// // GTMLoggerRingBufferWriter.m // // Copyright 2007-2008 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. // #import "GTMLoggerRingBufferWriter.h" // Holds a message and a level. struct GTMRingBufferPair { // Explicitly using CFStringRef instead of NSString because in a GC world, the // NSString will be collected because there is no way for the GC to know that // there is a strong reference to the NSString in this data structure. By // using a CFStringRef we can CFRetain it, and avoid the problem. CFStringRef logMessage_; GTMLoggerLevel level_; }; // There are two operations that involve iterating over the buffer // contents and doing Something to them. This is a callback function // that is called for every pair living in the buffer. typedef void (GTMRingBufferPairCallback)(GTMLoggerRingBufferWriter *rbw, GTMRingBufferPair *pair); @interface GTMLoggerRingBufferWriter (PrivateMethods) // Add the message and level to the ring buffer. - (void)addMessage:(NSString *)message level:(GTMLoggerLevel)level; // Walk the buffer invoking the callback. - (void)iterateBufferWithCallback:(GTMRingBufferPairCallback)callback; @end // PrivateMethods @implementation GTMLoggerRingBufferWriter + (id)ringBufferWriterWithCapacity:(NSUInteger)capacity writer:(id)writer { GTMLoggerRingBufferWriter *rbw = [[[self alloc] initWithCapacity:capacity writer:writer] autorelease]; return rbw; } // ringBufferWriterWithCapacity - (id)initWithCapacity:(NSUInteger)capacity writer:(id)writer { if ((self = [super init])) { writer_ = [writer retain]; capacity_ = capacity; buffer_ = (GTMRingBufferPair *)calloc(capacity_, sizeof(GTMRingBufferPair)); nextIndex_ = 0; if (capacity_ == 0 || !buffer_ || !writer_) { [self release]; self = nil; } } return self; } // initWithCapacity - (id)init { return [self initWithCapacity:0 writer:nil]; } // init - (void)dealloc { [self reset]; [writer_ release]; if (buffer_) free(buffer_); [super dealloc]; } // dealloc - (NSUInteger)capacity { return capacity_; } // capacity - (id)writer { return writer_; } // writer - (NSUInteger)count { NSUInteger count = 0; @synchronized(self) { if ((nextIndex_ == 0 && totalLogged_ > 0) || totalLogged_ >= capacity_) { // We've wrapped around count = capacity_; } else { count = nextIndex_; } } return count; } // count - (NSUInteger)droppedLogCount { NSUInteger droppedCount = 0; @synchronized(self) { if (capacity_ > totalLogged_) { droppedCount = 0; } else { droppedCount = totalLogged_ - capacity_; } } return droppedCount; } // droppedLogCount - (NSUInteger)totalLogged { return totalLogged_; } // totalLogged // Assumes caller will do any necessary synchronization. // This walks over the buffer, taking into account any wrap-around, // and calls the callback on each pair. - (void)iterateBufferWithCallback:(GTMRingBufferPairCallback)callback { GTMRingBufferPair *scan, *stop; // If we've wrapped around, print out the ring buffer from |nextIndex_| // to the end. if (totalLogged_ >= capacity_) { scan = buffer_ + nextIndex_; stop = buffer_ + capacity_; while (scan < stop) { callback(self, scan); ++scan; } } // And then print from the beginning to right before |nextIndex_| scan = buffer_; stop = buffer_ + nextIndex_; while (scan < stop) { callback(self, scan); ++scan; } } // iterateBufferWithCallback // Used when resetting the buffer. This frees the string and zeros out // the structure. static void ResetCallback(GTMLoggerRingBufferWriter *rbw, GTMRingBufferPair *pair) { if (pair->logMessage_) { CFRelease(pair->logMessage_); } pair->logMessage_ = nil; pair->level_ = kGTMLoggerLevelUnknown; } // ResetCallback // Reset the contents. - (void)reset { @synchronized(self) { [self iterateBufferWithCallback:ResetCallback]; nextIndex_ = 0; totalLogged_ = 0; } } // reset // Go ahead and log the stored backlog, writing it through the // ring buffer's |writer_|. static void PrintContentsCallback(GTMLoggerRingBufferWriter *rbw, GTMRingBufferPair *pair) { [[rbw writer] logMessage:(NSString*)pair->logMessage_ level:pair->level_]; } // PrintContentsCallback - (void)dumpContents { @synchronized(self) { [self iterateBufferWithCallback:PrintContentsCallback]; } } // printContents // Assumes caller will do any necessary synchronization. - (void)addMessage:(NSString *)message level:(GTMLoggerLevel)level { NSUInteger newIndex = nextIndex_; nextIndex_ = (nextIndex_ + 1) % capacity_; ++totalLogged_; // Now store the goodies. GTMRingBufferPair *pair = buffer_ + newIndex; if (pair->logMessage_) { CFRelease(pair->logMessage_); pair->logMessage_ = nil; } if (message) { pair->logMessage_ = CFStringCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFStringRef)message); } pair->level_ = level; } // addMessage // From the GTMLogWriter protocol. - (void)logMessage:(NSString *)message level:(GTMLoggerLevel)level { @synchronized(self) { [self addMessage:(NSString*)message level:level]; if (level >= kGTMLoggerLevelError) { [self dumpContents]; [self reset]; } } } // logMessage @end // GTMLoggerRingBufferWriter