[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkHTRzRZoBFEDl9XcTfVveW8yO7CTKMg-o" nickname="Felix" subject="use your own cp" date="2015-02-04T14:16:14Z" content=""" As a workaround one could use another cp. Maybe something like this: Make an executable shell script \"cp\": #!/bin/sh p1=\"$1\" shift if [ \"$p1\" = '--reflink=auto' ] ; then p1='--link' fi exec /bin/cp \"$p1\" \"$@\" And put it into a directory which is found before the \"real\" cp: export PATH=/path/to/special/cp/:$PATH This \"cp\" makes a hardlink if the '--reflink=auto' parameter is used (1st). """]]