponentInstance*)component; @end @implementation NSAppleScript(GTMAppleScriptHandlerAdditions) GTM_METHOD_CHECK(NSAppleEventDescriptor, gtm_descriptorWithPositionalHandler:parametersArray:); // COV_NF_LINE GTM_METHOD_CHECK(NSAppleEventDescriptor, gtm_descriptorWithLabeledHandler:labels:parameters:count:); // COV_NF_LINE GTM_METHOD_CHECK(NSAppleEventDescriptor, gtm_registerSelector:forTypes:count:); // COV_NF_LINE + (void)load { DescType types[] = { typeScript }; NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_registerSelector:@selector(gtm_scriptValue) forTypes:types count:sizeof(types)/sizeof(DescType)]; DescType types2[] = { 'evnt' // No type code for this one }; [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_registerSelector:@selector(gtm_eventValue) forTypes:types2 count:sizeof(types2)/sizeof(DescType)]; DescType types3[] = { typeGTMOSAID }; [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_registerSelector:@selector(gtm_osaIDValue) forTypes:types3 count:sizeof(types3)/sizeof(DescType)]; [pool release]; } - (NSAppleEventDescriptor *)gtm_executeAppleEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)event error:(NSDictionary **)error { if (![self isCompiled]) { if (![self compileAndReturnError:error]) { return nil; } } NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = nil; ComponentInstance component; OSAID scriptID = [self gtm_realIDAndComponent:&component]; OSAID valueID; OSAError err = OSAExecuteEvent(component, [event aeDesc], scriptID, kOSAModeNull, &valueID); if (err == noErr) { // descForScriptID:component: is what sets this apart from the // standard executeAppelEvent:error: in that it handles // taking script results and turning them into AEDescs of typeGTMOSAID // instead of typeScript. desc = [self descForScriptID:valueID component:component]; } if (err && error) { *error = [NSAppleScript _infoForOSAError:err]; } return desc; } - (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_executePositionalHandler:(NSString*)handler parameters:(NSArray*)params error:(NSDictionary**)error { NSAppleEventDescriptor *event = [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_descriptorWithPositionalHandler:handler parametersArray:params]; return [self gtm_executeAppleEvent:event error:error]; } - (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_executeLabeledHandler:(NSString*)handler labels:(AEKeyword*)labels parameters:(id*)params count:(NSUInteger)count error:(NSDictionary **)error { NSAppleEventDescriptor *event = [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_descriptorWithLabeledHandler:handler labels:labels parameters:params count:count]; return [self gtm_executeAppleEvent:event error:error]; } - (NSSet*)gtm_handlers { return [self gtm_allValuesUsingSelector:@selector(gtm_scriptHandlers)]; } - (NSSet*)gtm_properties { return [self gtm_allValuesUsingSelector:@selector(gtm_scriptProperties)]; } // Set a value for a property by type (eg pASTopLevelScript) - (BOOL)gtm_setValue:(id)value forPropertyEnum:(DescType)property addingDefinition:(BOOL)adding { GTMFourCharCode *fcc = [GTMFourCharCode fourCharCodeWithFourCharCode:property]; return [self gtm_setValue:value forProperty:fcc addingDefinition:adding]; } - (BOOL)gtm_setValue:(id)value forProperty:(id)property addingDefinition:(BOOL)adding{ OSAError error = paramErr; BOOL wasGood = NO; NSAppleEventDescriptor *propertyName = [self gtm_descriptorForPropertyValue:property]; NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [value gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; if (propertyName && desc) { NSAppleScript *script = self; OSAID valueID = kOSANullScript; ComponentInstance component; OSAID scriptID = [script gtm_realIDAndComponent:&component]; error = OSACoerceFromDesc(component, [desc aeDesc], kOSAModeNull, &valueID); if (error == noErr) { error = OSASetProperty(component, adding ? kOSAModeNull : kOSAModeDontDefine, scriptID, [propertyName aeDesc], valueID); if (error == noErr) { wasGood = YES; } } } if (!wasGood) { _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to setValue:%@ forProperty:%@ from %@ (%d)", value, property, self, error); } return wasGood; } - (id)gtm_valueForProperty:(id)property { return [[self gtm_valueDescriptorForProperty:property] gtm_objectValue]; } - (id)gtm_valueForPropertyEnum:(DescType)property { GTMFourCharCode *fcc = [GTMFourCharCode fourCharCodeWithFourCharCode:property]; return [self gtm_valueForProperty:fcc]; } - (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_appleEventDescriptor { ComponentInstance component; OSAID osaID = [self gtm_realIDAndComponent:&component]; AEDesc result = { typeNull, NULL }; NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = nil; OSAError error = OSACoerceToDesc(component, osaID, typeScript, kOSAModeNull, &result); if (error == noErr) { desc = [[[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc] initWithAEDescNoCopy:&result] autorelease]; } else { _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to coerce script %d", error); // COV_NF_LINE } return desc; } - (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector { NSMethodSignature *signature = [super methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector]; if (!signature) { NSMutableString *types = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"@@:"]; NSString *selName = NSStringFromSelector(aSelector); NSArray *selArray = [selName componentsSeparatedByString:@":"]; NSUInteger count = [selArray count]; for (NSUInteger i = 1; i < count; i++) { [types appendString:@"@"]; } signature = [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes:[types UTF8String]]; } return signature; } - (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation { SEL sel = [invocation selector]; NSMutableString *handlerName = [NSStringFromSelector(sel) mutableCopy]; NSUInteger handlerOrigLength = [handlerName length]; [handlerName replaceOccurrencesOfString:@":" withString:@"" options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0,handlerOrigLength)]; NSUInteger argCount = handlerOrigLength - [handlerName length]; NSMutableArray *args = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:argCount]; for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < argCount; ++i) { id arg; // +2 to ignore _sel and _cmd [invocation getArgument:&arg atIndex:i + 2]; [args addObject:arg]; } NSDictionary *error = nil; NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [self gtm_executePositionalHandler:handlerName parameters:args error:&error]; if ([[invocation methodSignature] methodReturnLength] > 0) { id returnValue = [desc gtm_objectValue]; [invocation setReturnValue:&returnValue]; } } @end @implementation NSAppleScript (GTMAppleScriptHandlerAdditionsPrivate) - (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_descriptorForPropertyValue:(id)property { NSAppleEventDescriptor *propDesc = nil; if ([property isKindOfClass:[GTMFourCharCode class]]) { propDesc = [property gtm_appleEventDescriptorOfType:typeProperty]; } else if ([property isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { propDesc = [property gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; } return propDesc; } - (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_valueDescriptorForProperty:(id)property { OSAError error = paramErr; NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = nil; NSAppleEventDescriptor *propertyName = [self gtm_descriptorForPropertyValue:property]; if (propertyName) { ComponentInstance component; OSAID scriptID = [self gtm_realIDAndComponent:&component]; OSAID valueID = kOSANullScript; error = OSAGetProperty(component, kOSAModeNull, scriptID, [propertyName aeDesc], &valueID); if (error == noErr) { desc = [self descForScriptID:valueID component:component]; } } if (error) { _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to get valueForProperty:%@ from %@ (%d)", property, self, error); } return desc; } - (NSSet*)gtm_allValuesUsingSelector:(SEL)selector { NSMutableSet *resultSet = [NSMutableSet set]; NSAppleEventDescriptor *scriptDesc = [self gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; NSMutableSet *scriptDescsWeveSeen = [NSMutableSet set]; GTMFourCharCode *fcc = [GTMFourCharCode fourCharCodeWithFourCharCode:pASParent]; Class appleScriptClass = [NSAppleScript class]; while (scriptDesc) { NSAppleScript *script = [scriptDesc gtm_objectValue]; if ([script isKindOfClass:appleScriptClass]) { NSData *data = [scriptDesc data]; if (!data || [scriptDescsWeveSeen containsObject:data]) { break; } else { [scriptDescsWeveSeen addObject:data]; } NSSet *newSet = [script performSelector:selector]; [resultSet unionSet:newSet]; scriptDesc = [script gtm_valueDescriptorForProperty:fcc]; } else { break; } } return resultSet; } - (NSSet*)gtm_scriptHandlers { AEDescList names = { typeNull, NULL }; NSArray *array = nil; ComponentInstance component; OSAID osaID = [self gtm_realIDAndComponent:&component]; OSAError error = OSAGetHandlerNames(component, kOSAModeNull, osaID, &names); if (error == noErr) { NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [[[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc] initWithAEDescNoCopy:&names] autorelease]; array = [desc gtm_objectValue]; } if (error != noErr) { _GTMDevLog(@"Error getting handlers: %d", error); // COV_NF_LINE } return [NSSet setWithArray:array]; } - (NSSet*)gtm_scriptProperties { AEDescList names = { typeNull, NULL }; NSArray *array = nil; ComponentInstance component; OSAID osaID = [self gtm_realIDAndComponent:&component]; OSAError error = OSAGetPropertyNames(component, kOSAModeNull, osaID, &names); if (error == noErr) { NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [[[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc] initWithAEDescNoCopy:&names] autorelease]; array = [desc gtm_objectValue]; } if (error != noErr) { _GTMDevLog(@"Error getting properties: %d", error); // COV_NF_LINE } return [NSSet setWithArray:array]; } - (OSAID)gtm_genericID:(OSAID)osaID forComponent:(ComponentInstance)component { ComponentInstance genericComponent = [NSAppleScript _defaultScriptingComponent]; OSAID exactID = osaID; OSAError error = OSARealToGenericID(genericComponent, &exactID, component); if (error != noErr) { _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to get real id script: %@ %d", self, error); // COV_NF_LINE exactID = kOSANullScript; // COV_NF_LINE } return exactID; } - (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)descForScriptID:(OSAID)osaID component:(ComponentInstance)component { NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = nil; // If we have a script, return a typeGTMOSAID, otherwise convert it to // it's default AEDesc using OSACoerceToDesc with typeWildCard. long value = 0; OSAError err = noErr; if (osaID == 0) { desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor nullDescriptor]; } else { err = OSAGetScriptInfo(component, osaID, kOSAScriptBestType, &value); if (err == noErr) { if (value == typeScript) { osaID = [self gtm_genericID:osaID forComponent:component]; desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithDescriptorType:typeGTMOSAID bytes:&osaID length:sizeof(osaID)]; } else { AEDesc aeDesc; err = OSACoerceToDesc(component, osaID, typeWildCard, kOSAModeNull, &aeDesc); if (err == noErr) { desc = [[[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc] initWithAEDescNoCopy:&aeDesc] autorelease]; } } } } if (err != noErr) { _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to create desc for id:%d (%d)", osaID, err); // COV_NF_LINE } return desc; } - (OSAID)gtm_realIDAndComponent:(ComponentInstance*)component { if (![self isCompiled]) { NSDictionary *error; if (![self compileAndReturnError:&error]) { _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to compile script: %@ %@", self, error); return kOSANullScript; } } OSAID genericID = [self _compiledScriptID]; ComponentInstance genericComponent = [NSAppleScript _defaultScriptingComponent]; OSAError error = OSAGenericToRealID(genericComponent, &genericID, component); if (error != noErr) { _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to get real id script: %@ %d", self, error); // COV_NF_LINE genericID = kOSANullScript; // COV_NF_LINE } return genericID; } @end // Private methods for dealing with Scripts/Events and NSAppleEventDescriptors @interface NSAppleEventDescriptor (GTMAppleEventDescriptorScriptAdditions) // Return an NSAppleScript for a desc of typeScript. This will create a new // Applescript that is a copy of the script that you want. // Returns nil on failure. - (NSAppleScript*)gtm_scriptValue; // Return an NSAppleScript for a desc of typeGTMOSAID. This will not copy the // script, but will create an NSAppleScript wrapping the script represented // by the OSAID. // Returns nil on failure. - (NSAppleScript*)gtm_osaIDValue; // Return a NSString with [eventClass][eventID] for typeEvent 'evnt' - (NSString*)gtm_eventValue; @end @implementation NSAppleEventDescriptor (GMAppleEventDescriptorScriptAdditions) - (NSAppleScript*)gtm_scriptValue { NSDictionary *error; NSAppleScript *script = [[[NSAppleScript alloc] _initWithData:[self data] error:&error] autorelease]; if (!script) { _GTMDevLog(@"Unable to create script: %@", error); // COV_NF_LINE } return script; } - (NSAppleScript*)gtm_osaIDValue { _GTMDevAssert([[self data] length] == sizeof(OSAID), nil); OSAID osaID = *(const OSAID*)[[self data] bytes]; return [[[NSAppleScript alloc] _initWithScriptIDNoCopy:osaID] autorelease]; } - (NSString*)gtm_eventValue { struct AEEventRecordStruct { AEEventClass eventClass; AEEventID eventID; }; NSData *data = [self data]; const struct AEEventRecordStruct *record = (const struct AEEventRecordStruct*)[data bytes]; NSString *eClass = [GTMFourCharCode stringWithFourCharCode:record->eventClass]; NSString *eID = [GTMFourCharCode stringWithFourCharCode:record->eventID]; return [eClass stringByAppendingString:eID]; } @end