[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmLB39PC89rfGaA8SwrsnB6tbumezj-aC0" nickname="Tobias" subject="Usage of mega hook" date="2013-05-21T09:09:28Z" content=""" megaannex ========= Hook program for gitannex to use mega.co.nz as backend # Requirements: requests>=0.10 pycrypto Credit for the mega api interface goes to: https://github.com/richardasaurus/mega.py ## Install Clone the git repository in your home folder. git clone git://github.com/TobiasTheViking/megaannex.git This should make a ~/megannex folder ## Setup Run the program once to make an empty config file cd ~/megaannex; python2 megaannex.py Edit the megaannex.conf file. Add your mega.co.nz username and password Note: The folder option in the megaannex.conf file isn't yet used. ## Commands for gitannex: git config annex.mega-store-hook '/usr/bin/python2 ~/megaannex/megaannex.py store --subject $ANNEX_KEY --file $ANNEX_FILE' git config annex.mega-retrieve-hook '/usr/bin/python2 ~/megaannex/megaannex.py getfile --subject $ANNEX_KEY --file $ANNEX_FILE' git config annex.mega-checkpresent-hook '/usr/bin/python2 ~/megaannex/megaannex.py fileexists --subject $ANNEX_KEY' git config annex.mega-remove-hook '/usr/bin/python2 ~/megaannex/megaannex.py delete --subject $ANNEX_KEY' git annex initremote mega type=hook hooktype=mega encryption=shared git annex describe mega \"the mega.co.nz library\" """]]