// // GTMCarbonEventTest.m // // Copyright 2006-2008 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. // #import "GTMSenTestCase.h" #import "GTMCarbonEvent.h" #import "GTMUnitTestingUtilities.h" #import "GTMUnitTestDevLog.h" @interface GTMCarbonEventTest : GTMTestCase { @private GTMCarbonEvent *event_; } @end @interface GTMCarbonEventHandlerTest : GTMTestCase { @private GTMCarbonEventHandler *handler_; } @end @interface GTMCarbonEventMonitorHandlerTest : GTMTestCase @end @interface GTMCarbonEventDispatcherHandlerTest : GTMTestCase { @private BOOL hotKeyHit_; } @end static const UInt32 kTestClass = 'foo '; static const UInt32 kTestKind = 'bar '; static const UInt32 kTestParameterName = 'baz '; static const UInt32 kTestBadParameterName = 'bom '; static const UInt32 kTestParameterValue = 'bam '; @implementation GTMCarbonEventTest - (void)setUp { event_ = [[GTMCarbonEvent eventWithClass:kTestClass kind:kTestKind] retain]; } - (void)tearDown { [event_ release]; } - (void)testCopy { GTMCarbonEvent *event2 = [[event_ copy] autorelease]; STAssertNotNil(event2, nil); } - (void)testEventWithClassAndKind { STAssertEquals([event_ eventClass], kTestClass, nil); STAssertEquals([event_ eventKind], kTestKind, nil); } - (void)testEventWithEvent { GTMCarbonEvent *event2 = [GTMCarbonEvent eventWithEvent:[event_ event]]; STAssertEquals([event2 event], [event_ event], nil); } - (void)testCurrentEvent { EventRef eventRef = GetCurrentEvent(); GTMCarbonEvent *event = [GTMCarbonEvent currentEvent]; STAssertEquals([event event], eventRef, nil); } - (void)testEventClass { [self testEventWithClassAndKind]; } - (void)testEventKind { [self testEventWithClassAndKind]; } - (void)testSetTime { EventTime eventTime = [event_ time]; STAssertNotEquals(eventTime, kEventDurationNoWait, nil); STAssertNotEquals(eventTime, kEventDurationForever, nil); [event_ setTime:kEventDurationForever]; EventTime testTime = [event_ time]; STAssertEquals(testTime, kEventDurationForever, nil); [event_ setTime:eventTime]; STAssertEquals([event_ time], eventTime, nil); } - (void)testTime { [self testSetTime]; } - (void)testEvent { [self testEventWithEvent]; } - (void)testSetParameterNamed { UInt32 theData = kTestParameterValue; [event_ setUInt32ParameterNamed:kTestParameterName data:&theData]; theData = 0; STAssertEquals([event_ sizeOfParameterNamed:kTestParameterName type:typeUInt32], sizeof(UInt32), nil); STAssertTrue([event_ getUInt32ParameterNamed:kTestParameterName data:&theData], nil); STAssertEquals(theData, kTestParameterValue, nil); } - (void)testGetParameterNamed { [self testSetParameterNamed]; UInt32 theData = kTestParameterValue; STAssertFalse([event_ getUInt32ParameterNamed:kTestBadParameterName data:&theData], nil); STAssertFalse([event_ getUInt32ParameterNamed:kTestBadParameterName data:NULL], nil); } - (void)testSizeOfParameterNamed { [self testSetParameterNamed]; } - (void)testHasParameterNamed { [self testSetParameterNamed]; } - (OSStatus)gtm_eventHandler:(GTMCarbonEventHandler *)sender receivedEvent:(GTMCarbonEvent *)event handler:(EventHandlerCallRef)handler { OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr; if ([event eventClass] == kTestClass && [event eventKind] == kTestKind) { status = noErr; } return status; } - (void)testSendToTarget { EventTypeSpec types = { kTestClass, kTestKind }; GTMCarbonEventDispatcherHandler *handler = [[GTMCarbonEventDispatcherHandler sharedEventDispatcherHandler] autorelease]; [handler registerForEvents:&types count:1]; OSStatus status = [event_ sendToTarget:handler options:0]; STAssertErr(status, eventNotHandledErr, @"status: %ld", status); [handler setDelegate:self]; status = [event_ sendToTarget:handler options:0]; STAssertNoErr(status, @"status: %ld", status); [handler unregisterForEvents:&types count:1]; } - (void)testPostToQueue { EventQueueRef eventQueue = GetMainEventQueue(); [event_ postToMainQueue]; OSStatus status = [event_ postToQueue:eventQueue priority:kEventPriorityStandard]; STAssertErr(status, eventAlreadyPostedErr, @"status: %ld", status); EventTypeSpec types = { kTestClass, kTestKind }; status = FlushEventsMatchingListFromQueue(eventQueue, 1, &types); STAssertNoErr(status, @"status: %ld", status); eventQueue = GetCurrentEventQueue(); [event_ postToCurrentQueue]; status = [event_ postToQueue:eventQueue priority:kEventPriorityStandard]; STAssertErr(status, eventAlreadyPostedErr, @"status: %ld", status); status = FlushEventsMatchingListFromQueue(eventQueue, 1, &types); STAssertNoErr(status, @"status: %ld", status); } - (void)testPostToMainQueue { [self testPostToQueue]; } - (void)testPostToCurrentQueue { STAssertEquals(GetCurrentEventQueue(), GetMainEventQueue(), nil); [self testPostToMainQueue]; } - (void)testDescription { NSString *descString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"GTMCarbonEvent 'foo ' %d", kTestKind]; STAssertEqualObjects([event_ description], descString, nil); } @end @implementation GTMCarbonEventHandlerTest - (void)setUp { handler_ = [[GTMCarbonEventHandler alloc] init]; } - (void)tearDown { [handler_ release]; } - (void)testEventTarget { STAssertNULL([handler_ eventTarget], nil); } - (void)testEventHandler { [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectPattern: @"DebugAssert: GoogleToolboxForMac: event CantUseParams .*"]; STAssertErr([handler_ handleEvent:nil handler:nil], eventNotHandledErr, nil); } - (void)testDelegate { [handler_ setDelegate:self]; STAssertEqualObjects([handler_ delegate], self, nil); [handler_ setDelegate:nil]; STAssertNil([handler_ delegate], nil); } - (void)testSetDelegate { [self testDelegate]; } @end @implementation GTMCarbonEventMonitorHandlerTest - (void)testEventHandler { GTMCarbonEventMonitorHandler *monitor = [GTMCarbonEventMonitorHandler sharedEventMonitorHandler]; STAssertEquals([monitor eventTarget], GetEventMonitorTarget(), nil); } @end @implementation GTMCarbonEventDispatcherHandlerTest - (void)testEventHandler { GTMCarbonEventDispatcherHandler *dispatcher = [GTMCarbonEventDispatcherHandler sharedEventDispatcherHandler]; STAssertEquals([dispatcher eventTarget], GetEventDispatcherTarget(), nil); } - (void)hitHotKey:(id)sender { hotKeyHit_ = YES; [NSApp stop:self]; } - (void)hitExceptionalHotKey:(id)sender { [NSException raise:@"foo" format:@"bar"]; } - (void)testRegisterHotKeyModifiersTargetActionWhenPressed { // This test can't be run if the screen saver is active because the security // agent blocks us from sending events via remote operations if (![GTMUnitTestingUtilities isScreenSaverActive]) { GTMCarbonEventDispatcherHandler *dispatcher = [GTMCarbonEventDispatcherHandler sharedEventDispatcherHandler]; STAssertNotNil(dispatcher, @"Unable to acquire singleton"); UInt32 keyMods = (NSShiftKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask | NSAlternateKeyMask | NSCommandKeyMask); EventHotKeyRef hotKey; [GTMUnitTestDevLogDebug expectPattern:@"DebugAssert: GoogleToolboxForMac: " @"newKey CantCreateKey .*"]; STAssertNULL([dispatcher registerHotKey:0x5 modifiers:keyMods target:nil action:nil whenPressed:YES], @"Shouldn't have created hotkey"); hotKey = [dispatcher registerHotKey:0x5 modifiers:keyMods target:self action:@selector(hitHotKey:) whenPressed:YES]; STAssertNotNULL(hotKey, @"Unable to create hotkey"); hotKeyHit_ = NO; // Post the hotkey combo to the event queue. If everything is working // correctly hitHotKey: should get called, and hotKeyHit_ will be set for // us. We run the event loop for a set amount of time waiting for this to // happen. [GTMUnitTestingUtilities postTypeCharacterEvent:'g' modifiers:keyMods]; NSDate* future = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:1.0f]; [GTMUnitTestingUtilities runUntilDate:future]; STAssertTrue(hotKeyHit_, @"Hot key never got fired."); [dispatcher unregisterHotKey:hotKey]; } } - (void)testRegisterHotKeyModifiersTargetActionWhenPressedException { // This test can't be run if the screen saver is active because the security // agent blocks us from sending events via remote operations if (![GTMUnitTestingUtilities isScreenSaverActive]) { GTMCarbonEventDispatcherHandler *dispatcher = [GTMCarbonEventDispatcherHandler sharedEventDispatcherHandler]; STAssertNotNil(dispatcher, @"Unable to acquire singleton"); UInt32 keyMods = (NSShiftKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask | NSAlternateKeyMask | NSCommandKeyMask); EventHotKeyRef hotKey = [dispatcher registerHotKey:0x5 modifiers:keyMods target:self action:@selector(hitExceptionalHotKey:) whenPressed:YES]; STAssertTrue(hotKey != nil, @"Unable to create hotkey"); // Post the hotkey combo to the event queue. If everything is working correctly // hitHotKey: should get called, and hotKeyHit_ will be set for us. // We run the event loop for a set amount of time waiting for this to happen. [GTMUnitTestingUtilities postTypeCharacterEvent:'g' modifiers:keyMods]; NSDate* future = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:1.0f]; [GTMUnitTestDevLog expectString:@"Exception fired in hotkey: foo (bar)"]; [GTMUnitTestingUtilities runUntilDate:future]; [dispatcher unregisterHotKey:hotKey]; } } - (void)testKeyModifiers { struct { NSUInteger cocoaKey_; UInt32 carbonKey_; } keyMap[] = { { NSAlphaShiftKeyMask, alphaLock}, { NSShiftKeyMask, shiftKey}, { NSControlKeyMask, controlKey}, { NSAlternateKeyMask, optionKey}, { NSCommandKeyMask, cmdKey}, }; size_t combos = pow(2, sizeof(keyMap) / sizeof(keyMap[0])); for (size_t i = 0; i < combos; i++) { NSUInteger cocoaMods = 0; UInt32 carbonMods = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < 32 && j < sizeof(keyMap) / sizeof(keyMap[0]); j++) { if (i & 1 << j) { cocoaMods |= keyMap[j].cocoaKey_; carbonMods |= keyMap[j].carbonKey_; } } STAssertEquals(GTMCocoaToCarbonKeyModifiers(cocoaMods), carbonMods, nil); STAssertEquals(GTMCarbonToCocoaKeyModifiers(carbonMods), cocoaMods, nil); } } @end