[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 13" date="2014-06-17T16:52:55Z" content=""" I have messed with the windows ACLs some yesterday, but I don't know how or if it's possible to set ACLs on a directory, such that everything created inside it will be writable by two different users. Certainly this is doable on POSIX; if it's doable on Windows, I'll revisit services. ---- For now, it seems that a better option may be to not run git-annex as a service, but use various dos-window hiding technologies. I have successfully gotten this to work using nircmd. make a git-annex-webapp.bat, containing:
title GitAnnex
nircmd.exe win hide ititle \"GitAnnex\"
git annex webapp
This works, although the DOS box flashes onscreen for maybe 1/10th of a second before nircmd hides it. A git-annex-assistant.bat could run git-annex assistant --autostart, and would be suitable to be setup to run on startup. (It seems that it's possible to write a VBScript or C# program that sets up a hidden WScript.Shell and runs a command in it. That might avoid the window flash. However, it seems hard to get VBScript to run, and I have not investigated C#.) """]]