[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-01-30T18:13:42Z" content=""" This could be put in the git-annex branch similarly to the `git annex numcopies` configuration so all clones see it. As well as --no-commit, --content is the other option that I think might make sense to have a clone-wide setting for. sync's --no-pull and --no-push seem much less likely to need such a setting. I've been leaning toward eventually turning sync --content on by default, and such a clone-wide configuration would be useful to let users get back the current behavior. Hmm, this could be generalized all the way to having a file in the git-annex branch that stores default settings for `annex.*` configs. But then git-annex would have to pull that file out of the git-annex branch every time it's run, which would slow down commands that get run a lot in succession. So that's a generalization too far. Still, looking through the configs, I can see some other things that it would similarly make sense to sometimes want to set clone-wide, including: annex.genmetadata, annex.used-refspec, annex.diskreserve, annex.addsmallfiles. So, we have some configs that are each only used by a few commands, that make sense to be allowed to be set clone-wide. We can make the file in the git-annex branch be only read by commands that look at those configs, and can consider when implementing each whether it would slow down any command too much to have it need to read the git-annex branch file. I've added a `git annex config` command that can set such clone-wide configurations. I have not yet made git annex sync look at it for annex.autocommit. """]]