// // GTMUILocalizerAndLayoutTweaker.m // // Copyright 2009 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. // #import "GTMUILocalizerAndLayoutTweaker.h" #import "GTMUILocalizer.h" #import "GTMNSNumber+64Bit.h" // Controls if +wrapString:width:font: uses a subclassed TypeSetter to do // its work in one pass. #define GTM_USE_TYPESETTER 1 // Helper that will try to do a SizeToFit on any UI items and do the special // case handling we also need to end up with a usable UI item. It also takes // an offset so we can slide the item if we need to. // Returns the change in the view's size. static NSSize SizeToFit(NSView *view, NSPoint offset); // Compare function for -[NSArray sortedArrayUsingFunction:context:] static NSInteger CompareFrameX(id view1, id view2, void *context); // Check if the view is anchored on the right (fixed right, flexible left). static BOOL IsRightAnchored(NSView *view); // Constant for a forced string wrap in button cells (Opt-Return in IB inserts // this into the string). NSString * const kForcedWrapString = @"\xA"; // Radio and Checkboxes (NSButtonCell) appears to use two different layout // algorithms for sizeToFit calls and drawing calls when there is a forced word // wrap in the title. The result is a sizeToFit can tell you it all fits N // lines in the given rect, but at draw time, it draws as >N lines and never // gets as wide, resulting in a clipped control. This fudge factor is what is // added to try and avoid these by giving the size calls just enough slop to // handle the differences. // radar://7831901 different wrapping between sizeToFit and drawing static const CGFloat kWrapperStringSlop = 0.9; #if GTM_USE_TYPESETTER @interface GTMBreakRecordingTypeSetter : NSATSTypesetter { @private NSMutableArray *array_; } @end @implementation GTMBreakRecordingTypeSetter - (id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { array_ = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [array_ release]; [super dealloc]; } - (BOOL)shouldBreakLineByWordBeforeCharacterAtIndex:(NSUInteger)charIndex { [array_ addObject:[NSNumber gtm_numberWithUnsignedInteger:charIndex]]; return YES; } - (NSArray*)breakArray { return array_; } @end #endif // GTM_USE_TYPESETTER @interface GTMUILocalizerAndLayoutTweaker (PrivateMethods) // Recursively walk the UI triggering Tweakers. - (void)tweakView:(NSView *)view; // Insert newlines so the string wraps to the given width using the requested // font. + (NSString*)wrapString:(NSString *)string width:(CGFloat)width font:(NSFont *)font; @end @interface GTMWidthBasedTweaker (InternalMethods) // Does the actual work to size and adjust the views within this Tweaker. The // offset is the amount this view should shift as part of it's resize. // Returns change in this view's width. - (CGFloat)tweakLayoutWithOffset:(NSPoint)offset; @end @implementation GTMUILocalizerAndLayoutTweaker - (void)awakeFromNib { if (uiObject_) { GTMUILocalizer *localizer = localizer_; if (!localizer) { NSBundle *bundle = [GTMUILocalizer bundleForOwner:localizerOwner_]; localizer = [[[GTMUILocalizer alloc] initWithBundle:bundle] autorelease]; } [self applyLocalizer:localizer tweakingUI:uiObject_]; } } - (void)applyLocalizer:(GTMUILocalizer *)localizer tweakingUI:(id)uiObject { // Localize first [localizer localizeObject:uiObject recursively:YES]; // Then tweak! [self tweakUI:uiObject]; } - (void)tweakUI:(id)uiObject { // Figure out where we start NSView *startView; if ([uiObject isKindOfClass:[NSWindow class]]) { startView = [(NSWindow *)uiObject contentView]; } else { _GTMDevAssert([uiObject isKindOfClass:[NSView class]], @"should have been a subclass of NSView"); startView = (NSView *)uiObject; } // Tweak away! [self tweakView:startView]; } - (void)tweakView:(NSView *)view { // If it's a alignment box, let it do its thing... if ([view isKindOfClass:[GTMWidthBasedTweaker class]]) { [(GTMWidthBasedTweaker *)view tweakLayoutWithOffset:NSZeroPoint]; // Do our best to support TabViews. If the tabs need to resize, you are // probably better off manually running them through a tweaker and then fixing // up the parent view (and other tabs) to look right. } else if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSTabView class]]) { NSArray *tabViewItems = [(NSTabView *)view tabViewItems]; NSTabViewItem *item = nil; GTM_FOREACH_OBJECT(item, tabViewItems) { [self tweakView:[item view]]; } // Generically look for subviews... } else { NSArray *subviews = [view subviews]; NSView *subview = nil; GTM_FOREACH_OBJECT(subview, subviews) { [self tweakView:subview]; } } } + (NSString*)wrapString:(NSString *)string width:(CGFloat)width font:(NSFont *)font { // Set up the objects needed for the layout work. NSRect targetRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, CGFLOAT_MAX); NSTextContainer* textContainer = [[[NSTextContainer alloc] initWithContainerSize:targetRect.size] autorelease]; NSLayoutManager* layoutManager = [[[NSLayoutManager alloc] init] autorelease]; NSTextStorage* textStorage = [[[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithString:string] autorelease]; [textStorage addLayoutManager:layoutManager]; [layoutManager addTextContainer:textContainer]; // From playing in interface builder, the padding seems to be 2 on the line // fragments to get the same wrapping as what the NSCell will do in the end. [textContainer setLineFragmentPadding:2.0f]; // Apply the font. [textStorage setFont:font]; // Get the mutable string for the layout, remove any forced wraps in it. NSMutableString* workerStr = [textStorage mutableString]; [workerStr replaceOccurrencesOfString:kForcedWrapString withString:@"" options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [workerStr length])]; #if GTM_USE_TYPESETTER // Put in the recording type setter. GTMBreakRecordingTypeSetter *typeSetter = [[[GTMBreakRecordingTypeSetter alloc] init] autorelease]; [layoutManager setTypesetter:typeSetter]; // Make sure things are layed out (10.5 has a clean API for this, 10.4 // doesn't). #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 [layoutManager ensureLayoutForCharacterRange:NSMakeRange(0, [textStorage length])]; #else [layoutManager lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex:[layoutManager numberOfGlyphs]-1 effectiveRange:NULL]; #endif // Insert the breaks everywere the type setter got asked about breaks. NSEnumerator *reverseEnumerator = [[typeSetter breakArray] reverseObjectEnumerator]; NSNumber *number; while ((number = [reverseEnumerator nextObject]) != nil) { [workerStr insertString:kForcedWrapString atIndex:[number gtm_unsignedIntegerValue]]; } #else // Find out how tall lines would be for the layout loop. CGFloat lineHeight = [layoutManager defaultLineHeightForFont:font]; targetRect.size.height = lineHeight; // Loop until all glyphs are layout out. NSUInteger numGlyphsUsed = 0; while (numGlyphsUsed < [layoutManager numberOfGlyphs]) { // See what fits in the current rect NSRange range = [layoutManager glyphRangeForBoundingRect:targetRect inTextContainer:textContainer]; numGlyphsUsed = NSMaxRange(range); if (numGlyphsUsed < [layoutManager numberOfGlyphs]) { // Didn't all fit, add a break, and grow the rect to try again. NSRange charRange = [layoutManager glyphRangeForCharacterRange:range actualCharacterRange:nil]; [workerStr insertString:kForcedWrapString atIndex:NSMaxRange(charRange)]; targetRect.size.height += lineHeight; } } #endif // GTM_USE_TYPESETTER // Return the string with forced wraps return [[workerStr copy] autorelease]; } + (NSSize)sizeToFitView:(NSView *)view { return SizeToFit(view, NSZeroPoint); } + (CGFloat)sizeToFitFixedWidthTextField:(NSTextField *)textField { NSRect initialFrame = [textField frame]; NSRect sizeRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, NSWidth(initialFrame), CGFLOAT_MAX); NSSize newSize = [[textField cell] cellSizeForBounds:sizeRect]; newSize.width = NSWidth(initialFrame); [textField setFrameSize:newSize]; return newSize.height - NSHeight(initialFrame); } #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 + (CGFloat)sizeToFitFixedHeightTextField:(NSTextField *)textField { return [self sizeToFitFixedHeightTextField:textField minWidth:(CGFloat)0]; } + (CGFloat)sizeToFitFixedHeightTextField:(NSTextField *)textField minWidth:(NSUInteger)minWidth { NSRect initialRect = [textField frame]; NSCell *cell = [textField cell]; NSSize titleSize = [cell titleRectForBounds:initialRect].size; // Find linebreak point, and keep trying them until we're under the height // requested. NSString *str = [textField stringValue]; CFStringTokenizerRef tokenizer = CFStringTokenizerCreate(NULL, (CFStringRef)str, CFRangeMake(0, [str length]), kCFStringTokenizerUnitLineBreak, NULL); if (!tokenizer) { _GTMDevAssert(tokenizer, @"failed to get a tokenizer"); return 0.0; } NSCell *workerCell = [[cell copy] autorelease]; // Loop trying line break points until the height fits. while (1) { CFStringTokenizerTokenType tokenType = CFStringTokenizerAdvanceToNextToken(tokenizer); if (tokenType == kCFStringTokenizerTokenNone) { // Reached the end without ever find a good width, how? _GTMDevAssert(0, @"Failed to find a good size?!"); [textField sizeToFit]; break; } CFRange tokenRange = CFStringTokenizerGetCurrentTokenRange(tokenizer); NSRange subStringRange = NSMakeRange(0, tokenRange.location + tokenRange.length); NSString *subString = [str substringWithRange:subStringRange]; // Find how wide the cell would be for this sub string. [workerCell setStringValue:subString]; CGFloat testWidth = [workerCell cellSize].width; // Find the overall size if wrapped to this width. NSRect sizeRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, testWidth, CGFLOAT_MAX); NSSize newSize = [cell cellSizeForBounds:sizeRect]; if (newSize.height <= titleSize.height) { [textField setFrameSize:newSize]; break; } } CFRelease(tokenizer); NSSize fixedSize = [textField frame].size; NSSize finalSize = NSMakeSize(fixedSize.width, NSHeight(initialRect)); // Enforce the minWidth if (minWidth > fixedSize.width) { finalSize.width = minWidth; } // Make integral. finalSize.width = ceil(fixedSize.width); finalSize.height = ceil(fixedSize.height); if (!NSEqualSizes(fixedSize, finalSize)) { [textField setFrameSize:finalSize]; } // Return how much things changed return finalSize.width - NSWidth(initialRect); } #endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 + (void)wrapButtonTitleForWidth:(NSButton *)button { NSCell *cell = [button cell]; NSRect frame = [button frame]; NSRect titleFrame = [cell titleRectForBounds:frame]; NSString* newTitle = [self wrapString:[button title] width:NSWidth(titleFrame) font:[button font]]; [button setTitle:newTitle]; } + (void)wrapRadioGroupForWidth:(NSMatrix *)radioGroup { NSSize cellSize = [radioGroup cellSize]; NSRect tmpRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, cellSize.width, cellSize.height); NSFont *font = [radioGroup font]; NSCell *cell; GTM_FOREACH_OBJECT(cell, [radioGroup cells]) { NSRect titleFrame = [cell titleRectForBounds:tmpRect]; NSString* newTitle = [self wrapString:[cell title] width:NSWidth(titleFrame) font:font]; [cell setTitle:newTitle]; } } + (void)resizeWindowWithoutAutoResizingSubViews:(NSWindow*)window delta:(NSSize)delta { NSView *contentView = [window contentView]; // Clear autosizesSubviews (saving the state). BOOL autoresizesSubviews = [contentView autoresizesSubviews]; if (autoresizesSubviews) { [contentView setAutoresizesSubviews:NO]; } NSRect rect = [contentView convertRect:[window frame] fromView:nil]; rect.size.width += delta.width; rect.size.height += delta.height; rect = [contentView convertRect:rect toView:nil]; [window setFrame:rect display:NO]; // For some reason the content view is resizing, but some times not adjusting // its origin, so correct it manually. [contentView setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint(0, 0)]; // Restore autosizesSubviews. if (autoresizesSubviews) { [contentView setAutoresizesSubviews:YES]; } } + (void)resizeViewWithoutAutoResizingSubViews:(NSView*)view delta:(NSSize)delta { // Clear autosizesSubviews (saving the state). BOOL autoresizesSubviews = [view autoresizesSubviews]; if (autoresizesSubviews) { [view setAutoresizesSubviews:NO]; } NSRect rect = [view frame]; rect.size.width += delta.width; rect.size.height += delta.height; [view setFrame:rect]; // Restore autosizesSubviews. if (autoresizesSubviews) { [view setAutoresizesSubviews:YES]; } } @end @implementation GTMWidthBasedTweaker - (CGFloat)changedWidth { return widthChange_; } - (CGFloat)tweakLayoutWithOffset:(NSPoint)offset { NSArray *subviews = [self subviews]; if (![subviews count]) { widthChange_ = 0.0; return widthChange_; } BOOL sumMode = NO; NSMutableArray *rightAlignedSubViews = nil; NSMutableArray *rightAlignedSubViewDeltas = nil; if ([subviews count] > 1) { // Check if the frames are in a row by seeing if when they are left aligned // they overlap. If they don't overlap in this case, it means they are // probably stacked instead. NSRect rect1 = [[subviews objectAtIndex:0] frame]; NSRect rect2 = [[subviews objectAtIndex:1] frame]; rect1.origin.x = rect2.origin.x = 0; if (NSIntersectsRect(rect1, rect2)) { // No, so walk them x order moving them along so they don't overlap. sumMode = YES; subviews = [subviews sortedArrayUsingFunction:CompareFrameX context:NULL]; } else { // Since they are vertical, any views pinned to the right will have to be // shifted after we finish figuring out the final size. rightAlignedSubViews = [NSMutableArray array]; rightAlignedSubViewDeltas = [NSMutableArray array]; } } // Size our subviews NSView *subView; CGFloat finalDelta = sumMode ? 0 : -CGFLOAT_MAX; NSPoint subViewOffset = NSZeroPoint; GTM_FOREACH_OBJECT(subView, subviews) { if (sumMode) { subViewOffset.x = finalDelta; } CGFloat delta = SizeToFit(subView, subViewOffset).width; if (sumMode) { finalDelta += delta; } else { if (delta > finalDelta) { finalDelta = delta; } } // Track the right anchored subviews size changes so we can update them // once we know this view's size. if (IsRightAnchored(subView)) { [rightAlignedSubViews addObject:subView]; NSNumber *nsDelta = [NSNumber gtm_numberWithCGFloat:delta]; [rightAlignedSubViewDeltas addObject:nsDelta]; } } // Are we pinned to the right of our parent? BOOL rightAnchored = IsRightAnchored(self); // Adjust our size (turn off auto resize, because we just fixed up all the // objects within us). BOOL autoresizesSubviews = [self autoresizesSubviews]; if (autoresizesSubviews) { [self setAutoresizesSubviews:NO]; } NSRect selfFrame = [self frame]; selfFrame.size.width += finalDelta; if (rightAnchored) { // Right side is anchored, so we need to slide back to the left. selfFrame.origin.x -= finalDelta; } selfFrame.origin.x += offset.x; selfFrame.origin.y += offset.y; [self setFrame:selfFrame]; if (autoresizesSubviews) { [self setAutoresizesSubviews:autoresizesSubviews]; } // Now spin over the list of right aligned view and their size changes // fixing up their positions so they are still right aligned in our final // view. for (NSUInteger lp = 0; lp < [rightAlignedSubViews count]; ++lp) { subView = [rightAlignedSubViews objectAtIndex:lp]; CGFloat delta = [[rightAlignedSubViewDeltas objectAtIndex:lp] doubleValue]; NSRect viewFrame = [subView frame]; viewFrame.origin.x += -delta + finalDelta; [subView setFrame:viewFrame]; } if (viewToSlideAndResize_) { NSRect viewFrame = [viewToSlideAndResize_ frame]; if (!rightAnchored) { // If our right wasn't anchored, this view slides (we push it right). // (If our right was anchored, the assumption is the view is in front of // us so its x shouldn't move.) viewFrame.origin.x += finalDelta; } viewFrame.size.width -= finalDelta; [viewToSlideAndResize_ setFrame:viewFrame]; } if (viewToSlide_) { NSRect viewFrame = [viewToSlide_ frame]; // Move the view the same direction we moved. if (rightAnchored) { viewFrame.origin.x -= finalDelta; } else { viewFrame.origin.x += finalDelta; } [viewToSlide_ setFrame:viewFrame]; } if (viewToResize_) { if ([viewToResize_ isKindOfClass:[NSWindow class]]) { NSWindow *window = (NSWindow *)viewToResize_; NSView *contentView = [window contentView]; NSRect windowFrame = [contentView convertRect:[window frame] fromView:nil]; windowFrame.size.width += finalDelta; windowFrame = [contentView convertRect:windowFrame toView:nil]; [window setFrame:windowFrame display:YES]; // For some reason the content view is resizing, but not adjusting its // origin, so correct it manually. [contentView setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint(0, 0)]; // TODO: should we update min size? } else { NSRect viewFrame = [viewToResize_ frame]; viewFrame.size.width += finalDelta; [viewToResize_ setFrame:viewFrame]; // TODO: should we check if this view is right anchored, and adjust its // x position also? } } widthChange_ = finalDelta; return widthChange_; } @end #pragma mark - static NSSize SizeToFit(NSView *view, NSPoint offset) { // If we've got one of us within us, recurse (for grids) if ([view isKindOfClass:[GTMWidthBasedTweaker class]]) { GTMWidthBasedTweaker *widthAlignmentBox = (GTMWidthBasedTweaker *)view; return NSMakeSize([widthAlignmentBox tweakLayoutWithOffset:offset], 0); } NSRect oldFrame = [view frame]; NSRect fitFrame = oldFrame; NSRect newFrame = oldFrame; if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSTextField class]] && [(NSTextField *)view isEditable]) { // Don't try to sizeToFit because edit fields really don't want to be sized // to what is in them as they are for users to enter things so honor their // current size. #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 } else if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSPathControl class]]) { // Don't try to sizeToFit because NSPathControls usually need to be able // to display any path, so they shouldn't tight down to whatever they // happen to be listing at the moment. #endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 } else { // Genericaly fire a sizeToFit if it has one. if ([view respondsToSelector:@selector(sizeToFit)]) { [view performSelector:@selector(sizeToFit)]; fitFrame = [view frame]; newFrame = fitFrame; if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSMatrix class]]) { NSMatrix *matrix = (NSMatrix *)view; // See note on kWrapperStringSlop for why this is done. NSCell *cell; GTM_FOREACH_OBJECT(cell, [matrix cells]) { if ([[cell title] rangeOfString:kForcedWrapString].location != NSNotFound) { newFrame.size.width += kWrapperStringSlop; break; } } } } if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSButton class]]) { NSButton *button = (NSButton *)view; // -[NSButton sizeToFit] gives much worse results than IB's Size to Fit // option for standard push buttons. if (([button bezelStyle] == NSRoundedBezelStyle) && ([[button cell] controlSize] == NSRegularControlSize)) { // This is the amount of padding IB adds over a sizeToFit, empirically // determined. const CGFloat kExtraPaddingAmount = 12.0; // Width is tricky, new buttons in IB are 96 wide, Carbon seems to have // defaulted to 70, Cocoa seems to like 82. But we go with 96 since // that's what IB is doing these days. const CGFloat kMinButtonWidth = (CGFloat)96.0; newFrame.size.width = NSWidth(newFrame) + kExtraPaddingAmount; if (NSWidth(newFrame) < kMinButtonWidth) { newFrame.size.width = kMinButtonWidth; } } else if ([button bezelStyle] == NSTexturedRoundedBezelStyle && [[button cell] controlSize] == NSRegularControlSize) { // The round textured style needs to have a little extra padding, // otherwise the baseline of the text sinks by a few pixels. const CGFloat kExtraPaddingAmount = 4.0; newFrame.size.width += kExtraPaddingAmount; } else { // See note on kWrapperStringSlop for why this is done. NSString *title = [button title]; if ([title rangeOfString:kForcedWrapString].location != NSNotFound) { newFrame.size.width += kWrapperStringSlop; } } } } // Apply the offset, and see if we need to change the frame (again). newFrame.origin.x += offset.x; newFrame.origin.y += offset.y; if (!NSEqualRects(fitFrame, newFrame)) { [view setFrame:newFrame]; } // Return how much we changed size. return NSMakeSize(NSWidth(newFrame) - NSWidth(oldFrame), NSHeight(newFrame) - NSHeight(oldFrame)); } static NSInteger CompareFrameX(id view1, id view2, void *context) { CGFloat x1 = [view1 frame].origin.x; CGFloat x2 = [view2 frame].origin.x; if (x1 < x2) return NSOrderedAscending; else if (x1 > x2) return NSOrderedDescending; else return NSOrderedSame; } static BOOL IsRightAnchored(NSView *view) { NSUInteger autoresizing = [view autoresizingMask]; BOOL viewRightAnchored = ((autoresizing & (NSViewMinXMargin | NSViewMaxXMargin)) == NSViewMinXMargin); return viewRightAnchored; }