[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmB-gCGEs--zfmvYU-__Hj2FbliUXgxMDs" nickname="Jakub" subject="Fixed" date="2012-07-13T19:27:46Z" content=""" Found the problem: One should never use ~ in such path: WRONG export PATH=~/somedir:$PATH Instead one should use $HOME: GOOD export PATH=$HOME/somedir:$PATH Can I surpress the message that shell failed with status 255 when a repo is unavailible? I've got two repos pointing to one machine - either via vpn or local lan and I keep getting erros if one is unavailible: ssh: connect to host port 39882: No route to host Command ssh [\"-S\",\"/home/pielgrzym/annex/.git/annex/ssh/nas\",\"-o\",\"ControlMaster=auto\",\"-o\",\"ControlPersist=yes\",\"nas\",\"git-annex-shell 'configlist' '/~/annex'\"] failed; exit code 255 """]]