[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="service not needed" date="2014-06-04T21:16:06Z" content=""" Seems that all I need to do is pass -optl-mwindows when building git-annex; this will produce a binary that does not open a console window when started from the start menu, but still runs in the background. So it will work as the webapp. **However**, it can't be used at the command line. So, I think I should make a git-annex-webapp shim that's built that way and starts the real webapp. But, some work needs to be done, because when run this way, git-annex can't write to stdout or stderr, which it tries to do, and so crashes on startup. Also, when git-annex is built that way and tries to run git.. windows helpfully opens a command.exe to display any output git might have. So we get lots of flickering command.exe windows. """]]