// // GTMNSAppleEventDescriptor+FoundationTest.m // // Copyright 2008 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. // #import "GTMSenTestCase.h" #import #import "GTMNSAppleEventDescriptor+Foundation.h" #import "GTMFourCharCode.h" #import "GTMUnitTestDevLog.h" @interface GTMNSAppleEventDescriptor_TestObject : NSObject @end @implementation GTMNSAppleEventDescriptor_TestObject - (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)gtm_appleEventDescriptor { return nil; } @end @interface GTMNSAppleEventDescriptor_FoundationTest : GTMTestCase { BOOL gotEvent_; } - (void)handleEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)event withReply:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)reply; - (void)handleEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)event withError:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)reply; @end @implementation GTMNSAppleEventDescriptor_FoundationTest - (void)testRegisterSelectorForTypesCount { // Weird edge casey stuff. // + (void)registerSelector:(SEL)selector // forTypes:(DescType*)types count:(int)count // is tested heavily by the other NSAppleEventDescriptor+foo categories. DescType type; [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_registerSelector:nil forTypes:&type count:1]; [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_registerSelector:@selector(retain) forTypes:nil count:1]; [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_registerSelector:@selector(retain) forTypes:&type count:0]; // Test the duplicate case [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_registerSelector:@selector(retain) forTypes:&type count:1]; [GTMUnitTestDevLog expectPattern:@"retain being replaced with retain exists " "for type: [0-9]+"]; [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_registerSelector:@selector(retain) forTypes:&type count:1]; } - (void)testObjectValue { // - (void)testObjectValue is tested heavily by the other // NSAppleEventDescriptor+foo categories. long data = 1; // v@#f is just a bogus descriptor type that we don't recognize. NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithDescriptorType:'v@#f' bytes:&data length:sizeof(data)]; id value = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNil(value, nil); } - (void)testAppleEventDescriptor { // - (NSAppleEventDescriptor*)appleEventDescriptor is tested heavily by the // other NSAppleEventDescriptor+foo categories. NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [self gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, nil); STAssertEquals([desc descriptorType], (DescType)typeUnicodeText, nil); } - (void)testDescriptorWithArrayAndArrayValue { // Test empty array NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [[NSArray array] gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, nil); STAssertEquals([desc numberOfItems], (NSInteger)0, nil); // Complex array NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSNumber numberWithInt:4], @"foo", [NSNumber numberWithInt:2], @"bar", [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"bam", [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:4.2f]], nil], nil]; STAssertNotNil(array, nil); desc = [array gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, nil); NSArray *array2 = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(array2, nil); NSArray *array3 = [desc gtm_arrayValue]; STAssertNotNil(array3, nil); STAssertTrue([array isEqualToArray:array2], @"array: %@\narray2: %@\ndesc: %@", [array description], [array2 description], [desc description]); STAssertTrue([array2 isEqualToArray:array3], @"array: %@\narray2: %@\ndesc: %@", [array description], [array2 description], [desc description]); // Test a single object array = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"foo"]; desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithString:@"foo"]; STAssertNotNil(desc, nil); array2 = [desc gtm_arrayValue]; STAssertTrue([array isEqualToArray:array2], @"array: %@\narray2: %@\ndesc: %@", [array description], [array2 description], [desc description]); // Something that doesn't know how to register itself. GTMNSAppleEventDescriptor_TestObject *obj = [[[GTMNSAppleEventDescriptor_TestObject alloc] init] autorelease]; [GTMUnitTestDevLog expectPattern:@"Unable to create Apple Event Descriptor for .*"]; desc = [[NSArray arrayWithObject:obj] gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNil(desc, @"Should be nil"); // A list containing something we don't know how to deal with desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor listDescriptor]; NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc2 = [NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithDescriptorType:'@!@#' bytes:&desc length:sizeof(desc)]; [GTMUnitTestDevLog expectPattern:@"Unknown type of descriptor " ""]; [desc insertDescriptor:desc2 atIndex:0]; array = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertEquals([array count], (NSUInteger)0, @"Should have 0 items"); } - (void)testDescriptorWithDictionaryAndDictionaryValue { // Test empty dictionary NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [[NSDictionary dictionary] gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, nil); STAssertEquals([desc numberOfItems], (NSInteger)0, nil); // Complex dictionary NSDictionary *dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"fooobject", @"fookey", @"barobject", @"barkey", [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"january", [GTMFourCharCode fourCharCodeWithFourCharCode:cJanuary], @"february", [GTMFourCharCode fourCharCodeWithFourCharCode:cFebruary], nil], @"dictkey", nil]; STAssertNotNil(dictionary, nil); desc = [dictionary gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, nil); NSDictionary *dictionary2 = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(dictionary2, nil); NSDictionary *dictionary3 = [desc gtm_dictionaryValue]; STAssertNotNil(dictionary3, nil); STAssertEqualObjects(dictionary, dictionary2, @"desc: %@", [desc description]); STAssertEqualObjects(dictionary2, dictionary3, @"desc: %@", [desc description]); // Something that doesn't know how to register itself. GTMNSAppleEventDescriptor_TestObject *obj = [[[GTMNSAppleEventDescriptor_TestObject alloc] init] autorelease]; [GTMUnitTestDevLog expectPattern:@"Unable to create Apple Event Descriptor for .*"]; desc = [[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:obj forKey:@"foo"] gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNil(desc, @"Should be nil"); GTMFourCharCode *fcc = [GTMFourCharCode fourCharCodeWithFourCharCode:cJanuary]; desc = [[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:obj forKey:fcc] gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNil(desc, @"Should be nil"); // A list containing something we don't know how to deal with desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor recordDescriptor]; NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc2 = [NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithDescriptorType:'@!@#' bytes:&desc length:sizeof(desc)]; [desc setDescriptor:desc2 forKeyword:cJanuary]; [GTMUnitTestDevLog expectPattern:@"Unknown type of descriptor " ""]; dictionary = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertEquals([dictionary count], (NSUInteger)0, @"Should have 0 items"); // A bad dictionary dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"foo", [GTMFourCharCode fourCharCodeWithFourCharCode:'APPL'], @"bam", @"bar", nil]; STAssertNotNil(dictionary, nil); // I cannot use expectString here to the exact string because interestingly // dictionaries in 64 bit enumerate in a different order from dictionaries // on 32 bit. This is the closest pattern I can match. [GTMUnitTestDevLog expectPattern:@"Keys must be homogenous .*"]; desc = [dictionary gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNil(desc, nil); // Another bad dictionary dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"foo", [NSNumber numberWithInt:4], @"bam", @"bar", nil]; STAssertNotNil(dictionary, nil); // I cannot use expectString here to the exact string because interestingly // dictionaries in 64 bit enumerate in a different order from dictionaries // on 32 bit. This is the closest pattern I can match. [GTMUnitTestDevLog expectPattern:@"Keys must be .*"]; desc = [dictionary gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNil(desc, nil); // A bad descriptor desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor recordDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @""); NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"foo", @"bar", @"bam", nil]; STAssertNotNil(array, @""); NSAppleEventDescriptor *userRecord = [array gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(userRecord, @""); [desc setDescriptor:userRecord forKeyword:keyASUserRecordFields]; [GTMUnitTestDevLog expectPattern:@"Got a key bam with no value in <.*"]; dictionary = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNil(dictionary, @"Should be nil"); } - (void)testDescriptorWithNull { // Test Null NSNull *null = [NSNull null]; NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [null gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, nil); NSNull *null2 = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(null2, nil); NSNull *null3 = [desc gtm_nullValue]; STAssertNotNil(null2, nil); STAssertEqualObjects(null, null2, @"null: %@\null2: %@\ndesc: %@", [null description], [null2 description], [desc description]); STAssertEqualObjects(null, null3, @"null: %@\null3: %@\ndesc: %@", [null description], [null3 description], [desc description]); } - (void)testDescriptorWithString { // Test empty String NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [[NSString string] gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, nil); // Test String NSString *string = @"Ratatouille!"; desc = [string gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, nil); NSString *string2 = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(string2, nil); STAssertEqualObjects(string, string2, @"string: %@\nstring: %@\ndesc: %@", [string description], [string2 description], [desc description]); } - (void)testDescriptorWithNumberAndNumberValue { // There's really no good way to make this into a loop sadly due // to me having to pass a pointer of bytes to NSInvocation as an argument. // I want the compiler to convert my int to the appropriate type. NSNumber *original = [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: YES"); NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: YES"); id returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: YES"); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: YES"); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: YES"); desc = [desc coerceToDescriptorType:typeBoolean]; NSNumber *number = [desc gtm_numberValue]; STAssertEqualObjects(number, original, @"Value: YES"); original = [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: NO"); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: NO"); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: NO"); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: NO"); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: NO"); sranddev(); double value = rand(); original = [NSNumber numberWithChar:value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); value = rand(); original = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); value = rand(); original = [NSNumber numberWithShort:value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); value = rand(); original = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); value = rand(); original = [NSNumber numberWithInt:(int)value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); value = rand(); original = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:(unsigned int)value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); value = rand(); original = [NSNumber numberWithLong:value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); value = rand(); original = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); value = rand(); original = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); value = rand(); original = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); float floatA = rand(); float floatB = rand(); value = floatA / floatB; original = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:(float)value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); double doubleA = rand(); double doubleB = rand(); value = doubleA / doubleB; original = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); value = rand(); original = [NSNumber numberWithBool:value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); value = NAN; original = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); value = INFINITY; original = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); value = -0.0; original = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); value = -INFINITY; original = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:value]; STAssertNotNil(original, @"Value: %g", value); desc = [original gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); returned = [desc gtm_objectValue]; STAssertNotNil(returned, @"Value: %g", value); STAssertTrue([returned isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Value: %g", value); STAssertEqualObjects(original, returned, @"Value: %g", value); } - (void)testDescriptorWithDoubleAndDoubleValue { sranddev(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { double value1 = rand(); double value2 = rand(); double value = value1 / value2; NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_descriptorWithDouble:value]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); double returnedValue = [desc gtm_doubleValue]; STAssertEquals(value, returnedValue, @"Value: %g", value); } double specialCases[] = { 0.0f, __DBL_MIN__, __DBL_EPSILON__, INFINITY, NAN }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(specialCases) / sizeof(double); ++i) { double value = specialCases[i]; NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_descriptorWithDouble:value]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", value); double returnedValue = [desc gtm_doubleValue]; STAssertEquals(value, returnedValue, @"Value: %g", value); } } - (void)testDescriptorWithFloatAndFloatValue { sranddev(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { float value1 = rand(); float value2 = rand(); float value = value1 / value2; NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_descriptorWithFloat:value]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %f", value); float returnedValue = [desc gtm_floatValue]; STAssertEquals(value, returnedValue, @"Value: %f", value); } float specialCases[] = { 0.0f, FLT_MIN, FLT_MAX, FLT_EPSILON, INFINITY, NAN }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(specialCases) / sizeof(float); ++i) { float value = specialCases[i]; NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_descriptorWithFloat:value]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %f", value); float returnedValue = [desc gtm_floatValue]; STAssertEquals(value, returnedValue, @"Value: %f", value); } } - (void)testDescriptorWithCGFloatAndCGFloatValue { sranddev(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { CGFloat value1 = rand(); CGFloat value2 = rand(); CGFloat value = value1 / value2; NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_descriptorWithCGFloat:value]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", (double)value); CGFloat returnedValue = [desc gtm_cgFloatValue]; STAssertEquals(value, returnedValue, @"Value: %g", (double)value); } CGFloat specialCases[] = { 0.0f, CGFLOAT_MIN, CGFLOAT_MAX, NAN }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(specialCases) / sizeof(CGFloat); ++i) { CGFloat value = specialCases[i]; NSAppleEventDescriptor *desc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor gtm_descriptorWithCGFloat:value]; STAssertNotNil(desc, @"Value: %g", (double)value); CGFloat returnedValue = [desc gtm_cgFloatValue]; STAssertEquals(value, returnedValue, @"Value: %g", (double)value); } } - (void)handleEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)event withReply:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)reply { gotEvent_ = YES; NSAppleEventDescriptor *answer = [NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithInt32:1]; [reply setDescriptor:answer forKeyword:keyDirectObject]; } - (void)handleEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)event withError:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)error { gotEvent_ = YES; NSAppleEventDescriptor *answer = [NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithInt32:1]; [error setDescriptor:answer forKeyword:keyErrorNumber]; } - (void)testSend { const AEEventClass eventClass = 'Fooz'; const AEEventID eventID = 'Ball'; NSAppleEventManager *mgr = [NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager]; [mgr setEventHandler:self andSelector:@selector(handleEvent:withReply:) forEventClass:eventClass andEventID:'Ball']; NSAppleEventDescriptor *currentProcess = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] gtm_appleEventDescriptor]; NSAppleEventDescriptor *event = [NSAppleEventDescriptor appleEventWithEventClass:eventClass eventID:eventID targetDescriptor:currentProcess returnID:kAutoGenerateReturnID transactionID:kAnyTransactionID]; gotEvent_ = NO; NSAppleEventDescriptor *reply; BOOL goodEvent = [event gtm_sendEventWithMode:kAEWaitReply timeOut:60 reply:&reply]; [mgr removeEventHandlerForEventClass:eventClass andEventID:eventID]; STAssertTrue(goodEvent, @"bad event?"); STAssertTrue(gotEvent_, @"Handler not called"); NSAppleEventDescriptor *value = [reply descriptorForKeyword:keyDirectObject]; STAssertEquals([value int32Value], (SInt32)1, @"didn't get reply"); gotEvent_ = NO; [GTMUnitTestDevLog expectString:@"Unable to send message: " " -1708"]; goodEvent = [event gtm_sendEventWithMode:kAEWaitReply timeOut:60 reply:&reply]; STAssertFalse(goodEvent, @"good event?"); STAssertFalse(gotEvent_, @"Handler called?"); [mgr setEventHandler:self andSelector:@selector(handleEvent:withError:) forEventClass:eventClass andEventID:eventID]; gotEvent_ = NO; goodEvent = [event gtm_sendEventWithMode:kAEWaitReply timeOut:60 reply:&reply]; STAssertFalse(goodEvent, @"good event?"); STAssertTrue(gotEvent_, @"Handler not called?"); [mgr removeEventHandlerForEventClass:eventClass andEventID:eventID]; } @end