[[!comment format=mdwn username="tomekwi" subject="Linux-Windows repo" date="2015-08-10T18:22:22Z" content=""" Hi, what’s the recommended way to manage a repo accessed from both a Linux and a Windows box? Has anyone had success with that? I’m dual-booting Fedora 22 and Windows 8.1. I do most of my work on Linux, but I need Windows programs to edit some of my files. I’ve had a go at two approaches: 1) Have a “central” repo on an NTFS external drive which also holds the contents of files. This fails because Windows fails to check out the contents of most files. It isn’t random – specific files at specific points of the commit history fail to check out. Perhaps it has something to do with filenames? Characters in filenames? 2) Keep a “direct” clone of my repo on a Windows NTFS partition. I do my work on Windows, and after rebooting to Linux I mount the partition and commit my changes directly in the repo. Here Windows seems to outsmart me. git-annex sometimes takes many files without content as modified – and commits them as empty. """]]