The git-annex Windows port is not ready for prime time. But it does exist now! --[[Joey]] ## status * Does not work with Cygwin's build of git (that git does not consistently support use of DOS style paths, which git-annex uses on Windows). Must use Msysgit. * rsync special remotes with a rsyncurl of a local directory are known buggy. (git-annex tells rsync C:foo and it thinks it means a remote host named C...) * Ssh connection caching does not work on Windows, so `git annex get` has to connect twice to the remote system over ssh per file, which is much slower than on systems supporting connection caching. * `git annex assistant` has not been tested, is probably quite incomplete and/or buggy. * Doesn't daemonize. Maybe use or perhaps easier, * XMPP library not yet built. This should work to install the deps, using libs from cygwin cabal install libxml-sax --extra-lib-dirs=C:\\cygwin\\lib --extra-include-dirs=C:\\cygwin\\usr\\include\\libxml2 cabal install gnuidn --extra-lib-dirs=C:\\cygwin\\lib --extra-include-dirs=C:\\cygwin\\usr\\include\\ cabal install gnutls --extra-lib-dirs=C:\\cygwin\\lib --extra-include-dirs=C:\\cygwin\\usr\\include\\ While the 1st line works, the rest fail oddly. Looks like lack of quoting when cabal runs c2hs and gcc, as "Haskell Platform" is taken as 2 filenames. Needs investigation why this happens here and not other times.. Also needs gsasl, which is not in cygwin. See * Switching between local repos in webapp hangs. * After adding a local repo and trying to switch to it, and rebooting, starting git-annex from the menu failed with `file://C:\Documents does not exist`. The local repo was `C:\Documents and Settings\...\...` * View debug log is empty in windows -- all log must goes to console. * Adding removable drive repo failed setting core.fsyncobjectfiles Error: `could not lock config file /annex/.git/config: No such file or directory` -- seems to be a drive path problem? * Local pairing seems to fail, after acking on Linux box, it stalls. * setup failed. Seems to have generated a hostname including the directory somehow. * gcrypt is not ported to windows (and as a shell script, may need to be rewritten) * webapp lets user choose to encrypt repo, and generate gpg key, before checking that gcrypt is not installed * glacier-cli is not easily available (probably) * When clicking on the Files at the top of the webapp, a file browser *is* opened, but it has a Z-order underneath the web browser. ## stuff needing testing * test S3 and setup in webapp now that they should work.. * test that adding a repo on a removable drive works; that git is synced to it and files can be transferred to it and back