[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawlScsufvQF7s8TVTwPd-h_QiP5Hn_i-hrs" nickname="Jason" subject="good point" date="2014-07-21T19:22:30Z" content=""" You make another good point `--maxdepth` is vague in this context... I guess if we were to decide to come up with a summary option, it will have be named something else, like `--summary-depth`, where the default would be to represent all files of whatever depth, and specifying the option would take the output that would otherwise get from `git annex find `, truncate the paths to a certain depth, and then make a set thereof (to remove the many dups), that way any directory that had any files that would have been output by `git annex find `, that would also be at or above a certain depth, would be listed. I think if I get a chance I'll try to implement something like this. """]]