Normally, git-annex does not fully trust its stored [[location_tracking]] information. When removing content, it will directly check that other repositories have enough [[copies]]. Generally that explicit checking is a good idea. Consider that the current [[location_tracking]] information for a remote may not yet have propigated out. Or, a remote may have suffered a catastrophic loss of data, or itself been lost. Sometimes though, you may have reasons to trust the location tracking information for a remote repository. For example, it may be an offline archival drive, from which you rarely or never remove content. Deciding when it makes sense to trust the tracking info is up to you. One way to handle this is just to use `--force` when a command cannot access a remote you trust. Another option is to configure which remotes you trust with the `git annex trust` command, or by manually adding the UUIDs of trusted remotes to `.git-annex/trust.log`.