// // GTMWindowSheetController.h // // Copyright 2009 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. // #import // A class to manage multiple sheets for a window. Use it for tab-style // interfaces, where each tab might need its own sheet. // // While Cocoa can send notifications for when views resize, it does not do so // for views appearing/disappearing. The owner is responsible for calling // -setActiveView: appropriately as the visible views change. // // Notes on usage: // - Cocoa isn't used to sheets being (ab)used in the way we use them here and // makes sure we know it by providing slight visual anomalies like showing the // close box as disabled but not actually disabling it, and not showing // shadows for sheets. That's something you'll have to live with. // - YOU are responsible for making sure that all sheets are closed before // the windows containing them closes. That means: // - You MUST implement the window delegate method -windowShouldClose: for any // window using this class. In it, call -viewsWithAttachedSheets to see if // there are any views with sheets attached to them. If there are, switch to // that view and do not allow the window to close. // - You MUST implement GTMWindowSheetControllerDelegate's method // -gtm_systemRequestsVisibilityForView:. When that method is called, the // system is trying to quit but realizes that there is a sheet on a window // that prevents it from doing so. In such a case, switch to that view. // (The quit is already prevented from happening so you don't need to worry // about it.) // - You MUST implement the application delegate method // -applicationShouldTerminate:. In it, for every window that might have a // sheet, call -viewsWithAttachedSheets to see if there are any views with // sheets attached to them. If there are, switch to that view and do not // allow the application to quit. // I hope you see a pattern here. @protocol GTMWindowSheetControllerDelegate - (void)gtm_systemRequestsVisibilityForView:(NSView*)view; @end @interface GTMWindowSheetController : NSObject { @private __weak NSWindow* window_; __weak NSView* activeView_; __weak id delegate_; NSMutableDictionary* sheets_; // NSValue*(NSView*) -> SheetInfo* } // Initializes the class for use. // // Args: // window: The window for which to manage sheets. All views must be // contained by this window. // delegate: The delegate for this sheet controller. // - (id)initWithWindow:(NSWindow*)window delegate:(id )delegate; // Starts a view modal session for a sheet. Intentionally similar to // -[NSApplication beginSheet:modalForWindow:modalDelegate:didEndSelector: // contextInfo:]. // // Args: // sheet: The window object representing the sheet you want to // display. // view: The view object to which you want to attach the sheet. // modalDelegate: The delegate object that defines your didEndSelector // method. // didEndSelector: The method on the modalDelegate that will be called when // the sheet’s modal session has ended. This method must be // defined on the object in the modalDelegate parameter and // have the following signature: // - (void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet // returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode // contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo; // contextInfo: A pointer to the context info you want passed to the // didEndSelector method when the sheet’s modal session ends. // - (void)beginSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet modalForView:(NSView*)view modalDelegate:(id)modalDelegate didEndSelector:(SEL)didEndSelector contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo; // Starts a view modal session for a system sheet. Just about any AppKit class // that has an instance method named something like -beginSheetModalForWindow... // will work with this method. // // Args: // systemSheet: The object that will show a sheet when triggered // appropriately. // view: The view object to which you want to attach the sheet. // modalDelegate: The delegate object that defines your didEndSelector // method. // params: The parameters of the -beginSheetModalForWindow... selector. // For the parameter named "window", insert [NSNull null] into // the array instead. // - (void)beginSystemSheet:(id)systemSheet modalForView:(NSView*)view withParameters:(NSArray*)params; // Returns a BOOL value indicating whether the specified view has a sheet // attached to it (hidden or not). // // Args: // view: The view object to which a sheet might be attached. // // Returns: // Whether or not a sheet is indeed attached to that view. // - (BOOL)isSheetAttachedToView:(NSView*)view; // Returns a list of views that have sheets attached (hidden or not). // // Returns: // An array of views that have sheets. // - (NSArray*)viewsWithAttachedSheets; // Sets the specified view as active. The sheet (if there is one) for the active // view is shown; sheets for all other views are hidden. // // Args: // view: The view object to which a sheet is attached. // - (void)setActiveView:(NSView*)view; @end