// // GTMUILocalizer.m // // Copyright 2009 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. // #import "GTMDefines.h" #import "GTMUILocalizer.h" @implementation GTMUILocalizer - (id)initWithBundle:(NSBundle *)bundle { if ((self = [super init])) { bundle_ = [bundle retain]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [bundle_ release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)awakeFromNib { if (owner_) { NSBundle *newBundle = [[self class] bundleForOwner:owner_]; bundle_ = [newBundle retain]; [self localizeObject:owner_ recursively:YES]; [self localizeObject:otherObjectToLocalize_ recursively:YES]; [self localizeObject:yetAnotherObjectToLocalize_ recursively:YES]; } else { _GTMDevLog(@"Expected an owner_ set for %@", self); } } + (NSBundle *)bundleForOwner:(id)owner { NSBundle *newBundle = nil; if (owner) { Class class = [NSWindowController class]; if ([owner isKindOfClass:class] && ![owner isMemberOfClass:class]) { newBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[owner class]]; #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 } else if ([owner isKindOfClass:[NSViewController class]]) { newBundle = [(NSViewController *)owner nibBundle]; #endif } if (!newBundle) { newBundle = [NSBundle mainBundle]; } } return newBundle; } - (NSString *)localizedStringForString:(NSString *)string { NSString *localized = nil; if (bundle_ && [string hasPrefix:@"^"]) { NSString *notFoundValue = @"__GTM_NOT_FOUND__"; NSString *key = [string substringFromIndex:1]; localized = [bundle_ localizedStringForKey:key value:notFoundValue table:nil]; if ([localized isEqualToString:notFoundValue]) { localized = nil; } } return localized; } - (void)localizeObject:(id)object recursively:(BOOL)recursive { if (object) { if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSWindowController class]]) { NSWindow *window = [object window]; [self localizeWindow:window recursively:recursive]; #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 } else if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSViewController class]]) { NSView *view = [object view]; [self localizeView:view recursively:recursive]; #endif } else if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSMenu class]]) { [self localizeMenu:(NSMenu *)object recursively:recursive]; } else if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSWindow class]]) { [self localizeWindow:(NSWindow *)object recursively:recursive]; } else if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSView class]]) { [self localizeView:(NSView *)object recursively:recursive]; } else if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSApplication class]]) { // Do the main menu NSMenu *menu = [object mainMenu]; [self localizeMenu:menu recursively:recursive]; } else if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSCell class]]) { [self localizeCell:(NSCell *)object recursively:recursive]; } } } - (void)localizeWindow:(NSWindow *)window recursively:(BOOL)recursive { NSString *title = [window title]; NSString *localizedTitle = [self localizedStringForString:title]; if (localizedTitle) { [window setTitle:localizedTitle]; } if (recursive) { NSView *content = [window contentView]; [self localizeView:content recursively:recursive]; NSToolbar *toolbar = [window toolbar]; if (toolbar) [self localizeToolbar:toolbar]; } } - (void)localizeToolbar:(NSToolbar *)toolbar { // NOTE: Like the header says, -items only gives us what is in the toolbar // which is usually the default items, if the toolbar supports customization // there is no way to fetch those possible items to tweak their contents. NSToolbarItem *item; GTM_FOREACH_OBJECT(item, [toolbar items]) { NSString *label = [item label]; if (label) { label = [self localizedStringForString:label]; if (label) { [item setLabel:label]; } } NSString *paletteLabel = [item paletteLabel]; if (paletteLabel) { paletteLabel = [self localizedStringForString:paletteLabel]; if (paletteLabel) { [item setPaletteLabel:paletteLabel]; } } NSString *toolTip = [item toolTip]; if (toolTip) { toolTip = [self localizedStringForString:toolTip]; if (toolTip) { [item setToolTip:toolTip]; } } } } - (void)localizeView:(NSView *)view recursively:(BOOL)recursive { if (view) { // First do tooltips NSString *toolTip = [view toolTip]; if (toolTip) { NSString *localizedToolTip = [self localizedStringForString:toolTip]; if (localizedToolTip) { [view setToolTip:localizedToolTip]; } } // Then do accessibility stuff NSArray *supportedAttrs = [view accessibilityAttributeNames]; if ([supportedAttrs containsObject:NSAccessibilityHelpAttribute]) { NSString *accessibilityHelp = [view accessibilityAttributeValue:NSAccessibilityHelpAttribute]; if (accessibilityHelp) { NSString *localizedAccessibilityHelp = [self localizedStringForString:accessibilityHelp]; if (localizedAccessibilityHelp) { [view accessibilitySetValue:localizedAccessibilityHelp forAttribute:NSAccessibilityHelpAttribute]; } } } if ([supportedAttrs containsObject:NSAccessibilityDescriptionAttribute]) { NSString *accessibilityDesc = [view accessibilityAttributeValue:NSAccessibilityDescriptionAttribute]; if (accessibilityDesc) { NSString *localizedAccessibilityDesc = [self localizedStringForString:accessibilityDesc]; if (localizedAccessibilityDesc) { [view accessibilitySetValue:localizedAccessibilityDesc forAttribute:NSAccessibilityDescriptionAttribute]; } } } // Must do the menu before the titles, or else this will screw up // popup menus on us. [self localizeMenu:[view menu] recursively:recursive]; if (recursive) { NSArray *subviews = [view subviews]; NSView *subview = nil; GTM_FOREACH_OBJECT(subview, subviews) { [self localizeView:subview recursively:recursive]; } } // Then do titles if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSTextField class]]) { NSString *title = [(NSTextField *)view stringValue]; NSString *localizedTitle = [self localizedStringForString:title]; if (localizedTitle) { [(NSTextField *)view setStringValue:localizedTitle]; } } else if ([view respondsToSelector:@selector(title)] && [view respondsToSelector:@selector(setTitle:)]) { NSString *title = [view performSelector:@selector(title)]; if (title) { NSString *localizedTitle = [self localizedStringForString:title]; if (localizedTitle) { [view performSelector:@selector(setTitle:) withObject:localizedTitle]; } } if ([view respondsToSelector:@selector(alternateTitle)] && [view respondsToSelector:@selector(setAlternateTitle:)]) { title = [view performSelector:@selector(alternateTitle)]; if (title) { NSString *localizedTitle = [self localizedStringForString:title]; if (localizedTitle) { [view performSelector:@selector(setAlternateTitle:) withObject:localizedTitle]; } } } } else if ([view respondsToSelector:@selector(tabViewItems)]) { NSArray *items = [view performSelector:@selector(tabViewItems)]; NSEnumerator *itemEnum = [items objectEnumerator]; NSTabViewItem *item = nil; while ((item = [itemEnum nextObject])) { NSString *label = [item label]; NSString *localizedLabel = [self localizedStringForString:label]; if (localizedLabel) { [item setLabel:localizedLabel]; } if (recursive) { [self localizeView:[item view] recursively:recursive]; } } } } // Do NSSearchField placeholders if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSSearchField class]]) { NSString *placeholder = [[(NSSearchField *)view cell] placeholderString]; NSString *localizedPlaceholer = [self localizedStringForString:placeholder]; if (localizedPlaceholer) { [[(NSSearchField *)view cell] setPlaceholderString:localizedPlaceholer]; } } // Do any NSMatrix placeholders if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSMatrix class]]) { NSMatrix *matrix = (NSMatrix *)view; // Process the prototype id cell = [matrix prototype]; [self localizeCell:cell recursively:recursive]; // Process the cells GTM_FOREACH_OBJECT(cell, [matrix cells]) { [self localizeCell:cell recursively:recursive]; // The tooltip isn't on a cell, so we do it via the matrix. NSString *toolTip = [matrix toolTipForCell:cell]; NSString *localizedToolTip = [self localizedStringForString:toolTip]; if (localizedToolTip) { [matrix setToolTip:localizedToolTip forCell:cell]; } } } // Do NSTableView column headers. if ([view isKindOfClass:[NSTableView class]]) { NSTableView *tableView = (NSTableView *)view; NSArray *columns = [tableView tableColumns]; NSTableColumn *column = nil; GTM_FOREACH_OBJECT(column, columns) { [self localizeCell:[column headerCell] recursively:recursive]; } } } - (void)localizeMenu:(NSMenu *)menu recursively:(BOOL)recursive { if (menu) { NSString *title = [menu title]; NSString *localizedTitle = [self localizedStringForString:title]; if (localizedTitle) { [menu setTitle:localizedTitle]; } NSArray *menuItems = [menu itemArray]; NSMenuItem *menuItem = nil; GTM_FOREACH_OBJECT(menuItem, menuItems) { title = [menuItem title]; localizedTitle = [self localizedStringForString:title]; if (localizedTitle) { [menuItem setTitle:localizedTitle]; } if (recursive) { [self localizeMenu:[menuItem submenu] recursively:recursive]; } } } } - (void)localizeCell:(NSCell *)cell recursively:(BOOL)recursive { if (cell) { NSString *title = [cell title]; NSString *localizedTitle = [self localizedStringForString:title]; if (localizedTitle) { [cell setTitle:localizedTitle]; } [self localizeMenu:[cell menu] recursively:recursive]; id obj = [cell representedObject]; [self localizeObject:obj recursively:recursive]; } } @end