#!/bin/sh # Script to build git-annex on windows. Run by build.bat set -e set -x # Path to the Haskell Platform. HP="/c/Program Files/Haskell Platform/2013.2.0.0" PATH="$HP/bin:$HP/lib/extralibs/bin:$PATH" # Run a command with the cygwin environment available. # However, programs not from cygwin are preferred. withcyg () { PATH="$PATH:/c/cygwin/bin" "$@" } withcygpreferred () { PATH="/c/cygwin/bin:$PATH" "$@" } # Install haskell dependencies. # cabal install is not run in cygwin, because we don't want configure scripts # for haskell libraries to link them with the cygwin library. cabal update || true cabal install --only-dependencies || true # Build git-annex if [ ! -e "dist/setup-config" ]; then withcyg cabal configure fi if ! withcyg cabal build; then ghc --make Build/EvilLinker withcyg Build/EvilLinker fi # Build the installer cabal install nsis ghc --make Build/NullSoftInstaller.hs PATH="$PATH:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/NSIS" # Want to include cygwin programs in bundle, not others, since # it includes the cygwin libs that go with them. withcygpreferred Build/NullSoftInstaller.exe