[[!comment format=mdwn username="jason.dixon.email@aa0e536a2ec2877d6f666108dbbc6e39bbe87ac0" nickname="jason.dixon.email" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/fbe9050fc83bbd536d307d87ea14d4bc" subject="Does this not work counter to locking / unlocking files?" date="2017-03-03T13:40:06Z" content=""" Perhaps I understand this wrong. But if you're in a position to be viewing symlinks, then the file is in effect, locked right? So in the situation that a windows user is trying to edit a file that is currently symlinked, they shouldn't be allowed to save at all. They should have unlocked the file first, thus replacing the link with the actual file. A simple fix would be to have the symlink read-only just as the file tucked away in .git/annex/objects is. As I said, I'm probably looking at this in entirely the wrong way. """]]